A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 392: The Big Demon of the Monthly Card Plot Appears

When it comes to the cartoonist Hohoin Murakuza, most readers can be said to have a love-hate relationship. Judging from the current situation, it is visually affected by the "deep love and hate". Currently, readers have a negative attitude towards the cartoonist Hohoin Murakuza. As much as I love you, I hate you so much!

As a prolific cartoonist, cartoonist Hohoin Kouma has serialized various types of comics since his debut. Although each reader has different preferences, under the offensive of various types of comics, cartoonist Hohoin Jie Zhen still received a lot of support and affirmation from readers!

However, the most disgusting thing among readers is the extremely funny special skill of a certain middle-class cartoonist - [Plot Breakpoint]!

Starting from the debut work "DN" by the cartoonist Hohoin, every comic series always stops at a critical moment. If you want to know the content of the next chapter, you have to go through and endure the torture for a week... Of course Most readers also know that this is also a marketing strategy of the weekly!


Although this also indirectly proves the brilliance of the comics, after all, if the comics by the cartoonist Phoenix Inferno were not so exciting, readers would not be so willing to fall into such a torturous predicament! However, maybe two comics are better in one volume. Readers may consider that the space of the weekly is limited. It seems a bit too reluctant to tell a complete story through comics in one chapter...

However, the cartoonist named Phoenix Academy's fierce cartoonist does this in every cartoon, so there are a lot of incidents in the weekly [the plot is stuck at critical moments]... Therefore, most readers have realized that, The reason why such a situation occurs is definitely not because comics are limited by the length of weekly magazines. It is entirely caused by the bad taste of a certain cartoonist, a certain "plot-stuck demon"!

This kind of plot blocking method appears in weekly magazines, and readers can hold back their anxiety for a while. After all, they only need to endure it for a week before they can see the content of the next episode... even though they know that it will be serialized the next week. This will still happen in comics, but that’s next week too! And throughout the serialization history of the cartoonist Hohoin Kouma over the years, there has been no interruption of publication, so readers are not worried about having to wait for a week to be released!

But... this innocent and beautiful understanding on the part of readers was finally completely overturned in the previously released monthly magazine, which was the last chapter before the serialization of "CLANNAD" was discontinued! All these beautiful fantasies were completely obliterated by the fierce cartoonist of Phoenix Academy using [Crazy Plot Breakpoint]...

Many readers were surprised to find that the content of the previous serialization in "CLANNAD" was much more than usual this time!

Although some talented people among the readers have already revealed the news on relevant forums, the reason for this situation is because the monthly magazine did not have time to start a new serialization after cutting off a certain comic in half, so this happened. The content of some comics has increased... but compared to one or two pages more than other comic strips, the comic "CLANNAD" has nearly ten pages more content. This kind of "conscientious act" makes the cartoonist Phoenix Institute The fierceness has been well received by readers!

Therefore, during this period of time, Makoto Takahashi, who could clearly feel the prompt given by the system [readers' favorability towards you has increased significantly], said that indeed all this is not the so-called illusion, but the choice of the door of destiny...

When the comic called "CLANNAD" was published in the monthly magazine, it had a little more content than other comics, but after most readers read it with excitement and gratitude... Only when we see the ferocious maliciousness of the cartoonist Phoenix Academy can we truly understand how evil a middle-class cartoonist really is!

Ups and downs... These four words are perfect to describe this episode of "CLANNAD"!

The entry point of this chapter starts with Yoshino Yusuke, who is a bit of a chuuni!

As a colleague of Okazaki Tomoya, Yoshino Yusuke was the first to get married in the manga "CLANNAD", and he is also the representative of teacher-student love and sister control in the manga, although he appeared as a groom as early as the Fuko arc! However, the event that really allows readers to understand this character is the baseball game that was serialized in the previous chapter and the content that begins with this chapter!

This man who looks a bit average has a sad past!

After graduating from high school, he became a singer and debuted in a short time, receiving good reviews! Although the beginning of the story is the same as that of a certain cartoonist in "Dream Eaters", who made a declaration of dating to a certain woman, the ending is very different from "Dream Eaters"! He was not like a certain male protagonist in "Dream Eaters" who gained both fame and wealth while also embracing a beautiful woman. Instead, he made many mistakes because of his immaturity. In the end, he gave up everything and returned to his original life in embarrassment. In the small town...

When readers saw this, they thought that the content of this chapter of the comic "CLANNAD" would continue the previous narrative style, allowing Okazaki Tomoya to change Yoshino Yusuke and let this frustrated handsome boy regain his former dream... ...However, contrary to the readers' expectations, the story about Yoshino Yusuke is only narrated by himself, and there is no possibility of Okazaki Tomoya's involvement...

"Okazaki, don't lose your most important thing..."

This is what Yoshino Yusuke wants to convey to Okazaki Tomoya through his story, and it is also the feeling of a mature man who has experienced the world! Perhaps Yoshino Yusuke in the comics has seen Okazaki Tomoya's confusion about job transfers, or even confusion about life, so he indirectly expressed his concern for his colleagues and juniors through his own story?

A person's life is long and short, but in this seemingly long but short journey, having friends who can lend a hand in time when you are confused is enough to make this journey full of memories! Although the story told by Yoshino Yusuke is very depressing to the readers, although this is a sad past, most readers do not feel depressed and painful...

So the emotions that readers have at this moment are just regrets for Yoshino Yusuke... and that unspeakable warmth, right?

Through Yoshino Yusuke's guidance, Okazaki Tomoya, who has made up his mind, has not had time to make a decision, but has experienced another accident! Okazaki Tomoya's father was arrested and imprisoned for selling contraband... Although the family was not affected and Okazaki Tomoya should not bear the responsibility for the mistakes made by his father, the evaluation of society is very cruel and ruthless. Influenced by his father's affairs, Okazaki Tomoya's job transfer eventually became a mirage...

"What do you want to do? Are you happy to hinder other people's lives? I don't think I am your relative, but others don't think so! I am your son..." Although he kept saying that he hated his father and wanted to cut off the entanglement with his father childishly, Okazaki Tomoya still chose to visit his father who was arrested and imprisoned! "I said... Don't you even want to say anything? Don't you have anything to say to your implicated son?"

Faced with his son's angry questioning, Okazaki Tomoya's father did not answer at all, and even his expression did not change at all! Not only Okazaki Tomoya in the comics couldn't stand it and left roaring... Even the readers who saw this felt angry and puzzled about the attitude of Okazaki Tomoya's father!

Although Okazaki Tomoya was very distressed by what his father did, with the powerful appeal of the Furukawa family, Okazaki Tomoya finally came out of the haze, began to let go of the pain in his heart, and pursued the so-called happy life little by little!

If the content of the first half of this comic "CLANNAD" is to create a depressed mood for the readers by releasing Okazaki Tomoya's family, then the content of the second half is to gradually soothe the trauma suffered by the readers through the daily life of Okazaki Tomoya and Furukawa Nagisa, so that the readers can slowly get healing and redemption from the comics...

Although since Okazaki Tomoya graduated, Haruhara Yohei, as a funny character, has retreated to the second line, but at this time, Furukawa Nagisa's father Furukawa Akio, this seemingly funny but very loving uncle, stood up and took up the banner of the funny part by himself!

Whether it is playing tricks on his beloved wife Sanae with Okazaki Tomoya, or disguising himself as a rapper uncle and taking candid photos of Nagisa Furukawa at the restaurant where he works, the uncle named Akio Furukawa appears as an unruly character in the comics, but it is undeniable that Uncle Furukawa is using his own expertise to gradually let Tomoya Okazaki experience the way his family gets along, and at the same time, he is gradually changing Tomoya Okazaki...

After proposing to Nagisa Furukawa, Tomoya Okazaki completed Uncle Furukawa's test through his own efforts and obtained permission to marry Nagisa Furukawa! Although Nagisa Furukawa missed the graduation ceremony due to illness, since he has become Nagisa Furukawa's husband, Tomoya Okazaki, who promised to give Nagisa Furukawa happiness, will naturally not give up the opportunity to help his beloved wife make up for her regrets!

Tomoya Okazaki gathered his friends who went their separate ways after graduation to help Nagisa Furukawa hold a graduation ceremony together! Although it only took about three pages, the appeal was still outstanding... At least many readers mentioned that this plot was really great when they later complained about the manga artist Hououin Kyouma's deception!

Since the content of this episode has to be described as "ups and downs", it is natural that the manga artist Hououin Kyouma is best at ending it in the way that is the most humorous!

Although the jump from Furukawa Nagisa's graduation ceremony to the life of the Okazaki couple is a bit large, it is still within the reader's acceptance range! Just when the readers thought that the manga "CLANNAD" would end like this, the manga artist Hououin Kyouma once again showed his signature skill of "plot card devil"!

At the end of the comic, it is mentioned that Furukawa Nagisa is pregnant... Although this is something worth celebrating, the comic also mentions that Furukawa Nagisa is not in good health, and Okazaki Tomoya occasionally shows a distracted and worried look, which makes many readers have an ominous premonition...

"I say, Cheng... You will really be punished by God for doing this!" Yoshida held the monthly magazine in his hand and looked at Takahashi Makoto who was drawing with a depressed and tangled face, "Although I have known your ability to block the plot for a long time, it is too..."

"..."Takahashi Makoto, who was concentrating on completing the comic manuscript, chose to ignore Yoshida's complaints...

"And if you want to see the next chapter, you have to wait at least three months..." Although Takahashi Makoto unexpectedly did not fight back, Yoshida kept muttering, "No, there should be more than two months left... But these two months are also quite difficult! Hey, Makoto, can't you reveal a little bit of the plot later?"

"My beloved cat, people should not be too greedy!" Takahashi Makoto finally responded... Because he had just finished a page of the comic manuscript and needed to change the manuscript paper, Takahashi Makoto had time to answer Yoshida, "And can't you see the real meaning of what I'm doing?"

"I don't understand at all..." Yoshida spread his hands helplessly, "I just felt the malice of [The Great Devil of Stuck Plot]!"

"Tsk!" Takahashi Makoto snorted in dissatisfaction, "I'm giving readers a buffer time, after all, the plot later is very... In short, the next plot is very powerful. If there is no advance preparation, readers will definitely have a lot of casualties!"

"Tsk, it's the same as saying nothing..." Yoshida complained to vent his dissatisfaction with Takahashi Makoto's explanation!

...Yoshida, when you complain, can you dare not try to peek at Takahashi Makoto's comics?

Every time you read "CL", you will have an insight. A certain cat is almost dying, and his eyes hurt. Ahem, this is definitely not because the animation plot is too touching and tears are running, but because of staring at the computer for a long time. Well, that's it!

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