A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 715 Depression

"The [D-mail] so far has been cancelled, and the world line has been returned to its original state. That is... a world line in which the dystopia dominated by [SERN] will not appear, and a world line in which Mayuri will not die..."

"Then, on that world line, Makise Kurisu... will die!"

This is the inner monologue of the male protagonist Rintaro Okabe in the comic "Steins;Gate". It is also the key dialogue at the end of the previous chapter of the comic when a middle-class cartoonist repeated his old trick of "stuck plot"...

But for Yoshida who has observed the manga manuscript in advance, and for readers who have observed the serialized manga after the weekly release, this is the rhythm that means the beginning of "The Depressing Plot of a Certain Demon King Cartoonist"!

After all, ever since the "Divine Twist" plot of the comic "Steins;Gate", the pace of the entire comic has suddenly increased rapidly, and the relaxing routine that could have soothed readers' nerves has been cut in half. The serial plot of the comic is completely centered around With the core operation of [Changing the world line to save Mayuri]...

For many readers, while observing the comics, they almost also witnessed the struggle and struggle of the male protagonist Rintaro Okabe... In other words, they witnessed the growth of Rintaro Okabe and the price he paid for his growth. !

At the beginning, that is, the time when Mayuri died for the first time, Rintaro was at a loss and panicked...

Later, whether it was escaping with Mayuri in various ways, fighting the enemy, or using [time jump] to go back to the past, the purpose that Rintaro wanted to achieve with all his actions was just to think about it. Save Mayuri...

However, in the process of saving Mayuri, Rintaro, who was originally full of arrogance, could no longer claim to be [the arrogant mad scientist Phoenix Academy Murama] as before... It can even be said that Rintaro gave up the arrogance he used to wear. The [中二の Skin] on the body!

Because after Rintaro failed several times to save Mayuri, he found that he could not let Mayuri live no matter what, and could only watch Mayuri die in front of him over and over again... It was at that moment that Oka Ben Rentaro truly realized that he was not a crazy scientist, but just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who was completely helpless in the face of cruel reality!

In the comics, in order to reverse the fate of Mayuri's death, Rintaro almost tried his best... This also made readers who have always been "observers" nervous!

Fortunately, Rentaro finally figured out a way to save Mayuri's life... Although judging from the serialized plot, the whole process was full of helplessness and depression!

With the withdrawal of the [D-mails] that had been sent, Mayuri gradually began to get rid of the fate of [mortality]... and in returning to the previous world line, although there were more or less The memories after changing the world line, but the people who used [D-mail] are still the same people!

The only difference is... Rintaro Okabe, who has experienced many [time jumps], is no longer the arrogant mad scientist of the Phoenix Institute!

But most readers don't have the time to pay attention to these...

Because judging from the content of the comic serial plot, Mayuri has been able to escape the fate of "mortal death"... This also means that Okabe Rintaro's obsession can finally dissipate, and readers' expectations can finally be answered!

At least... in this chapter of the comic, before Rentaro said the inner monologue, many readers who observed the comic series thought so!

But after reading the last chapter of the manga, and seeing Rintaro suddenly turning gloomy and uttering his inner monologue after Makise Kurisu's joking reminder, I originally thought Mayuri was finally saved and breathed a sigh of relief. Readers, once again recall the tension and worry when being dominated by the sudden [divine twist] plot!

In order to save Mayuri, whether he performs [time jumps] again and again, or sacrifices the wishes of his friends around him... it can be said that Rintaro has paid too much, and he has been burdened with too much!

But if you want to save Mayuri, you are destined to sacrifice Makise Kurisu, the arrogant assistant who accompanies Rintaro all the way and helps Rintaro find the opportunity to save Mayuri... This is for Rintaro. , it is simply an impossible option to accept!

What good is an angry mad scientist? What's the use of fighting the whole world? ? You can't even save the people you want to save... So what's the use of going back to the past? ? ?

Faced with the choice of [Mayuri and Makise Kurisu can only save one person], the male protagonist Rintaro Okabe did not show a resolute and courageous side like other comic male protagonists, but instead had the idea of ​​​​escape...

Rintaro didn't know how to face it, or rather... didn't know how to choose!

After this chapter of the manga was serialized, almost all readers who followed the manga "Steins Gate" were discussing how to solve this dilemma... Of course, Mayuri or Makise Kurisu also have their own supporters, Therefore, there are also readers who hope that Rintaro will eventually choose to sacrifice another person to save their favorite character!

Not only on the reader side, but also on the editor side, there are many responsible editors discussing the subsequent plot development of the comic "Steins;Gate"...

"Although I should be very happy to be able to receive enough manga manuscripts to last two issues of the series when I receive them..." Yoshida didn't look happy at all, but stared at him with hateful eyes. A certain second-grade cartoonist said angrily, "But Cheng, have you ever thought about it... if you serialize such a plot, you will definitely be criticized by readers!"

"Oh? Really? Are you sure you can achieve such an effect with My Cat?" A certain second-grade cartoonist opened his eyes to his own editor with a look full of expectations. He rarely spoke to ridicule and complained, but instead asked with great interest. He said, "In fact, I just want to give the two of you an equal opportunity to compete..."

"What about equal opportunities for competition... Cheng, your intention in drawing like this is actually to deceive the readers, right?" Yoshida, who had already seen through the truth, dismissed the words of a middle-class cartoonist, "First of all, the serialization [ The plot of Mayuri and Rintaro's bond], and then immediately released the content of the episode of [Makise Kurisu and Rintaro's bond]... This is clearly interfering with readers' judgment! "

"What's the interference...it doesn't exist!" A certain middle-level cartoonist spread his hands helplessly, staring at Okabe Rintaro's character on the table and said, "Since both sides have their own advantages...then what I can do is to Before Rintaro makes the final choice, give everyone a chance to say it!"

"Then after these two chapters are serialized, what will be the final direction of the plot?" Yoshida, who had just finished speaking, saw that a certain second-level cartoonist was preparing to complain about him and immediately responded without hesitation. He opened his mouth and continued to add, "Of course, I don't want Cheng to give spoilers. I just want to ask you, how will the plot end in the end? Will everyone be happy or... [depressed]!?"

"...Compared with this, I'm more curious about the final outcome of Liuzi's side?" After a certain second-grade cartoonist lowered his head and pondered for a long time, he suddenly started talking about unrelated things! "But judging from the information I have, I estimate that Miss Aoi Ueno has little chance of winning..."

"Hey, hey, Cheng, don't change the topic suddenly... huh? In other words..." Yoshida originally wanted to scold a certain middle school cartoonist for his crooked behavior, but he suddenly remembered that a certain middle school cartoonist had done something wrong before. The cartoonist communicated with Shizukawa in order to trap him... Then Yoshida's heartbeat suddenly accelerated and asked with some uncertainty, "In the end, will Rintaro choose to save Mayuri at the expense of his tsundere assistant Makise Kurisu?" ?”

It seems that in order to predict the plot in advance, Yoshida also worked hard... At least in this moment of imaginative thinking, he did not forget to set up a trap for a certain second-rate cartoonist!

"This is not what I said, but your own guess... My beloved cat, do you think I will answer you with this [seems to be no spoiler but is actually a spoiler] answer?" Facing the face In the trap of the unscrupulous editor Yoshida, a certain middle-grade cartoonist raised his index finger and shook it, with a disdainful smile on his face. "Compared to before Rintaro was finally chosen... My beloved cat, you Let’s finish serializing the plots of these two episodes first!”

"Hey! Cheng, you guy... are you too vigilant?" Yoshida, whose intention was exposed, did not feel embarrassed or embarrassed at all. Instead, after making a complaint, he asked with some confusion, " But Cheng... this is the first time I heard you urge me to do serialization work!"

"Because I'm really looking forward to the effect of these two chapters after they are serialized..." A certain second-grade cartoonist heard this, with a [joyful] smile on his face, "For readers who don't know the subsequent development of the plot, the true meaning of separation is The emotional line between Ri and Kurisu Makise... will definitely make the "depressive" effect of the entire manga outstanding, even beyond the sky!"

The plot of the original comic "Steins Gate" has already made readers feel embarrassed...

And now, if the emotional lines of Mayuri, Kurisu Makise and Rintaro Okabe are added one after the other... then for readers who don't know how to choose in the first place, it will be almost the same. Yu will directly increase the selected difficulty from [Nightmare] level to [Hell] level!

Is this a rhythm that a certain middle-level cartoonist is... going to drive readers crazy! ?

"...A Cheng, you will never die a happy death!"

The editor-in-chief of a certain weekly magazine stopped thinking, and then cursed with a chill...

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