Thinking back to the letters from readers and the phone calls that kept his editorial colleagues busy, Yoshida sighed again, "It's been a long time since I've seen this kind of scene." He then fled with the excuse that "I want to discuss the subsequent plot of the manga with the manga artist Hououin Kyouma," leaving his miserable editorial colleagues to face the brutal attack of the reader army with a bitter face...

The cause of the incident was that the plot of "Mayuri and Okabe Rintaro's bond" was serialized in this episode of the manga "Steins;Gate"...

After reading the content of this episode, many readers began to support the protagonist Okabe Rintaro and chose to give up his tsundere female assistant to save Mayuri because of the influence of the plot!

Childhood sweethearts, this kind of pure love... To be honest, for humans who always accidentally indulge in memories, the lethality is quite strong!

"If readers knew the content of the next chapter, the situation... would definitely be reversed again!?"

But unfortunately, according to the comic manuscript that Yoshida observed in advance by taking advantage of his position as the editor-in-chief, once the plot of the next chapter of the comic "Steins;Gate" is serialized, then... the support rate of the arrogant female assistant Makise Kurisu will definitely increase significantly, and she may even be able to counterattack!

But such a plot makes Yoshida very worried!

There is no problem in using the plot to elevate the status of the two female characters! Whether it is Makise Kurisu or Mayuri, the content of these two chapters will leave a deep impression in the readers' minds...From the perspective of the weekly editor-in-chief, this choice is definitely the most favorite and most desired scene for the weekly!

But if you look at it from the perspective of the cartoonist's editor-in-chief, the effect of these two chapters of the plot of a certain chuuni simply courting death!

After all, judging from the current serialization of the manga "Steins;Gate", whether to save Mayuri and sacrifice Makise Kurisu, or choose Makise Kurisu and give up saving Mayuri, the male protagonist Okabe Rintaro must make a choice... Even if the final result is unbearable for the readers, it is better than letting the plot drag on and destroy the rhythm of the entire manga!

Yes, since the manga "Steins;Gate" started with that [God Turn] plot, the rhythm of the entire manga has become more compact... Even if there are many daily plots interspersed in the middle, Yoshida can still create a sense of time pressure from the words and deeds of the male protagonist!

So Yoshida will be sure that after the serialization of Mayuri and Makise Kurisu's [Bond Plot] with Okabe Rintaro, the content of the next episode will be the moment when the male protagonist Okabe Rintaro makes a choice!

"So... is this the choice of [Steins;Gate]?"

Yoshida, who was heading towards the base of a certain chuunibyou manga artist, was always thinking about the true meaning of [Steins;Gate's Choice], what exactly was it hinting at...

"What? That guy Acheng... is not at home!?"

However, unfortunately... a certain chuunibyou manga artist who had been staying at home to finish his manga recently was not at home today!!!

"Sorry, Yoshida-san!" Rina smiled apologetically, with a helpless look on her face, "Makoto-kun was taken away by Officer Utsumi..."

"Officer Utsumi...!" Yoshida suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, and his expression became serious involuntarily, "Did A-Makoto say something like [How dare you break into the murderer's territory alone] that would cause misunderstandings?"

"Uh...that...that's not it!" Thinking of her husband's crazy and second-year personality, Rina smiled awkwardly, "Makoto-kun was just asked to assist in the investigation of the case..."

"Huh? Assist in the investigation of the case!?" Yoshida was surprised, looking at Rina with a look of [are you kidding me], and after hesitating for a while, he asked as if to confirm, "Um, did I hear it wrong just could A-Makoto be invited to assist in the investigation of the case!?"

Hey, hey, hey, Yoshida-kun, you complain about Takahashi Makoto in front of Rina like this...are you really a man! ?

Just as Rina was about to tell Yoshida what happened, a certain chuunibaku manga artist called...

"My beloved cat, if you want to find me, come to the police station..." The chuunibaku manga artist on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, and then continued to speak to Yoshida's surprise, "By the way, you should have known my whereabouts from Rina... Now I can tell you that with the help of [Detective Hououin Kyouma], a superpower murder case using [Time Rewind] was solved!"

"..." Yoshida suddenly felt a little stuffy in his chest... Is it because the alpaca in his heart was stimulated and waving a wave punch! ?

"Takahashi Makoto, please don't disclose the case to irrelevant people at will..." Before Yoshida could say anything, a woman's voice came from the other end of the phone to stop him!

"Tsk! Stingy! If it weren't for the professor and I working together, you are sure you can solve the case in such a short time..." The complaint of a certain chuunibaku manga artist had just fallen, and Yoshida heard something incredible coming from the other end of the phone! “Huh? You actually want to snatch my phone… ho la ho la ho la… When it comes to physical skills, I admit that I am only inferior to Emperor Kai who almost kicked out the finale… You want to defeat me? Hehe, first give up your obsession with your human identity! Hahahahaha…”

"..." Yoshida looked at Rina who was covering her mouth and snickering next to her, and hung up the phone decisively with a gloomy expression...

When Yoshida rushed to the police station as soon as possible according to the prompts of a certain middle-grade cartoonist, he saw a certain middle-grade cartoonist standing there with a thoughtful look on his face...

I can't understand why a certain middle-class cartoonist who was very [pleasantly] teasing a female police officer just now suddenly became so deep at this moment... But Yoshida's intuition is roaring and wailing, reminding him not to approach a certain middle-class cartoonist rashly!

Well, absolutely not!

"Uh... that's..." Seeing another handsome middle-aged man not far away who also seemed to be [thinking about life], Yoshida vaguely remembered that the other man seemed to be the professor mentioned by a certain middle school cartoonist... He didn't dare Yoshida, who rashly approached a certain second-year manga artist, immediately brightened up and quickly came to Professor Yukawa Manabu and whispered, "I'm sorry, Professor Yukawa Manabu, that guy Cheng is causing trouble for you! "

"I don't know you!" Professor Yukawa Manabu was not angry because his thoughts were interrupted. After observing Yoshida with squinted eyes for a long time, he silently shook his head, "You are..."

"I am the editor-in-chief of the weekly "Shounen Jumk"..." Just as Yoshida was about to introduce himself, he was suddenly pulled away from Professor Yukawa Manabu by a huge force...

"Professor, this is my Servant, My Familiar Cat..." After greeting Professor Yukawa Manabu without looking back, a certain middle school cartoonist grabbed Yoshida's collar and ran outside, while also He did not forget to say loudly, "Professor, because of what happened just now, I suddenly had a bold idea... In short, [Organization] will leave it to you!"

"Hey, Cheng! This guy...wait for a moment..." Yoshida's screams gradually became lower as the middle-class cartoonist went away...

"The second-grade cartoonist and Frankenstein..." Ms. Utsumi, who was too late to stop a certain middle-grade cartoonist from leaving, snorted dissatisfiedly, "This combination can actually... Tsk, the world of weirdos is really incomprehensible. !”

"So..." Yoshida, who was a little out of breath, looked at a certain middle-level cartoonist who finally stopped, and couldn't help but ask, "What exactly did you go through just now, Cheng? What's going on with helping to solve the case? I don't know. While you are a cartoonist, you also have a part-time job as a detective!"

"Those are not important! What's important is... I just witnessed a great love!" Looking at Yoshida's more curious look, a certain middle school cartoonist immediately waved his hand dissatisfied, dragging Yoshida to stop a car Taxi, "Anyway... I don't have time to explain. My beloved cat, hurry up and get in the car!"


"No wait!"

"My motorcycle is still parked at the police station, Hundan!"

X suspects the dedication, although a great love is not advocated, but it truly shows [the secret admirer is contemptuous] to the fullest!

Well, this is not a recommendation, but a certain cat suddenly felt that the plot between the assistant and Mayuri before Kuma made his choice was really great!

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