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“Coming to think of it, I wouldn’t have liked to have survived now.”

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Mr. Thomas smiled bitterly. He let out a deep sigh, then took a few deep breaths and calmed himself down. Then he looked at Mr. Robert next to me and blinked.

“Didn’t support come from the Empire or the Church?”

“teacher. These two here are your only support.”

He stopped smoking when he saw the patients still around. He shoved the rolled-up cigarette back into his pocket and responded. It was indifferent and blunt.

“I have delivered the teacher’s words to the Empire and the Kingdom of God through communication magic, without making a single mistake. In fact, I sent them all to other countries on the continent. Those who give even ritual consolation are yangban, and there is no one who will send you a grain of wheat. The kind of support you were hoping for was hopeless from the start.”

“Ha, you mean you don’t know that this isn’t just our business…”

“You’ll know when it happens. Now they would think it was just blackmail.”

Omen, a cardinal of the Aldehirs, also helped.

“There is a saying that happiness cannot be obtained without sacrifice, and times cannot be passed without misfortune. If you look at history, yes. It would be nice to know in advance and solve the problem before it happens, but people find a solution only after they face it. If the crisis is invisible, there is no preparation.”

“The problem is that there is no solution to that, yeah.”

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Mr. Thomas was depressed again. He became noticeably gloomy and let out a deep sigh. Not a single glimmer of hope could be seen in those eyes.

“Sir. If Calderan Volcano erupts, do you know what will happen once it erupts?”

He corrected the question before I even thought about it.

“No, no one knows that. No one knows until it explodes, but you can only guess. In conclusion, although it is entirely based on my research, the calderan supervolcanic eruption is a harbinger of catastrophe that has never been and will never be in the future.”

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Mr. Thomas used magic to summon a pile of dirt to the floor. The soil was spread over the edge of the conference room, and the soil was combed like clay to create a shape. The shape that is sometimes seen when looking at continental conduction. The shape of the Citadel Republic.

“This is our republic, and this is… Calderan Volcano. Even if the size isn’t exact, this amount of error isn’t going to be significant.”

Leaving behind the priests of Aldehirism, who were busy scooping spring water and distributing it to patients, me and Roka, Cardinal Yeha, and Mr. Robert and Mr. Thomas sat head-to-head.

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Mr. Thomas continued his explanation enthusiastically. Loca looked at the hand of Mr. Thomas, who was making the mountain range.

“How big is this…?”

“For convenience, we call it a volcano, but in fact, Calderan Volcano is not a single mountain, but an entire mountain range. So this area, from here to here, is an entire volcano. Inside, magma, almost as wide as the ocean, is boiling, increasing the pressure.”

“You mean only one monster can explode a volcano like this?”

“It is quite questionable for me as well.”

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Mr. Thomas shook his head and said.

“Even if you are the King of Monsters, even if he is pulling geothermal heat and distributing it everywhere, the explosion is approaching very quickly. Besides, if that source of heat was below the ground, there should have been a volcanic eruption sooner… or at least a harbinger of it, even if Phoenix didn’t have to trigger it. This is the biggest mystery right now.”

“It’s also a mystery that is useless to anyone.”

Robert was cynical.

“It’s a daunting situation with just Phoenix alone. Even if there are really other causes, no one can afford to worry about that. It’s never too late to take care of the rest and think about it. I can’t do any of that, so I’m not doing this now.”

“Anyway, defeating him will not only delay the explosion, but will also significantly lower its power. Even if it explodes later in time, the republic will end in ruin.”

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Mr. Thomas did not deny it, but nodded his head to admit it.

“Not now. Once a volcano erupts, the entire continent is in danger, not the Citadel Republic. Perhaps even the eastern continent across the distant sea may be in danger.”

He sighed heavily.

“If a volcano erupts, everything that is happening right now will be nothing more than aegyo. Even now…”


The earth trembled, and the floor vibrated. Now that everyone is familiar with it, Mr. Thomas also paused for a moment, but he wasn’t too surprised.

Intermittent aftershocks occurred from the time I set foot here, and the cycle was getting shorter and shorter.

“Earthquakes still occur in this shape today, but once an explosion occurs, it will never be of this magnitude. It doesn’t matter at what level an earthquake will occur. Anyway, it is certain that the earthquake is enough to destroy the entire republic and cause a huge tsunami in the vicinity. Everyone on the coast is at risk, not to mention here.”

“The entire Kant Sea that surrounds the Citadel Republic will be churning. I don’t know how big the tsunami will be, but the Demon Empire, Altoa Kingdom, Anrus Kingdom, Yellowt Kingdom… maybe even Tyrosil Kingdom will be damaged. Even the Odal Empire across the Great Sea may not be able to cross safely.”

“In the case of the Empire, except for the Near East Sea to the east, there is no part in contact with the sea, so there will be no damage from a tsunami. If the earthquake reaches there, the damage could be a little bit. But that is just the beginning.”

Once there is a big bang, the ash problem we’re experiencing right now is literally just a joke. Mr. Thomas took a moment to catch his breath, drank another gourd of spring water and continued.

“If Calderan Supervolcano erupts properly and spews ashes, everyone here will be crushed by the ashes. There will be enough ashes to bury even the tallest structures, and anything that survives will suffocate or burn to death in the ashes. This is our misfortune. That misfortune will not end and will spread. Perhaps across the continent.”

“Mr. Thomas is right. Rather, we could be better off. We will die without feeling any pain, but the people of your empire will have to live in a living hell.”

The first person’s voice interrupted. When I turned my head to look, an old man was sitting behind us and listening to us with tired eyes.

Seeing him, Mr. Robert jumped to his feet.

“Sir apprentice!”

“Sit down, sit down. Now, what kind of authority do I have? The country seems to be collapsing, no, it will collapse. What does the title apprentice mean?”

He waved his hand before Mr. Robert sat down again. Doge of the Citadel Republic. I did not know that I would meet the head of the Republic, whom I had never met while following Urinelle, so easily, but it is probably natural. This place is now facing annihilation, not chaos.

Death can happen to anyone in this situation. In a sense, the most equal world has come. Since everyone is on the verge of death, human authority is truly meaningless.

“Keep talking. I would also like to hear your opinion.”

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Mr. Thomas nodded and continued.

“The ashes will not only accumulate here, but will also reach high places in the sky. Ride the wind and fly to every corner of the world, obscuring the sun’s rays and making the stars invisible. What floats in the sky will come down someday, but it will take several years before that. What would happen if the sun didn’t come through for those years?”

“Plants do not grow,”

“The earth will suffer from the cold sea. Even in summer, it will be as cold as the severe cold.”

“An unprecedented famine will last not for a year, but for years. The Empire is only thinking of taking a few bucks from us now, but it should have sent support when it was time to think about it.”

The apprentice took a cigarette from Mr. Robert’s hand and lit it. Even though the patient was there, he did not hesitate in his actions, and Roka, who did not like cigarette smoke, grabbed some salt and sprinkled it in front of him. Either way, he didn’t seem to care about anything anymore.

“Whether it is a kingdom or an empire, I know that there are many hidden powers, but they seem to want to use them only to bite each other. According to the information networks planted in the Empire, the priest will probably be the last support from there. First and last support. Now they’ll be busy biting each other.”

“The support you speak of will be the power needed to defeat the Phoenix, right?”

“It is. It would not have been impossible if the two major powers of the continent had joined forces and supported them. The three masters were killed by that monster, but it was not a complete defeat.”

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Mr. Thomas nodded in agreement.

“I saw it myself. The monster died by being decapitated by the ice and white river due to a moment’s inattention. But… we seem to have forgotten why he was called the ‘immortal’ monster.”

“You mean you won’t die?”

“okay. Even if it dies, it just returns to the egg state and grows. Luckily, the three-minute Masters turned it back into an egg, even giving up their lives, so the explosion was delayed at least until now. It would have exploded already.”

Rocca asked with her eyes wide open.

“It’s unbelievable. So you’re saying he’ll never die?”

“There is no such thing as immortality in the true sense of the word. It’s just that the conditions for death were not met. If the three masters still had energy left, they might have been able to kill him by breaking the egg.”

As the apprentice said There is nothing truly immortal except for the Old Gods, who are the laws of the universe itself.

Even Shinigami has an end, but it is nonsense to say that a monster is immortal. Obviously there will be some limitations.

“But the sacrifices of the three were not in vain. When it returned to the egg, the earthquake calmed down for a while, and the amount of ashes emitted decreased. The hypothesis that eradicating it will delay the explosion has now been proven true.”

“The problem is, he’s not just being vigilant. It’s extremely favorable conditions for him in that volcano… The egg has absorbed enough power and has already hatched. His growth rate, at least over there, is much faster than usual.”

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Mr. Thomas opened his mouth.

“I’m sorry, but we can’t catch him at your level. That is… impossible.”


I just smiled slightly at his concern.

“But even if you sit down like this in discouragement, isn’t it the same as being killed by him? If there is only one way to live, no matter how rough it may be, we have no choice but to go.”

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Much less, according to Mr. Thomas,

It’s not just the people here who die when a volcano erupts. The scale of the damage will be unimaginably large, and the only chance to stop it is now.

It was when everyone in the room was silent.


The Doge Andolph McLirren opened his mouth, and we all looked towards it.

“Look here.”

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