Will to live

“What is it, the hell?!”

Roka shouted in surprise, and Cardinal Omen’s eyes widened.

“What the…”

Next to him, who seemed to have barely suppressed the swear words, the pupils of Mr. Thomas and Mr. Robert also shook.

To be honest, I was also confused. As his gaze was focused, the apprentice took his hand in a trouser dance.

And then it flopped down. without hesitation of anything.

With a really reckless force, even his underwear was pulled down. It was unbelievable speed and determination. He seemed to have seen the spirit of a leader who rules a country.

I should have covered Rocca’s eyes, but I didn’t have to.

“What are you doing!”

Rocca figured it out and covered her eyes with both hands and blushed. Because his stuff was… standing upright.

I don’t know why he suddenly took off his lower skirt, but the priests of the Aldehirism next to us screamed and looked away. Among them were several priestesses.

“Hmm, have you all seen it? I have nothing to hide from you.”

“dismissal. Are you crazy? Have you always liked exposure? The republic must have collapsed, so have you decided to fully satisfy the desires that you have not been able to satisfy because you are concerned about social prestige?”

“Hey, you pervert old man. Even if the republic is destroyed, what a shameful thing…”

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Mr. Robert and Cardinal Omen were so angered that they would swear if it had not been for their eyes.

But their words were cut off with a single word.

“Looks like everyone forgot. I am an eunuch.”

“Goa?! That… and then…”

“It’s not a secret. Because there is hardly anyone in the republic who doesn’t know that I am an eunuch. Once upon a time, the Citadel royal family castrated me and cut off my line. I lost my belongings, and a long time has passed.”

Cardinal Omen was silent. He looked as if he had remembered something.

“After I became an apprentice of the Republic, I inquired of your denominations of the Tritheism and Cardinals. Is there any way to restore my severed thing?”

“You said this. Somehow, the answers seemed to be the same. I don’t know if I should have come to see him right after he was cut off, but now it’s too late. Since the affected part has already healed, it is impossible to make the cut object grow with divine power.”

“But when I went to see him right after he was cut off, he couldn’t even enter the temple gate. The regular judge also cursed at me and kicked me out. At that time, I was not an apprentice in the Republic, but a thug with the label of a traitor.”

The apprentice held his object with one hand and pointed to the fountain with the other.

“I took a sip because the patients thought it was so magical to drink that water. And then, a miracle came to me. can you see My stuff is back. I suddenly had a desire to live.”


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Mister Robert murmured. The Doge nodded his head.

“It’s amazing what the human mind is. Until recently, I thought that even if I die, I can’t help it, but just because I got this one thing, I started to want to live. I’m starting to feel like I’m alive and wanting to see my children. But that doesn’t mean I won’t live alone.”

“Promises do not change. If the republic dies, I will die too; if the republic lives, I will live. Robert. As a commemoration of my purchase, I’ll spare you too. Let’s not give up.”

Looking at his gaze, Mr. Robert could not stand it in the end and nodded his head.

“Okay, okay. So, let’s pull up our pants and talk. I know you want to brag about something you don’t have, but please…”

“Then it’s decided.”

The apprentice pulled up his pants, this time looking at me.

“If I am going to die like this or that, I will choose the path that has the best chance of living. I will mobilize all the remaining power of the Republic to support the priest.”


“Before, with the help of Thomas here, I used geological magic to go directly into the volcano. He believed too much in the Master’s power. If you do this again, you will just repeat the same mistake. Now that I have nothing to waste, I will try to lure the Phoenix using bait this time.”

Somehow, there was no power in his voice. yea i just did it

The only hope left now is the miracle of God. There was no way he could use his own power, so he had to open his hands to God, and he didn’t like it from his point of view.

“What will those people do?”

After shaking my hand, the Doge asked Cardinal Omen a question.

Cardinal Yeha sighed in reply.

“I’ve already come this far, but what should I do? We will also participate.”


“I will prepare the Artavus. As I said in advance, if the operation fails, we will immediately abandon you and run away. Since we have helped a lot in the meantime, we will keep our loyalty, but we did not sell our bodies to the Citadel Republic.”

“If you fail, you will have to live.”

The apprentice nodded, and we immediately began to plan.

“Dwarves, a race of ancient artisans, had the ability to cultivate metals with the power of nature. They have already gone extinct, so I don’t know how this was possible, but one ore was handed down to the Citadel royal family.”

“You’re going to use that as bait to lure Phoenix.”

“Accurate. Solar ore, which contains the power of the sun, is something that even Dwarves could not easily make, so it would be an attractive food for the immortals who covet the power of fire and the sun.”

If only the republic could be saved, it seemed that there was nothing to waste now, and the apprentice offered even such a treasure. But if you think about it, this treasure is really, nothing if you can save the Republic.

Because once a person lives, there will be meaning, whether it be a treasure or anything.

“Using the Artabus, let’s lure him into the air first, and then fight in a dogfight. This airship was not built for combat, but as a tool, it is up to the people to use it.”

“But isn’t that a matter for the pope of your church to decide?”

“I do not know. The Pope, what do you know?”

The cardinal murmured, and in any case a rough plan was established. Since there was no time, we decided to prepare for departure immediately.

Even the apprentice said that he would depart on the Artabus.

“If the operation fails, I will fall and die.”

It seemed like it had to be successful.

“Ah, but I have a question for you. This is a sensitive question, may I ask?”

“Now, what is so sensitive about it? I’m naked even with my pants off.”

“I heard that the apprentice delivered the fruit of the world tree to Grimudo. Do you know why he wanted the fruit?”

“I don’t know why you’re asking, but it’s not the first time I’m giving this answer to a priest. Many people have already asked, and my answer has always been the same. I didn’t know then, and I don’t know now.”

He frowned and said,

“I really don’t know. If it had been an elixir with great power, the elves wouldn’t have sold it to humans. They sold the fruit knowing that we would have no use for it if we had the fruit of the World Tree.”

“It means that the Demon King doesn’t want to become strong by eating it.”

“The world tree itself is something different from a normal tree, rather something close to the law. The fruit is only what it looks like, and it cannot be eaten, let alone even splitting it.”

Former King of Citadel. That is, Parnell’s father once devoured the fruit whole, he said, thinking it would be effective.

“He was an excellent archmage, so somehow he swallowed the big fruit in one bite. How do you think it would be? You came back down undigested. Some say that the anus was torn while wrapping it.”

“So, who would have tried to swallow the fruit that even the Archmage couldn’t digest? In the end, it is a waste to throw it away, and to get drunk, it becomes a useless thing, and it rolls through the warehouse until it reaches my hand.”

So, it’s a fruit that has already passed through someone else’s stomach and came out of the buttocks. No matter how clean I washed it, it seemed like I would never want to put it in my mouth.

He seemed to know roughly why no one had swallowed the item since. Did Grimudo take it to eat? But is it the kind of thing that can make you stronger by eating?

“Oh, you came. Welcome, Holy Father.”

When I was about to ask more about the fruit of the world tree, he suddenly looked in a direction and waved his hand to greet me.

Holy Pope? I also reflexively turned my head. An old man with an intellectual atmosphere wearing glasses opened his mouth with a solemn expression in front of Rocca.

“Hey. Are you interested in the sky?”

Rocca made a mysterious expression. It was as if its tail was curved in the shape of a question mark.

I think I’ve heard that Aldehirs are a bit eccentric, but I don’t know where I heard it, but it didn’t seem to be without credibility.

“Not at all…”

“Then why don’t you try to believe in heaven? The welfare of our denomination is very good.”

Unexpectedly, Loca was restless and could not show her temper. That kid is still good at basics. He responds coldly to malice, but is weak in favor.

Just as cold ice melts in the warm sun, when you meet someone who is kind to you, you can’t react as coldly as you normally would.

“Naughty! Don’t flirt with children, come and help prepare for departure! I still don’t have time, but it’s something I’m really good at.”

“Do you like star candy? It is a specialty of our school. Come on, eat some candy.”

Loca, who doesn’t like sweets, took the candy and put it in her pocket, even though she wouldn’t eat it anyway. When the cardinal saw the old man and shouted, the old man clicked his tongue and continued.

“Inseok. I couldn’t understand the psychology of the person served by a cardinal whose name is cardinal, so I wiped it somewhere. I’m not so ignorant, so am I the only one who took the steps? Come on, kid. There’s no need to worry about that filthy bastard. There is one thing I want to ask your doctor.”

Even in the midst of being busy, their gazes gathered over there. People looked at the Holy Father with a look that this man was about to say. He opened his mouth slowly.

“Do you have any desire to become a saint of Aldehirism?”

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