“Brother Ye Xiao~~Come~~It’s time to eat~~”

“I cooked your favorite dish tonight~~Hehe~~”

Yi Mengyun gently hugged Ye Xiao who was sitting on her lap.

He didn’t seem to care at all about the rancid smell emanating from his body.

Instead, he gave Ye Xiao a sweet kiss on his pale and cold cheek.

“Brother Ye Xiao must be very hungry. I will feed you right away.~~”

Yi Mengyun looked at Ye Xiao, who had his head lowered and his eyes closed, looking lifeless.

She smiled at him~~

However, Ye Xiao in her arms never said a word from the beginning to the end.

This caused a trace of sadness to appear on Yi Mengyun’s face.

But she quickly hid it.

She scooped a spoonful of rice from the rice bowl, and then put some vegetables on the table on top of the rice.

Finally, he slowly brought the spoon to Ye Xiao’s mouth.

“Brother Ye Xiao~~Ah~~Open your mouth~~If you don’t eat, you will have no strength.~~”

Yi Mengyun said softly to Ye Xiao.

But Ye Xiao didn’t react at all.

“Brother Ye Xiao must think it’s too troublesome to chew. Hehe, let me help Brother Ye Xiao finish chewing.~~”

After finishing speaking, Yi Mengyun put the food in the spoon into her mouth.

Lip squirming.

Chewed for a while.

Then she stuck her head out and covered Ye Xiao’s mouth with her small mouth.

Just feed him like this

“Xiaoyun, enough is enough, really enough……”

“I’m dead, don’t waste your time on me……”

Ye Xiao, who was in the soul body state, stretched out his hand to stop Yi Mengyun’s sick behavior.

However, as before, his hands couldn’t touch her body at all.

No sound could reach her ears.

Three years ago, he was in a car accident and suffered severe brain damage. Rescue failed and he passed away.

However, after his death, he turned into a soul body and has been floating beside his wife Yi Mengyun for three years.

In the past three years, he could only watch helplessly as his originally gentle and virtuous wife became more and more mentally broken, her behavior became more and more morbid, and her body became more and more emaciated after his death.

Living a life of self-deception every day, pretending that Ye Xiao is still alive.

Ye Xiao, who saw everything in his eyes, was heartbroken!

If it hadn’t been for that accident, his wife wouldn’t have become as crazy as she is now.

I also regret why I didn’t spend more time with her when I was alive.

During his lifetime, he was busy starting a business, running around every day, and had no time to spend time with Yi Mengyun.

After the company became a Fortune 500 company, a sudden accident cost him his life.

“Brother Ye Xiao……Why don’t you swallow it?……Woo woo……Brother Ye Xiao……Open your eyes and look at me……Woo woo……”

Yi Mengyun finally put the food in her mouth into Ye Xiao’s mouth.

But Ye Xiao didn’t swallow it, and the food flowed out of his mouth again.

“Brother Ye Xiao, swallow it……I beg you……Can you swallow it?……”

Yi Mengyun burst into tears.

She stuck her head out.

The food that flowed from Ye Xiao’s mouth was put into his mouth again.


“Brother Ye Xiao……they are all lying to me……They’re all lying to me……you are not dead……not dead……you are always by my side……”

“I really want you to say a word to me……Even if you scold me……Woo woo……I beg you……”

Yi Mengyun’s tears couldn’t stop falling.

He burst into tears.

She would rather live with Ye Xiao’s cold corpse every day and live a false married life.

Nor was he willing to admit that he was dead.

She suppressed all the despair and pain in her heart.

It was suppressed for more than three years. until……The weak body is really……Can’t hold it any longer……

I’m really going to completely collapse…….

“Xiaoyun, I’m here, I’ve always been here……”

Ye Xiao looked at Yi Mengyun with a distressed expression.

He wanted to hug her, comfort her, and give her warmth.

And told her that he was always there.

But, it simply can’t be done!


Ye Xiao showed a bitter and desperate smile.

He didn’t understand why God did this to him.

Don’t let him die completely.

Let him appear next to his wife in this form to torture him

“Brother Ye Xiao……I’m going crazy without you……”

“I really……Can’t hold on anymore……”

Yi Mengyun pursed her lips and smiled sweetly at Ye Xiao’s body.

Then she went out

“Xiaoyun, don’t do anything stupid……”

Ye Xiao had an unknown premonition in his heart.

Then he followed Yi Mengyun to the elevator entrance.

Get on the elevator.

I saw Yi Mengyun pressing the button to the top floor, 43rd floor.!!!

After arriving at the 43rd floor.

Yi Mengyun stepped on the stairs to the rooftop and arrived at the rooftop.

“Brother Ye Xiao, I really, really love you…….”

“I want to grow old with you……”

“I want to give you many, many children……”

“I want to be the best wife for brother Ye Xiao……”


As she spoke, she had reached the edge of the rooftop.

The strong wind blew against her weak body, making her look shaky.

“don’t want!”

Ye Xiao shouted, reaching out to grab Yi Mengyun’s body.

But he grabbed nothing.

“But all this has become out of reach for me……”

Yi Mengyun wiped the tears from her eyes

“I’m here to stay with you, husband…”

She smiled one last time.

Then he jumped.

The hem of the skirt made a rustling sound.

Like a fluttering butterfly. come down!

“don’t want! No!!!”

Ye Xiao roared loudly.

His eyes were red.

His chest hurt as if it was about to be torn apart!

Finally, a dull and loud sound shook Ye Xiao’s brain, which was buzzing and even about to explode.

He trembled and moved towards Looking under the rooftop, his pupils suddenly shrank and his breathing intensified.

He collapsed to the ground and fell unconscious……. ps: I beg for data on the new book! Please give me flowers, review votes, and monthly votes!!!

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