“The train is running in front of Nanyang Station. If there are passengers getting off at Nanyang Station, please be prepared in advance.”

Ye Xiao was woken up by the prompts in the subway.

He opened his eyes and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar environment.

The bloody appearance of his wife after falling from the building was still deeply imprinted in his mind…….

That miserable scene……

It made his heart hurt.

He took a deep breath to keep himself calm.

Then I started to sort out the scattered memories.

At this time

【Congratulations to the owner for activating the daily check-in system!】

【This system will automatically sign in every day. You can get points by signing in, and the points can be used for lottery draws. 】

A mechanical voice came from Ye Xiao’s head.

Having read online novels, he naturally knows the system.

It seems that God is not too cruel to him.

He was tortured in his soul body state for three years.

In the end, it can be exchanged for a chance to be reborn.

Not bad!

Ye Xiao smiled lightly.

Then he sorted out the memories in his mind.

In this world, he is only 22 years old.

Time has gone back more than twenty years.

But this world is different from the world he remembered from his previous life.

Although the names of acquaintances in his memory matched those of his previous life.

But their experiences have changed greatly from their previous lives.

For example, his wife in the previous life was Yi Mengyun.

Although they were just like their previous lives, the two were still childhood sweethearts.

However, in their previous life, the two went to the same university and got married at the age of 22 after graduation.

But in this life, the two separated in high school and have not seen each other for more than five years.

I don’t know how she is doing……

Ye Xiao was thinking about Yi Mengyun.

I really want to meet her and cherish her.

However, he recalled the scene of Yi Mengyun’s tragic death in his previous life.

He was afraid of making the same mistake again.

Maybe it would be better for the two of them not to meet each other.

Ye Xiao sighed and smiled helplessly.

【Master, the novice gift package gives the master 10,000 points, which can be used for ten consecutive draws. Do I need to start the draw for the master?】

“Smoke it.”

Ye Xiao said calmly.

After that, Ye Xiao drew three pretty good props.

【Memory Index Panel] (can add, delete, modify and check people’s memories, free of charge)

【Emotional attributes panel] (You can view people’s emotional attributes, free of charge)

【Body Repair Panel] (You can return your body to its healthiest state, for a fee.)

At this time.

At Exit A of Nanyang Station Subway

“Have you met him?”

A little girl wearing a white dress, with a thin figure and a haggard face, holding a photo in her hand, kept asking the passers-by at the entrance and exit.

“Go away, never seen it.”

Passers-by waved their hands to express that they did not recognize the boy in the photo.

But the girl did not give up.

She knew that the boy she wanted to find was in this city.

As long as she spent more time, she would definitely be able to find him.

When she thought of him On the girl’s face, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth~~

“Brother Ye Xiao, I will definitely find you.”

The girl is Yi Mengyun, her childhood sweetheart who has been separated from Ye Xiao for five years.

In the second half of her second year of high school, her brother Ye Xiao suddenly moved away from Longtan City. She heard from neighbors that their family went more than a thousand kilometers away from Longtan City. Far away in Ningjiang City.

She was anxious and didn’t know how to contact Ye Xiao, so she found her mother. She knew that her mother was the chairman of the large company Tengxun Group, so she wanted to get her. Her mother found Ye Xiao’s location, and then she went to look for him.

When her mother heard that her daughter was not studying hard and was going to find a boy elsewhere, she decisively refused.

From then on, she became unmotivated to study and her grades were poor. It plummeted.

She spent every day in depression and anxiety, and finally suffered from moderate depression and anxiety. She failed in the college entrance examination, but she didn’t care at all.

She was admitted to a university in the city where her brother Ye Xiao lived, so that she could hope to meet her beloved brother Ye Xiao.

After college, she became even less interested in studying.

For more than two years, she looked at Ning Jiang every day. She searched the city’s map and searched almost every street in every district, but there was still no news about her brother Ye Xiao.

In desperation, she chose to go to the police station to ask for Ye Xiao’s location.

The police did not disclose the detailed address to her, but told her the phone number of Ye Xiao’s parents, and asked her to contact Ye Xiao’s parents to ask for the address. After being possessed like this, they were a little scared.

They felt that this girl was like a stalker, so they didn’t dare to tell her the location of their son.

In addition, they were about to graduate and were facing the stage of employment. Yi Mengyun affects her son’s future.

Moreover, Yi Mengyun’s family situation is so good that their son cannot afford it.

Now, she became even more desperate and didn’t want to go to college. , walking around Ningjiang City every day, inquiring about the whereabouts of her brother Ye Xiao.

What was originally just moderate depression and anxiety gradually turned into severe!

The more she couldn’t find Ye Xiao, the more anxious she became!

In this way, she became more and more haggard.

After graduating from college, she thought that her brother Ye Xiao should start working, so she began to try to find out the whereabouts of her brother Ye Xiao at major transportation stations…………….

Time returns to the present.

Yi Mengyun endured the fatigue in her body.

He still kept asking passers-by at the subway entrance about Ye Xiao’s whereabouts.


She felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

The whole person instantly fell to the ground softly.

The photo of Ye Xiao he was holding also fell to the ground.

In the past few years, she often had severe pain in her stomach.

Although it hurt before, it wasn’t as severe as it is now.

She clutched her stomach with one hand, as if this was the only way to relieve her pain.

Put your other hand on the ground.

Want to stand up.

But the pain made her whole body weak.

She was panting constantly, and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

“Brother Ye Xiao……”

She looked at Ye Xiao’s previous photos on the ground, a happy smile appeared on her weak face.

“I must find you……”

“I must protect you well……”

She moved her body several times with difficulty.

Picked up the photo of Ye Xiao that fell on the ground.

Hug me tightly


She clutched her stomach and coughed violently several times.

Blood coughed out from her mouth!

PS: Please kneel down and beg for data! Please give me flowers, review votes, and monthly votes!!!

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