“It’s me, long time no see.”

Ye Xiao smiled at the two of them.

“I really didn’t expect to meet you here. Are you here to participate in this entrepreneurial guru speech event?”

“I heard that you were admitted to the best university in Ningjiang. I didn’t expect that you were going to start a business just after graduation. It’s really amazing.”

Chen Kai and Zhao Meng praised Ye Xiao.

“No, like you, I can only take a look outside. I don’t have a VIP card from Tenglong Bank.”

Ye Xiao smiled softly.

“Brother Ye Xiao~ Do you want to go in? If you want to go in, I can help you in~ I have the VIP card of Tenglong Bank you mentioned~”

Yi Mengyun first glanced at Zhao Meng and Chen Kai with vigilant eyes.

Then she looked at Ye Xiao Said softly

“Ye Xiao, who is she? She looks so innocent and cute, does she look like she’s still underage? If I call you brother, could he be your sister?”

The two of them looked at Ye Xiao doubtfully.

“Her name is Yi Mengyun, she is mine…Wife, we plan to get a marriage certificate in a while.”

Ye Xiao glanced at Yi Mengyun beside him and smiled lovingly at her.

Then he said to Chen Kai and Zhao Meng

“Hee hee, hubby~~”

After hearing Ye Xiao call her wife, Yi Mengyun looked happy~ and then responded to him kindly~ hugged Ye Xiao even tighter with her two arms, and her little face was very affectionate on Ye Xiao’s arm. Rubbing it ~ I love it so much ~

It feels sweet in my heart~~

“Well, that’s really congratulations! Don’t forget to call us when you have the wedding banquet.”

Zhao Meng and Chen Kai said with a smile to Ye Xiao.

Then they looked at Yi Mengyun beside Ye Xiao and smiled gently at her.

But Yi Mengyun looked at them indifferently.

Then his eyes returned to Ye Xiao.

It seemed that to Yi Mengyun, they were just useless and had no interest at all.

This made the two of them a little embarrassed, but it didn’t matter. What are your opinions? After all, we have never interacted with each other.


Ye Xiao smiled and nodded at them.

“Okay, you guys go in first. Didn’t Miss Yi just say that she has a VIP card from Tenglong Bank? We won’t disturb you anymore. The activity will start at one o’clock.”

Zhao Meng and Chen Kai said to Ye Xiao and Yi Mengyun.

At this time, the security personnel nearby said to several people:”Those who hold Tenglong Bank VIP card can bring up to three friends. Enter together.”

After hearing this, Chen Kai and Zhao Meng both looked at Ye Xiao with expectant expressions.

They seemed to be begging Ye Xiao to bring them in!


Ye Xiao subconsciously looked at Yi Mengyun beside him. waiting for her reply

“Brother Ye Xiao, you can make the decision~ But if the two of them want to disturb the world between me and Brother Ye Xiao~ I will be angry~”

Yi Mengyun smiled sweetly at Ye Xiao~ and then He glanced at the two of them with vigilant eyes.

“Don’t worry, we will be quiet and won’t disturb you.”

The two said in affirmative and excited tones

“That’s good~”

Yi Mengyun smiled slightly and then took out her mobile phone.

She showed a Tenglong Bank VIP card on the phone to the security personnel at the entrance.

After the security personnel verified the accuracy of the card, they gave it to Yi Mengyun. A white sign was issued.

The white sign means that ordinary investors who are not judges also have a certain say in this event, while those with purple signs are elite investors who serve in this event. Judges.

After Yi Mengyun took the sign, there were about thirty people in the gym , some talking about business and some talking about investment experts…….

In short, there were many topics and we had a lot of fun talking.

“Ye Xiao, is your wife’s family rich?”

Both Chen Kai and Zhao Meng were very curious, so they asked Ye Xiao in a low voice.

You must know that Tenglong Bank’s VIP card is not something ordinary people can get.

How can you get it without any identity background?

“Indeed, it is quite rich.”

Ye Xiao quietly glanced at Yi Mengyun beside him.

Then he smiled softly.

“Wow! Then you are really in luck.”

Chen Kai looked at Ye Xiao with envious eyes.

He didn’t expect Ye Xiao to be able to catch a Bai Fumei as his wife. This is so wonderful.

“Smelly Chen Kai, are you dissing me for not being Bai Fumei?”

Zhao Meng glared at Chen Kai.

The two started dating when they were in their junior year.

It has been more than a year now.

The relationship is not bad. They rarely quarrel.

When they see their boyfriend, Chen Kai actually She looked envious of other people’s girlfriends.

It was so disrespectful to her.

This made her feel a little unhappy. Not only was she not as rich as Ye Xiao’s girlfriend.

Even her appearance was not as good as hers.

Hey, Zhao Meng felt a little inferior and couldn’t help but think back to her high school days……. ps: Please give me flowers………..

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