The concept of accelerated link is actually a brand new concept for the entire link world!

At least, this is how the first generation of link world works!

Fujiki Yusaku took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Even he, the protagonist of the link world, was attracted by the scene of accelerated link producing the illusionary unicorn!

"I see. Speed up the connection?"

"It's a new idea."


"Can interrupt the opponent at the second speed during his turn"


5DS world.

The first one who was impressed was not Yusei Fudo.

But Bruno, who was proficient in Accelerated Synchro, which is a technology deck.

The entire deck has a variety of Synchro monsters that can accelerate the synchronization!

Because of this!

When Bruno saw Link who can also accelerate!

In addition to being unfamiliar, he also felt a sense of familiarity!

At this moment!

Yusei Fudo, who has not yet fully learned Accelerated Synchro, has noticed the change in Bruno's expression.

"Is Bruno right?"

"���Seems like he is familiar with this operation."

"Do you also understand link?"

The words of Yusei Fudo interrupted Bruno's deep thought.

Bruno shook his head after coming to his senses.

"No, I don't understandlink"

"However, Youxing"

"do you know?"

"In fact, our synchronization can also be accelerated synchronization"

"As long as you master the adjustment of exceeding the speed of light!"

"We can then synchronize faster than the speed of light!"


Bruno's words shocked Yusei Fudo, Kyosuke Kiyanagi, Jack Atlas and others beside him!

What does that mean?


Is there an operation that can accelerate synchronization?


How is this possible!

Synchronize to accelerate! How can it be achieved?

"How can we do that?"

"You kid, you are not lying, are you?"

Krogan grabbed Bruno's clothes anxiously.

Bruno did not speak, but looked at the riding duel screen.

It seemed to tell them that they would understand later......

DM world.

The old guard who knew about this and completely understood the Black Magician couldn't sit still.

Seto Kaiba was about to ask Yujo Sei!

The Black Magician of that world.

It seems to be a little stronger than his Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

Why not invest link in the Blue-Eyes White Dragon deck?


It seems that it is not impossible?

Thinking of this, Seto Kaiba narrowed his eyes slightly, and a bold idea popped up in his mind.

After a discussion, Yugi Muto and the Pharaoh in his body agreed.

That is to ask Yujo Sei's opinion on the construction of the Black Magician deck!

As a person from that advanced world.

In terms of understanding duels, Yidi has his own unique way of thinking!

Yugi Muto:"Mr. Yujo Sei, the video is over."

Yugi Muto:"But, I still want to ask Mr. Yujo Sei to give us a summary."

Yugi Muto:"Summary of the entire system of the Black Magician"........

Main world.

Yugi Muto's inquiry message soon came in the DM chat group box.

Yugi Yugi thought about it after reading it and immediately gave his own summary and evaluation of the Black Mage's construction.

Yugi Yugi:"The Black Mage itself has 3 card movements. In our world, it is normal to get stuck! If there is a game where you and Pharaoh's God Draw Seal are stuck, that's another matter." Yugi Yugi:"

Secondly, the core is the Black Mage and the formation. The staff is responsible for the formation, the two souls are responsible for pulling the Black Mage, and Chaos is responsible for the staff and the two souls!" Yugi Yugi:

"Isn't it very strong at first glance? They all have powerful searches, but in fact they are all one-for-one, and they don't make much money!"

Yugi Yugi:"Of course, it's okay to have resistance and jump back and forth. In addition, the system is also large. It's weak without the system, and it's stuck with the system. This is my overall summary of the Black Mage."

Yugi Yugi talked endlessly about his experience with the Black Mage after watching the video and combining it with his previous experience.

He talked about everything one by one.

These words also made Yugi Muto and Atem on the opposite side fall into silence and contemplation.

God's draw, card printing, nonsense?

What do these mean?

Is it another evaluation of him and Aibo from the Yugi Star World?

So are these evaluations good or bad?

Yugi Muto and Atem were not thinking about the Dark Magician. They turned to thinking about these three titles.

Jonouchi:"Huh! Although I don't understand, it sounds like not everyone can control the Dark Magician!"

Peacock Dance:"It's normal, this kind of deck, only Yugi can control it."

Masaki Kyoko:"I always believe in Yugi! If there is a Dark Magician deck from Mr. Yu's world! Yugi's strength will definitely be stronger!" Kaiba Seto

:"Huh! It's just a jumping clown. Remember, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon will always beat the Dark Magician!".......

Yu Chengxing didn't pay attention to the barrage of comments in the DM group.

Because after watching this Black Magician video,

2,000 yuan has been successfully obtained.

The GX world can be unlocked.

After experiencing the functions after the DM world is unlocked, believe it or not,

Yu Chengxing knows that those people in the chat group are definitely not ordinary.

No matter if they are people in the anime or pretending to be people, it is worth spending money to unlock the world!

At least, watching short videos will not be boring.

You can also see the surprised expressions and words of those guys.

Why not?

【Do Youchengxing users need to spend 2,000 yuan to unlock the GX World function?】


【Congratulations to Youchengxing user for successfully unlocking the GX world】

【GX World function loading】

【GX World function loading completed】.......

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