After Yugi Sei successfully unlocked the GX world.

Soon, a GX world appeared in the display box on the chat group side.

Yugi Judai:"Awesome! It's worthy of being the Black Magician deck of the Duel King! The link is thrown in at the end! It's amazing!"

Misawa Daichi:"No matter how much you practice flash card drawing, it may not be as good as the last wave of the system! The acceleration link is really cool!"

Kaiser Ryo:"Hehe, but it's still not as good as Cyber Dragon. It will be obedient after energy welding."

Professor Chronos:"Mamma Mia! What are you talking about? Now you should be more concerned about what the next deck is! I like the ancient mechanical deck!"....

The sound of conversation continued one after another without stopping.

It can be seen.

In the Duel Academy, the teachers and students are still very lively.

It is a completely different scene from the DM world. In the DM world, there may be only one message in three seconds.

But in the GX world, there are three messages in three seconds!

Especially Maruto Sho, who is very good at asking questions, has been asking questions.

This caused the chat group of the GX world to explode!

Yu Chengxing coughed a few times to clear his throat.

After that, he began to try to start a conversation and chat with the GX world.

Yu Chengxing:"Um, cough, hello to all the duelists in the GX world."

Yu Chengxing:"I am the person who controls the short video content in the main world. My name is Yu Chengxing."

Yu Chengxing:"Nice to meet you".......

GX World.

Listening to the voices of strangers coming from the black screen that was originally playing the video, all the duelists in the entire GX World were not calm.

The main world's short video controller?

These contents.

Is there really someone controlling the playback?

Is this true or false?

If it is really controlled!

Then it must be!

Then it must be.

All the card contents in the previous video are not fictional!

All of them are real?


It's not this that is unbelievable, but this higher world. They are actually connected?

Can we really talk to people in this main world?

Professor Chronos stared at the screen with wide eyes.

Yucheng Judai looked confused and stunned, and couldn't believe what he heard.

John Anderson looked terrified, and felt that his worldview was about to be shattered.

The first person to react.

Instead, it was Principal Samejima!

After his eyes lit up, Principal Samejima quickly made a gesture for everyone to be quiet.

Principal Samejima:"You said that you are the controller of the previous video content, right?"

Principal Samejima:"Then don't you have the right to operate the content that will be played next?"........

Main world.

Yuchengxing laughed after reading the barrage message from Principal Samejima.

This principal seemed to doubt his authenticity?

But that's right.

Facing the voice of a stranger who suddenly appeared.

It's normal to be a little wary.

What's more.

This is still a school, which is not very different from the world of Muto Yugi who has experienced great things.

Yuchengxing:"Of course, if you don't mind."

Yuchengxing:"In the next short video, let's take a look at the ancient mechanical card deck in our world.".......

GX world.

Ancient machinery! ?

It's Professor Chronos's deck!

Everyone's pupils shrank, and their eyes immediately shifted to Professor Chronos.

And Professor Chronos! He was already very happy!

Ancient machinery!

Isn't this out of place!

He just wanted to see what the ancient machinery deck in the higher world was like!

Now it's good!

The opportunity has come!

I can finally take the opportunity to learn about ancient machinery!

Professor Chronos:"Okay, okay! Let's do it!"

Professor Chronos:"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself."

Professor Chronos:"Mr. You, I'm a professor at the Duel Academy, just call me Professor Chronos."

Professor Chronos:"To be honest, ancient machinery is my deck, and I really want to know how it performs in the higher world!"

Professor Chronos:"Everything is up to you!"........

Main world.

You Chengxing didn't expect that his casual words would be like Professor Chronos who was full of energy, spamming the screen with one sentence after another.

And his attitude seemed very sincere.

As for the ancient mechanical deck,

You Chengxing naturally knew his current strength and status.

It can be said that in the mainstream environment, it is rare to see ancient mechanical decks.

If you don't believe it, open the Master Duel and play a few games and you will know.

Basically, you can't encounter ancient mechanical decks.

It feels like the tears of the times.

But to be honest, the ancient machinery is still very soulful, and the OTK ability is extremely strong.

Since you have spoken, let's look for it.

After You Chengxing decided, he quickly searched in the software. He quickly locked the target

《Invincible in the battle stage, Leo Ku a noob outside the battle stage? Are you really playing it right? 》

As the title came out,

Professor Chronos of the GX world smiled.

According to the title.

So the ancient machinery is only strong in the battle stage.

Outside the battle stage, is it weak?

It shouldn't be the case, right?

In the advanced world, is Leo Ku still doing very badly?

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