Chapter 1856 - End of the Dragon Gods (1)

The Devil Master's order was brutal and ruthless.

It immediately ignited all of the hatred and fury inside the northern region profound practitioners' chests.

The Yama Devil, Brahma Moon, Soul Stealing and other northern region Divine Masters screamed like crazy. Then, without any hesitation whatsoever, no matter how terrible the wounds they were carrying on their bodies, they all raced toward the enemy with hatred and darkness.

Thanks to Calamity and Misfortune, everyone's darkness profound energy was boiling up like an infinite storm.

Behind them, the faces of the Deep Sea Divine Masters and Brahma Kings turned savage as well. At first, they weren't sure how to react to this situation. Then, they recalled all the resentment, hatred, and despair they felt during the defensive battle and allowed their emotions to transform them into howling monsters. Now, all they wanted was to vent those emotions and take revenge even if it meant becoming a true devil.

It wasn't long before the Dragon Emperor of Absolute Beginning gave the order to spread their wings of revenge against the Western Divine Region as well.

Darkness, bloodthirst, killing intent, violence...

The Venerable Withered Dragons at the forefront slowly raised their heads. Although the devil people's power had suddenly become unnaturally berserk, they wouldn't have batted an eye had they been in their normal state. However, their dragon souls were shivering in fright, their limbs felt as soft as cotton, and fear was the one emotion that overwhelmed everything else.

As for their draconic energy, they couldn't even gather five percent of their true power despite biting their tongues and trying absolutely everything they could think of.

Even if they somehow managed to do the impossible, they didn't have the strength or the courage to unleash it.

The harmless devil people whom they could have crushed like ants a moment ago struck bottomless fear and despair in their hearts.

Long San barely managed to straighten his back before saying, "Wa… wait…"

"You wait!" Yan One planted a foot directly on Long San's face.

There was a loud bang, and dragon's blood spurted out of his shattered nose and teeth. He should've been able to receive the blow with ease, but instead his aged body spun dozens of times like a spinning top before Yan One caught him and smashed him brutally into the ground.

Thanks to the soul pressure of the ancient Dragon God, the wounded Yan One alone could wipe the floor with all five Withered Dragons.

"Jieha! Dragon scum… die! Die!! DIE!!!"

Grabbing the White Rainbow Dragon God with one hand and the Sky Dragon God with the other, Yan Three also smashed them into the ground and caused the entire Deep Sea God Realm to shake violently. Black smoke immediately rose into the air.

Of all the three Yama Ancestors, he was undoubtedly the most hurt of them all. Previously, he was so hurt that he almost couldn't stand on his feet. Now, he was jumping left and right, and screeching madly like he had chugged down some crazy drug or something.

The black Yama Devil energy easily penetrated the dragon gods' bodies and souls, and extinguished the draconic aura they had just barely gathered. A couple of breaths later, their weakened willpower dissolved into utter fear and hopelessness, and they waited despairingly for death to claim them.

"Hiss… ah!!"

Meanwhile, Yan Two literally tore the Azure Dragon God's body in half as he let out an excited, berserk cry. The latter became the third dragon god to die after the Ash Dragon God and the Crimson Destruction Dragon God.

However, his death was far more humiliating and petty than either of his brothers.


The three Yama Ancestors' personalities were twisted by their ridiculously long stay in the Bone Sea Abyss, so their quirkiness was hardly unexpected. This weird battle cry came from Cang Shitian. The southern region god emperor actually jumped on top of the five Venerable Withered Dragons and stomped on all of their heads like a monkey.

During his final leap, he let out another strange cry and stomped down hard on the Cyan Abyss Dragon God's back.


If the Cyan Abyss Dragon God was in a normal state, Cang Shitian could have stomped with the strength of a baby sucking at their mother's tits and achieved exactly nothing. Now though, his spine snapped like the most beautiful-sounding twig in the world. The noise that was dragon god's blood curdling screams and Cang Shitian's mad laughter sounded horrible to say the least.

"Cyan Abyss," Cang Shitian said in a creepy voice, "Seven thousand four hundred and thirty three years ago, during the fourth time I visited the Dragon God Realm, you didn't return my bow… you deserve to DIE for the offense!!"

Crack! He brought down his feet again and shattered another part of the Cyan Abyss Dragon God's spine.

Next, he flipped into the air while catching the Jade Dragon God's neck with his feet, flinging him to the ground as well. "And you! Three thousand seven hundred sixty one years and two months ago, you spat at me from afar because you couldn't stand the sight of me having fun! You think I didn't notice? EAT SHIT!"

Boom—the Jade Dragon God's head and upper body vanished into the ground like the latter was made of play dough.

A couple more stomps later, he changed targets and kicked the Purple River Dragon God's most precious face, causing her nose to dislocate, and her features to shift completely out of place.

"BITCH! Four hundred seventy nine years eleven months and thirteen days ago, you dared call my new concubine ugly in front of everyone in the Eternal Heaven Realm! Do you know what inner beauty means? Of course not! Even my Deep Sea sow is more noble than you bitch!"

Cang Shitian could be a lot of things, but a protector of the fairer sex he absolutely wasn't. The Purple River Dragon God's good looks were stomped to hell in between his curses.

His pupils were widened, his blood vessels were expanded, his pores were open, and even his marrow was breathing energy in and out like crazy.

Withered Dragon? Dragon God? Ptooey! Right here and now, he, Cang Shitian, was their true lord and master!

His incessant swearing caused practically everyone to break out in cold sweat. It was bad enough that the god emperor was a mad dog, but now they learned that he was a master of holding grudges as well. All the grievances he had stated should be as small as peanuts to a god emperor, and yet the crazy bastard remembered them so well that he stated the exact days!

"Fuck off!" Even Yan Two couldn't bear to listen to his spittle any longer and kicked Cang Shitian in the butt.

The god emperor allowed himself to be carried several kilometers away before performing a midair flip and flew toward the shivering Dragon Sovereigns with a most horrifying laughter in his throat… This gamble was absolutely worth it! I can laugh in the afterlife even if Yun Che cuts me to pieces and feeds me to the dogs after this!

While the three Yama Ancestors were wrecking the Withered Dragons and the Dragon Gods, the northern region profound practitioners were ravaging the kneeling Dragon Sovereigns and Master Dragons.

That's right, ravaging.

The dragon soul suppression was so despairingly powerful that their resistance could only be described as pathetic. Their shock and forced submission were so terrible that most of them couldn't even muster the thought to resist until they died.

The dragon god race was the strongest race in the entire God Realm. Now? They were reaped in the most brutal fashion imaginable by the hate filled devil people.

Bloodcurdling screams filled the air, and dragon blood turned the ground red. This time, dark, devilish blood weren't the only pools of blood on the ground. The noblest known blood in the world, the blood of the dragon gods was spilled as well.

The Chi Dragons were shaking, the Blue Dragons were shaking, the Hui Dragons were shaking; the Myriad Manifestations profound practitioners were bloodless, and the Qilins of the Qilin Realm looked like they could faint on the spot. Words simply weren't enough to describe the scene that was happening before their eyes.

The full power of the vast Western Divine Region absolutely possessed the strength to crush the Northern Divine Region, no, any power in the entire world into pieces. There didn't exist a power that could turn this around.

However, not only had Yun Che defied that common sense, he had done it in such an overwhelming fashion that the only things left were shock and despair.

Soon, the air became wet with dragon's blood, and the sounds of dragons being shredded to pieces were the only melody left in the world. Yun Che turned away and left the devils to their revenge.

They had sacrificed all their power, their spirit, their family members, and their friends to protect him until the final moment… it was only right that he gave them the time to claim vengeance and vent their frustration to their heart's content.

His figure blurred. A couple of dashes later, he appeared next to Qianye Ying'er.

Before she could say anything, using light profound energy as his guide, Yun Che placed his palm on her solar plexus and flooded her body forcefully but slowly with the power of the Divine Miracle of Life. Her utterly drained vitality and life vein began recovering themselves.

Qianye Wugu closed his eyes and smiled gladly.

Despite the exertion, the image of the proud and ancient Primordial Azure Dragon didn't diminish in the slightest. The ancient gleam in its eyes remained as strong as ever.


"Silence!" Yun Che interrupted her angrily and darkly. "Who gave you permission to burn your Devil Emperor's Blood!? You almost died!"

"..." Qianye Ying'er parted her slightly recovered lips but said nothing in reply.

"I'll remind you one more time that you don't have the right to die unless I order it! Never forget that!" While saying this, Yun Che split his light profound energy into several hundred streams, working to awaken her slumbering life force and rejuvenate her entire body.

Qianye Ying'er had almost exhausted her vitality in full. If Qianye Wugu hadn't kept her alive, she could've been dead already.

At this point, the only power that could heal her to perfect condition was the Divine Miracle of Life. However, the depletion was so great that even the Divine Miracle of Life must take two to three years to restore her to her former state.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. He said sternly, "If you do it again—"

Qianye Ying'er grabbed his hand with both hands before he could finish.

Yun Che: "..."

Her hands were no longer ice cold, but her grip only grew stronger and stronger. It was as if she was afraid that she would lose everything if she let go.

If she hadn't gone through today's tribulations, she would never know that she was capable of this level of fear.

So yes, she would never do it again… neither she nor Yun Che would ever sacrifice themselves anymore.

If he didn't care for her, then she would do everything in her power to live and be better than all his women.

If he cared for her, then she would live even better so that he might never experience the fear and pain of losing again.

"Your Magnificence!"

It was at this moment a shivering but still impressive voice cut through the screams and blood mists and entered his ears. "The western region qilin race is willing to join the Devil Master and obey all your orders… please show us mercy and let us live!"

The Qilin Emperor had bowed his back and head as much as he could when he made the declaration of surrender. Of all the western region powers here, he and his people were the least affected because they were Qilins, not dragons. Technically speaking, this also made them the strongest resistance the Western Divine Region still possessed, but the Qilin Emperor still, of his own will, assumed the humblest stance and declared his surrender in the humblest voice.

Behind him, the Qilins all dropped to their knees as well.

Usually, dropping their knees before a devil person would be the greatest humiliation they could suffer. However, only a complete fool would continue treating Yun Che as a mere master of devils after everything they had experienced today!

This was a man who had destroyed Long Bai and turned the strongest race in God Realm into squirming worms with the proverbial flip of his palm. In fact, it wouldn't be inaccurate to call him the Devil God of the current world!

After all, what was the difference between him and the returned Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor back then? They both possessed overwhelming power over all the forces of the God Realm!

So what if he was a member of the devils? Did anyone resist when the Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor had returned to the Primal Chaos? Could anyone resist Yun Che as he was now!?

The other western region god emperor, the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor, also dropped to his knees after the Qilin God Emperor paved the way. Feeling as if his heart and soul were twisted into the shape of a pretzel, he screamed, "The Western Region Myriad Manifestations Realm offers their eternal surrender to the Devil Master as well! We… we have not forgotten your saving of the world back then. We never wanted to be enemies with you. The Dragon God Realm didn't give us the choice to disobey."

"We beg that the Devil Master shows us his infinite mercy and forgives us once more for the sins we committed under duress! From this day onward, we will worship only the Devil Master and listen only to your orders! We swear to live and die as you will for all of eternity!"

"If even one of us dares to violate the eternal oath, may we be cut into ten thousand pieces and be buried in a hundred-level purgatory!"

A declaration of complete submission, an emotional plea, a most deadly oath; all screamed at the top of the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor's lungs. Volume wise at least, the god emperor outdid the Qilin Emperor by many decibels.

Not a single Divine Master behind the god emperor felt that the declaration was humiliating.

In fact, they felt intensely glad that their god emperor was a wise and flexible enough man to know when he was beaten.

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