Chapter 1857 - End of the Dragon Gods (2)

"No… no!" Qianye Ying'er uttered through gritted teeth as she stared at the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor. "They… they… killed Uncle Gu… they cannot be forgiven!"

Her voice was so weak that it was pitiful, but her hatred was so deep that it invaded Yun Che's heart completely.

"Dream on!" Yan Wu's eyes shone with even greater hatred than Qianye Ying'er's. "You killed my royal father… I'll never forgive you!"

That was what she said, but the northern region devil race literally worshipped Yun Che as their heaven right now. Despite feeling like she was cooking alive from sheer hatred, she dared not to point her Yama Spear at the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor like before. Unlike the four dragon races, the Myriad Manifestations God Realm wasn't nearly as incapitated. Moreover, accepting their surrender meant losing no one and gaining a tremendous amount of power at the same time.

Most rulers would make the logical choice especially considering that the northern region forces were massively weakened right now.

She was afraid that Yun Che would accept the offer. If he did, she would have no voice but to accept it.

"Hehehe." However, Yun Che didn't glance at the Qilin Emperor and Myriad Manifestations God Emperor even once. Chuckling like a hellish devil, he said, "Submit? Surrender? Eternal loyalty? It almost sounds like you believe you're worthy to be my servant!"

He raised his left arm, palm facing toward the ground where countless devil blood had been lost forever. "The Qilins? The Myriad Manifestations? In my eyes, your entire race isn't worth even a single drop of my devils' blood!"

Both the Qilins and the Myriad Manifestations Divine Masters felt ice cold immediately. Yun Che's declaration was practically a death sentence.

It was at this moment a seductive, devilish voice spoke up. "Your Magnificence, if you don't mind, this queen has a little something to share with you."

"...?" Yun Che side-eyed at Chi Wuyao with puzzlement.

"The Qilin Realm and Blue Dragon Realm are deserving of temporary pardons… if they show enough sincerity, of course," Chi Wuyao continued.

The Qilin Emperor only wanted to preserve himself and his people from the start. Despite being known as the second greatest god emperor of the Western Divine Region, he and four level ten Divine Masters had allowed themselves to be held off by one Qianye Bingzhu.

The Blue Dragon Emperor didn't even bother to put up a pretense. From the start until the end, even when Long Bai was watching her, she never stopped expressing her abhorrence for this battle. All she needed was someone to write the word "slacking" on her face, and the picture would've been perfect.

Chi Wuyao had been observing the entire battlefield from the start, so she knew this better than everyone.

Most of the northern region profound practitioners should've noticed this as well.

The Qilin Realm was the second strongest king realm in the Western Divine Region, and the Blue Dragon Realm the fourth strongest. Their strength was obvious for all to see. If they had been more active during the assault, the northern region forces would never have been able to stall long enough for Yun Che to return.

The Western Divine Region was the largest divine region in the entire God Realm. They would need good "examples", guides, and stepping stones to rule it effectively. Right now, the Qilin Realm and the Blue Dragon Realm were without a doubt their best choices.

Chi Wuyao had used her devil's soul to transmit all these thoughts to Yun Che at the same time she spoke to him verbally.

Meanwhile, the Qilins lifted their heads as if a ray of hope had shone into the abyss of despair they were in, and the Blue Dragons looked at Chi Wuyao like she was their goddess.

In the end, all eyes were set on Yun Che and Yun Che alone. After all, he had the final say on everything.

Yun Che never disregarded Chi Wuyao's words, so he considered them carefully. After brooding for a short moment, the Primordial Azure Dragon abruptly shifted its gaze and relinquished its suppression over the Qilins and the Blue Dragons.

The Qilins immediately felt as if ten thousand mountains were lifted off their bodies, the Blue Dragons felt like they had shed an impossibly heavy shackle that they hadn't known they were wearing, and everyone breathed and sweated like they had been reborn.

"Very well." Yun Che's cold voice resounded beside their ears. "I will see if your 'sincerity' is enough for you lot to live past today!"

The Qilin Emperor couldn't stop his aged features from trembling violently when he heard what he hoped to hear. He immediately bowed deeply and said, "Thank you for your mercy, Your Magnificence! Your Majesty!"

"Your Magnificence, Your Majesty!" The Myriad Manifestations God Emperor shouted in panic, "We are willing to surrender everything to the devil race, everything, so please grant us the opportunity to—"

A heavy storm of killing intent abruptly surged toward the man before he even finished shouting. It was the Qilin Emperor making a grab for the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor's head with murder in his eyes.

It was ironic. The Myriad Manifestations Realm was the weakest God Realm of the six king realms of the Western Divine Region, the Chi Dragons, the Hui Dragons and the Dragon Gods. Now though, they were the biggest "threat" of them all.

The Myriad Manifestations God Emperor hurriedly defended himself in a panic.

The god emperor was weaker than the Qilin Emperor in the first place, and now he was shackled by the Dragon God's soul awe.

As a result, his power immediately crumbled under the Qilin Emperor's attack. The latter's fingers sank deep into his skull and drew a dozen or so bloody marks.

"You…" A furious Myriad Manifestations God Emperor uttered through gritted teeth.

"For the survival of my qilin race, you and your people must die," The Qilin Emperor said indifferently. Once a decision was made, there was no going back. "Submit to your fate."


He then detonated his energy directly against the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor's skull, causing the latter to roar out in pain as he was sent flying. Before he could right himself, the Qilin Emperor, who had discarded all notions of mercy, struck him again in the back.

All the Qilins began attacking the forces of the Myriad Manifestations Realm. Their sorrow actually drove them to be even more merciless than they would've been against a different opponent. They attacked the profound practitioners like they would attack their sworn enemies.

The Western Divine Region's biggest resisting force and their only hope to turn this around had just joined the devils. The despair grew so great that not even a hint of light could be seen in their eyes anymore.

It was over…

The Dragon God's era… was truly over.

"Blue Dragon, I leave the Emperor Chi Realm and Hui Dragon Realm to you." The Qilin Emperor's voice entered the Blue Dragon Emperor's ears. "You don't have the right to hesitate. Any reluctance or mercy you show may bring about the end of the blue dragon race."

"Unless you grow strong enough to rule the entire world one day, you will always be bound by your duty as the god emperor of a king realm. You will not be able to maintain your moral integrity. You were free to ignore your responsibilities when we still lived in an era of peace, but those days are long gone, Blue Dragon Emperor! Are you really going to cling onto your old naivety after everything you've been through!?"

When the Blue Dragon Emperor looked up once more, a blue light chased away all the doubt and confusion.

She unleashed her draconic aura and summoned her image. Then, an infinite storm of cold blades descended upon the Chi Dragons and Hui Dragons without mercy.

She herself moved together with the gorgeous blue light and swiped at the utterly disheartened Chi Dragon Emperor with an icy claw.

When the ice dissipated, it left behind five shocking holes in the Chi Dragon Emperor's body.

The mercy of the Devil Master actually caused even more death than otherwise.

As for the Dragon Gods, despite losing control of their draconic energy and soul, the Withered Dragons and Dragon Gods still possessed tremendously powerful bodies. It wasn't something any mortal power could harm even when it was completely defenseless.

Unfortunately for them, their tormentor was none other than the three Yama Ancestors themselves!

The three pissed off and crazed Yama Devils vented all of their fury on the Withered Dragons and Dragon Gods. The screams and the sounds of tearing flesh and bones were terrifying to hear.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang…

After Yan One had broken or destroyed almost all of Long Wu's bones, he pierced his heart and marrow and severed his life vein with Yama Devil profound energy. Long Wu's eyes turned glassy, and he officially ended his life there.

He was a former Dragon Monarch himself, and the reason he chose to go into hibernation was so that he could bring forth the might of the dragons and bear down on his enemies, if only for just seven days. However, his final death was one without dignity or value at all.

Long Si and Long San followed soon after. Who would've thought that the stunningly powerful Withered Dragons would be slaughtered worse than mindless livestock? At least livestock got to scream and struggle with all their might before they died.

These Withered Dragons should've died of old age and moved onto the afterlife with their pride and honor intact. Instead, they were forced to spend their final moments watching their kin being slaughtered, and their name besmirched for eternity.

This wasn't the ending the great Divine Hibernation deserved.

The Dragon Gods fared even worse than they did. Some of them had their bones snapped for fun by Yan Two and Yan Three, some were squeezed or flattened into various shapes like play dough, and some… were even kicked back and forth like a ball.

The Cyan Abyss Dragon God died!

The Pure Dragon God died!

The Sky Dragon God died!


Eight hundred thousand years of darkness had corrupted, twisted and transformed the three Yama Ancestors' minds into something that could only be described as utterly monstrous. They might behave like obedient grandsons before Yun Che, but they were undoubtedly the most terrifying of devils to everyone else.

To be tortured to death in their hands could only be described as a horrible nightmare.

On a related note, the Pure Dragon God and Purple River Dragon God didn't die any less uglier than their peers. Not only did the Yama Ancestors care naught for the fairer sex, the concept of gender didn't even exist in their minds.

Yun Che's women were an exception, of course.

Where Long Yi lay powerlessly on the ground, he was forced to watch dead Withered Dragons, dead Dragon Gods, mutilated Dragon Sovereigns and exploding Master Dragons...

Despite having lived for six hundred thousand years, he never imagined that this would be the kind of hell he would have to live through after waking up from his hibernation.

"Devil Master," he said in a heartbroken voice, "The ancient dragon god… helped you… during your time of need… you cannot… repay his favor… by killing all of his descendants!"

Yun Che turned his head and shot him a glance.

He moved his palm away from Qianye Ying'er and slowly walked toward Long Yi. Every step only seemed to make the pressure worse.

"His descendants? You dare to call your kind his descendants!?" Yun Che's sneered with great amusement. "The only reason you possess his bloodline was because your ancestor happened upon some of his origin blood and origin soul during the formative years of the God Realm… if anything, your race is the one that owes him a favor!"

"A favor you lot have lost the right to benefit from since a long time ago!"

Yun Che's voice grew even darker than before. "Don't worry, you won't be going to your grave alone. I will travel to the Dragon God Realm and make sure to wipe out every person with the Dragon God bloodline in them! As you say, I owe the Primordial Azure Dragon a great favor, so it is only right that I do some house cleaning for him!"

"My descendants will be the one true dragon god race of this world!"

"You!" Long Yi's chest heaved uncontrollably as blood poured out of his mouth.

He never imagined that Yun Che would be this cruel. Not only was he going to murder every Dragon God, Dragon Sovereign, and Master Dragon, he was going to wipe out the Dragon God Race from the surface of the Primal Chaos itself!

To eliminate weeds, one must pull up the roots. He had already driven the dragon god race to a corner, so he wouldn't stop until they were driven to extinction.

"Devil Master, Devil Master!" Long Er said with tearful eyes and a weak voice, "Please… if only because we share the same inheritance and blood… the dragon god race is willing to serve the Dragon God incarnate, so please… don't…"

He had chosen to become a Withered Dragon, so of course death held no fear for him. The extinction of his race though was an entirely different story.

"Yan One!" Yun Che barked. "Why is he still alive? Is it because you haven't eaten shit for eight hundred thousand years!?"

Yan One shuddered from head to toe before bringing his power down on Long Er. Both the Withered Dragon's head and his voice were annihilated just like that.

Long Yi closed his eyes and waited for death to claim him as well.


Suddenly, a bloodied, tattered figure soared across the air before landing precisely beside Yun Che's feet.

It was the grievously wounded and barely breathing Myriad Manifestations God Emperor.

The god emperor let out a shuddering groan and pleaded with his eyes when he saw Yun Che.

At the same time, the Qilin Emperor's flattering voice reached Yun Che. "Your Magnificence, the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor is one of the main culprits behind the death of the Brahma Monarch Lady Goddess' loyal servant. His fate is hers to decide."

Even before the Myriad Manifestations God Emperor's body had hit the ground, Yun Che could already sense the deep hatred exploding from Qianye Ying'er's person.

She took a step forward and clenched her teeth, but she was so weak that she couldn't even finish off the dying Myriad Manifestations God Emperor.

So Yun Che did the job for her. He raised his leg and brought it down mightily.


The northern region Devil Master crushed the god emperor to bits just like that.

Yun Che asked without turning around, "Who else?"

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