All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2479: Meeting

After Feng Sister left, Xie Gaohua glanced at Qiu Yingjie behind her meaningfully, "Golden wren, silver wren, flying around to Yiwu, you few dutiful sons Yan Wu come home, this nest is far from what you imagined. what."

"This is exactly why we came back. In the process of reform and opening up, we will always encounter various problems, but as long as we stick to the general direction of opening up, the problems can be solved and everything will be fine!" Qiu Yingjie is confident Said, "You were in Quzhou a few years ago and once said,'The party asked me to serve the people, but I made the people have no food to do. You can't do this kind of thing'! Since you can find a way out for the people in Quzhou, You can definitely do this for the people of Yiwu! You are not even afraid of the People's Daily, so why are you afraid of this little problem?"

Quzhou is rich in oranges, which can produce 80,000 quintals a year. According to the regulations, 60,000 quintals must be purchased by the state. The rest of the country does not accept or sell it without permission. You can't eat it, and you can't sell it. Old fruit farmers were forced to beg for food, and even some village officials, in order to complete the target of purchasing oranges, were forced to take them.

Xie Gaohua was a leader in Quzhou at that time and made a bold decision. Under the premise of completing the national plan, the remaining oranges will be sold wherever the price is high... With his support, foreigners have come to buy oranges. The income of fruit farmers is There are too many, but it directly led to the failure of the national order task that year.

Afterwards, the "People's Daily" issued an article criticizing him by name, "undermining the state plan to engage in market liberalization." The orange farmers were so scared that they did not dare to grow oranges anymore, but he encouraged everyone not to be afraid and continue to emphasize. In his words, "I Start from the interests of the people."

   "Do you know all of this?" Xie Gaohua was a little surprised. It's not surprising to see his own news in the newspaper, college students, but knowing that he was not intimidated by the newspaper is another matter.

"Well, I saw it from the letter Ji Feo gave me. He also said that he knew that you supported the reform, and he sent you to Yiwu in order to lead Yiwu towards opening up. Since you are here, Yiwu people will be blessed. That's it!" Qiu Yingjie smiled.

This is indeed what Shen Long said. Yiwu's small commodity market became right under the leadership of Xie Gaohua. Although his tenure in Yiwu was short, he laid a solid foundation for Yiwu's take-off. He has been awarded various titles such as "Pioneer of Reform", "Cultivator of Yiwu Small Commodity Market", and "Most Beautiful Struggle".

After he retired, the Yiwu Expo invited him to participate. When he arrived in Yiwu, Yiwu businessmen organized hundreds of Mercedes-Benz to greet him. The four characters "Drinking Water Think Source" on the car, and a banner was drawn on the side that said "Thank God, Thank You Di, Xie Gaohua"! In turn, I would like to thank Gao Hua for supporting them. Well, this sounds much better than "Thank God, Thank You, Xie Yalong".

   When Ma Yun saw Xie Gaohua in the Great Hall in the future, he also took the initiative to bow and shake hands, because without all that Xie Gaohua did in Yiwu, there would be no business empire of Ma Yun.

   "The policy of the central government will not change. Poverty is not socialism. Secretary Xie, I support you!" Qiu Yingjie expressed his determination to Xie Gaohua, and Xie Gaohua showed joy.

A few days later, Xie Gaohua organized a meeting to discuss this matter. Someone immediately expressed their opposition, "The above must severely crack down on all kinds of speculative activities, such as trading chicken feathers for sugar, street stalls, and other business activities. They are speculative and capitalist. The tail, we should give a firm blow and cut its tail mercilessly! How can we encourage it?"

Xie Gaohua’s face was calm. He had encountered a lot of things like this. After listening to these people’s speeches, he turned his eyes to Qiu Yingjie, "Xiao Qiu, how come you, a top student who flew back from Beijing, didn’t say a word? What?"

  You must be cautious when you are a leader. There is no reason for you to end up fighting with others. If Qiu Yingjie can first say what he wants, he can support it.

"Secretary Xie, dear leaders, I have done a few days of social surveys in Yiwu in the past few days when I came back. Although we are stepping up efforts to block and manage, the number of people doing small commodity transactions is not less and more, but more and more." Qiu Yingjie glanced at Secretary Xie, and Secretary Xie's eyes supported him to continue speaking.

"What's the reason? I have several sets of data here. You can look at the total population of Yiwu cultivated land area... cultivated land per capita... Based on these data, we can clearly see that we only rely on farming. It is impossible to feed so many people!" Qiu Yingjie looked around, everyone was speechless.

"Except for arable land, Yiwu only has a few candied dates and brown sugar. It is definitely not enough to develop agriculture in Yiwu! But Yiwu has a tradition of swapping chicken feathers for sugar, and engaging in small commodity business can be said to be the only way out for Yiwu! When I was studying abroad, I had many times. I saw Yiwu people carrying woven bags selling small commodities on the train. At that time, I really saw the vitality of our Yiwu people. It was this figure that told me that it is worthwhile to come back! Just give some spring breeze and a chance, this The people on this land, with their wisdom and diligence, will not be poor again!"

   Xie Gaohua took the lead in applauding, and other cadres followed and applauded. Most of these cadres were from Yiwu. Why didn’t they know the difficulties of Yiwu? It's just that the wind direction above has changed, so they dare not go against it.

After applauding, Xie Gaohua motioned Qiu Yingjie to sit down and glanced at everyone, "Everyone knows about the car that was stopped that day. The older sister Feng complained to me, saying that our ancestors in Yiwu were poor, and we are poor because there are too many people, and there is little land and little land. Why can I still live here and multiply so far? Yiwu people can do business. She told me not to underestimate this chicken feather for sugar, it taught Yiwu people the ability to dare to break through and endure hardship. I thank someone for not underestimating me! I just want people to have a happy New Year, but our Yiwu shopkeepers are walking north and south in the ice and snow, day and night, slipping and jumping across the mountains and ridges, going from house to house to exchange sugar for chicken feathers and chicken gold. After returning, we will The first-class chicken feathers are sold to the country to support exports, and the poor ones are directly used as fertilizers in the ground, and the chicken money is sold to pharmaceutical companies, so that you can earn a little profit yourself, so how can you run the country and the people? Speaking of capitalism, when the tail of capitalism is cut?" Xie Gaohua patted the table excitedly, and Qiu Yingjie's eyes flashed.

   "Xiao Qiu, the chicken feather you mentioned is amazing. Next time you call him over, I will have a good chat with him!" Xie Gaohua said to Qiu Yingjie after the meeting.

   After Qiu Yingjie left, Xie Gaohua looked at his back. This is a talent!


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