All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2480: give me a hand

Qiu Yingjie approached Shen Long and explained what had happened in the conference room. Then he said, "Hey, the reform and opening up have been emphasized again and again, but this is still the case at the grassroots level. I originally thought that I would be able to show off after I came back. Wait a while!"

"There is inertia in nature, and the same is true in the field of sociology. The introduction of any new policy will inevitably encounter various obstacles. This is something that cannot be avoided in any case. To a certain extent, this is also a protection mechanism to avoid reins. It’s too loose and something happened. Of course, as far as Yiwu is concerned, there are indeed many difficulties we need to overcome! But now that Secretary Xie has expressed his attitude, it is not far from solving the problem in my opinion!" Shen Long said .

At the same time, I was secretly complaining that your words made future college students have to scold their mothers. After they graduate, they have to work hard to prepare for civil service exams, written examinations, interviews, and political trials. What's more, they are just the most basic clerk. In this way, you can participate in discussing the future development direction of a county within a few days of graduation without having to take an exam. Asking them to make a meeting record can make them excited or bad.

"That's right, Secretary Xie is a good cadre! Let's go, follow me to see Secretary Xie." Qiu Yingjie got up and brought Shen Long to the government compound and met Xie Gaohua.

Shen Long said hello after entering the door, Xie Gaohua got up and shook hands with Shen Long, "You are Chen Jianghe, I haven't heard Yingjie talk about you less these days! I heard Yingjie say about the small commodity market, do you have many ideas?"

"We in Yiwu used to earn a living by swapping chicken feathers for sugar, but now brown sugar has become less attractive to the common people. It is no longer possible to feed so many people by simply swapping chicken feathers for sugar, so we must find another way out. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the common people People’s lives are getting better, they have new consumer needs, and our Yiwu people are still very weak and can’t do large projects, so small commodities have become the best choice..." Shen Long began to talk about his own ideas.

Hearing these words, Xie Gaohua nodded repeatedly, "If Yingjie had introduced your situation before, I would have thought you were a college student just by hearing these words!" This is not something most people can tell.

"Reading ten thousand books can travel ten thousand miles. Although I have not read ten thousand books, I have traveled more than ten thousand miles, and I have learned something." We are not just college students.

"Our biggest advantage in Yiwu's development of small commodity wholesale lies in people, so if we want to make this business bigger, we must provide people with convenience. From a policy point of view, we must affirm their legal behavior and give them courage; From the above, the existing market of Niansanli Supply and Marketing Cooperative can no longer adapt to the existing commercial scale. It must be expanded. It is best to improve the conditions, get some cement boards as counters, and build some shelters to protect them from wind and rain. ."

"I'll probably forget it. If you double the current venue, it will cost about 7,000 yuan, but you can isolate hundreds of stalls, and the rent of 2,000 yuan a year for each stall is not too much. In this case, The county can increase its fiscal revenue by at least 200,000 yuan every year!" The current more than 200,000 yuan is not a small amount for Yiwu.

Calculated on the basis of an average annual salary of more than 200 per cadre, the money is enough to pay a thousand people. Now how many cadres in Yiwu eat financial food?

"In addition, the industry and commerce department is better to issue licenses to these vendors, which is also easy to manage." At that time, we will strive to obtain the No. 1 license of Yiwu Commodity City. After a few years, this is a cultural relic of great historical significance.

Shen Long said a lot according to the current situation in Yiwu. Xie Gaohua listened while recording. The handwriting in the notebook was neat and tidy, and he listened carefully.

"No wonder Yingjie said that you are a rare talent in Yiwu, I should have talked to you earlier!" After hearing Shen Long's words, Xie Gaohua made a decision, "Well, you must gather all the small vendors in Yiwu, and I will bring them all. The county and township cadres will have a meeting with you. When that happens, everyone will say what is in their hearts. If it can be solved, I will help you solve it."

A few days later, Xie Gaohua convened the county’s township cadres and more than 200 business households to participate in a meeting. He said at the meeting, “No matter how big things are in the world, it’s not enough for the people to eat their stomachs. If farmers want to be rich, they must allow farmers to participate. In business, everyone must support, no one can be jealous!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the small vendors stood up, their cheeks flushed, and they clapped desperately. After the meeting, a notice was posted on the wall of the government compound, "...Allow farmers to do business, allow long-distance trafficking, Allow the urban and rural markets to be opened and multi-channel competition allowed. August 1982."

As soon as the announcement was posted, Niansanli was crowded with people, small vendors selling stalls, and ordinary people who came to shop, crowding this small area.

Xie Gaohua took Qiu Yingjie over to take a look, and he was very happy, "The place is indeed a bit small, let's quickly find another place to set up the stall." With the booth fee, the cadres can be paid in full. They will not continue to oppose the trade of small commodities. Xie Gaohua is not a rookie like Qiu Yingjie. He has a deeper understanding of humanity and sophistication.

"Yingjie, you will be responsible for this matter. I will give you up to half a month to complete the task!" Xie Gaohua intends to give Qiu Yingjie a chance to exercise.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Qiu Yingjie's waist was straight.

After some inspections, Qiu Yingjie used cement slabs to set up simple stalls by the smelly river in Huqingmen, and lined them in two rows on both sides of the to allow vendors to do business in a fair way, and the industrial and commercial departments also Starting to issue temporary licenses to small businesses, Shen Long got his first license as he wished.

By the beginning of September, this place had already been built. Considering that these small merchants had just started, Xie Gaohua did not collect the full year's rent in one lump sum. Instead, he temporarily adopted the situation of one mortgage and one payment. He originally thought The rent of more than one hundred yuan a month is certainly not many people wanting, and they are still wondering whether to reduce the price, who knows that they were robbed as soon as they were released.

There are still many small vendors who inquire about when the place will be expanded every day, or want to sublet from the people who grabbed it at a high price, but no one is willing to give up this cash cow.

Seeing the prosperity in the market, Qiu Yingjie smiled on his face, "Finally, I did something for the common people. This time I would like to thank you. Otherwise, I don’t know if there is so much cement and awning. Where to get it!"

"If you really want to thank me, do me a small favor!" Shen Long said, some things should be resolved.

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