All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 37 Upgrade The Lord's Mansion, Bloody Mist, And Siege Monsters Mutate!

The cultivation of Jianmu cannot be rushed.

The correct approach is to develop your own territory first, and then nurture Jianmu's growth.

"Regional channel is on."

Lu Yun murmured these words and paced back and forth.

He was looking for ideas and recalling the knowledge from previous textbooks.

If you want to open the next level of regional channel communication, it is actually related to the level of the new lord's mansion.

"The levels of the junior lord's mansion are divided into levels 1-5."

"Levels 1-4 belong to the newcomer stage, and only those who reach level 5 are called junior lords."

"The Level 5 territory has been dubbed a town-level territory again."

The Daxia Dynasty was divided into 16 continents, each state had 12 provinces, each province had 36 prefectures, each prefecture had 72 cities, and each city had 108 counties.

The towns and districts below the county level in the Daxia Dynasty were as numerous as the sand and gravel in the Ganges River and were innumerable.

As for saying,

Daxia was destined to colonize other galactic planes.

More detailed population figures.

It is not something ordinary people can know.

(ps: Junior Lord’s Mansion (Level 1-5), Intermediate Lord’s Mansion (County, City, Prefecture, Province Level 6-9), Senior Lord’s Mansion (State Level 10)

(ps: The current level is town, county, city, prefecture, province, state, country)

"Only by being promoted to the Intermediate Lord's Mansion can the dialogue restrictions on the regional channel and world channel be unlocked."

Lu Yun recalled the secrets found in an ancient book.

In the past, if dynasties wanted to build an ancient town, they had to follow the ancient system of having a population of at least 200,000.

And we must not overstep the ancient system, otherwise there will be disaster.

"The population of the territory is about 200,000, which barely meets the promotion standards for the intermediate lord's mansion."

Thinking of this, Lu Yun opened the current [Territory Panel]

Territory: Tiangong

Lord: Lu Yun

Calendar: 4 days 21 hours 13 minutes 32 seconds

Level: Level 1 (Newcomer Lord’s Mansion)

Lord Characteristics: [Mythic Endowment] (2 times)

Territory characteristics: [When the Stars Shine] [Gathering of Talents] [Leader] [Climber] [Triple Crown]

Special buildings: Jade Crown Hat Square, Tianbing Barracks, Jiafang Office, Nufang Office, Plane Trading Hall, Longmen Inn...

Wonderful buildings: Lushan Mountain (the only one), Pixiu Statue (the only one), Jianmu (the only one)

Prosperity: 4903

Reputation: 3590

Achievements: [Rise in fame]

Population: 36352 (click to view talents)

Weapons: Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards (myth)


Energy: 2.44190w

Backpack: Talent extraction card*3 (A), prop building level breaking card*5 (A), crusade order, migration order (S), teleportation altar (S), lord's mansion promotion card (S).

Territory upgrade: Prosperity 1000, pre-built buildings (level 2 houses*40, large warehouse*2, terraces*20, inn) [currently available for upgrade]

Lu Yun was in a daze for a while, just four days.

He built a behemoth from nothing.

"Upgrade the Lord's Mansion."

[Congratulations, dear lord, your territory is currently at level lV2. 】

[Refresh of refugees in the second-level lord’s mansion: 96 people/day]

"Dear Lord, every time you upgrade your territory, you will be accompanied by mist creatures attacking the city."

"Current monster gathering countdown: 29 minutes and 42 seconds."

[Note: The intensity of monster siege will be comprehensively considered based on the prosperity of the lord's territory, population, arms, and heroes to ensure that the assessment effect is achieved every time. 】

The fog surrounding the territory cleared once again.

The length of the weak water moat will follow the widening of the territory.

Lu Yun glanced at the upgrade prompt.

The doubling of refugee refresh rates is a big surprise. With the title of [Gathering Talents], the probability of refreshing talents is not low.

"The territory has been upgraded!"

There was a lot of commotion.

Cui Chaoyang led a group of people non-stop to repair the extra gaps in the city wall.

The city wall is close to the [Eight Hundred Weak Waters] river and stretches for hundreds of miles.

Covering the entire Tiangong territory.

The brand-new rune city wall shone with dense rune circuits, exuding a terrifying aura.

On the battlements of each section of the city wall, there are teams of sergeants wearing bright light armor, holding crossbows and patrolling on guard.

Sergeant establishment.

Lu Yun is divided into squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions and corps.

The first army has 10 divisions (648,000), the first division has 10 brigades (64,800), and the first brigade has 3 regiments (6,480).

A regiment has 3 battalions (2160), a battalion has 6 companies (720), a company has 3 platoons (120), and a platoon has 2 squads (40).

A squad consists of 20 people: 3 combat teams (9 people), an extra fire team (9 people), and the squad commander (squad leader, communications soldier).

At full strength, each army has a total of 648,000 men.

There are 10 division commanders, 100 brigade commanders, 300 regiment commanders, 900 battalion commanders, 5,400 company commanders, 16,200 platoon leaders, and 32,400 squad leaders.

Lu Yun has great ambitions.

He wants to wait until there are 100 legions in the territory.

Li Zhixuan led more than 60 million soldiers to directly push the surrounding fog dungeons.

With the commander's blessing [Victory] and [Heavenly Thunder Violence], more than 60 million people can attack with more than 600 million basic real damage at a time.


"If you dare to show your health bar, I will lead someone to kill you later."

Lu Yun sneered disdainfully.

A few miles behind the rune city wall, there are neat and strict military camps stationed one after another, including the [Heavenly Soldier Barracks] of the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards.


"The territory now only has the strength of two brigades."

Lu Yun shook his head and sighed.

"I have met the Lord."

All the passing sergeants stopped and saluted with their armor in hand.

Lu Yun nodded slightly, standing on the rune city wall and looking into the distance.

He was in a daze.

But in four days, his territory became more and more like the border of the Iron-Blooded Great Wall.

Above the defense towers, there were bright lights the size of lanterns, which penetrated straight through the thick fog.

It illuminated the surrounding area.

"Sir, this is a brand new application of rune technology."

"The rune headlight can illuminate hundreds of meters of fog."

"Thanks to the [Psychic Technology] manufacturing drawings you gave me last time, sir, we have a new understanding."

"The D-level prop Sanyunzhu completely allows us to break through technical barriers!"

Cui Chaoyang, Zhang San, Li Si and others wearing little red hats hurried over when they heard that the lord was standing on the city wall inspecting.

Lu Yun nodded, first encouraged him, and then increased the welfare benefits of each craftsman.

A D-class fine red hat produced by Jade Crown Hat Factory, plus the scientific research progress blessing of the title of "Leader" and "Climber".

Zhang San, Li Si and the others came up with some new tricks.

As expected.

Later, the influx of materials from all walks of life in the [Plane Trading Hall] and territorial technology research and development will bring more surprises to Lu Yun.


The horizon shook violently.

There are countless skeleton soldiers, boundless, and at a glance, they are all densely packed, as if there is no end.

In the mist.

A pair of green eyes lit up, and a huge figure was vaguely visible, flashing past.

"An undead mist monster?"

Lu Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

He is most afraid of nightmares, grotesques and other rule-based fog monsters siege the city.

The strange abilities of rules-based monsters will bring a lot of trouble to the territory.

The fog monsters that have entities are the best to deal with.


"The fog outside has turned blood red!"

A sergeant gulped and reminded in disbelief.

Lu Yun turned back suddenly.

Look towards the distant horizon.

There is still a chaotic fog, and the unknown starlight of day and night carries an oppressive gloom.

at this time.

The surging fog is covered with a strange blood color!

The old bone knife in the hands of the skeleton soldier at the front suddenly turned into a sophisticated bronze machete, and his body was covered with bronze armor.

The undead bone fire swaying in the head violently increased dozens of times, and the whole body was covered with a black and red evil aura!

"The entire army is on alert!"

"Everyone in the territory must enter a state of combat readiness immediately!"

The relaxation and comfort on Lu Yun's face disappeared.

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