All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 38 Eight Hundred Weak Water Powers! Scarlet Mist.

The moon is dark and the stars are sparse.

This time was originally the most relaxed time for the people of the territory.


Hundreds of thousands of monsters gathered together, the black skeleton warriors, and the undead bone fire, rendering an orange ghost.

A large number of monsters crowded together.

Some of the skeleton monsters wanted to cross the weak water river. As soon as they stepped into the weak water, their entire bodies were dragged into the river by an inexplicable force.

A skeletal monster bird with wings spread tens of meters wide. Its metallic-glossy beak is covered with terrifyingly fine steel teeth.

Flying at high altitude and low altitude, he wanted to break through the restrictions of the weak water river and forcefully invade the territory.

"Eight hundred rivers with weak water cannot float like feathers and are difficult for birds to cross."

Lu Yun shook his head, laughing at the monster's stupidity.

The weak water originates from the Nine Heavens and falls into the Nine Netherworld.

According to the legend, the weak water of the Tianhe River in the thirty-third heaven will lead to the sky. Anyone who dares to forcefully cross the weak water will never return.

The [Eight Hundred Weak Water] derived from the growth of Jianmu cannot be compared to the weak water of Tianhe.

Neither of these monsters can be overcome individually.

On the tall and thick rune city wall, rows of crossbow arrows flashing with cold light were fired side by side.

Arrows rained down from the sky.

It also sank to the bottom of the weak river.

"Ah this?!"

The sergeants looked at each other, obviously not expecting this to happen.

Lu Yun stretched out his hands to cover his face.

The defensive effect is too good but it's okay.

He first glanced at the monster information in front of him.

[Elite Skeleton Soldier] (Mutation)

Level: Level 20 (double)

HP: 1000 (double)

Attribute: Scarlet (Blood Mist Mutation)

Strength: 37, basic attack damage with knife is 60, combo limit is 4 (blessed by scarlet blood mist)

Protection: ancient bronze armor (40 defense points, blessed by scarlet blood mist).

Introduction: A violent monster that has experienced the mutation of the scarlet blood mist. Each attack carries scarlet power and believes in the great Lord of the Undead Mist.

The crimson mist that expanded, contracted and squirmed was like some kind of curtain, blocking all vision outside the territory.

"What is the origin of this fog? The attributes of all monsters have doubled."

Lu Yun looked ugly.

Originally, he planned to use the Jianmu [Bridge Building] magical power.

Artificially create several bridges, surround them for reinforcements, and annihilate them one by one.

See the properties of these monsters.

Lu Yun suddenly hesitated.

"Old man Wang, have you ever encountered this kind of blood mist?"

Lu Yun remembered.

The people of the territory all come from various small plane worlds, and they may have encountered such a situation.

"Sir, I don't know either."

Uncle Wang shook his head, with a sad look on his face.

The lord gave an epic [Talent Extraction] card.

Mr. Wang was lucky enough to randomly draw an A-level epic quality talent.

Just this effect...

[Exercise and extortion]: Designate your subjects and forcibly levy exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes. Very few people can escape your cruel exploitation.

(Negative effects: Exploited people are filled with hatred, their loyalty is reduced by 40, and the security of the territory is chaotic +1)

No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a famous minister or wise man.

Could it be.

Does the little old man have the talent to become a sycophant?

The conscience of heaven and earth!

Uncle Wang is sincere to the lord, why did he draw this strange talent?

The anxious old man Wang had a sad look on his face.

"Old man Wang, don't worry."

"I have another wonderful use for your talent."

Lu Yun saw Old Uncle Wang's uneasiness and comforted him.

In the era of universal lords, there are no useless talents, only people who don’t know how to use them.

Uncle Wang's talent is in line with Lu Yun's wishes.

[Extortionate expropriation] Exploiting the people of your own territory will lead to the stability of the territory and a decrease in loyalty?


The layout is too small.

Isn't it possible to defeat the hostile forces until they surrender?

Then use this talent to loot their treasures.

This is simply a God-given talent for supervising the army.

You surrendered to me hypocritically, and I covet your treasures and resources.

We are all thousand-year-old foxes, what are you doing with me?

There are more and more fog monsters outside, and the fog creatures further away seem to be gathering on their way here.

The scarlet blood mist gradually thickened, even dripping with horrific blood stains.

The monster that was level 20 just now.

In just a few minutes, it gradually reached level 21.

See this situation.

Lu Yun knew that he could not delay it any longer. Just a few months of monster siege would be enough to delay the development of his territory.

If the fog monsters are allowed to gather, and the scarlet blood mist superimposes changes, it will be difficult to deal with a few terrifying creatures.

This big battle must be fought!


There are dozens of copper bridges with a width of hundreds of meters on the Babai Ruishui River.

A large number of skeleton monsters flashing with orange undead fire found an outlet and rushed toward the territory crazily.

The sergeants gathered on the city wall set up their arrows, aimed and fired.

This time.

The arrows and shells on the city walls and towers no longer fell into the river.

Groups of skeleton soldiers and other rare fog monsters suffered heavy casualties under the indiscriminate wash of energy cannonballs and rune arrows.

But the next moment!

Thousands of skeleton crossbowmen walked out of the scarlet mist, and rounds of bronze arrows mixed with scarlet damage fell like rain.

On the city wall, the ordinary people assisting in city defense had a look of fear on their faces.

The rune circuits on the stone bricks of the city wall gradually became brighter, and one rune energy shield after another covered dozens of meters above the city wall.

Most of the damage from the flowing arrows was blocked.

Only the strange skeleton birds high in the sky flew past the city wall at high speed, trying to bypass the defense line and hunt and harvest the lives of the people.

[Elite Skeleton Bird] (Mutation)

Level: Level 25 (double)

HP: 1400 (doubled)

Attributes: [Spread Wings] [Peck] [Pollution] (Blood Mist Mutation)

Strength: 70, basic attack damage 100, combo limit 10 (blessed by scarlet blood mist)

Protection: Scarlet Wings (30 defense points, blessed by scarlet blood mist).

Introduction: A violent monster that has experienced the mutation of the scarlet blood mist. Each attack carries scarlet power and believes in the great Lord of the Undead Mist.

Hundreds of millions of energy shields are falling like crazy.

Boom, boom, boom!

Hundreds of drum beaters from the Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards beat the war drums crazily, and various buffs fell on the sergeants on the city wall.

Thousands of heavenly soldiers and feather guards, led by Li Zhixuan, formed an aerial defense line and fought hard to kill the strange skeleton bird.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards fired one shot after another, piercing through the offensive of the skeleton and strange birds.

The battlefield fell into a stalemate.

At this time, Lu Yun's ear sounded the reminder of the era of national lords.

"Dear Lord."

"The mist creatures who gathered to besiege your territory encountered a rare scarlet mist."

"All monsters' basic attributes are doubled, and their attack power is supplemented by scarlet power."

"Warning for the era of national lords!"

"Affected by the scarlet mist, two planes of turbulence appeared near the territory, and a large number of monsters from the undead world were ready to move."

[Please defeat the core of "Plane Turbulence" within an hour, otherwise the plane cracks will open and cannot be closed. 】

[Countdown 00:59:42]

The two cores of 'plane turbulence' are thousands of miles apart from each other.

Fortunately, the era of national lords prompted two core coordinate information.

"What a joke."

Lu Yun's expression changed.

Urgently notify the Jiutian interview envoy to go to another location to break the core of the 'plane turbulence'.

Lu Yun first opened the [System Store] in the era of national lords.

"[Shadow Defense Tower] (Advanced), priced at 12 million"


"[Frenzy Cannon] (Advanced) 1020w"


"[Shadow Magic Turret] (Advanced) Price 2024w"


From high to low prices, Lu Yun swept away all the various defense towers, city defense forts, etc. in front of him.

(The level of the newly summoned heavenly soldiers and feather guards is not high. It is not as good as defense towers and forts for city defense battles, and their combat power is significantly improved)

Immediately afterwards.

Three thousand heavenly soldiers and feather guards were summoned one after another.

The energy value of the territory is reduced visibly.

At this time, there is no point in giving money for likes.

Just in case Lu Yun comes back.

It's great fun when your territory is overrun by crazy fog monsters.

When there are still 1 billion left.

Lu Yun handed over the authority to "repair buildings" to Bai Gui and Mr. Wang in batches.

He hurriedly deployed dozens of advanced defense towers and dozens of magic forts on the rune city wall.

Territory more fierce fire suppression.

The raging monster craze was suppressed at once, and the situation suddenly reversed.

"We have to close the plane gap quickly."

"Are you kidding me, starting a war with two undead planes?!"

Lu Yun used Jianmu's [Bridge-Building Magical Power] to go to the core coordinate point of 'Plane Turbulence'.

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