All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 470: There Is Only A 98% Certainty Of Success. What Is The Difference Between This And Death

After hearing this, Lu Yun, who was sitting cross-legged on the sea of ​​clouds, had a strange look in his eyes:

"Putting aside his stance, Emperor Xin, who has evil intentions for the great merchant, really has some human-imperial aura about him."

Slightly pondered.

Lu Yun summoned Nezha and Wu Song, who had been honing their martial arts skills for hundreds of years in the [Daluo Tianwang] martial arts world space.

The two of them were stunned when their fists and feet collided with each other. After a brief dizziness, they had reached the sea of ​​​​taixiao clouds.

There was a vast expanse of floating clouds beneath my feet.

"I've met His Majesty, I've met Master."

Wu Song and Nezha put away their shock and said, one after another, they cupped their hands.

"No gift."

Lu Yun slowly stood up.

The muscles and bones in his body resounded with thunder.

Purple air spreads all over the sky under his feet, purple thunder roars in the sky, and rays of light shine through the sea of ​​clouds, illuminating the heaven and earth.

Wu Song, who holds the priesthood of [Tai Sui Star], and Nezha, who possesses the [Reincarnation Lotus Body], are naturally aware of this.

The changes in heaven and earth can be clearly seen.

Although Lu Yun is in the Mahayana realm.

However, his practice of asceticism and his ability to be accommodating to the great road are far beyond the comparison of ordinary immortals.

Nezha naturally felt this more deeply, and he seriously doubted that he had any disobedience.

There is always the risk of death or death.

"At this time, the struggle between good and evil in humanity has become overwhelming."

"Di Xin held on to the last hope of humanity with evil thoughts, devouring the kings of hundreds of countries, and draining the blood of the civil and military officials of the Great Shang."

"And from a distant unknown place, I pray for the power of the True King of All Lives."

"Pick an immortality fruit from his body that is at the lower level of the sixth grade, ranking in the late stage of human immortality."

"Are you sure you can go here?"

Lu Yun's eyes were as bright as a torch, and purple energy flashed across his eyes.

Wu Song and Nezha looked at each other, and then spoke decisively together:

"This war is about the revolution of humanity and the lives of billions of people. Naturally, I will not hesitate to die."

"Nezha's heart is like a humble ant, and his life is thicker than a mountain, so he is naturally not afraid."

Nezha added with a playful smile.

Seeing this, Lu Yun didn't say much.

After briefly thinking about the two's chances of winning against God Xin, it was probably after 30-70.

Then he called Wang Xiaopang and Sheng Jin.

In the end, Lu Yun felt that it was still not safe enough: "There is only a 98% certainty of success. What is the difference between this and death?!"

"Where are the star gods of the Heavenly Palace, the gods of the Baiyue Mountains, and the ghosts and gods of Fengdu?"

Lu Yun just shouted softly.

All the star gods, ghosts and gods who were fighting and competing with the strange immortals heard voices in their hearts at the same time.

"All ministers are here."

"Put down the chores in your hands and let's sing and kill the king together!"


Lu Yun's title to Di Xin seemed to directly cause the Ziwei Star to move abnormally, and the stars in the sky fell.

Originally, Emperor Xin had some human-imperial energy gathered in him.

He was knocked back to his original shape in just a moment.

The Emperor of Heaven has an order.

If you say you are a king, you will only be called a king for the rest of your life!

Lu Yun realized the magical power of the Tianxian in his mouth in [The Strange Realm of Rebirth].

The power exerted is even more simple and crude, and full of the overbearing pressure of the Emperor of Heaven!

In Chaoge City.

Evil trader, no!

Now it is more accurate to say that it is a black bird formed by evil thoughts and human nature. Just a pair of eyes can cover half of the sky in Chaoge City.

"What a terrifying Boss. It just makes him feel so oppressive when he appears."

"Family, has anyone seen his health bar? Why do I only see the gray True Injury Shield?"

"It seems like it should, maybe it has a health bar..."

Seeing this, the Iron-Blooded Lords were shocked and confused.

"Since I am the Human Emperor... why should the King say so?"

Di Xin resisted the power of the Heavenly Constitution to depose the Emperor of Heaven, and his shoulders creaked and exploded, and the heavy debts and disaster energy surged.

The Zhou army next to him took a look.

Suddenly, inner demons were haunting him, endless demonic sounds poured directly into his mind, and a large number of monks died suddenly on the spot.

"not good."

"Everyone, please recite [Lingguan Jue] silently to resist the invasion of external demons."

The clever Xiao Kun immediately reminded him on the lord channel.

His group of seemingly dull-witted legendary Golden Behemoths actually followed suit and made a middle finger gesture.

"Fuck, man, no way."

"You even taught Golden Behemoth [Spiritual Official Technique]!"

The lords present were shocked.

"Stop talking, look at the gate in the sky, Nezha, Nezha is out!"

Before anything could be said in the lord's channel, urgent news came out one after another.

Xiao Kun, Qiao De and others heard the news and left.


The true fire of Samadhi spread across the sky, and the next moment, a sea of ​​​​fire rolled up all over the sky.

When encountering the evil black bird, it is a direct dimensionality reduction attack.

Pollution, evil thoughts, and debts that have been lingering on the top of the head for a long time, and disasters become the best fuel.

The dark curtain that was originally caused by the arrival of the black bird turned into a fiery red and bright cloud in the blink of an eye.

"You are also the mainstay of the Great Xia, heroes who have taken the lead for the country and the world... Now we are waiting to knock down the fate of the evil Shang Xuanniao."

"Everyone's attacks will have the same effect."

"You dare to fight."

Wu Song laughed freely, grabbed the wine jar the size of a water tank in his hand and drank it all in one gulp. The blood-colored energy on his head rushed straight into the clouds.

Qiao De, Xiao Kun and other lords rubbed their eyes and looked at the lord panel again.

as expected.

The gray real shield state just disappeared, and now every attack they make can really hit Di Xin.

Soon, an even more amazing phenomenon was discovered.

Di Xin's health bar is accurately displayed!

This discovery shocked everyone, and then their faces were full of excitement.

"Great, a boss with a health bar is not a boss, but a reward to be killed."

"Brothers, the long-range attack fleet and warlocks are behind, and the melee warriors and tank troops are flanking to harass!"

At this time, Lu Yun's figure appeared from above the sea of ​​clouds.

Outside Nantianmen.

The eyes of all the lords were involuntarily attracted.

"Killing the Evil Thoughts of Humanity, the war in the Martial Immortal Great Wall Star Territory will be alleviated, and more than half of the killing camp's Gui Nation will also be uprooted in Daxia with the demise of the Evil Thoughts of Humanity."

"Please, gentlemen, please do your best!"

Lu Yun looked calmly at the lord below who had expressions of fear, surprise, and joy flashing across his face.

"Hahaha, everyone, please listen to Daxia Dragon Roar!"

Joad could no longer hold back his joy.

He expected that the copy of Nezha launched by Daxia Mansion would be good, but he also did not expect that the effect of the copy would be so overbearing!

It involves true and false, false and true supernatural powers.

It's something that no ordinary god can do.

Even if the five Earth Immortals on the Great Wall Starfield used such heaven-defying magical powers, the resources consumed in creating the copy would be terrifying!

The words just fell.

The figures of the Taoist soldiers of Daxia appeared one by one in the sea of ​​​​stars in the deep sky, and the figures of the yellow scarf warriors appeared in the void.


Facing Di Xin's cold and domineering gaze.

All the lords had 200% fighting spirit and countless trump cards at the bottom of the box, and they threw them at them for free.

The number of people participating in the war has reached eight trillion!

As far as the eye can see.

The deep sky and the sea of ​​stars are filled with bright and terrifying roars of Taoism, as well as the aftermath of the magical powers and magic weapons used by the immortals and gods with all their strength.

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