All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 471: Shang History Divination, The True Role Of History. (4K)

Tens of billions of bright flames soared into the sky, and according to tricky postures and angles, they fell hard on Di Xin's Dharma Appearance, which occupied half of the sky.

Now it is thanks to the merits and virtues of the Guixian and Gui Kingdom in Daxia and the Martial Immortal Great Wall Star Region.

The realms of celestial star gods, mountain gods, ghost gods, and city gods followed one after another.

Excluding the first echelon of Jiutian Interviewer, Wang Lingguan, Zhao Gongming, Bai Gui, Dayi, and Nezha, they are ranked among the true immortals.

Tu Bo and Black and White Wuchang are slightly inferior, but they are only in the early stages of the True Immortal Realm.

The second echelon: General Xuehe and Mrs. Xuechi were not to be outdone, and respectively reached the realm of immortals.

As for the mountain gods of the Yang world, the city gods of the Yin world, and other immortals and gods who hold important positions in the official rank of [9th grade and 24th grade].

The realms are constantly wandering between pseudo-immortal and jie-imian.


A strong wind blew, causing sand and rocks to fly on the ground.

Some people in the hiding place of the ruins looked up and looked around, but their eyes were blinded by the wind and sand, and they could not open their eyes.

A biting chill gradually came with the wind, and more senses had not yet had time to appear.

Many monsters mixed in Chaoge City, who were lucky enough to withstand Emperor Xin's sonic attack, were directly taken away by the oversaturated energy shock wave of the lord's army.

A pile of buildings that had collapsed into ruins.

At this time, not even ashes were left in the city, and the aftermath of the attacks by the gods and gods in the sky created extremely terrifying space-time turbulence in the surrounding space. If you are not careful, you may be lost in other spaces.

This also made many lords have no choice but to order their troops to use warships with shield functions to attack Emperor Xin in flying boats.

Di Xin's expression remained unchanged, he lifted a large bronze cauldron in his hand and threw it directly into the sky.

"The mysterious bird of destiny descended and gave birth to Shang."

"Destiny is mine."

There was a flash of light.

The huge bronze tripod is solemn and solemn, like a towering mountain. The tripod is huge, showing the strong and majestic momentum formed by the gathering of the will of all people.

Cruel and bloody sacrificial rituals are printed in front of the cauldron, as if Yin people were offering sacrifices. The smoke rises and contrasts with the patterns on the cauldron.

The top of the tripod is decorated with a three-legged black bird.

The black bird spreads its wings and is about to fly. The details of its feathers are clearly visible, as if it will fly high in the next moment.

The patterns on the tripod are complex and fine, intertwined with innate patterns and Tao patterns unique to immortal weapons.

It's just that there are many small dark patterns composed of black fireworks on it, tightly binding the evil businessman's national destiny.

This is an important weapon of the country made of evil thoughts and humanity.

A circle of golden and blue national luck magic light spread out instantly, and he easily controlled the energy attack that rushed towards Di Xin.

As soon as it appears.

Then he stopped the attacks of thousands of immortals and hundreds of millions of troops without missing a beat.

Ripples of varying sizes filled the sky, spreading across the shield formed by the heavy human weapon.

Di Xin's eyes narrowed slightly, he sighed, and then continued to utter a series of rapid and clear orders:

"Preface: In the year Jiachen, in the month of Jisi, on the day of Dingchou."

"The distant ancestors asked Xin, the revolution of humanity has continued the destiny of heaven."

Buzz buzz—!

As Di Xin asked.

The whites of his eyes began to turn black, and the black child gradually began to turn white.

The black bird on the top of the bronze cauldron screamed fiercely.

[Fate words: The Ding Revolution of Humanity, the Mysterious Bird of Destiny. 】



Xuanniao seemed to want to give some response, but the Black Law of Northern Emperor covering it was directly locked, preventing any response.

The divination process of the Shang Dynasty was divided into four steps:

The preface contains the time of divination and the name of the person; the divination contains the information about the divination;

Divination refers to the words made by the king of Shang based on divination; verification of words refers to the authenticity of things.

The Xuanniao ancestral artifact has the power to summon the long history of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Under normal circumstances.

Once the long river of history intercepted by the Yin and Shang Dynasties is summoned.

The other party is about to suffer from the majestic history of tens of thousands of years of Yin and Shang Dynasties. Countless years of changes will wipe out the other party's spiritual understanding.

If the character is not strong.

Faced with this kind of method, it will immediately become a part of the history of Dashang.

Became a subject of Emperor Xin!

However, the summoning process was blocked by Lu Yun, and he could only use a very small part of his power, not even one ten thousandth of his usual power.

When Di Xin was pondering.

The battle near Chaoge became more and more terrifying.

The remaining troops of the Wei Kingdom on the ground have not yet gathered together with the other Wei Immortals who were defeated in the Taixiao Sea of ​​Clouds.

Thick dragon claws hang down from the sky.

Yunhai made a bloody and cruel chewing sound. Looking carefully, these dragon claws were actually part of the true form of Emperor Xin.

I don’t know when.

Chaoge has been reduced to a monstrous demon cave where no one can live.

The monster Di Xin, composed of illusory inner demons, human evil thoughts, and royal dragon energy, drives the [Xuanniao Ancestral Cauldron] to suppress the surrounding void.

Including the weird immortals who retreated to their respective weird countries, they were captured by the Blood Bird Guards as soon as they showed up.

It can be said.

The Great Shang Emperor Xin, who has the support of evil thoughts and humanity, can be called an unsolvable existence at this stage.

the other side.

Nezha and Wu Song also encountered some unprecedented troubles.

Chaoge's long-lost historian was not devoured, but instead stepped onto the stage of war.

They hold history books forged with blood law, surrounded by ghosts who died unjustly, and speak plausibly:

"The Emperor has decreed that in the year Jiachen, it will be the month of Jisi and the day of Dingchou."

"Avoid wandering in the clouds and avoid fighting."

Just two words of date motto.

The power of the evil businessman and historian immediately evoked evil thoughts and humanity, and the words that came out of his mouth had unpredictable power.

What is history?

History represents plain text, and calendar is astrological algorithm.

History is something that the Shang Dynasty used to record the accounts of vassal states, and compare and shock them year by year.

If something happens that does not conform to the Shang calendar.

The boss said he would beat you.

The younger brothers below were also speechless.

Why do you think the history recorded by others is wrong more than once when you compare it?

Do you have any evil intentions, disobedience and rebellion?

At least when historical records first appeared, it was a means for the central government to govern local areas.

"Break it for me!"

Nezha used the Qiankun circle to hit it several times, and the oracle bone inscriptions composed of inscriptions on business history all over the sky hovered in an orderly manner, making clanging sounds while flying.

Using an evenly distributed method, each Oracle shared Nezha's offensive equally.

Wu Song and Nezha became more and more angry. Before they could get close to Di Xin, they were stopped by Shang Shi.

There is a feeling that strength is exerted on the cotton and cannot be beaten out.

Really unwilling to give in!

Lu Yun glanced at the business history inscriptions surrounding it below, and saw at a glance the strangeness and mystery inside.

"Using historical methods to bind all the nations on is indeed a creation of true civilization."


"Evil thoughts are ultimately evil thoughts, not great businessmen."

"The edict, the laws of heaven and earth, are broken!"

Lu Yun gave an order.

Far more domineering than the oracles of Shang history, the Tiangong Code and the Black Code of Beidi appeared.

Thicker than history?

Just tens of thousands of years of human changes.

How can it be compared to the supreme heaven where time can easily cost hundreds of millions of dollars!


Before Di Xin could find a way to crack it.

Not only did the business history inscriptions disappear, but it also directly caused the Black Bird Ancestral Cauldron, which was composed of evil thoughts and human nature, to collapse inch by inch.

Without the protection of the Shang Shi Divination and the Black Bird Ancestral Cauldron, the true form of Emperor Xin's Dharma covering the world began to become shaky.

Upon seeing this, Nezha and Wu Song took the opportunity to attack Di Xin with all their strength.

"Kill him while he's sick."

"Brothers, don't hold back, go ahead and kill us."

At the same time, other immortals and armies also stepped up their attacks.

The first to bear the brunt was the Sword Immortal Legion under Qiao De. Three million sword cultivators who were all in the God Transformation Realm moved in unison, and the sword energy in the sky gathered into a sword that could cut through the void.

"It takes two hundred years to cultivate a sword and gather strength."

"Just for now!"

The Yuyi Taoist priest who followed Li Jing said with a strange look in his eyes: "This sword technique has reached the pinnacle of human skills, but there are sword immortals like this all over the sky."

"Skills are as close to the Tao as skills are to the Tao."

The other lords nodded slightly in admiration.

Emperor Xin was disturbed by the power of the sky-cutting sword that was unpredictable, transformed into millions, and resembled smoke and mist, and he suddenly shouted angrily:

"Everything in the world is the land of the king, and the shores of the land are all the ministers of the king."

"You, the rebellious ministers and traitors, should be punished for their crimes!"

The words just fell.

The remaining human emperor energy in Emperor Xin's body mobilized the power of the ancestors of the Yin and Shang dynasties, and he actually forcibly captured the lower half of the historical river of Yin Ruins, and the blood energy in the sky condensed into soldiers.

Truly one person can make a country! !

When hundreds of millions of blood drops fell, a shadow of blood an inch high appeared faintly in each drop of blood, and then connected with the long river of history, transforming into a living person on the spot.

Terrifying gusts of demonic energy were set off around Di Xin, like howling evil spirits, and he once again broke free from the siege of all the lords.

Less than ten seconds.

The number of fallen lord armies on the entire battlefield has exceeded 30 billion, and the number of casualties on all sides has surged!

"Here comes the sword!"

Jiutian's interview made his eyes linger on Qiao De for a moment, and he waved the Nine Yuan Sword lightly in his hand.


All the sword cultivators, swordsmen, and soldiers under the concept of swords present were shaken in their hearts, as if they were seeing the world again. How can one word describe it as shocking?

Qiao De's eyes shone brightly and he murmured: "How is it possible? The sword intent condensed by three million divine sword immortals is not even as good as one person."

The Yuyi Taoist priest who followed Li Jing was also shocked and doubtful: "He is a real swordsman."

They have the eyesight of experts in the art of swordsmanship.

Naturally, I immediately saw the difference in Jiutian Interviewer's sword skills. It seemed ordinary, but in fact it pointed directly to the origin of the sword! !

A ray of sword light came down from top to bottom, like a startling light flashing through the sky.

The battlefield was completely crazy!

Everyone is looking up at Di Xin's Dharma, hoping to kill him and get rewards.

the other side.

Wuxian Great Wall Star Region.

Qianyi fell into the planetary world, and the small world of heaven hummed and wailed. It seemed that most of the attacks on Di Xin hit their bodies through unknown means.

"Array up."

Seeing this, Lu Yun gently moved forward, and a large number of golden threads of fate appeared instantly. It's like a brush painting at the same time, depicting a complex and mysterious formation unit structure in the void.

There are 129,600 fairy cities on the sea of ​​clouds in Taixiao.

All of them burst into bright starlight!

In an instant, a star formation covering the entire copy appeared.

"Nantianmen Immortal Formation, attract all living beings into the game."

The place where Lu Yun stands is the formation eye that controls this giant immortal formation.

Everything that happens in the Nezha dungeon affects the Great Wall of Martial Arts star field.

There are still countless troops from the Gui Kingdom on the ground, breaking through the Great Wall of Humanity area, but they just arrived and were directly taken into the copy by [Southern Gate].

One face to face.

One by one, the strange immortals who barbarically broke in were directly deprived of their basic spirituality by the laws of the heavenly palace, and they crashed straight into the sea of ​​​​taixiao clouds, splashing clouds and flowers.

And those treacherous armies with a scale of hundreds of billions.

While entering the copy.

They couldn't even enter Chaoge in the core battlefield area.

As long as he comes a little closer, he will be annihilated on the spot under the attack of the gods and tens of thousands of elite lords from the Tiangong territory.

"Di Xin hasn't passed away yet... please don't cause trouble for me."

With a wave of his hand, Lu Yun increased the power of the Nantianmen Immortal Formation by a thousand times.

Once again, the army of the Killing Kingdom broke into the dungeon.

Not to mention close to Chaoge.

The original place is in the Sihai area and the Chentangguan area is spinning.

Surrounding all the trillions of troops who killed the country. No matter how high or low your cultivation level is, once you step into it, you will feel like you have fallen into the secluded world, trapped and unable to get out.

At this time, some lords who had received the side missions tentatively circled back to the Sihai area and saw the killing army of Guiguo who were running around like headless flies.

The iron-blooded lords all had overjoyed expressions on their faces, "There really are some weird brushes here."

On the main battlefield of Chaoge, the tens of millions of troops they led were defeated by the ancient history of the Yin and Shang Dynasties before they could even get close to Emperor Xin, rendering them useless.

"Quick, quick, kill him."

"If we destroy these soldiers of the Wei Kingdom, we might be able to recover some blood."

Xiao Kun's original unwillingness towards the side mission completely subsided.

The separation between immortals and mortals.

Like a natural chasm, this point becomes even more distinct on the dungeon battlefield.

Some lords with insufficient background are destined to stand like minions on the battlefield of Chaoge, restless.

Lu Yun specifically targets this situation.

It provides another way for development and growth for the lords who are wandering at the bottom.

Just a glimpse.

Lu Yun no longer paid attention to the situation on the side battlefield and other dungeon battlefields, and his mind completely fell on the Chaoge battlefield.

at this time.

Nezha and Wu Song felt Lu Yun's attention, and a hint of shame and anger flashed on their faces.

They passed a day.

We haven't taken down Emperor Xin yet, and even with the Xuanniao Ancestral Cauldron and Xuanniao National Fortune disappearing, we are still only tied with Emperor Xin.

Di Xin spat out donated blood from his mouth, and his body exuded a penetrating green light. All kinds of ominous atmosphere, accompanied by the black light of disaster, want to spread and erode around.

"Destiny is in business!"

Accompanied by the leakage of breath.

Di Xin's realm actually climbed up again, reaching the middle stage of Sanxian, which was even a small realm higher than the realm of Yuqi.

The clouds are surging and the wind and thunder are howling.

A huge vortex suddenly formed in the sky.

Like a crack in the sky, countless thunderbolts and lightnings shine in it.


A figure appeared under the sea of ​​clouds.

On a battlefield with hundreds of millions of people, one more person would not attract anyone's attention.

But the extra person is Lu Yun, so the situation is naturally different.

"Lu Yun. It's Lu Shen!"

"His Majesty appears, everyone's attack continues!!"

Everyone was furious, unleashing even more terrifying attacks.

This scene.

It just happened to attract the attention of Di Xin, who was preparing for a fight to the death.

However, Lu Yun was just like a mortal, without any breath leaking out.

Keep him unpredictable.

Only that indifferent expression and a gentle glance made Di Xin's own spiritual senses frantically warn, and his hands and feet became cold.

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