All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 55 Alien Lords Attack The City (Please Update And Comment, Thank You)

It was calm and nothing happened.

[Taking into account the prosperity of the Tiangong territory, military strength, hero level, lord strength, and the number of wonder buildings, we are matching you with the best range of alien lords. 】

The siege monsters no longer prompt for siege information, and everything happens quietly.

Fortunately, Lu Yun was prepared.

Tens of thousands of soldiers who have gone out to explore in the past few days have placed [Rune Beacons] all over the territory for thousands of kilometers.

Once there is any trouble.

It will be immediately sent back to the territory by [Rune Beacon].

"The alien lord is attacking the city."

Lu Yun took a deep breath and ordered the sergeants to prepare for battle.

After upgrading to the third-level lord's mansion, if you want to start the development route of the civilized era, you will inevitably encounter the siege of foreign lords.

The strength level of the alien lords encountered depends entirely on the development scale of the individual lord's territory.

In the era of universal lords.

There are not only lords struggling to survive in the foggy world.

There are also various fallen lords who have been swallowed up by the fog. They retain the characteristics of the lords and are some of the most terrifying people in the foggy world.

The production efficiency of the entire Tiangong territory has been mobilized.

Those who transport grain, those who make weapons, those who transport weapons.

"Hurry up."

"Carry these rune ballistas up the city wall."

Ge Erdan and Wang Laobo nervously directed the warriors to move the ballista.

"One or two."


Hundreds of huge ballistae were transported up the city wall by tens of thousands of people.

This is a rune ballista jointly produced by the Hundred Craftsmen's Mansion and the Weapons Workshop.

Huge rune arrows shining with cold light were carried up the city wall one by one, and a special bow compartment was placed next to them for storage.

The bottom is filled with braziers, which are constantly roasting and adjusting the temperature of the bow compartment.

The rune crossbow carriage can rotate 360° and is placed on a special crossbow platform base.

Limited by the development process of the current civilized era.

No firearms weapons were developed in Luyun territory.

But the counterweighted trebuchets, large ballistas, etc. from the pinnacle of classical civilization are all arranged.

The military inheritance of "Bing Wu" and the craftsman knowledge of "Creation Method".

Perfect reproduction of the ballistae and gun carriages (trebuchets) of the classical era.

the other side.

On the high platform in the inner city.

Liu Changqing dismantled the secrets of getting started with martial arts, move by move, and practiced them meticulously.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were crowded below.

Soldiers continued to successfully cleanse their tendons and cut their marrow.

The weak blood energy on the top flashed past, converging into a vast ocean of light red blood energy.

On the city wall.

"It's too low, the level is too low."

Lu Yun looked at this scene with uncontrollable worry in his eyes.

Tens of thousands of sergeants with an average level of more than 20 are still mainly defending.

The fog became more and more turbulent in the darkness, and there was danger hidden in the surging fog.


The Tiangong territory is thousands of miles away.

Dark air currents appeared and gathered together.

A super giant door spanning two planes appeared.

A big river gushes out immediately after the gate.

"It's suffocating me."

"It's nothing like that."

Monsters with human legs and fish bodies, covered in pitch-black scales, emerged holding a one-meter-tall trident.

The average level hovers around level 5 to 6.

Immediately afterwards, a seemingly endless river continued to flow out of the star gate, and the river gradually formed a beach stream.

At this time.

A dark black fish monster suddenly emerged from the water. It was dozens of meters long and its level was impressively level 16!

More and more black fish monsters appear.

"This time it is the lord of some race that is being devoured."

"I prefer to eat two-legged sheep."

"Their meat quality is more to my taste, and every bite is bursting with juice."

A large number of monsters with human legs and fish bodies stood on top of the black fish monsters, holding tridents and talking.

The monster with human legs and fish body was combined with the black fish spirit, and the level jumped to level 20.


A sea clan palace that spans dozens of kilometers appears.

Countless tentacles stretched out from the throne, and cold sounds echoed in the palace.

"How was today's meal prepared?"

The eight-clawed butcher holds eight bloody knives and chops them into the greasy chopping board, turning the rotten human flesh into mince.

"Come back, sir, it's almost ready."

The Octopus Butcher hummed a few syllables in his nasal cavity.

Outside the Hai Clan's palace.

The huge giant-clawed octopus statue holds a recorder high and stands between heaven and earth. The statue quietly overlooks the world in front of it.

The statue is covered by totems.

The eyes of all the sea monsters were red, filled with bloody evil.

The gushing water quickly formed huge waves, carrying tens of thousands of sea people towards the Tiangong territory.

Water levels are rising in all directions.

However, the fog seems to have no end.

Still firmly in control of the world, no matter how high the sea water is, the fog will never dissipate.

The gray-white mist on the sea surface was gradually turned black by the breath of the sea people, and the dark clouds and mist became lower and lower.

The sky in the Tiangong territory.

At a certain moment, it suddenly became dark.

"what happened??"

"it's dark."

Ge Erdan and Mr. Wang looked at each other and swallowed.

The sky turned dark suddenly.

The sky was clear one moment, and pitch black the next.

Outside Longmen Inn.

The shouts of street vendors and salesmen disappeared, and pedestrians came and went in a hurry, fearing to avoid something.

"call out------"

The iron whistle produced by Baijiang Workshop sounded in the night sky.

The whistle was sharp and long, spreading in all directions in an instant.

"Don't panic, everyone, the territorial adults are preparing to fight."

"The flames of war will not burn into the territory."

Hua An and Allen temporarily pulled up a few teams of heavenly soldiers and feather guards, riding horses in the sky to appease people's hearts.

"Everyone should avoid congestion. Once a stampede occurs, there will be many casualties."

Allen struggled to use amplification magic, and his sharp whistle and rough and hoarse shouts spread throughout most of the territory.

"Has the alien lord appeared?"

Du Qiuniang looked at the familiar scene in front of her.

Once upon a time, her previous lord was promoted to level 3 lord's mansion.

The same situation that causes celestial phenomena to change.

"Quick, get on the city wall!"

Liu Changqing and other tens of thousands of soldiers immediately rushed to the top of the city without having time to continue practicing.

A thick, dark cloud hung low on the top of Lushan Mountain, with neither thunder nor rain.

But the entire Wulao Peak was shrouded in a desperate darkness like midnight.

The strong wind roared, blowing countless yellow flags on the city wall.

"Lord of the Sea Tribe?"

Lu Yun looked at the prompt information on the [Lord Panel].

The seductive messenger stationed hundreds of miles away from the territory conveyed the news.

The [Rune Beacon] in the distance was destroyed like a torrent.

"His Majesty."

The Jiutian interviewers couldn't sit still and stood on the city wall together.

"Can you find out how long it will take for them to arrive near the territory?"

Lu Yun asked.

"Thirty minutes later."

"Under the influence of the alien totem, the waves surge at a very turbulent speed."

"Currently, there are about 20,000 sea people running towards us."

The Nine Heavens Interviewer is reporting the news brought by the power of [Psychic Induction].

"Time is enough, come with me for a walk."

Lu Yun's eyes were calm.

The Jiutian interviewer was stunned and nodded.

At the highest point of the turret of the city wall, Lu Yun stood here, looking down at the tens of thousands of people and soldiers below.

"My fellow soldiers."

"Today is the day for territory promotion."

"We will encounter attacks from alien lords from other planes, and overwhelming seawater will rush towards the territory."

Lu Yun's tone was calm, and the situation was extremely dangerous, but it seemed to have no impact on Lu Yun at all.

The amplification magic array that had been prepared long ago continued to read Lu Yun's voice into the territory.

"But there is no need to panic too much."

"Today's battle to defend the city will definitely make our Tiangong territory famous."

Lu Yun's face darkened slightly and his eyes sharpened.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers shouted in unison, the sound shaking the heaven and the earth.

"very good."

Lu Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, although he was not sure in his heart.

But he is the lord.

You cannot show the slightest hint of timidity or lack of confidence in front of the people of your territory.

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