All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 56 Dark Clouds Over The City, Mythical Heavenly Weapons And Divine Power (Please Comment And

Black clouds are pressing down on the city, threatening to destroy it.

On the distant horizon, the sound of waves comes from far to near.

A huge black monster fish jumped up, and a ferocious-looking Sea Tribe soldier stood on it.

He wiped his neck provocatively.

"Hahahaha, Liuba Ben has started his performance again."

"I don't know how long the human lord can hold on this time."

"What else can we do?!"

"Robbing money, drinking, and women."

Behind him, countless Sea Clan soldiers burst into laughter.

On the city wall.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yun held the sledgehammer tightly in his hand, his eyes cold.

In front of him was a huge-looking ballista.

The six cows pushed hard on the ground, and slow and heavy crunching sounds were heard one after another.

The thick string of the ballista was gradually wound up under the action of brute force.

"Sir, the fishmen cavalry of the Sea Tribe are cruel by nature."

"Besides, this is too slow."

The Jiutian interviewer glanced at the ballista and explained in a calm tone.

Immediately afterwards.

A ray of sword light reaching the sky, mixed with sonic boom, roared past.

The huge black fish spirit monster, along with dozens of miles around it, were all razed to the ground by the sword light.


It took a long time for the endless stream of sea water to fill the ravine created by the sword light.

"His Majesty."

"The subtle tricks of the Jiutian lineage will make you laugh."

The Jiutian interviewer bowed his hands, his tone as calm as before.

Hearing this, the faces of the surrounding sergeants twitched crazily.

Is the thousand-meter sword light related to weak tricks? !

the other side.

Ge Erdan, who was in his giant state, pulled hard with one hand, and the crossbow was easily wound.

Hundreds of arrow towers and turrets complete the spiritual energy storage.

All shimmering with light.

Every twenty meters on the city wall, there is a super rune headlight that shines into the fog without any blind spots.

Several hundred meters away.

The moat composed of eight hundred weak waters and the sea water in the sea clan plane present two distinct boundaries.

A large number of sea monsters looked at the weak water moat in front of them with fear and did not dare to cross.

A tiny snake with a single horn and purple scales swam, and its tail suddenly opened a gap in space.

The other black fish monsters had red eyes and dived in with the fish knights on them.

The Weushui River is only fifty or sixty meters away.

In an instant, he was crossed by a wave of sea monsters.

Lu Yun gently struck the ballista in front of him with the hammer in his hand.

Hundreds of sergeants around him were also making tapping movements.


Bursts of heart-rending shouts suddenly erupted from the city.

Giant rune arrows were activated by the ballista.

The scene of tens of thousands of random arrows shooting out was like a flock of birds flying, covering the open space under the city wall without any blind spots.


The giant arrows with runes used to ward off all evils pierced through the Sea Tribe's murloc cavalry, shattering bones and scattering ashes.

Dark clouds as black as ink hung high in the sky like an iron curtain.

A small black dot appeared on the horizon.

Immediately afterwards.

A huge octopus statue totem measuring over a hundred meters appeared together with the Sea Clan Palace.

Just looking at the octopus statue from a distance made them feel like their minds were being pulled into it.

They all looked away, not daring to look for long.

Accompanied by the appearance of the octopus statue totem.

The momentum of the wandering sea fish knight soared by a large amount, condensing into a terrifying monster military spirit.

Densely packed murloc warriors quickly occupied the surrounding open space, and more Sea Tribe soldiers brandishing various weapons gathered around the Sea Tribe palace.

Endless sea water surged against the Tiangong territory.

Mountains, forests, walls, and jagged rocks, all existence was swallowed up by the sea.

“Lots of delicious and delicious food.”

"When was the last time you bumped into a human lord practicing martial arts?"

"The Lun family almost forgot about it."

Heidi, the octopus leader of the Sea Tribe, has crazy eyes, saliva dripping from the corners of her mouth, and her figure is shaking around.

"My lord, three years ago."

The Octopus Butcher chops up delicious human flesh to help remember.

"Three years ago?"

"There are many old people in the territory opposite."

"I want to eat at Renrui's banquet."

Heidi sniffed the scent of the old people in the territory, her expression full of aftertaste.

"Okay sir."

The Octopus Butcher opened his mouth full of fine teeth.

The raw flesh of various creatures remained on it, which was disgusting.

Continuous wind and waves came from another plane, as if to form some kind of siege, overlapping and blocking the entire Tiangong territory from all directions.

Looking down from above, you can see the long Tiangong city wall with bright lights.

Low and desolate horn sounds sounded from all over the city wall.

Almost at the same time.

Hundreds of drum beaters beat the drums rhythmically.

"Today's defense war is the starting point for the future war in the Tiangong plane."

"One day, offense and defense will change!"

Lu Yun held a sledgehammer in his hand and spoke in an impassioned tone.

8,000 heavenly soldiers and feather guards stood behind him, and densely packed sergeants holding long swords stood in front of him.

Yellow flags were erected all over the city, flapping in the wind.

"The enemy can go, and so can we!"

The attention of the soldiers all over the city was focused on Lu Yun, their eyes were blazing, and their loud shouts resounded through the sky.


Lu Yun took a deep breath and shouted.


In the gloomy sky, the golden light composed of thousands of heavenly soldiers and feather guards turned into a rainbow passing through the sky.

the other side.

The flying fish army of the Sea Tribe moved through the fog silently.

Who would have thought.

The soldiers of the Sea Clan are not only good at water warfare, but also have a group of elite air troops.


This group of invincible flying fish army met the mythical heavenly soldiers from ancient legends.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Feather Guards fight the elite.


A thunder sounded from the sky.

this moment.

A sudden feeling of panic arose in the hearts of all the sea monsters.

The leader Heidi seemed to have returned to the time when she was still a beast, trembling in the face of the mighty roar of heaven.

"what happened."

Heidi felt something bad in her heart.

"Cultivation is difficult."

"It's more difficult to build a highway."

"Life and death are unpredictable, and the weather is unpredictable."

Bai Gui looked at this scene with a faint expression.

According to ancient legends, three disasters, nine disasters and ten calamities are disasters that all monks cannot avoid.

"Thunder disaster" refers to thunder from the sky, which has been withstood.

After passing this test, he couldn't bear it anymore and ended his life. This was the "thunder disaster" that tempered his bones.

Li Zhixuan belongs to Shenxiao Jiuchen, one of the eight tribes of Tianting, and a lineage of Lei tribe.

Lei Bu is in charge of thunder, which brings disasters and punishes people.

Li Zhixuan's commanding talent of [Entire Army Formation] was never prepared for ordinary mortal armies.

One that can truly exert 100% power.

Only true mythical heavenly soldiers!

"The whole army forms an array!"

Li Zhixuan galloped on the Pegasus, and his violent shouts echoed in the air in all directions.

"Got the order!"

The eight thousand heavenly soldiers and feather guards immediately picked up their spears and moved with each move, opening and closing.

[Tian Le Ming Never Stops] 90% attack speed blessing, plus three group gain attributes of the Drum Warrior.

Six seconds.

Up to 300 stabbing blows were fired continuously.

The mediocre spear-piercing skill now shows off its power!

Before the tens of thousands of Feiyu troops could react, they had been stabbed with holes all over their bodies.

"how come?"

One of the Flying Fish Soldiers gradually lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

Eight thousand heavenly soldiers and feather guards retracted their guns at the same time.

He caught the gun tip with his back hand, turned around, changed his back hand to his front hand, and immediately stabbed the gun again.

While dodging the flying fish attack, he stabbed out with another spear.

As long as it's fast enough.

Not only can you switch guns and dodge at the same time, you can even attack non-stop.

The skill of spear penetration can almost equal the integration of offense and defense.

Corpses rained all over the sky, and the bloody blood mixed with the sea water, staining the waters.

The heavenly soldiers and feather guards are fighting in formations above and below the clouds.

The vast ocean formed by the mountains below was shaken by the aftermath of the fierce battle in the sky.

The earthquake caused huge waves, and a large number of black fish monsters were killed and died suddenly on the spot.

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