It was not until it was completely dark that Jiang Bai and his group arrived at the Yanhuang Tribe.

No way, those women are from the Common.

He was locked in a cage for a long time, and was abused by goblins.

It would be nice to arrive before dark.

And Cao Wu, who got the news in advance, had already brought Tang Ling and Yang Jiaojiao to wait at the gate of the tribe.

After seeing Jiang Bai's group of people, Cao Wu immediately asked Tang Ling and Yang Jiaojiao to take the group of women into the tribe to settle down.

"Master Jiang, this is you!"

Cao Wu gave Jiang Bai a thumbs up, with a look of respect on his face.

Jiang Bai waved his hand: "I believe that if you meet, you will not stand idly by."

"That is!"

Cao Wu smiled as a matter of course, and put his arm around Jiang Bai's shoulder, "Go, go in and have a rest, and tell me about what you saw today!"

All the way into the Yanhuang tribe.

Jiang Bai looked around and found that the Yanhuang tribe had undergone major changes.

The population has increased, and the territory has also expanded.

Even the houses have been changed from wooden houses to stone houses.

There are also some new buildings.

At this time, Cao Wu asked like offering a treasure: "Master Jiang, how is it? Is this speed of development acceptable?"

"It's okay." Jiang Bai nodded casually.

If he had never seen the Jinghong tribe, he might have been surprised a little bit.


that's it!

Cao Wu's face collapsed: "Master Jiang, you should give me a surprised expression! I am very shocked by your calm face!"

Jiang Bai rolled his eyes, too lazy to care about this stuff.

Regarding this, Cao Wu shrugged and didn't care.

Not long.

The two came to an antique courtyard.

Seeing the astonishment on Jiang Bai's face, Cao Wu introduced it proudly: "This is an ancient Longguo courtyard built by hand, without any blueprints. How about it?"

Jiang Bai sighed, patted Cao Wu on the shoulder, and said earnestly:

"Old Cao, you have only been the leader for a few days, and now you are enjoying it?"

"The Yanhuang tribe has just started, you can't fall so quickly!"

Cao Wu's face twitched, and he said quietly: "Master Jiang, this is a residence specially built for you. If you feel that it is inappropriate, then... demolish it?"

Jiang Bai:? ? ?

Jiang Bai:! ! !

Jiang Bai: ...

This is so embarrassing!


"I think this courtyard is pretty good, let's keep it for now!"

Jiang Bai let out a haha, and walked quickly into the courtyard as if fleeing.

Cao Wu burst out laughing mercilessly.

In the courtyard, in the gazebo.

Jiang Bai and Cao Wu sat at the stone table, eating barbecue and drinking wine.

At the same time, Jiang Bai also shared all the news he had heard from the Jinghong Tribe.

Including the fact that they weren't the first Heaven Designated!

After listening.

Cao Wu was silent, beer after bottle after bottle.

Clearly he was not at peace.

He is not stupid, he can naturally think of things that Jiang Bai can think of.

a long time.

Cao Wu asked hoarsely, "Master Jiang, what do you think?"

"What can I think?"

Jiang Bai spread his hands and laughed at himself, "You can't fight if you fight; you can't escape if you run away! If that's the case, then try to live on! There is an old saying that life has hope! Ha~"

After speaking, he raised his head and drank the beer in his hand, then picked up a bottle of white wine and opened it, signaling to Cao Wu.

"When a man dies, a bird turns to the sky, and if he dies ten thousand years!"

"What are you thinking so much about!"

"Come on, drink!"

Cao Wu heard the words and nodded vigorously: "Okay, if you have wine today, you will be drunk today! Drink!"


the next day.

Today is the sixteenth day of Heaven Designated.

The eleventh day of the Rise of the Tribes event was launched, and the second day of the Regional Survival Battle.

In the courtyard.

When Jiang Bai woke up, he felt heavy on his body.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a big face in front of him.

Immediately frightened, he threw the owner of the face away as soon as he exerted his strength.



Hearing Cao Wu's cry came from outside the pavilion, Jiang Bai suddenly reacted.

It seems that he was drinking with Cao Wu in the gazebo last night?

"Master Jiang, you murdered!"

Hearing Cao Wu's mournful and indignant voice, Jiang Bai stuck out his tongue, got up and went out to check the situation.

Fortunately, the outside of the gazebo is thick grass.

In addition, Cao Wu's strength is not low, so it's okay.

But Cao Wu didn't want to let it go, so he took Jiang Bai to the martial arts field to practice.

Jiang Bai couldn't resist, so he went.

At this time, the sun was rising high, and there were already many Heaven Designated practicing in the martial arts arena in the Yanhuang Tribe.

Because the martial arts field has special effects, it can speed up the practice of techniques, thus saving a lot of potential points.

However, upon hearing that Jiang Bai was going to compete with Cao Wu.

Those Heaven Designated immediately gave up their positions and retreated to the outside of the martial arts arena to watch the excitement.

Not only that, they also called friends.

There are even guys who directly broadcast live!

Enter the martial arts arena and start the learning mode.

This mode will temporarily pull the four-dimensional attributes of both parties to the same level——

The person with the low four-dimensional attribute is used as the standard.

"You don't choose a weapon?"

Looking at Cao Wu who was unarmed, Jiang Bai couldn't help asking.

Cao Wu waved his fist and said to himself, "My weapon is my fists!"

"Sure, then I don't need a weapon either, so as not to say that I bully you."

Jiang Bai put the wooden knife back on the weapon rack.

"The technique I learned is boxing, are you sure you don't use weapons?"

Cao Wu kindly reminded me.

Jiang Bai looked indifferent: "It's okay, although I haven't learned boxing skills, I can also use sword skills with bare hands."

This is the truth.

He has comprehended the Baizhan Saber Technique to the level of unity of form and spirit.

It can also be used without a knife.

That is, the power will be greatly reduced.

"That's what you said!"

"Be careful, I'm coming!"

After a reminder, Cao Wu immediately stepped forward and punched Yellow Dragon.

Jiang Bai put his hands behind his back, and with a movement of his footsteps, he avoided it gracefully.

Seeing this, Cao Wu punched like the wind, and his fists rained down on Jiang Bai.

Jiang Bai's footsteps moved together, his whole body became light, and he dodged the attacking fists one by one, looking extremely chic.


"As expected of a boss, even dodging is so handsome!"

"The village chief is mighty!"

"Ahh! The village chief is so handsome!"

"Master Village Chief, I love you!"

The surrounding Heaven Designated cheered loudly, and some nympho girls even screamed.

After attacking for several minutes, Cao Wu couldn't even touch the corner of Jiang Bai's clothes, so he became anxious.

He immediately used the provocative method: "Master Jiang, don't keep hiding! If you are a man, come head-to-head!"

"Are you sure?" Jiang Bai looked at Cao Wu with a strange expression.

These days, there are still people who want to be beaten?

Cao Wu raised his chin: "Why, don't you dare?"

Jiang Bai shook his head silently, his speed suddenly increased, and he came to Cao Wu in an instant.

His right hand became a saber, and he chopped straight at Cao Wu's head.

Cao Wu's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously moved his arms forward.


The knife slashed on Cao Wu's arms, and a powerful force exploded, causing him to slide back three meters.

"How can this be!"

Cao Wu looked at Jiang Bai in amazement.

You know, the four-dimensional attributes of the two are the same at this moment!

But how could Jiang Bai's attack explode with such a powerful force? !

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