"During the battle, you still dare to be distracted?"

Jiang Bai's voice suddenly sounded from Cao Wu's left.

Cao Wu's face changed, he didn't even think about it, his head shrank, and he rolled like a lazy donkey.


An incomparably sharp sound of wind almost brushed against his scalp!

He got up quickly and looked at Jiang Bai's right hand in horror.

At that moment, he felt as if he was facing a real knife!

Not only him, but the surrounding Heaven Designated also felt it.

That incomparably fierce power was like Jiang Bai's right hand turning into an incomparably sharp blade at that moment!

The next scene was completely reversed.

Before Cao Wu attacked, Jiang Bai kept dodging.

Now it is Jiang Bai attacking, Cao Wu is dodging.

It's just that compared to Jiang Bai, Cao Wu is much more embarrassed.

It can be called a scurry!

"Stop, I admit defeat!"

Cao Wu yelled, and Jiang Bai's knife stopped suddenly.

At this moment, the hand knife is only one centimeter away from Cao Wu's nose!

"Old Cao, you need to practice more!"

Jiang Bai withdrew his hand, his tone was calm, and his breath was gentle.

As if it wasn't him who did it just now!

On the other hand, Cao Wu——

Panting like a cow, sweating profusely, he looked like he was exhausted!

Compare the two.

The Heaven Designated onlookers looked at Jiang Bai as if they were looking at a fairy!

Sure enough, a boss is a boss!

Awesome! (Breaking sound)

Cao Wu heaved a sigh of relief and came to Jiang Bai:

"Master Jiang, you are wrong!"

"Both of us are at the same level of four-dimensional attributes now."

"It stands to reason that the gap between us shouldn't be so big, right?"

Regarding this, Jiang Bai didn't talk nonsense, he clenched his fist with his right hand, and punched out of thin air.


An explosion erupted out of thin air, and then with Jiang Bai's fist as the center, a circle of White air quickly spread in the air.

This scene not only stunned Cao Wu, but also those Heaven Designated onlookers.

After recovering.

Cao Wu looked at Jiang Bai frantically: "How did you manage to blow up your punches?!"

"Didn't you understand this?"

Jiang Bai sighed, looked up at the Heaven Designated outside the field, and asked loudly, "Among you, is there anyone who understands?"

Hearing this, Heaven Designated shook their heads in unison.

Jiang Bai was speechless.

Good guy!

It's all this time, yet no one has seen the shape and spirit of the technique?

"Okay, it's rare to have a chance, let me tell you about it!"

Jiang Bai shrugged, cleared his throat, and began to talk about the shape and spirit of the technique.

After he finished speaking.

All the Heaven Designated present were lost in thought.

ten minutes later.

Jiang Bai said again: "Only by combining form and spirit can one truly master a technique, and in this way can the true power of the technique be exerted, and even stronger power!

And if you want to fully unleash the power of a technique, you need the support of your own strength, here I have to talk about Cultivation Technique..."

Hearing this, all Heaven Designated immediately raised their ears.

"I guess, you should all regard Cultivation Technique as a way or means to improve the four-dimensional attributes, right?"

Hearing Jiang Bai's words, all the Heaven Designated nodded subconsciously and showed puzzled eyes.

As if to say, what's wrong with that?

"You're right, but not entirely right."

Jiang Bai nodded first, then shook his head.

Then, he explained: "Cultivation Technique is not only used to improve the four-dimensional attributes, but also to help you better and more thoroughly grasp your own strength."

This is Jiang Bai's insights and conclusions from the Innate Daoyin technique.

"This is similar to the shape and spirit of the technique."

"In the same way, using potential points to improve Cultivation Technique, although it can quickly improve the strength, but it can't let you fully grasp this strength!"

"In this way, it is natural that this strength cannot be fully exerted!"

"And the battle between me and Cao Wu just now is a living example!"

"I can display 100% or even 200% of my strength, but Cao Wu can only display 50% or 60% of it!"

"Comparing the two, Cao Wu is naturally far behind me!"

Hearing this, Cao Wu suddenly realized.

The same goes for other Heaven Designated.

Immediately, Cao Wu asked: "Master Jiang, what should we do to fully grasp our own strength?"

"It's the same as techniques, just spend time practicing it yourself."

Jiang Bai glanced at everyone, his face became serious, "Everyone, there is no shortcut to cultivation, even if we can rely on the evolution panel to quickly increase the level of Cultivation Technique and techniques, but that is false after all,

Just like a paper tiger, it looks scary, but in fact it will break with one poke! Only by fully using this strength for one's own use can one truly possess this strength! I hope you will keep this in mind! "

Hearing this, Cao Wuchong bowed to Jiang Bai cupped hands, and said respectfully, "Thank you Jiang Bai for your guidance!"

"Thank you Jiang Ye for your advice!" Other Heaven Designated followed suit.

Jiang Bai returned the gift with cupped hands all around: "I would like to encourage you all and work together to open up a bright future that belongs to us!"

After saying that, he signaled to Cao Wu and walked outside the martial arts arena.

Cao Wu hurriedly followed.


Back to the courtyard.

When Jiang Bai came to the gazebo, he found that the wine bottles had been cleaned up.

Just when he was wondering, a footstep came.

He followed the prestige, but it was a mature woman with astonishing appearance.

"Master Jiang, you are back."

Hearing the woman's voice, Jiang Bai was stunned: "It's you?"

This voice was exactly the woman who spoke to him twice among the group of women he rescued yesterday.

He never thought that after washing the woman, she was still a beautiful woman!

The woman came to Jiang Bai, smiled and said:

"Master Jiang, my name is Yuejiao."

"From today onwards, I will live in a side room in the yard, and I will be responsible for guarding and cleaning your yard, as well as your daily necessities."

"If there is anything to do in the future, just tell me."

Jiang Bai:? ? ?

What you said, it seems that I am some kind of ancient Young Master!

Scratching his head, Jiang Bai considered his words and said, "Well, I can take good care of own, without worrying..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuejiao turned into a look on the verge of tears.

"Master Jiang, do you dislike me?"

"No, no, how could I dislike you!" Jiang Bai waved his hands repeatedly.

Yuejiao choked up and asked, "Then why did you drive me away?"

"I didn't drive you away!"

Jiang Bai became anxious, and quickly explained, "I mean, I don't need a photo... No, I'm not used to it... Uh, it doesn't seem right either! Oh, how do you say that..."

Seeing Jiang Bai scratching his ears and cheeks, Yuejiao let out a bark and laughed.

Jiang Bai was taken aback when he saw the appearance of pear blossoms with rain.

Yue Jiaoqiao blushed and lowered her head shyly.

Jiang Bai also woke up with a start, his face felt hot.

"Well, if you want to stay, stay!"

"I have something to do with Lao Cao, let's go first!"

When the words fell, Jiang Bai rushed out of the gazebo as if fleeing, and ran out of the courtyard.

Looking at Jiang Bai's back, Yuejiao covered her mouth and smiled: "Sure enough, as Tang Elder and Yang Elder said, Lord Jiang is a very good man!"

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