Ye Ling felt that she was now wearing a gray prison uniform with orange in it.

It's not so ugly.

If only I could give myself another hat.

Then it looks no different from the little brother in the factory or the big brother who repairs the air conditioner.

Definitely, the premise is that the words "time criminal" are not printed on the clothes.

Then with a light step, Ye Ling received the next floor.

A bearded man wearing glasses appeared in front of him, looking at him solemnly behind a table.

The kind that doesn't say a word...

A tall pile of documents was stacked on the table, seemingly awaiting someone's signature.

But what makes Ye Ling more interested is that there is a cat lying on the other side of the table!

The cat is lazily sleeping...

Ye Ling grinned, smiled and asked the man:

"Master, what do you do?"

Then he raised his hand and started stroking the cat.

The man looked at Ye Ling as if he had seen a ghost.

But still did not say a word.

It's just that another piece of paper was printed out in the printer next to it.

The man mechanically took the paper with "Ye Ling said: Master, what do you do?".

It was on top of the pile of papers.

Well, now everyone knows why this man works here.

The purpose is to let Ye Ling sign and be responsible for all his past life and everything he has said.

Ye Ling stopped stroking the cat, picked up a pen to sign the document with a little pity.

Then he was thrown to the next level again.

It seems that this time I have to go through the security check.

A short little old man opened his mouth and said:

"As long as you are not a machine, but a living body with a soul, and you know it yourself, then it's fine.

Ye Ling stepped forward without thinking.

With a click, a photo was developed.

Holding this photo, the little old man raised his eyebrows and glanced at it, a little surprised.

Then the door in front of him opened, and Ye Ling knew that he finally didn't have to drill under the floor.

It's a bit empty inside, except for two guards for security.

A guy of unknown race who is also a time criminal.

There is only one whole curved queuing barrier.

And the..... ticket inspector in the house at the end of the room?

Ye Ling even felt that he was here to run some business.

Everything seemed so neat and tidy, just on file.

Ye Ling took her own ticket, then turned left and twisted along the isolation strip to move forward.

But the guy in front of him who looked like a shark didn't seem to get a ticket.

There were also clashes with guards.

Then, it was knocked into shiny crystal powder by the guards with a stick with a glowing tip...

Completely disappeared into the air.

Ye Ling knew that this meant being exiled, not real death.

Finally, Ye Ling handed the ticket to the ticket inspector in a polite manner.

His judgment has come!

Ye Ling was taken to the Time Tribunal by two guards.

In fact, it is no different from an ordinary court with an ordinary File size on the earth.

There is only one judge in the entire court, and he is sitting on the stage.

If Ye Ling remembered correctly, her name should be Lavona.

But to Ye Ling's surprise, Peggy Carter was also there.

In addition, there is a man in a brown suit, which should be Mobius.

However, Ye Ling didn't have any sense of "imminent disaster" at all.

He even smiled and reached out to greet Carter.

Carter gave him a hard look, then turned her head away from him again.

Then, the trial begins!

The female judge Lavona said:

"Ye Ling, Time Offender K1024, you are accused of violating the Serial Time Act 01-01-01."

"And a series of other undeterminable specific supersequence crimes.

"Have you any further pleading?"

Ye Ling smiled and shrugged and replied:

"Wow, do I have to defend myself?"

"Can't I get a lawyer?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, that's really free!"

"You, a majestic palace full of the sour smell of justice, don't even want to give me such a little bit of human rights?"

"In the past, I only heard about the World Police, but today I have learned a lot."

"Space-time police, trial at the speed of light, and then execute on the spot? Wow! Really amazing!"

"So this broken place, after all, is the palace of law and justice that you claim to be righteous......

"Or, is it just some crazy guy who created a private execution room?"

To be honest, this is still Judge Lavona.

As well as Carter, Mobius, and other guards present.

This is the first time I have seen such a wonderful time criminal.

It's not a yelling and crying that he is innocent, nor is it a brainless lunatic who scolds anyone who catches him, or even resists on the spot.

Instead, they are questioning the fairness of their TVA judicial system with one mouth.

Apparently, Judge Lavona, loyal to TVA's time Asgardian.

She can't listen to such rebellious words!

Her blood pressure was pumped up by Ye Ling's coquettish words:


"K1024! You have no right to question the fairness of the TVA Time Law."

"The existence of TVA is paramount! How can you allow Xiao Xiaoxiao to despise you?"

"I will now sentence you to be completely wiped out in the name of the highest time judge!"

Just when Judge Lavona gave Ye Ling a light-speed trial.

Peggy Carter, who was listening, stood up abruptly!

But after standing up, she didn't know why she did this.

It seemed that from the bottom of his heart he did not want to believe that this Ye Ling would be erased like this.

Because she remembered that when she caught this guy, he was clearly unaffected by the time freeze...

Could it be that his Ability is totally useless here?

Or, this guy just wants to die?

However, the one who stood up from the seat together with Carter.

And Agent Mobius.

I saw him hurriedly stepping forward to catch up.

And spoke aloud to Judge Lavona:

"Ugh, I think I have a great idea!"

Lavona and Mobius have known each other for a long time, and they have a close friendship.

So Lavona looked at Mobius and signaled him to speak up if he had any opinions.

"Actually, I think we can take this opportunity to catch that escaped guy!"

Lavona obviously understood the meaning of 693 in his words.

And also know who the "guy at large" refers to.

Because it can be seen from her frown that she cares a lot!

Just listen to her say:

"What? You intend to take advantage of this dangerous criminal.

"To apprehend another equally dangerous criminal?"

"Is there any reason you have to do this?"

Mobius sorted out his thoughts:

"That's right, you know how long it has been since we caught that guy."

"But we have been unable to accurately locate its time coordinates."

"And with this Ye Ling, the same thing happened."

"So I think they're definitely using a loophole in our TVA to keep evading capture.

"Then what if we can know from Ye Ling whether we are not far from catching that person?"

When Lavona heard this, she couldn't help but nodded her head.

It seems that this also makes sense.

There must be similarities between two people who can evade TVA for a long time.

So just listen to her slap on the table:

"I agreed!"

"Then I will leave this matter to you, Mobius."

"Remember not to let me down!"

Immediately afterwards, Lavona thought for a while, and added:

"Since Captain Carter can catch him."

"Then you should continue to participate in this special operation.

Peggy Carter, who was stupefied, was still a little overwhelmed.

This guy has stepped into the gate of hell with one foot, can he be rescued?

But for some reason, she breathed a sigh of relief and replied:

"Yes, sir!".

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