This time, it's not a movie.

It's the TV series - "Loki"!

The audience never imagined that a "Loki" that only appeared in the fourth stage of Marvel's late stage.

Will suddenly intervene after "Iron Man" in this situation.

Could this herald the imminent arrival of the multiverse?

But no matter what, it seems that all the Marvel super-English movies after this will also overthrow the top!

The root cause of all this is "attributed" to Ye Ling.

The remastered version of "Loki" is live!

The audience has long been looking forward to sitting in front of the screen.

The opening of the series is naturally no longer about Loki, the guy who accidentally escaped with Tesseract because of the time travel of the Avengers alliance.

The shot was straightforward, showing Ye Ling and Diana who had just come out of the portal.

This time the audience couldn't calm down!

"It's Diana, cutie! Fuck me, the eggs didn't lie to me!"

"Can you believe that DC's Diana Wonder Woman has come to the Marvel universe!"

"There is no doubt that this is another historic moment."

"This indicates that the bold guesses made by netizens before have really come true.

"I'm not dreaming, am I, Marvel and DC are linking up?"

"66666 used to be only linked to comics, but now it is directly linked to movies and TV!"

"Well, I'm starting to look forward to Diana picking up Thor's hammer and turning into a female Thor like in the comics!"

"Good guy, this is a new era of American Comics, DCU+MCU=DMCU!"

"Marvel+DC fans just cried....Now it's really the MarvelDC family!"

Undoubtedly, the light was a Diana appearance.

It's enough to make all American Comics fans go wild.

But, what the audience didn't expect next was.

Even Iron Man Tony·史斯STARK also appeared in friendship!

"I'm going! This is straight up to the end of the previous Iron Man."

"I didn't expect Tony's polite words about bringing your wife to visit when you have time, it really came true!"

"Hahaha, Tony's expression on seeing Diana is simply..."

"I guess he's thinking right now: Damn! This is so fucking beautiful!"

"Why did this bastard Ye Ling marry such a beautiful daughter-in-law?"

"And Pepper, she almost stepped on Tony's toe.

"I remember the last time, Tony and Pepper were dancing on the dance floor, Tony was so smug!"

"But now, Master Ye, who is narrow-minded, just brought Diana around in front of his eyes.

"Now the world is full of reports about Ye Mowang and Diana's show of affection!"

"Who doesn't feel bad about this?"

"Superman + banknote man + the handsome Master Ye, paired with the unbelievably beautiful Diana [Made in Heaven is not enough to describe it!"

"Then what Time magazine, what headlines on the front page, just publish it..."

"Is this going to make the whole world sour?"

Definitely, this is the usual routine of film and television dramas.

It is no exaggeration to use the description before the storm.

In short, if you want to abuse, you must have sweetness.

The front is sweet to the point of scum, and then the abuse is extremely miserable!

Hence, the Time Variation Authority is here!


"Who the hell did I see! It's really Peggy Carter!"

"Master Ye's ex-girlfriend from World War II is here, Ohhh—!"

"And the current wife is there too, hahaha!"

"Look at Ye Mowang's expression, you are all stunned."

"Asura Field, this is quite..."

"You must know that TVA exists like a BUG in Marvel!"

"Master Ye is really finished this time. He despises all extraordinary abilities."

"Look, even Diana from the DC universe doesn't have supernatural powers..."

"For TVA, Infinite Gems, which destroys the universe at every turn, counts as a ball!"

"I'll show you the timeline directly!"

However, just when everyone thought Ye Ling would end up on the spot.

Ye Ling KO'd all the TVA law enforcement officers except Que Carter at a speed beyond ordinary people.



"Ah oil gram dingmi? What cosmic joke are you playing with me?"

"Master Ye's Super Ability is still there!"

"Carter: Is this reasonable? Is this normal?"

"Master Ye successfully rescued Diana."

"So judging from this posture, Master Ye obviously knows the details of TVA."

"However, Carter has been amnesticized by TVA, and now she can't remember Master Ye at all.

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong with this style of painting!"

"Why did Diana start eating vinegar, hahahaha.

"Kate means who the hell are you? Snake spirits!"

"It's over, it's over, Diana actually knows about uniforms and collars, Diana is no longer innocent!"


"Hahaha, Ye Mowang is not afraid of heaven and earth, and now he is caught in the middle, his head is not so big!"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ling turned himself in to show off.

Follow Carter to TVA headquarters.

々If you want me to talk about arrogance, Master Ye takes second place, no one dares to be first!"

"If I take the initiative to run into the bureau, there is no one left."

"Master Ye has an attitude of being proud of me."

"So this is the rhythm to smash TVA?"

And then, Ye Ling got his wish and stood in the center of the court.

#66666 I just call Master Ye Niubi!"

"This frankly opened his mouth and angered the court of time, and questioned their judicial fairness."

"Hahaha, I also satirized a certain free country by the way."

"If you want me to tell you, just call Ye Fawai Crazy Thirteen from now on!"

"Teacher Luo Xiang shook his head when he saw it: It's too crazy to despise the law!"

"Teacher Luo Zhixiang looked at it and nodded: Master Ye is the best at time management!"

"Hahaha, are you trying to laugh me to death upstairs?"

"If I were the judge at that time, I would have a cerebral hemorrhage!"

"Be confident! Is Master Ye going to court to go berserk, and then expose TA's deception in public?"

But then, before those guards made their move.

I saw Mobius come out to save the scene.

The bullet screens don't understand again, what's going on here?

"Master Ye, is it all in your calculation?"

"Is this the charm that Master Ye has nowhere to put?"

"It can make this old man take the initiative to protect him for lunch!"

"Isn't this being pretended by Master Ye again?"

"I'm just flouting the law of time, I'm just playing~ Oh, are you trying to erase me?"

"How can it be repaired! The court is too much fun at this time, and Master Ye will be fine after a few words?"

Nothing! Didn't you listen to what they said. "

"This is to catch another time criminal!"

"Good guy, is this driving tigers and wolves, borrowing swords to kill people? It's all about the art of war."

"I bet the time criminal they want to catch is Loki!"

"And it's a female Loki!".

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