American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1111: Father and Son (31)

In the multiverse, in the dark space, a diamond-shaped celestial body quietly floats on a certain coordinate that cannot be explained in words.

The deflation sound when the gate was opened was very clear. Peter quickly walked through the long corridor and came to a wide and bright entertainment hall.

"Look, isn't this our lucky kid?" Amazing Spider-Man walked up enthusiastically, patted Peter on the back, and said.

Peter directly took off his hood, and walked forward side by side with the Amazing Spider-Man. While looking at the various Spider-Mans coming and going in the hall, he said: "The various facilities in the base Are you still used to it? Is there any problem? If so, I will improve it when I go back this time.”

6 It was a bit of a problem at the beginning, but we adjusted it ourselves. "The Amazing Spider-Man stopped in front of the bar and said to the Shadow Spider-Man who was mixing drinks: "Give him a glass of gin and tonic, I want a glass of ordinary rum, by the way, no ice."

"No, just bring me a glass of ice water, I have to go to work later!" Peter turned to Shadow Spider-Man and said.

"Unexpectedly, you really built us a base in the multiverse. We thought we would stay on that abandoned planet for a few years!" The Amazing Spider-Man shook his head and sighed.

"6 Because the universe where I live is overcapacitated, human research on spaceships has not yet reached the level that can mass-produce space transportation tools, new materials that can be mined and newly developed production lines have to stop. Stop, why don't you use it to practice your hands."

Peter smiled and continued: "Fortunately, Mr. Stark is generous. If he didn't lend me the laboratory, I really wouldn't be able to build a base so quickly."

"I heard that the original Ultimate Spider-Man, oh, that is, Doctor Octopus in their current universe, also participated in the research, and some Spider-Man from the future adjusted some of the inappropriate parts of the equipment. alright."

The Amazing Spider-Man lifted the lower part of the mask, took a sip of the cold wine, coughed, and said, "Unfortunately, we are too busy to be of much help."

"Mary Jane and I are busy decorating our wedding room, so we probably don't have much free time recently."

"By the way, the Multiverse Spider-Man hiring mission system we built is working pretty well."

There was a hint of admiration in the tone of Amazing Spider-Man, he said: "This is really crazy, we can actually cross the universe and go to help in other people's world!"

"It's normal. We always have things that we can't keep busy. Some people have to go out to study and can't keep an eye on the law and order in New York. Some free Spider-Man can naturally help him complete these tasks. By the way, your honeymooner I can help you keep an eye on it when the time comes." Peter said with a smile.

"Oh, didn't I send out an employment mission before? Why don't we go and have a look together." Peter stood up with a glass of wine, and suggested.

Peter and Amazing Spider-Man walked through the entertainment hall and came to a place that was more like a monitoring room. Here, Spider-Man gathered in twos and threes to watch the situation in certain universes.

Seeing Peter and the Amazing Spider-Man coming together, Spider-Girl standing at the reception desk asked without raising her head, "Send the mission, or accept the mission?"

"I want to know, how is a mission to find people that I released before, how is it going now?" Peter asked, and then he recalled and said: "The mission number should be 63279, and the mission content is to find people everywhere in the multiverse. Traces of the female Loki."

663279..." Spider girl murmured in a low voice while lowering her head to operate the computer equipment. Suddenly she exclaimed and said: "Oh, I found it, the highest priority task, it costs 500 points, you are really willing "

"After all, I do a lot of part-time work." Peter laughed and said, "Not all Spider-Man is like me, and there is nothing to do during the internship, so I have to go to work in various universes. Blade,"

Spider-Girl raised her head and smiled at her and said, "We all know that you and Ultimate Spider-Man built this base and this system together, and you have been of great help."

"The information has been collected here, you can go to the No. 2 terminal next to it to get the storage device."

"By the way, it is especially important to note that Spider-Man 2099 provided a particularly important clue. In the slums of the Fourth Sky Island, New York, where he lived, he once met a person who possessed powerful illusion abilities and the ability to manipulate people's hearts." Lady, looks very much like your description of a female Loki."

"You also know that the universe where 2099 is located is not peaceful. The earth is broken into several halves, and New York is also divided into seven empty islands, which can only be connected by the portal of the space station. The entire New York is also controlled by the economic oligarch Alchemy Corporation. If you want to move freely, it depends on the identification system."

"However, there are still some free people in the slums, and that lady is one of them. Because they are in the same camp of free people who are against big companies, they have met a few times."

"According to 2099, he once heard that lady swearing at people in Old Norse, and in the world he lives in, all history and culture are monopolized by big companies, it is impossible for ordinary people to learn this language, so she is very Possibly from Asgard."

Spider-Girl summarized the most important clues in the most concise language.

Peter nodded frequently, and said, "If you say that, it is indeed very possible. It seems that I have to find 2099. Is he in the base now?"

Spider-Girl lowered her head to check the information again, and then said, "He's not here now. The last time I responded to the spider web communication was three minutes ago. I called him and asked if he could come over."

"sorry to bother you."

About 20 minutes later, Spider-Man 2099, wearing a blue and red uniform, walked over. He was much stronger than Peter and the Amazing Spider-Man, and looked burly and majestic.

His voice is also deeper and husky than many Spider-Man's, sounding older and more mature.

Peter stepped forward and patted his arm and said, "Long time no see, 2099. How are you doing recently?"

"Nothing bad or bad, but the armor parts you provided me really helped a lot." 2099 nodded and said, "The new material you got called molten steel can't be recognized by the Alchemy Company at all. With invisible components, I successfully destroyed their latest factory to occupy the land of the freedmen... ",

Peter turned his head and looked at him, and found that there was a lot of dust on his body, he was limping when he walked, and his arm was injured. It seemed that he had just experienced a big battle. Peter said apologetically, "I'm sorry. , I shouldn't be in such a hurry to call you over."

"It's nothing, I can't be idle." Spider-Man 2099 shook his head and said: "The struggle never stops; I'm used to it!"

After speaking, the three of them came to the sofa in the entertainment hall.

Spider-Woman, who had been waiting there for a long time, came over, and said with a bit of complaint: "I told you to wait where you are, and I will go to support right away. You have to rush in and fire first, that's all right now. You have to rest for at least two weeks..."

Spider-Man 2099 touched his nose and said: "I've said it all, I'm not used to teaming up with others and posting tasks to ask for help, and I just want to try the so-called employment system. The system is very useful, but You guys are taking too long."

He went on to say: "If in my universe, you were going to spend half an hour, you would have died long ago."

Spider-Woman kept frowning, obviously disapproving of his words, but soon, she took the dressing items from the robot and began to treat the wound on 2099's arm.

With the other hand, 2099 took the ice wine handed over by Shadow Spider-Man, lifted half of his mask, took a sip, and said, "I think you guys should already know something about the situation in my universe."

"I'm not as lucky as you. The countries of the world did not unite to develop technology. On the contrary, because of irreconcilable contradictions, they cut the earth into many different parts."

The big companies represented by the Alchemy Company have been planning for a long time. After human beings committed irreparable war crimes, they directly proposed to physically divide the earth. Such absurd proposal was actually succeeded by them.

"When I was born, the earth had been scattered into thousands of empty islands, but at that time, New York was still a complete empty island, but later, they first divided the slums, and then cut the slums into more pieces, To prevent some free people from interfering with their rule, up to now, New York has been divided into seven empty islands."

"I have been on the road to fight against the alchemy company. I have a blood feud with them. My daughter was kidnapped for unknown reasons and died at their hands..."

After speaking, Spider-Man 2099 sighed deeply, and Peter and Amazing Spider-Man comforted him.

"But..." He waved his hand and said, "This has nothing to do with you. I admit that I doubted Miles before, but later, I found out that the alchemy company stole my genes and sent them to the multiverse. Signal, as it happens, Miles received their spider communication."

"Spider Silk helped me confirm this. At the same time, she used her incomparable spider-sensing talent to hack into the Alchemy Company's system in reverse, and let me know that they actually wanted to occupy the land of the Freed Ones. That's why, With our combat operations of the previous few days."

"You are too bold." Spider-Woman commented: "The situation in your universe is not good. The so-called free people just occupy a slum empty island, which is still the smallest area. How dare you fight with everyone?" Companies waging local wars?"

"It's never too early to start a war against them..." Spider-Man 2099 just said this, and stopped talking about this topic.

Peter and the Amazing Spider-Man looked at each other, and found that they thought the 2099 went to extremes, but they could also understand, after all, he lost his wife first, and then his daughter, no matter who They will all be mad with hatred.

"Thank you, lucky boy, this is the first time we have achieved such a major victory." Spider-Man 2099 turned his head, looked at Peter and said, "For this reason, no matter who you are looking for in my world this time, I will Definitely help.”

Peter asked "Spider Girl told me that you found a suspicious person on the Fourth Empty Island in New York".

"That's right, we all call her Ms. Miracle. She is one of the few hackers who is willing to cooperate with free men. Although she has a weird personality and is taller than you, she is indeed very capable. Moreover, she seems to be somewhat different from those big companies." Unclear relationship..."

"Can you tell me more about her?" Peter took out a tablet and started recording.

"No problem, Ms. Miracle is probably a mercenary who appeared on the Fourth Sky Island in recent years. She was entrusted by the Alchemy Company to help them develop their business and build a factory."

"She has a very magical ability to cross the employee control system of a large company, hack into their brains, and control them to do things for themselves."

"Perhaps, those of you who live in the normal world cannot understand what a world controlled by big companies is like."

"However, since the suspicious person you're looking for is in my world, why don't we just go and have a look, it's much more efficient than what I'll describe to you here..."

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