American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1112: Father and Son (32)

Walking through the portal at the base of the Spider Legion in the multiverse, Peter found himself in another small space in the next second, which was obviously also a cosmic space, but it was not as bright as the newly built base of the Spider Legion. wide.

"Is this a space station?" Peter asked. He looked up and down the surrounding environment and found that there was no sense of future technology at all. On the contrary, there were exposed pipelines everywhere, which even looked like technology had gone backwards.

"This is a small space station above Sky Island in New York, and it's the only space station I've got my hands on." Spider-Man 2099 explained, and he led Peter to the living room in the space station familiarly.

There is a small window here, just enough to see the scene of the earth.

As soon as Peter walked over, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

What appeared outside the space station was not the azure planet Peter was familiar with, but a piece of celestial wreckage that had already been broken into countless fragments.

Although the earth as a whole still maintains a spherical shape, strictly speaking, it should maintain a spherical radial shape, just like when fireworks explode, countless fragments are arranged in different orbits, and the original complete and round shape has long been lost. .

The edges of each Dong fragment are inlaid with mechanical facilities, which seem to be mechanical equipment for maintaining gravity and orbit. It is not difficult to see that these equipment have multiple styles and should come from different companies.

Moreover, many fragments are also connected by mechanical equipment, but the mechanical device of the sky island body is real, and the connection to the sky island is more like an energy chain.

There are so many energy chains that the naked eye can’t tell them apart, and many of the abandoned parts are unrepaired. The endless energy chains are like terrifying tentacles, waving around the earth, and the whole earth seems to be cut into pieces. But it is like a piece of meat connected in series by wire, terrifying, ugly, and creepy.

And the many small spaceships flying among the fragments were like flies looking at this piece of carrion. There is no beauty of order brought by any bit of technology. Only the denseness that makes people feel sick.

Peter was shocked by this scene and stood there, without saying a word for a long time.

Spider-Man 2099 stood beside him and looked at his hometown through a small window. He said, "I'm sorry, I didn't go directly to your universe to find you, because I was really afraid to see it. to the full Earth."

"My hometown has been like this since I was born, until one day, in another universe of the multiverse, I saw what the earth should have been like. These greedy big companies have destroyed our beautiful home planet... "

But to his surprise, the young Peter didn't immerse himself in negative emotions for too long. He turned to look at Spider-Man 2099 and asked, "You said this is your space station?"

"That's right. In this era, space stations are private property. As long as you have money, you can buy all kinds of mansions. Shareholders of big companies live in such space stations. The spacious rooms, beautiful Greenhouse fresh air, they all have”

"On the surface, except for the slums, there are factories built by big companies. All the things produced in the factories are also for the rich people on the space station. This is why they planned to blow up the earth."

Spider-Man 2099 led Peter all the way in, he said: "During the decades before the earth was blown up, the global equalization activities were in full swing. People believed that all the resources of the earth should be pooled and then distributed equally. .”

"Of course the wealthy conspirators are unwilling to do this, so they established large companies and began to monopolize history, culture and technology. In the end, they directly blew up the earth by using their own technological means."

Only they have the ability to build a space station and live on it, and those civilians who cannot do this are left on the broken surface, and they can only rely on the company if they want to survive.

"As a result, the entire earth has become a huge resource extractor. These large companies control the switches, and the resources are continuously delivered to the company's shareholders for enjoyment. The poor on the earth do not even have the means to resist. They It can't touch the high space station at all."

"However, people have not given up. Under the high-pressure rule of the company, a group of free people who want to reverse the current situation are still born, and I am one of them."

From the words of Spider-Man 2099, Peter keenly discovered some key points, so he asked: "Why are free people born? Shouldn't all ruled civilians unite to resist?"

Spider-Man 2099 shook his head and said: "You think all this is too simple, big companies have robots that can completely replace human beings, that is to say, they are willing to give civilians a job, it is already benevolent...or, now All the civilians who survived are actually used by the rich for their entertainment, and they are their entertainment, not the necessities of survival."

"Large companies will implant an identity system for civilians, and the system will upload all the privacy they have to the company's database, and shareholders can select the civilians they want to use for fun in the database. , and then, send a spaceship to bring them home."

"My daughter died like this."

Peter felt his heart sink suddenly, and he already guessed why. The chin that Spider-Man 2099 showed when he was drinking just now showed that he was actually very handsome, so maybe his daughter was also very beautiful.

To Spider-Man 2099's surprise, Peter did not insult the company out of righteous indignation, but said something that made Spider-Man 2099's back feel a little chilled. ,

"Space station, what does it rely on to fly in space?"

"Of course it's the power system of a big company, but you'd better not get their ideas. Even the most powerful hacker can't hack into this part of the system..."

Peter didn't say anything, being so silent that Spider-Man 2099 couldn't see through him, so he said half-jokingly: "I thought only Shadow Spider-Man would be so taciturn..."

After speaking, he pushed open a door. Behind the door was a small shuttle, which looked like a fighter jet, but it didn't have such big wings, but worked with the space thrusters at the rear.

Spider-Man 2099 opened the door and sat in. Peter immediately sat in the co-pilot's seat. With the roar of the engine, a small plane flew towards one of the celestial fragments.

After landing, Peter was even more surprised by the scene here. The ground is not very broken, nor is it barren. On the contrary, there is a city that looks quite high-tech, and it is very prosperous.

"Before the earth was blown up, we already had quite high technology. In order to paralyze the civilians, the group of shareholders declared that they had withdrawn from the city and gave up their property."

"So, many people live in the buildings in the city center, but all of this is just a scam. People think they have got what they want, but in the next second, disaster strikes."

Spider-Man 2099 pressed a button, and the shuttle disappeared in place. He led Peter into an alley, and said: "Ms. Miracle should be in the Nord Building, which is not the territory of free people. There are mixed fish and dragons. There are companies. Employees, mercenaries, homeless, we need to trick the identification system and sneak in, and then we can find her."

"Wait a minute." Peter stopped Spider-Man 2099, and then said, "It's not me who is looking for the female Loki, but another Loki. Now that I have a definite clue, I'll send him now." Call here. He is also the God of Deceit, maybe he can help..."

Spider-Man 2099 sighed and said, "If it wasn't for my poor condition, I wouldn't need other people's help at all. We are all Spider-Man, so don't think that you are the only one who can do scientific research."

Peter reached out and patted Spider-Man 2099 on the shoulder, telling him to sit where he was and rest for a while, then he dialed Loki's communication and explained the current situation to him.

Soon, as an orange square portal appeared on the ground, Rocky, holding Helen, appeared in front of the two Spidermen.

At this time, she was still a female image, but after seeing Spider-Man 2099's shocked gaze, he changed back into a male Loki.

But soon, Spider-Man 2099's eyes fell on Helen's face, and before Loki could speak, Spider-Man 2099 looked at him again and asked, "Is this your daughter?"

Before Loki could answer, Helen yelled first. She raised her hand high and said, "That's right, this is my father, ah, sometimes it's also my mother."

Spider-Man 2099 just wanted to step forward, but his movements stopped, as if he was afraid of scaring Helen, he hesitated, and said: "Don't be afraid, little girl, it's are a bit like my daughter."

Just as Loki was about to say something, Peter winked at him, so he changed the subject on his own initiative.

"I heard that you have found clues to Sylvie. Where is she? I hope to find her soon."

"She is in the Nord Building, but it is no longer a prosperous commercial center. You can understand it as a large market, a paradise for brokers. If we want to enter, we must first crack the identification there. system"

"That's easy." Loki snapped his fingers and said, "As long as I can take a look at the people who can go in, I will naturally have a way to disguise us."

"Camouflage won't work." Spider-Man 2099 shook his head and said, "The chip of the identification system is implanted in the human body. It only imitates the appearance and cannot fool the security system."

"I didn't intend to just imitate the appearance, I didn't use illusion." Loki shook his head and said, "Let's go there first, and soon, you will know..."

Spider-Man 2099 didn't seem to agree with Loki's doing this, but Peter stood on Loki's side, and this was their task again, so Spider-Man 2099 led the two through the alley and came to an abandoned station .

The means of transportation here surprised it resembles the flying shuttle in full swing with the earth in his universe.

"Are you surprised? In fact, it's nothing surprising. The earth in my universe once went to the sea of ​​stars, but unfortunately..." Spider-Man 2099 shook his head and said: "In the end, all the achievements of human civilization belong to the earth." A company has nothing to do with ordinary people..."

The closer you get to the depths of the station, the thicker the darkness. Peter saw traces of countless pedestrians passing through here. Once upon a time, this place was like his hometown, civilized, prosperous and full of vitality.

"Development, for whom is development?" Peter asked softly, and he murmured in a low voice: "If not everyone can enjoy the fruits of civilization development, then the meaning of all of us, what exactly is it?"

Spider-Man 2099 took the lead and walked into the darkness. In the darkness, he looked back at Peter, with the sadness and helplessness that Peter felt in his eyes.

"Big corporations have taken everything away, including my children, and a lot of people's sons and daughters."

"If, like you, I was born in the initial stage of the vigorous development of civilization, I would also have such doubts like you."

"And after I've gone through all this, I can only tell you the answer in my heart-Spider-Man is always born for ordinary people."

"No matter how high or far other people fly, I will remain consistent and defend to the death the same interests as mine, ordinary people."

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