American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1116: Father and Son (36)

The portal lit up for a while, and Sylvie and Luo Ji, who was leading Helen, came out in a hurry, or in terms of their gestures, rushing out was more accurate.

As soon as he landed, Sylvie grabbed the service staff next to him and asked, "We want to go to Asgard. What ship do we want to take?"

"Going to Asgard?" The service staff next to him showed a puzzled expression. Even though he was not in human form, nor did he look like an Asgardian, he still looked Sylvie up and down, with a look of mental illness. He looked at her and said, "This is Asgard, aren't you already in Asgard?"

"I, Sylvie, choked for a moment, and she said, "Isn't this the Nine Kingdoms?"

"Where did you come from?" The service staff rolled their eyes and said, "When did the nine kingdoms have their old calendars? Now that is the capital star area of ​​the Asgard Empire. What are you going to do there?"

Luo Ji stepped forward and grabbed Sylvie, and then used her set of family-visiting rhetoric. She looked rather weak in appearance, and she was holding a child again. The service staff was a little soft-hearted, so she said.

"Okay, you can go to the service window in front and ask if there is the nearest spaceship, but you should go to the inquiry area to learn more common sense, don't just rush in without knowing anything, the queen has a bad temper"

Luo Ji led the somewhat distraught Sylvie to the inquiry area, where they learned the specific information of the second cosmic millennium war.

"It's probably like this. Her Majesty Thor has won. She is the greatest king in the history of Asgard. However, she has rarely appeared in public in the recent period..."

The staff at the inquiry office are quite patient. After all, there are many immortal species in the territory of Asgard. It is common to miss an era, but Luo Ji grasped the key keenly. She asked:

"So, why did Asgard launch a war against the Cree Empire?"

The staff member seemed to be an aborigine from the Nine Kingdoms, with an angry expression on his face, and then said: "Of course it's because the Kerry Empire is too bullying!"

"They actually sent someone to kidnap the sister of the current Her Majesty the Queen, who was the second princess Loki of Asgard back then."

"His Highness Loki was unfortunately killed. At that time, His Majesty Odin and His Highness Thor were going crazy. After tracking down the last place where His Highness Loki disappeared, His Majesty Odin warned the Kree Empire to let them hand over, but they refused. agree…"

"Thus, His Majesty Odin led the fleet and approached the Cree Empire, but the Supreme Wisdom planned a conspiracy, which caused a conflict between His Majesty Odin and His Majesty Thor."

"In the end, His Majesty Odin returned to the World Tree to sleep, and His Majesty Thor succeeded to the throne. On the day she succeeded, he declared war on the Cree Empire..."

"But..." the staff member closed her eyes and shook her head and said, "In the end, she failed to find her younger sister. At the last moment, Supreme Wisdom chose to die together."

"I still remember that day..." The staff member raised his head, with some sighs in his eyes, he said: "The wind and rain are weeping, the thunder and lightning are howling, and the entire universe feels His Majesty's grief."

"Perhaps, she is really sad. Perhaps, this year's months of battles have brought too much burden to her body. During this time, His Majesty Thor rarely appeared. She was not married, nor Future generations, we are all worried about where Asgard will go in the future..."

When the voice of the staff fell to the ground, Sylvie couldn't sit still anymore, she pulled Luo Ji to stand up, rushed to the service hall before reacting, and said: "No, we can't Go by boat, that's too slow..."

After finishing speaking, she pulled out the time controller from her waist, and said, "Although this thing can travel through the timeline, it can also teleport through space. Let's go now!"

"Wait, are you crazy? You're going to parachute over Asgard?! You're going to be shot down!"

Luo Ji grabbed Sylvie, trying to stop her crazy behavior, but Sylvie said: "This is just right, if Thor beats me down, won't I be able to see her?"

Luo Ji still wanted to dissuade her, but Sylvie rushed out like crazy, and then found a clearing in the nearby woods, and opened the portal.

Seeing her rushing in without hesitation, Luo Ji seemed a little hesitant, because he knew that whether it was the attack from the Rainbow Bridge or Thor's lightning, they might be injured.

But at this time, Helen whispered in her ear, "It's okay, go in, I will protect you!"

"I'm just afraid that you will protect me!" Luo Ji looked around, lowered her voice and said, "You must not bite Thor, Thor in this world must have a violent temper, you will be beaten..."

"Don't worry." Helen patted her chest and assured.

Luo Ji hesitated for a moment, but still walked in with Helen in her arms. The two of them came directly to the sky above Asgard. As expected, a thick thunderbolt struck Sylvie who was the first to arrive.

Sylvie, who was in a trance, couldn't dodge, and fell to the ground like a meteor. However, Luo Ji knew that Thor would arrive soon, and she could feel who was hit by her thunder. ,

As soon as Luo Ji fell to the ground holding Helen, she saw a blond figure rushing out from the fairy palace.

But Luo Ji was stunned the moment she saw her, because this female Thor was too old.

She looks much older than Frigga, you can't see the handsome appearance when she was young at all, she looks vicissitudes, tired and old, completely different from the heroic new king Thor that Luo Ji knew.

Before seeing a female Thor, Luo Ji also imagined what it would be like if his brother became a sister?

However, you can figure it out if you think about it. After all, Thor and Hela have the same father and mother, and their family's genes are very good. Thor is handsome, and Hela is beautiful. If they switch genders, it should be the same.

But the blond beauty in her fantasy did not appear. The queen Thor who appeared in front of her was unabated, looking like an angry lion, but her appearance was too old and embarrassed.

Sylvie, who fell to the ground, was also stunned. She stood there like a wood carving, and her eyes couldn't even focus on Thor.

"Loki Loki..." Thor called out, "Are you Loki?"

Then, she lowered her head and shook it vigorously, as if trying to shake off some hallucination.

Sylvie froze on the spot, unable to answer at all, but Thor stepped forward, stretched out some withered fingers, and lightly touched her cheek. When she realized that it was not a hallucination, she was stunned.

"How did you become like this?!!" Sylvie looked at Loki in disbelief and asked, she almost screamed; "Thor!!! How did you become like this?!!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she was hugged by Thor, and Sylvie closed her eyes in pain, tears streaming down from between her eyelashes.

"Where did you go?" Thor's voice was both tired and confused. She said, "I thought, you'll never come back..."

"I, Sylvie, choked on my sobs."

Luo Ji, who was immersed in the shock, just recovered, she cleared her throat, and then said: "Your sister didn't leave on purpose, she was captured by the Time Anomaly Administration, and they almost used torture to extract a confession from her, fortunately, A few kind-hearted employees let her out, otherwise, what would happen to her, I dare not even think about it..."

At this time, Thor slowly shifted his gaze to Luo Ji's body, seeing Luo Ji's face, she froze again.

Loki in the whole universe has the same face. Although Luo Ji looks younger, he can also tell that the outline of his appearance is somewhat similar to that of Sylvie.

"I am Rocky from another world, and this is my daughter, Helen, called Auntie!"

"Hello, Auntie!" Helen shouted loudly.

"What did you just say?" Thor immediately walked over to Luo Ji, but Luo Ji took a step back, because Her Majesty's every move carried a kind of angry majesty. When the attention is on you. People can't help but want to retreat.

Upon discovering Luo Ji's movements, Thor paused slightly. She took a deep breath, and her appearance began to gradually change, approaching the beautiful and powerful queen image in Luo Ji's fantasy.

The scars on her body and the traces of aging on her face completely disappeared, and she became radiant again. She was more flamboyant and gorgeous than the Hella Luo Ji had seen, and was no different from the temperament of Thor in his memory.

"Come with me, let's go in and talk." Thor adjusted his state at an extremely fast speed, and led Sylvie and Luo Ji into the room.

Sylvie was still in a delirious state and was in a daze the whole time. Luo Ji's state wasn't too good either. As soon as she stepped into the fairy palace, a feeling of irritability rose.

Several people came to the reception room, Thor sat on the main seat, Sylvie instinctively walked towards the first position on the right, but Luo Ji had already walked there with ease, so she had no choice but to retreat. Secondly, he walked to the position on Thor's left.

The movement of her sitting down was very unnatural, and she instinctively turned her head away, not looking at Thor, but Luo Ji seemed to be completely adapted, she lowered her body and looked up at Thor and said: "Your Majesty, the thing is like this."

While listening to Luo Ji's story about Sylvie's experience, Thor also found that Luo Ji's movements and words are too skilled, as if she has been a courtier for a long time, and even, there is a strange There is a sense of formula, no emotion, all skills.

After listening to Luo Ji's narration, Thor narrowed his eyes slowly, and she repeated the name in her mouth: "Time Anomaly Administration..."

Afterwards, she sighed and said, "Odin led the fleet and tracked down the place where Loki disappeared last. It was in a teleportation station within the territory of the Kerry Empire. We naturally believed that the Kree Empire had kidnapped her."

Luo Ji set her eyes on Sylvie, Sylvie came back to her senses slightly, and said numbly:

"When I was taken away, there was a problem with their teleporter, and they first landed in other places in this universe. I was not brought into the Time Administration until the corresponding guards arrived."

Suddenly she stood up from the sofa, and said with some collapse: "This war is completely a mistake! It's all a mistake!!!"

Sylvie looked at Thor with tears in her eyes, looked at the wounds in her soul and her rapidly declining lifespan, and cried out in a crying voice:

"How could you do that?!! Why are you looking for me??? I'm not an heir, I'm just a neglected princess, why are you going"

But what made Sylvie completely frozen in place was that the exhausted Thor just watched her quietly, and then showed a smile.

There are too many emotions in this smile, the joy of regaining what was lost, and the nostalgia for the old man, but there is no anger or regret.

Thor also stood up, reached out and gently took his sister into his arms, and whispered in her ear.

"It's okay, just come back."

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