American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1117: Father and Son (37)

Sylvie was crying so hard that she was shaking all over, she didn't even know what she was crying for.

Perhaps, every wanderer who left his hometown did not shed tears when he dreamed back in the tired and numb midnight, but just accumulated those tears, just like scooping up a handful of turbulent waves from the big river on the way home .

"We have been looking for you for a long time." When Thor spoke, there was a trace of fatigue in her tone, but it was more of an inexplicable exclamation. She said, "You don't know how much we regret. Ding shouldn't have left, otherwise, you wouldn't have encountered this."

Thor's voice made the motes in the afternoon light of Asgard tremble. Luo Ji, who was standing aside, stretched out her hand lightly, and seeing the tiny light dancing between her fingers, her eyes began to empty again, as if she had fallen into the In thoughts. ,

"You know? I thought that night that I would disappear forever and never come back again, making them regret and sad forever, but do you know why I didn't do that?"

Luo Ji was talking to herself softly, but she wasn't asking anyone, she just blinked and spoke again.

"Because I'm afraid, without me here, nothing will change. They are still a happy family of three, as if nothing happened..."

"I know, that's why Sylvie didn't go home."

Helen, who was held in her arms, looked up at her expression, put her hands around Luo Ji's neck, then shook her and said: "Mom, we haven't seen this Asgard yet, let's go out Go around!"

Luo Ji was dazed by her, looking at Thor and Sylvie who were sisters in front of her, she felt that it was a bit redundant for her to be here, so she looked around, and her eyes fell on the attendant beside her.

Thor keenly captured her movements, so while hugging Sylvie, she stretched out her other hand and said, "Since you are also Loki, you can walk around here, but it's best Do not use this look, it may cause panic."

Luo Ji nodded. Her female image is somewhat similar to Sylvie, but her male image is not so similar. After all, the bones of men and women are quite different, and Loki's temperament is completely different from Sylvie.

Thus, Luo Ji turned back into a male, hugged Helen, and walked out of the gate of Asgard, intending to wander around the capital star sector of the Asgard Empire.

The mainland of Asgard has not changed much, it is still a sky island suspended in the universe, but there are a few more armed sky island guards nearby, and there are more ships coming and going, which seems to be more powerful than Loki. Asgard is more prosperous.

However, when he came to the market in Asgard, Loki didn't feel the bustle of the past.

Although he hasn't been shopping in Asgard for a long time, he still remembers that Asgard's street atmosphere is actually very strong, even warmer and more lively than modern human society.

Asgardians don't like mechanization, and feel that those cold machines should not invade their lives. Therefore, the ordinary streets of Asgardian civilian neighborhoods still retain the style of the medieval and even primitive society.

Looking along a street in Asgard Commercial Street, the first thing you see must be the sign of the tavern. Asgardians are addicted to alcohol. If anyone lives too far from the tavern, they will be laughed at.

On the huge wooden signboards, exaggerated fonts are written, some of which still retain the pirate style, with skull flags and animal bones hanging on them. Tall wooden barrels and wooden boxes are piled up at the door, and there are bags after bags on the trolley. wheat.

Men in traditional Viking costumes are carrying things, and women in white aprons and plaid scarves are carrying vegetable baskets. When passing through the street, you can hear shouts mixed with Old Norse, It is the "rumbling" sound of horseshoes passing through the streets and alleys and the call sign of drunkards.

Thor likes this lively atmosphere very much, but Loki always finds it very noisy, so whenever they go out shopping, Loki tries every means to take Thor to the magic item store or bookstore, so that he has no time to go Drinking, can't spend a whole afternoon in the tavern.

As soon as he thought of this, Loki discovered that there happened to be a magic item shop on his right hand side. In his impression, he seemed to have been to this shop before, but he didn't know if the shop owner was still the rude bearded one.

He walked in the door with Helen in his arms, and the shop owner who was bending over to nail nails behind the counter straightened up. Loki took a look and found that the young man in front of him was somewhat similar to the shop owner he knew, but he was not alone.

He looked much younger, and he didn't have the wild wild hair and beard that everyone in the neighborhood envied, but he still had red hair and brown eyes, a typical Celtic. ,

Asgard is not all Nordic pedigree, but also mixed with the characteristics of other European races. The blood of the Asir Protoss is more pure, but other Protoss, especially the Vanir Protoss, likes to intermarry with foreigners very much, and their appearance is even worse. There are all kinds.

"Little Roll?" Loki called out tentatively. The young man behind the counter seemed a little surprised. He looked at Loki and said, "How do you know my name?"

"Old Luo Er, it should be your father, right? I am his regular customer, and I have been to his shop when he was still opening the shop in Jotunheim..."

Hearing what Loki said, little Luo Er immediately showed a bright smile, and he said: "Then you are an old friend of Luo Er's family, come here, please sit down! Panna, Panna? Help us get Come on, two bottles of wine..."

Loki waved his hand and said, "Where's your father? Isn't he in the store?"

Little Luo Er's expression froze for a moment, and then he rubbed his hands on his apron and said, "My father has died in battle, and my mother has gone back to Jotunheim to look after the store. Now there are only me and Pan in the store. Na two people."

After a while, a girl with red hair came out with two bottles of wine. Loki glanced at her and found that her belly was slightly protruding, which meant she was pregnant.

Little Roll and Loki sat by the window, and he put Helen on the chair next to him. Little Roll teased Helen with his hands curiously, and said, "Is this your daughter?"

"Yes." Loki nodded, looking at the two bottles of ale on the table, he uncorked the bottle in some mysterious way, poured the wine into the glass, and took a sip.

Loki doesn't like drinking at all, no matter where he is, no matter what kind of wine he drinks, he can always taste the disgusting bitterness from the alcohol, but at this time, taking a sip of cold wine made him sober. few.

"During the Millennium War, my father was in charge of a transport ship. Unfortunately, he was ambushed by the Cree Empire on the logistics supply line... He died in battle with several crew members." Little Roll shook his head, but he didn't The expression was too sad, and all Asgardians were like this. Everyone on this chariot had long been prepared to die in battle.

Loki wiped his mouth, turned his head to look out the window and said, "Why is the street so depressed? I remember it wasn't like this when I came here before?"

"Oh, then you haven't been here for a long time, right?" Little Luo Er suddenly realized, he said: "Today is the death day of the second princess, and the whole of Asgard will stop entertainment activities, the poor second princess... The **** Koli were kidnapped and finally killed!"

Little Luo Er snorted coldly and said, "If it weren't for that, I was too young at that time, and I would definitely let those people from Corey see how powerful we are!"

His attitude stunned Loki for a moment, and he blinked and asked: "But I heard that Odin announced that Thor, not Loki, was the heir of Asgard..."

Little Luo Er frowned, recalled for a while, and said, "It seems to have happened, but it was a long time ago, but even if she is not the heir, she is still the princess of Asgard."

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head and said sadly: "I heard from my father that Her Royal Highness is beautiful, kind, and very talented in magic, and she is gentle and kind. She doesn't have the airs of a princess at all."

Loki's eyes widened slowly, showing an unbelievable expression. He stretched out his fingers, pinched them, and touched his lips lightly. After hesitating for a while, he said, "I heard your father's friend say that before. The second princess seems to have come to his shop and broke two vases, and he seemed to be yelling at her to get out..."

"What's the matter?" Little Luo Er waved his hand and said, "At that time... the second princess should be still young, right? It's normal for children to be naughty."

"But I also heard that the second princess is weak and sickly, not as strong as the eldest princess at all. Moreover, she doesn't know military strategy and can only use magic..." There was a trace of hesitation in Loki's tone.

"Who did you hear that from?" Little Roll was a little puzzled. He looked at Loki and said, "The second princess is the most beautiful and noble princess in the history of Asgard. Pearl of…”

"But it's a pity..." Little Luo shook his head and said, "I don't remember much at that time, but I heard from my father that all the goddesses in Asgard combined can't compare to the skirt of the second princess.",

The expression on Loki's face can no longer be described with doubts, it is completely "I don't understand, but I am shocked", he blinked quickly, tapped on the table with his fingers, and spoke quickly explain:

"But she's not the heir, and she's not taken seriously, and why... my God, it's as bright as the moon, who made up this word?!!"

"What are you talking about?? I think you are a little drunk." Little Luo Er snatched the wine bottle from Rocky's hand and said, "Panna won't let me drink too much to prevent me from scaring you." Look at our children, don't drink too much."

"But it is."

Little Luo Er sighed and said, "Why can't you figure it out? The second princess is mainly ignored, so how did the Thousand Years War start?"

After finishing speaking, he looked around and said in a low voice: "Actually, there has been a legend circulating among the people of Asgard that the conflict between His Majesty Thor and His Majesty Odin is because His Majesty Odin is too partial to Luo. Your Highness Ji, say yes, the father of the gods only likes his little daughter, that's why..."

Loki had already covered his eyes, but little Rolle said in a dazed voice: "I heard that when His Majesty Odin announced that His Highness Thor was the heir, he was actually using His Highness Thor as a cover."

"However, the Kerry Empire knew that her real preferred heir was actually His Royal Highness Loki, so they kidnapped her and murdered her. That's why His Majesty Odin was so angry..."

Loki was silent for a while, grabbed the wine bottle in his hand, poured a few sips of wine into his mouth, wiped his mouth, then stood up with a "bass", picked Helen in his arms and walked out of the store Door.

He quickly came to the largest tavern in this block. At this time, Asgardians in twos and threes were drinking and discussing in low voices.

"At this time of year, I always think of it... Those Cree people are really damned! If it weren't for them, how could the second princess be murdered?!"

"Oh, don't talk about it, sometimes I also think, if the second princess really grows up, how beautiful and powerful she will be... Those damned Skrulls must be envious of us."

"If the second princess was still alive, she might have been married a long time ago, but it's hard to say. Who do you think is worthy of the second princess? Beautiful, holy and gentle, I'm afraid it must be the strongest warrior!"

"I see, Asgard can't find such a warrior who is worthy of such a perfect princess..."

Loki, who was standing at the entrance of the tavern, was completely stunned.

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