American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1279: Lone Shadows in Pairs (19)

"We don't want to know at all why Schiller knows what's in your closet..." Hal began.蓶

"I'm also not interested in what you do first thing when you wake up..." Constantine immediately picked up.

"The two of you even get along to the point where you can stab each other, I mean, you can get along peacefully after stabbing each other..." Clark immediately continued.

"...We are not surprised at what you will do." Lucifer made a final decision.

Answering the words without any gaps like a drama, stuffing what Bruce wanted to explain back into his mouth, like punching cotton, made him feel powerless for a while.

In fact, there is nothing difficult to explain. Bruce and Schiller have tortured each other the most in the past four years, which is to revise the paper.

Even if Bruce Wayne was a famous rich man, a famous psychologist like Schiller would not be able to bow down for five buckets of rice and rush to Wayne Manor to correct his thesis.

It is impossible for Bruce to let Schiller do this, because there are Selena, Dick, Elsa and Alfred in Wayne Manor.蓶

Leaving aside his girlfriend and children, if Alfred knows how his thesis is written, Aisha may not be able to restore Bruce's improved image in Alfred.

That is. The place to revise the thesis is either at the school or at the Rodriguez Manor, but even if it is at the school, Schiller will still go home in the end. Bruce can only go home with him before finishing the revision, want to run? nonexistent.

Of course, as we all know, the scene of Batman walking in the garden and being hung on a tree basically appeared when Schiller called Batman who had just finished patrolling to come to the manor to revise his thesis.

Batman walked the garden not because the garden was easy to walk, but mainly because he didn't want to be seen by Merkel, otherwise Alfred would have to kill him in less than an hour at the speed of the exchange of information between the housekeepers.

Looking back on the past, Bruce almost wanted to slap himself in the freshman year. When he asked Schiller to reserve a room for him in the Rodriguez manor, he didn't expect it to be a prophecy. In the past few years, every Batman Sleeping, basically staying overnight at Schiller's house.

Although Batman is not a typical autistic and basically has no stereotyped behavior, he is not a messy person, and like other mentally ill patients, he likes to put everything in a familiar place, so no matter where he goes, as long as With a wardrobe, the way clothes are arranged is always the same.

Bruce also knew that this arrangement actually originated from Alfred, because Alfred had organized his clothes since he was a child. The old housekeeper was an Englishman, and he was meticulous in storing formal clothes. There is a little difference, and they must not be mixed. Every piece of clothing has its place.蓶

When Bruce stayed at Schiller's house, he basically didn't bring a change of clothes, but the problem is that for Batman, sleep is not the end of the day, and he is also used to thinking about some problems in his dreams that he has no time to think about during the day.

As I said before, human dreams are connected by the dream world. The distance between dreams does not entirely depend on the distance between reality. Dreams are not necessarily close in reality, but there are exceptions.

Generally speaking, the distance of dreams depends on the frequency of consciousness activities. In a slightly sci-fi explanation, it is "brain waves". Brain waves at the same frequency are easier to connect together.

Obviously, after Schiller and Bruce tortured each other on Bruce's thesis, both of them fell asleep full of worries, and returned to their own thinking halls, even more angry, mainly because Schiller was not angry at all. where to come.

Then, Schiller discovered that even without crazy alcohol, as long as Bruce fell asleep in this state, the dreams of the two were still very close, so Schiller could climb over the wall, catch Bruce, and continue in the dream. Revise the paper.

Although there are many rooms in the tower of thinking, and there are also empty offices among them, Arrogance really doesn't want other Schillers to know what Bruce's thesis has been written.

then. Every time he brought Bruce over from that hole, and then took him to his room, and the two continued to have some unfriendly discussions on the content of the paper, discussing first and discussing later.蓶

Over time, the other Schillers got used to it, and finally, without Pride leading the way, Bruce himself could climb over the wall from his dream, walk through the hole at the bottom, and come to Pride's room.

In the real room, although there are no clothes and no wardrobe, but in the tower of thinking, everything depends on imagination. When Bruce stays in the arrogant room, he will project the bedroom in his memory here, and it will be here for a short time. It became the bedroom he owned in Wayne Manor, and naturally there was also the wardrobe that Alfred packed.

And Schiller's tower of thinking is special. After being arrogant to work, the tower of thinking is also open. Arrogant thinking and the operation of the tower of thinking do not affect each other.

So it is easy to have a situation. In reality, the arrogant Schiller is giving a lecture in Gotham University, and Bruce is sleeping underneath, but Bruce is not actually sleeping, but making up his homework in the room of the tower of thinking.

This is the single most important reason why Arrogant Schiller would allow Bruce to sleep in his class, of course, his own version is slightly different from this, but it can be ignored.

Under such circumstances, it was very difficult for Schiller to know the details of Bruce's life. The flow of thoughts was different from that of the real world. Schiller would force Bruce to correct dozens of hours of papers at every turn, even how many hairs did he grow? It's almost clear.

These people in this world in the theater are not surprised by this, as they said before, these two people stabbed each other, even more than once, tortured each other for four years, tortured to the end, and almost played each other In the end, they could still sit together peacefully, so why would they persuade them? What else is there to advise?蓶

Even Clark began to doubt whether he was right to forcibly separate them. He thought that the two of them must be in pain, but it was just because the illness was beyond his control. Now he realized that it is better to go to Mexico if he has time to take care of these two lunatics. Plow two more acres of land.

Clark even wanted to say that these two people should work together to create a tutorial to teach all mental patients in the world to pair up in this way, one-to-one precise internal friction, internal conflicts, internal resolution, and don't come out to harm ordinary people. If it can be successful , There is no limit to the merits.

But the problem is that Jason in this universe doesn't know this. In his opinion, Schiller is a weirdo who just popped up out of nowhere, and he might even be a criminal. When he got used to his life, his jaw almost dropped from shock.

Even through the mask, it could be seen that Jason's mouth could not be closed for a long time, and besides the shock, there was another emotion, which was the anxiety brought about by the thirst for knowledge.

Just when Jason opened his mouth to ask, suddenly, a pair of chopsticks was handed to Jason. Schiller looked at Jason and said, "Don't worry, your adoptive father has made an appointment for you for five hours of treatment."

Jason opened his mouth again. He was about to express his objection to this time, but he remembered the word Schiller just used. He said the word in his mouth, and then said: "...adoptive father?"

"Isn't he your adoptive father?" Schiller pretended to be puzzled and said, "Could it be that I misjudged the relationship between you, it's okay, medical records can be changed..." 蓶

After finishing speaking, Schiller put down the tableware in his hand, wiped his hands lightly, and turned to get the medical records, but at this moment, Jason suddenly stuttered, he held a chopstick in one hand, and stammered: : "No, that, wait a minute..."

Schiller sat back again, as if he had just thought of it, and said a little puzzled: "If he is not your adoptive father, how could he be willing to pay such a high price? To let you find me for psychological counseling?"

"The price? What price?"

Jason picked out the vocabulary in Schiller's words keenly. Although he has a bad temper, he has a particularly rich imagination.

He felt that Batman must have agreed to some unreasonable request from Schiller, so he immediately said a little angrily: "Did you lie to Batman? You deliberately described my problem as serious, hmph, you people I have seen a lot of liars, tell me, what did you cheat from him?!"

"I'm not a liar, and I didn't lie to him. My psychological consultation is clearly priced, and he paid for it, so I will treat you."

When Schiller said it was money, Jason immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He waved his hand and said, "Tch, what did I think it was? That rich guy has a lot of money..."

"Oh, is it? Then I'm relieved. Then, after the treatment is over today, please bring this bill to him. "

Jason didn't care what he said at all, he put one leg on top of the other in a hurry, lifted the lower part of his mask and took the water glass, took a sip of water, took the bill with the other hand, He glanced at it and said, "Who do you think you are? You want me to run errands? If you ask me to take me... Puff!!!"

Jason stood up suddenly, his eyes widened, and he stared at the series of extraordinarily long numbers at the end of the bill. His voice was almost screaming: "Thousands, Ten thousand, one hundred much??????"

Jason took the bill down, gave Schiller the same shocked look, then brought the bill up again, looked at the number again, and glanced at Schiller one last time.

"Wait a moment!"

Jason shouted, just as Schiller opened his mouth to speak, Jason stretched out a hand to stop him, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com and looked down at his clothes, then ran back to the center of the living room, turned his head back and forth to look at the whole room again.

Obviously, the most eye-catching thing in the living room is the dazzling array of exhibits on the bookshelves. In Jason's eyes, these weird sculptures began to shine with the luster of money, and he soon found familiar collections among them.蓶

"...Isn't this the frighteningly expensive wine glass that was in the warehouse before?...Oh, I see!" Jason suddenly realized, and he walked quickly to sit opposite Schiller.

As if he had discovered a big secret, the young man leaned forward, stared at Schiller with bright eyes, and said in a low voice, "You're not helping Batman launder money???!"

Greedy in the theater slapped his forehead with a slap, and said loudly to Jason on the screen: "Look carefully! Boy! Who is laundering money?! That old arrogance that can't even make an abacus?! You have terrible eyesight!"

"I think I'm going to be in bad luck." Jason commented with a stiff face: "He dared to talk about money in front of Professor Schiller. I think he might be thrown into the river. I hope Batman can get rid of it in time." He fished it out."

Although the others were silent, they obviously agreed with Jason's evaluation of himself.

Everyone knows that Professor Schiller is very disgusted with accounting, has great malice towards finance, and calls Wall Street an autonomous region of the public enemy of mankind. Anyone who repeatedly talks to him about money will have no good results.

But somewhat unexpectedly, Schiller was not angry, but just smiled, looked into Jason's eyes and said: 蓶

"Isn't Batman your adoptive father? He is willing to spend so much money for you. I thought you were very important to him."



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