American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1280: Lone Shadows in Pairs (20)

"Why do I think you have a little self-doubt?" Schiller took out the tea bag that came with the lunch box and said while reading the information on it.稩

"It's not self-doubt." Although Jason still put his arms on the back of the chair a little unreasonably, he still picked up the chopsticks a little awkwardly, as if he was a little curious about this special tableware, he shook his head and went on Said: "Your medical bills are amazing, but Batman is also rich."

"I heard that he was funded by Bruce Wayne. Does Bruce Wayne know that he gave the money to his adopted son for psychological counseling?"

Jason was choked, and mumbled a little: "That's his own business, besides, I don't need psychological counseling, it's completely superfluous..."

Before Schiller could speak, Jason jumped ahead of him and said, "I don't know if Batman told you... Forget it, I know how he described me, a poor little man who came back from the dead, tortured , Full of grievances, come on, I have forgotten those things long ago!"

"In the past few years, Batman has brought me to meet many people, including many so-called experts and scholars like you. When they heard that I was abused by a lunatic, they began to say things that I couldn't hear. Know the terms, traumatic disorder, stress response, etc..."

"The way they look at me really makes me unbearable. If you want me to say you, you outlanders are hypocritical, why don't you name everything that happens to everyone in this world like a mental illness. ? Before long, you'll be richer than Wall Street bastards!"

"You mean, we're creating a disease?" Schiller brought a cup of hot coffee and put it in front of Jason. Jason nodded and said, "Most of your diagnoses are unfounded. I'm alive and well. will live better."

"I can see that you don't like Batman taking you to meet these people." Schiller took a sip of coffee and said, "But it's not because you don't like doctors in essence, or you don't like it a little bit, but it's okay Classified as unsuitable."

"But in fact, the main reason for your disgust is that Batman took you to see a doctor, as if to say, you have become his weakness, but this is not the case, you are not that vulnerable, so the doctor's earnest words, in It sounds more like gesticulating to you."

"You do have some self-awareness."

"I'm living for it."

Jason didn't seem to expect Schiller's answer like this. He put one leg on the other, and his feet were almost at the same level as the dining table, but suddenly he put his legs down again, looked at Schiller and said, "You Are you not angry?"

"Why do you think I should be angry? Did you dry the soles of your shoes in the store before you walked in, or did you handle the chairs with care?"

"Are you trying to praise me?"

"That's exactly what I mean, Jason, you want to tell the world that trauma is a person's experience, but not a person's label. Trauma can stay in the real world for a short time or exist in memory for a long time, but who You can't live your whole life pointing at the injuries you have suffered..."

"Are you really an outsider?" Jason asked with some doubts.

Schiller ate breakfast on his own, and didn't care that Jason didn't touch the food on the table. He just said to himself: "You, like everyone else in this city, because of too much suffering, That’s why you’re extra strong, and just like the people here, you hate being treated as weak.”

"But if Batman really lets go, will you feel better?" Schiller smiled, took a sip of soup and said, "You were quite happy when I said Batman was your adoptive father, right? ? When you saw the astonishing bill, you were not only shocked, but also complained."

"You are worried that Batman will be cheated of money, and you feel that no matter how rich he is, he can't be so lavish. You also regard his things as yours, and unconsciously get close to him, and at the same time feel a little guilty."

Schiller sighed softly and said: "Maybe you don't even realize that you were born in poverty, so you cherish things very much. Although you always behave righteously, you don't think that everything you enjoy now is for granted. It should be..."

"The psychiatrist always has his reasons." Jason shrugged and said, "No matter what you say, you can make sense. This is your ability to make money. It has been honed countless times, and it has been carved into your bones."稩

"Do you think I'm wrong?"

"In this world, everyone has a set of reasons that makes sense, otherwise he wouldn't be alive." Jason stood up from his chair, paced to the side of the sofa, and said as he walked, "Even if it is The unreasonable lunatics in Gotham also have their own reasons."

"The difference is that some people use what they have convinced themselves to persuade others, while some people use what others provide to convince themselves. These are two completely different people, and psychologists are the former."

"However, those psychological theories that exist in books do not really become truths because of their large number or long existence."

"The person who summed up these principles may not have experienced these things. In terms of persuading others, one person makes up a set of principles to persuade others, and others repeat it 10,000 times, and it becomes the truth."

"But if you're not convinced by them, you're abnormal, you're stingy with money, you don't care about your mental health, you're poor without vision."

"The world judges whether you are suffering by the worldly standard of suffering, gives you sympathy and advises you to seek medical treatment, and then there is another person like you, standing in another angle, saying that I am right and that I am special. "

Jason looked back at Schiller and said, "But in essence, what you care about is the process of 'persuasion'. Others listen to your reasoning and bring you wealth, status and satisfaction."

"Everyone around me says that I'm not good at listening, I just shake my fist when I meet a criminal, because I know that persuasion is a part of your life, cut off this part, and you become like a carpet Fluff is generally boring."

"If you lose the goal of convincing others and making them agree with you, you will have nothing to say."

"And it just so happens that I'm very good at keeping people speechless." Jason said, shaking his head while crossing his arms.

"You can't convince me, not because you are not knowledgeable enough, not because what you said is unreasonable, but I already knew that the best way to avoid being persuaded is, as long as you don't use your brain to think, no matter how reasonable you are, It's just a piece of shit."

Schiller paused slightly, but soon he continued to hold the chopsticks, put food on the plate, and said:

"Convincing others is the job of a psychologist. I use this ability to make money. I can make a lot of money. I can even earn two sets of clothes, a watch, priceless cufflinks and a whole house from Batman..."

With a "whoosh", Jason sat back opposite Schiller, stared at him with piercing eyes and said, " did you do it?"

"I found out that what you are interested in is not making money, but making Batman's money. Is his money so hard to earn?"

"It seems that you don't know much about Batman." Jason snorted, and continued: "He beat up all the magic sticks I've seen, because they are not professional enough, and they want to cheat money!"

"You're the first person I've ever seen who can cheat so many things from Batman. Even if you're a liar, it's amazing enough." Jason leaned forward, seeming very interested.

"This is my secret that will not be passed on. If others hear it..."

Jason smiled, stood up with his arms folded, walked to Schiller's side and bent his body, as if he wanted Schiller to teach him in a low voice.

In the next second, there was a "click" sound, and the black muzzle of the gun touched Schiller's temple. Jason lowered his head and said, "You want me to get close to you so that you can do something to me, right?"稩

"You misunderstood. It is impossible for me to do something to you. I have neither the need nor the opportunity."

"Don't think I don't know, you cunning criminals are the best at using words to shake other people's minds, let them relax their vigilance, and then seize the right moment to give the enemy a fatal blow. I will not be fooled by you!"

"I'm telling the truth." Schiller lowered his arms, gently pushed the chair back, and stood up against the wall, while Jason kept pointing his gun at his head.

"Batman, have you seen it? Your adopted son's vigilance is no worse than yours. Even if you didn't install more than 560 cameras, more than 200 bugs, more than a dozen self-aiming miniature sniper rifles, and three range-accurate A large bomb that can be controlled, and an electric shock device that connects the entire floor, and he will not be in danger."

Jason heard footsteps behind him, and he turned his head. Seeing the figure of Batman appearing on the second floor, the young man in the red hood looked a little angry, and he said loudly, "I don't need your protection!"

After finishing speaking, he snorted coldly and strode towards the door. Schiller quietly watched his movements and said, "Your performance is not natural, and I'm not the kind of criminal who would take hostages. You Get to the best shooting position without trying to create distance."

Jason's footsteps paused, Schiller sat back in his seat as if he didn't notice, Batman walked down the stairs, and said to Jason: "Go, go and track down the man who attacked the city council speaker that day. case."

"Are you going to stay here?" Jason asked him over his shoulder.

"Yes, I have some personal matters to discuss with this professor."

"How many clothes do you have in your closet?" Jason choked back without showing any weakness.

"Jason, psychological counseling is charged by the hour, and the price for one extra second of your stay is about..."


After Jason left, Batman sat down on the seat opposite. His posture seemed relaxed, at least much more relaxed than Jason's.

"You know me so well, it seems that you know me from another universe, what is your relationship?"

"Teachers and students."

"A simple teacher-student relationship is not enough for you to know my living habits, let alone my speech, manners and formal style." Batman shook his head and said, "Then you can tell me, that world Is your Batman lucky or unlucky to meet you?"

"Luckier than you, and luckier than Jason."

In an instant, Bruce loosened his grip on the armrest of the seat in the theater, and the blood flowed down his white fingertips, adding a long-lost color to the blood-losing parts.

"Jason in your universe..."

"I didn't get all the bones broken by the clown, UU read and then died." Schiller said this tragedy very bluntly, but Batman's fingertips slowly tightened.

Jason in the theater began to turn pale, but soon, Bruce took his arm, made him sit down, and patted him on the back lightly.稩

Just when Batman was about to open his mouth to say something, Schiller suddenly put down the tableware in his hand, looked into Batman's eyes, and said very sincerely: "Thank you for all the things you provided me, including decent clothes, food And a house to keep me out of the streets."

"Thank you also for our mutual understanding, tacit cooperation, and spiritual confrontation, which made me feel full and interesting."

"And in order to thank you, I can do one thing for you..." Schiller dragged out the ending, and Batman looked at him silently, as if he didn't care, but in the next second, Schiller's words made his heart ache. Tighten.

"I can avenge Jason."

"No, you can't."

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't do it."

"You can't do it."

"I can."

"I won't help you."

"It doesn't matter."

"Don't go to die."

Schiller stood up after eating the last bite of the meal, walked to the door, and looked back at Batman. In the dim light floating in the shadows, the man's divinity and evil were perfectly blended together.

Elegant posture, decent words and deeds, have nothing to do with the word crazy, but when his voice sounded, Batman felt the long-lost chill.

"In your eyes, clowns represent madness, but I will let you understand what is...more crazy than crazy."


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