American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1281: Lonely Shadows in Pairs (End)

"Zi la - zi la -"

The sound of electric current sounded in the Batcave, and the huge curved screen lit up instantly, but Batman's hand didn't press the switch.

The cold screen light reflected on the pitch-black cloak, turning the bat's wings into dark blue, but soon, more bright colors appeared, green like fireflies, red like blood, circulating on Batman's armor in turn , light and color danced a dance on the black mantle.

Batman turned his head and saw a familiar face, with green hair combed back, blood red lips wide open, eyes staring at the screen, full of indescribable madness and cruelty.


Batman pronounced his name lightly, as if he was insatiable after reciting his lover's name ten thousand times, heavy emotions flowed out along the ending.

The huge curved screen is filled with this crazy face, and what is even more daunting is that the skin on the face seems to have just been attached to the muscles, and the folds of the smile are completely different from the direction of the muscles. Like a painted skin.

Before the screen, Batman saw that there were obvious scars on the Joker's neck, and the skin seemed to be peeled off by someone, but it was glued back.夎

"Long time no see, Batman, I know, during my absence, you have a new love!" The clown's lips were lifted up, his teeth were exposed, and he said, "I just lost the color on my face." Skin, you just empathize with each other and completely forget our past passion!"

"You damned sinner, traitor!" The clown's tone suddenly increased, but then slowed down in an instant: "Oh, damn, what am I talking about? How can I say that about the great Bat Lord?"

"Batman will never betray me..." The clown muttered like a dream: "Of course, of course, we all know this, outsiders can't interfere with our affairs, this is our family business, just like you and the flock of birds Like the boys..."

"It's like the scream of that bird when I broke its wings! Hahahahahaha! ... Sorry, I'm talking nonsense again, I didn't just break his wings! I smashed his whole body Bones! He's screaming, crawling, trying to escape, counting on you to save him... but he's dead! Dead!!"

"In case you forget about it, I can only repeat his name again—Jason Todd! Once Robin, now Robin, is he still your Robin now? Of course!"

"He forgave you so mercifully and came back to you, but unfortunately, he will never forget all that, hahahahahaha!"

Before the crazy laughter fell out of the complete clown's mouth, he stopped again as if someone had strangled his neck. Suddenly, he put his whole face in front of the screen and stared viciously at the opposite side of the screen. people say:

"Answer me, Batman! You will not betray me! ... I heard your answer, therefore, it's all his fault! It's all his fault! It's all Schiller Rodriguez's fault! He seduced You, he **** devil!!"

The crazy expression on the clown's face slowly disappeared. Suddenly, he became calm and his eyes were full of philosophical thinking. He was a little far away from the camera, only a little, but it allowed Batman to see through the upper right corner of the screen. and saw a pale face.

That's Schiller.

"Tell me, isn't this interesting?"

The clown's voice sounded again, the tone contained thinking, like a scholar, as if he was putting himself in someone's shoes, trying to figure out what someone wanted to do.

"When I caught the **** impostor, he wasn't afraid of me, and he didn't even feel guilty about seducing you...You know what he said?"

Batman stood in front of the screen and watched the Joker's performance quietly. He had seen this kind of performance not only once, but every time it was more miserable.夎

However, this time, the tragic situation was beyond his imagination. As the clown leaned back, the other half of the screen was completely exposed.

Schiller was sitting on a chair with his arms fixed to the armrests of the chair, covered in blood, because at least a dozen steel nails had been driven into his body, not only penetrating the internal organs, but also piercing the bones.

Batman's fist was clenched for a moment, but soon, the clown's voice sounded again: "Do you think I'm evil? Batman, you always do this, speculating others with the greatest malice."

"Ah! This time. I didn't hurt anyone!" The clown suddenly laughed, put a finger to his mouth, and whispered: "...he did it willingly!"

"After I knocked him to the ground and gave him a slap on the back, he lay on the ground and said to me, I can kidnap him, but on one condition..."

"When I used him to perform executions for you, he had something to say to you, but out of the principle of fair trade, a steel nail is another word."

Batman's fingertips trembled regularly, and the clown's sharp laughter echoed in his ears. After a few seconds of laughter, the clown said out of breath: "Listen to this word, fair trade !Sounds like a word Batman would say!"

"What, you said I wouldn't keep my promise? You said Schiller was cheated by me?" The clown suddenly stretched out a hand behind his ear, facing the screen, acting a one-man show of two people talking.

"No no no, you misunderstood me, Batman! I'll let him talk, of course I will! But if he can't speak because of the pain and blood loss. Don't blame me…"

The clown kept smiling and backed away from the camera. He walked behind Schiller, grabbed Schiller's neck with his pale, ghost-clawed hands, and then let him go.

Suddenly, he took out a claw hammer from behind the chair, and Batman's pupils shrank suddenly, but the clown weighed the claw hammer in his hand and said: "When I smashed all the bones of that little bird, I can Didn't think of it as a good thing, but good things come in handy, don't they, Batman?"

After finishing speaking, amidst the sharp and cruel laughter of the clown, the hammer fell heavily on Schiller's shoulder.

The scream that Batman expected to explode in his ears did not appear, and he instinctively raised his eyes to see Schiller's eyes.

In an instant, he understood that Schiller had now blocked all sensory perception and fell into extreme rationality, just like when they were testing each other before.夎

Condensing all extreme emotions into something higher, overlooking yourself and others.

"Listen Batman, I only have 15 sentences because I keep my promises better than this madman."

"A steel nail is exchanged for a sentence, and I will not say more."

"That is to say, if you don't understand, I won't repeat it a second time."

Schiller's speech was fast, as if he was chanting a spell, and the hammer fell heavily on him, but it didn't make his tone fluctuate in the slightest.

"The mind-to-heart connection that people often say is not impossible at all, but the premise is that the two people must be similar enough."

"When thoughts resonate, the spiritual world can communicate."

"We're one of a kind, and there's no one in the whole world that's more akin to Batman than us, Schiller."

"When we face each other, it's like looking in a mirror."

"Batman is always alone, this road does not need a partner, but you must understand me, and then you can save me."

"Close your eyes and read how alike we are."

"Explore your spiritual world and find the way to another spiritual palace of yourself."

Batman had already closed his eyes a long time ago, because Schiller's seemingly calm but actually full of psychedelic ups and downs had already drawn him to see his lonely self.

"Down, down, down, see darkness, see light."

"Follow the light, keep going..."

Schiller's speech became faster and faster, and the clown's face behind him became more and more ferocious. He knew that everything he could not accept was happening, so he swung the hammer faster and faster. Schiller had already seen that death was coming He waved at him, but the weaker the mental fluctuations were, the clearer the path would be.

"Find me, find me..."

"Find yourself, find yourself..."

"Find the…hope you've longed for."

In an instant, endless white light flooded Batman, and after the light dissipated, a huge tower descended suddenly in the thick fog.

Following the voice in his heart, Batman soared into the air, merged into the thick fog, and landed on the top of the tower like a dexterous bat.夎

And such an accident had already caused the guests in the theater to rush out of the room, and Bruce, who had just rushed near the patio railing, turned his head back as if feeling something in his heart.

In an instant, Bruce saw a pair of torch-like eyes from the thick fog.

When Batman's eyes that have experienced vicissitudes of life saw those slightly innocent blue eyes, countless fragments of memories brought him into that dreamlike world.

The criminals who went on the right path one after another, Gotham gradually restored order, the sun that fell after the dark clouds dispersed, the city as clean and clear as diamonds, and the tears that fell from the eyes of all Gotham people...

Countless fragments passed by his ears like the wind, until finally, in the slowly floating starlight, a light spot lit up.

The hand writing on the blackboard stopped, and the teacher looked back. The exhausted young man was sleeping soundly like a baby in the cradle.

In this moment, Batman understands Schiller and how he has pushed himself and Gotham in another universe to another path, another path of light that is very different from darkness.夎

When the glaring sun shines on this bat who is accustomed to darkness, the dark clouds that never go away in Gotham are like his firm cloak, and the continuous rain is like his eyes filled with tears.

When Batman sees the hope of light coming, no one can stop him, he wants to save and protect this hope.

In the next second, endless black currents gushed out from between the bat's wings, and the tremors of the two souls became stronger and stronger, and the rhythm became more and more consistent, like a symphony that reached its climax.

The most original darkness in the universe instantly flooded the tower.

Schiller, who was tied to the chair in reality, suddenly raised his head, and at this moment, the clown's dagger had already cut his neck.

Suddenly, Schiller's expression changed completely, and the clown ran up to him like crazy, and grabbed his neck with his extremely thin hands.

Schiller opened his mouth, but what came out was not his voice.夎

"You can't kill me... because, UU Reading I am Batman."

The clown's eyes widened, and he grabbed Schiller's neck tightly, shaking back and forth and screaming: "No! No! Batman! How can you!!"

At this moment, the corners of the mouth that had been left down like Batman's were slowly raised. Although the eyes were still serious, it was obvious that another soul had returned.

There is nothing more harmonious than when the expressions of two souls are reflected in the same face, alone and in pairs.

"Clown, you have caused too many people to lose too many things with disorderly chaos and madness... Today, you will understand—the taste of loss!"

Schiller's tone was still as soft as a feather, his words were elegant and dignified, and he had nothing to do with madness.

But he suddenly raised another hand with intact bones, and the same pale and thin hand firmly grasped the wrist of the clown's hand holding the dagger. The powerful restraining force coming from it was more like The devil who drags people into hell.夎

"Today, you will lose—" Schiller raised his tone and spit out the name like a chant: "...Batman!!"


With the hand holding the wrist, with decisive strength, the dagger cut open the artery on the side of Schiller's neck, and blood flew high.

The blood like a red ribbon slowly fell and landed on the clown's face, caressing his eyes gently, like a mother's hand.

In the bloodshot red eyeballs, full of fear and disbelief,

Seeing the fading vitality of the man in front of him, the clown, the lunatic representing madness itself and Gotham's eternal nightmare, uttered a terrified scream that had never been seen before:

"Schiller!! You crazy!!!!!!"


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