American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1308: Interstellar Stage (15)

Hearing this name, Schiller's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't show it. He just looked at the young man calmly again.

This Chinese young man is just over 1.8 meters tall and has a very healthy body shape, but he does not train himself to be a big man like many Europeans and Americans.

The face is not completely Asian, it looks more like a mixed race, the hair and pupils are black, but the brow bone and the roots are higher, and there are some Caucasian features between the eyebrows and eyes.

More importantly, Schiller found that he was not at all like a Chinese living in the United States. Due to the cultural differences between the East and the West, there is a big gap between the understanding of expressions between Easterners and Westerners.

For Orientals, a smile is actually a smile, usually with the lips closed, the corners of the mouth raised, and occasionally a bit of teeth exposed.

But for Westerners, the teeth must be exposed when smiling, the gums should be exposed, and the corners of the mouth should be raised high, which is more like an exaggerated animation.

This is even more obvious when taking a group photo. Although the native American Asians and foreign students have similar appearances, their demeanors and expressions are completely different, to the point where they can be distinguished only by the photos.

If the young man in front of him is Xu Shangqi, then he should be a Chinese-American, at least he should have been here for many years.

But now, the appearance and expression of this young man looks like a foreign student who just came here not long ago, without that kind of over-the-top American enthusiasm, but rather reserved, even shy.

More importantly, Schiller clearly remembered that Shang-Chi was a kung fu master, Natasha didn't bring many agents, and Banner didn't release the Hulk, so how did he get caught here? And as soon as he came here, he started vomiting blood?

Although kung fu masters are not very strong in Marvel where the demons are dancing, they are not so weak, right?

Although Schiller had doubts in his heart, he didn't show it. He just silently wrote his name on the medical record, then looked at Xu Shangqi, and asked, "How do you feel now? Why do you vomit blood?"

"I..." Xu Shang opened his mouth angrily, as if he didn't know what to say, but facing Schiller's focused gaze, he was eager to answer something to gain the doctor's trust, because he knew that he was facing The situation is very bad. If there is no ally, he will never be able to leave here again.

Natasha's cold attitude did put a lot of pressure on him. This is not a joke. The US secret service is doing business, and emptying the magazine is not the end, but the beginning.

Xu Shangqi sighed deeply, full of sorrow and sadness, he scratched his short black hair vigorously, and said: "I don't know, doctor, I don't know anything."

Schiller looked at him helplessly and said, "But if you don't say anything, I can't help you."

"I really don't know, I lost my memory." Xu Shangqi covered his face with one hand, then raised his hair, and said with a frown: "The police shot me during the conflict that day, and they shot me The back of my head, but a mysterious force protected me and kept me alive, but I felt that I was insane, so I ran away in a panic. I didn't intend to abandon my companions on purpose."

Schiller looked at Xu Shangqi's face and listened to his explanation full of loopholes. He seemed to have some premonition. He patted the guardrail lightly with his hand and said, "Well, if you insist that you have mental problems, I will Do a thorough check on you, and if you are later charged, the results of the check will be a deciding factor in where you go in the future.”

Schiller stood up, looked at the young man's face and said, "You have a good rest here, I will come to see you tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Schiller stood up and left, while Xu Shangqi watched his back, frowning tightly.

In the middle of the night, the young man who was sleeping on the bed suddenly turned over. He turned his head and stared at the gap in the door. He didn't tiptoe up until the lights in the corridor went out.

Feeling the pain in his chest, he cursed a curse word in Chinese in a low voice, muttered a few words in dialect, and tried his best to mobilize the muscle strength of his strong body to turn over and get out of bed.

He tiptoed to the window, twisted the handle of the window, and found that it was not locked, so he looked left and right, and pushed the window open silently.

Xu Shangqi stepped on the edge of the window with one foot, trying to jump out with all his strength, but at this moment, a voice came from behind him.

"I advise you not to jump, the downstairs is full of spies."

He speaks Chinese.

Xu Shangqi turned his head suddenly, and he saw the psychiatrist he had seen during the day, standing at the door with a folder of medical records in one hand and a cup of steaming water in the other.

Schiller walked to Xu Shangqi's hospital bed and sat down. Shi Shiran raised his legs, opened the folder of the medical records, and said, "Do you imagine that you will kill all directions in the Marvel world and realize your own health?" The dream of a superhero? Feeling like you’re the chosen one, so you’re sure you’ll be able to escape?”

Standing by the window in hospital gown, Xu Shangqi's eyes widened in shock, because Schiller spoke in fluent Chinese.

He walked over quickly, grabbed the guardrail of the hospital bed with both hands, and said, "Isn't it? You too, you said 'Marvel', right?...Did you say it???"

"Don't make a fuss."

Schiller's voice was so low that it was almost breathless. He took a pen to write something in the medical record in the dim light, then tapped the end of the pen on the guardrail on the other side, and said, "Sit on the opposite side, and then Let's talk about you."

"Please!" Xu Shangqi opened his hand in disbelief and said, "Did you travel over and become a psychiatrist?! Or a psychiatrist from S.H.I.E.L.D.??? Do you know what will happen in a few years? That purple Potato essence can snap fingers, and half of the people will die, but that’s hundreds of millions of living people!!”

Xu Shangqi felt a bit broken, he kept walking around the room, clutching his arms and said: "On the way to my internship, the taxi hit a big truck, there was a 'bang', I I don't know anything."

"I opened my eyes again, and there was another 'bang'. The bullet hit the back of my head. I heard a scream clearly, and then I felt that my body was as hot as boiling water."

"Suddenly, I felt a chill in the back of my head, and the bullets disappeared. Six or seven police officers pointed guns at my head, but I didn't run away because of this. I felt like I was going to explode. I didn't want to blow them all up. died."

The more Xu Shangqi talked, the more angry he became, he kicked the foot of the hospital bed and said, "I don't even know what sin I did! It's fine if I cross time, but I still wear it on Xu Shangqi's body! Don't let me See that Fu Manchu, or I'll blow his dog's head off!"

After finishing speaking, he kicked the foot of the bed again, making a "bang", panting for breath, obviously not lightly, then he shook his head and said: "These American policemen kill people without blinking an eye." I watched them knock down two or three marchers, and now they brought me here, you **** lackeys!"

It can be seen that the young man in front of him is not very good at swearing, even if it is Chinese swearing words, there are only a few words tossed over and over again. Suddenly, as if he just came back to his senses, he turned his head to look at Schiller.

He looked at the appearance of Schiller's white man, and suddenly said: "Judging from your Chinese accent, you should also be a Chinese, right? Forget it, Xu Shangqi is just Xu Shangqi, at least he looks like a descendant of the dragon."

Schiller just sat calmly on his seat, watching him express his emotions for a while, and gloat for a while, quietly doing a profile of this young man in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the young man sat down next to him, turned to look at him and said, "You are unlucky enough to wear it on an ordinary person, and you have to work overtime in the world of superheroes."

"However, this is also very good. Even if this Xu Shangqi has cultivated some internal strength, it will be in vain when I come to me. I can't control the kind of air flow in my body at all. Who said that transmigrators can learn without a teacher?"

Xu Shang raised his hand angrily, quite helplessly, soon he sighed softly again, and said: "I don't know what happened to my mother, she knew that I died in a car accident, she must be very sad, but still Well, I still have a brother and a sister, they can only take care of my mother."

He raised his head, looked at the room of the mental hospital, and said the words that had been held in his heart for many days, like pouring beans: "You said, this is really strange, isn't it? I haven't seen it for so many days. Spiderman swinging around and Iron Man flying by, I still want to take a photo."

"I've only watched movies, not comics. I guess this is one of those multiverses that Marvel talked about? Maybe it's the future universe? I hope it's the future universe, so I don't have to face the purple sweet potato essence."

Schiller turned his head and looked at his profile, and asked, "Are you going to be a superhero? To save the other half from Thanos?"

"Who knows." Xu Shangqi shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't gamble. I'm the half of the people who survived. Since I will die sooner or later, I might as well use my special ability to fight with Zishu Desperate, maybe. The reason why God asked me to come here is to make up for the tragedy of the movie?"

Xu Shangqi rubbed his nose and said: "When I saw the end of "Reunion 3", I cried so hard, I don't know what's wrong, maybe I'm not willing to let these superheroes just die like this. "

Schiller pointed to the opposite bed again, Xu Shangqi obviously relaxed a lot, he walked over and sat down, Schiller looked into his eyes and said: "I see a kind of clear stupidity in your eyes, you are a Are you a college student?"

Xu Shangqi nodded and said, "I just graduated from university and was doing an internship, but I died on the way to the internship."

Before Schiller could continue to ask, Xu Shangqi sighed deeply and said, "Maybe you traveled too early and didn't see the movie "Shangqi", and I almost died of despair after I found myself dressed as Xu Shangqi! You don't know what a **** that movie was made of!"

"If the actor's appearance can still be called aesthetics is subjective, then the rhythm of the plot is even worse, the composition of the picture has no sense of beauty, and the costumes are so ugly. After watching it, I was sick for a week, vomit..."

Xu Shangqi made a disgusted expression, crossed his arms and said: "There are no decent oriental heroes in Marvel, all of them are **** stereotypes! Fortunately, the original Xu Shangqi was shot, it should be He was killed, so I replaced him."

"It's a good thing I'm not that idiot in the long movie, otherwise I would really commit suicide by jumping into the sea."

Schiller showed a smile, but at this time Xu Shangqi rubbed his hands and became excited again, and said: "Maybe, that decent Eastern hero is me? After coughing up two mouthfuls of blood just now, I found that the blood in my body That airflow has subsided and I seem to be able to control it a little bit."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the window, where searchlights kept flashing outside, then he turned his head back and said in a low voice, "You don't really intend to just stay here, do you? You don't intend to do anything to change it. the world?"

Schiller nodded slightly, and he said: "I'm just an ordinary person, I don't have your super power, so I'm afraid I have to rely on you for this matter, don't worry, you still need to rest, if you want to leave Here, I will help you."

Schiller's voice was soft and slow, every word and every syllable was protracted, the spotlight outside the window flickered faster and faster, and even the light inside the room became unstable.

"Okay, you're right..." Xu Shangqi leaned against the pillow of the hospital bed while clutching his aching chest, his vision had already begun to blur, and he said with sleepy eyes: "I You have to rest for a while, let’s talk about what’s going on tomorrow.”

After finishing speaking, his breathing rate gradually became longer and longer, until his eye movement speed began to change towards deep sleep, Schiller stood up blankly, went to the cabinet next to him and took out a bottle of Wine, open the lid and let the aroma of wine overflow into the room.

Soon, Schiller came to the foggy consciousness space, where there is no thinking tower, only very scattered fragments, which is a very typical spiritual space of ordinary people.

Schiller looked around, and found a curled up figure in the center of all the fragments. It was a very ordinary Chinese youth with a pair of myopia glasses. His appearance was ordinary and he had no unique temperament. Like the boys that can be seen everywhere in the university town.

Schiller found his own memory among many fragments. This boy's surname is not Xu but Chen, and his life experience also shows that he is indeed not an aborigine of this world, nor has he been brainwashed or hypnotized. Instead, it was indeed reborn through a backdoor.

Schiller stood there and thought for a while, he wanted to see the reason why this traverser came here.

Schiller doesn't like this kind of thing happening beyond his control. If it happens, the root cause must be found out. He doesn't think it's all a coincidence.

When he was in the DC world, Schiller once heard Lucifer say that the "Book of Fate" that records fate is not only the aborigines of this world, but also many souls who have strayed into this world. Not long after arriving here, fate wrote in the "Book of Destiny", just as Schiller once encountered.

And Lucifer's explanation for this is that the endless universe and world will inevitably have a little error, and these wandering souls, even if they are reborn, will not cause too much damage.

Even if something can be changed, it's just one or two universes. Few gods pay attention to them, and if it gets too big, just throw that universe out...except for Schiller.

After learning about the multiverse, Schiller heard about some unusual events from Spider-Man, such as a character who had never appeared in comics suddenly appeared in a certain world, opened a big company, beat Thanos, and bubbled up. Seeing superheroes, Schiller knew that these people might be the ones who came here by accident.

But since this Xu Shangqi was so lucky to cross in front of him, of course he would use the simplest method to find out his background and make sure it wasn't some kind of conspiracy.

Schiller looked back at Xu Shangqi's memory, trying to find the fragments of the time when he had an accident, but when countless memory fragments passed by his eyes, Schiller caught a familiar face.

In the next second, his pupils shrank suddenly.

The next morning, Xu Shangqi woke up from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes vigorously, stretched his waist, and yawned big. Then he found that the doctor from yesterday had opened the door again.

But the difference is that he is holding a familiar food box in his hand, which looks like he ordered breakfast from Chinatown. Schiller sat next to Xu Shangqi again, looked at him with a smile and said, "Yesterday you fell asleep straight away. Well, there are still many things I didn’t ask, we can talk again today.”

Xu Shangqi stared straight at the scented food box, swallowed, and said reluctantly: "I've told you so much, and you haven't told me your story yet. Woolen cloth."

Schiller lowered his eyes and said, "My story has nothing to tell. I'm an orphan with no parents or family. I came here alone with nothing to worry about."

Sure enough, Xu Shangqi showed a sympathetic expression after hearing this, but soon he became a little depressed again, and the movement of opening the food box became a little slow. UU reading

"My mother, my brother, and my sister must be very sad." Xu Shangqi pursed his lips tightly and said, "My mother called me a few days ago and told me not to go out to work during the summer vacation and go back early. If she Know…"

Xu Shangqi's eye circles were getting redder and redder, but Xi Le seemed to have unintentionally opened the lid of the food box, put the delicious food in front of him, and asked: "I never heard you mention your father, you are a single-parent family ?”

Xu Shang nodded absent-mindedly and said: "When I was just born, my father ran away with gambling debts, and my mother, my brother and my sister raised me."

"Great mother, what does she do?"

"Nurse, she's a nurse."

Fu Manchu is really disgusting

I have to find a reason to **** him


(end of this chapter)

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