American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 161: long easter (1)

Spring thunder blasted over the east coast, followed by a torrential downpour. The puddles on the tree-lined road reflected the sky light from the gaps in the dark clouds. Countless raindrops slapped on the dense leaves. Come, there is a chilly spring rain outside, while the inside is warm.

Schiller flipped through the textbook in his hands, the sound of the paper rubbing was completely drowned out by the sound of rain, he cleared his throat, had to raise his volume, and said, "Easter is still a week away, the psychology society's dinner party. It will start at 7:00 p.m. on Easter, and students who want to participate should be seated before 6:30."

After speaking, Schiller paused, looked at the heavy rain outside the window, and then said: "There have been thunderstorms in the city in recent days. Please bring an umbrella when you go out. It is estimated that if the rainfall continues to increase, there will be a possibility of flooding. , please pay attention to the evacuation notice..."

After he finished speaking, he packed up his textbooks and planned to leave. At this time, Evans, who was sitting in the first row, stood up, walked to the side of the podium, and whispered to Schiller: "Professor, it has been raining a lot in recent days. Many students can't show up on time, so homework..."

"Make up the payment later, and tell everyone to remember to inform their parents that if the rain continues, they may be evacuated at any time in the next two days, and let them pay attention to the movements of the local gang..."

Evans took out a timetable and said: "In the past, the Easter party would be held on the same night, but this year, our new principal moved the banquet two days earlier, just to stagger it with the club dinner, which we planned to …”

Evans told Schiller about the arrangement of the meeting. When the two were discussing in a low voice, Bruce came over, Evans glanced at him, and Schiller said to Evans: "Then let's make this plan first, I'll check with you later."

After Evans left, Bruce said directly: "It's been raining a lot recently, and Gotham's drainage system has a big problem. I'm going back to the Wayne Building to keep an eye on it to prevent flooding."

"Quarantine, besides, it seems that they broke the defense."

"We'll talk about this later." Bruce looked around cautiously, as if he was afraid of the crowd.

When Schiller returned to the office, Victor was holding a goose egg and stroking it up and down with a paintbrush. Schiller walked over, glanced at the goose egg, and said, "Where did you get this? You Shouldn't you go dig the swan's nest on the lake?"

"Of course not, do I look like such a boring person?" Victor took a paintbrush, dipped it in blue paint, and drew the shape of a star on the goose egg. Said: "The logistics department has prepared five Easter eggs for each professor, and we will finish them before the festival and give them to the students."

"This is amazing." Schiller said with a smile: "Shouldn't they be the ones who gave it to us after finishing the painting? God knows how tired I am teaching them."

"Of course they will also send, but they may send finished products, after all, there are not many people who can paint."

"Actually, I like this job quite a bit. I wanted to be a painter when I was young." Victor put his head in front of the easter egg and took a smaller paintbrush to perfect the details of the star.

Schiller shrugged and walked back to his seat. He saw that there were indeed a few goose eggs on the seat. He picked up one and looked at it and said, "The precipitation has been a bit outrageous recently, you can see the weather forecast. Yet?"

Anna at the next table was also painting with an Easter egg. She raised her head and said to Schiller, "This ghost place doesn't have sunny days a few times a year, but this time it's raining so hard that my rain boots can barely hold up. used."

"I just heard from my students that this Easter party is early?" Schiller sat down on the chair and began to play with the brushes and paints.

"Yes, in order to hold more activities, our principal has brought forward the banquet time, so the corresponding dance time has also been brought forward."

"Why did he do this? Where can there be so many events?" Victor asked with some doubts.

"This is the first major festival in his first year in office. Maybe the new principal wants to show us a hand. In addition to the banquet, dance and dinner, I heard that there are also links to exchange Bibles, pray and sing."

"He doesn't look like a devout Christian either. Why is Easter all of a sudden so important?"

All three shook their heads. Schiller looked at the goose eggs on the table. He gestured twice with the brush. Just when he was about to start writing, Victor stood with a freshly painted egg. He got up and said proudly, "Look, this, look at what I drew."

There are many stars painted on the egg in his hand, using red and blue colors, it looks like a star-spangled flag, but because the goose egg is oval, most of the stars are deformed, and some places have not been painted uniform.

Anna teased him and said, "I don't know that you are so patriotic. The designer of the flag will definitely be moved to tears when he sees your work."

"Please." Victor complained, "It's a little hard for me to draw on a flat surface, not to mention a round goose egg. It's not bad, right?"

Anna looked down at her work again, and found that it was not as good as Victor's. She threw down the pen in annoyance and said, "This **** rainy day has blocked my thinking, and the thesis is not going well. What the students wrote I can't even see..."

"I've found out two weeks ago that the biggest downside of continuous rainy days is that they get water in their brains."

"Don't be kidding, it's all water when it's not raining." Gu Hu

All three sighed. Obviously, the quality of students at Gotham University is really worrying. Victor looked at the easter egg in his hand and said, "I don't think they will be interested in this thing, they prefer bullets, or Throw some flammable plants here."

"That's it, I'm going to go to the store to buy some ready-made ones, and no one will find them anyway." Anna stood up and said, Schiller stopped her and said, "Bring some for me, thank you."

After Anna left, Victor and Schiller looked at each other, Schiller said, "Then what are you going to do? Don't tell me, what are you really going to put into the goose egg..."

"I plan to finish painting them, and then find a few unlucky people to give them to them. If they dare to dislike my ugly painting, then I will give them a failure."

"By the way." Victor stood up and said, "The drawing of the cryo gun you gave me last time, I studied it and found that it is not suitable for ordinary people to use."

"Really? Why do you say that?"

"It takes a lot of force to just pull the clip off, and if you don't have enough thrust to put it on, there's a risk of fluid leaking."

"This gun looks like it's designed for a well-trained soldier or a strongman, and if I come, it's leaking enough to freeze my arm before I can fire it."

What Schiller gave Victor was the cryo gun blueprint developed by Peter.

When Victor said this, Schiller understood that the person who developed this gun is the infinitely powerful Spider-Man, and the people who use this gun are not only superheroes such as Iron Man and Captain America, but also S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, and worst of all, are well-trained armed police.

Of course these people can ignore power or recoil, but researchers like Victor can't. Schiller said to Victor: "Then how do you plan to improve? Do you have an idea?"

"Of course. Actually, I'm here to invite you to the lab with me. I need a test subject. I think we're both about the same size and strength. I'd like you to help me test the sample I made. ."

Shiller shrugged. "Well, hopefully you get the data you want."

When the two went out, the thunderstorm had basically stopped, but there was too much water on the road. Victor shook off the toes of his wet shoes and complained: "The drainage system in the school is really bad, the rain is so bad. It has been stopped for more than an hour, but the water on the ground has not been drained at all."

Schiller looked around and didn't see any drains or drains on the surface. He thought about it and found that the whole Gotham seems to be like this. The drainage system is not very good, and it's fine when it rains drizzly. , once there is a large-scale rainfall in a short period of time like today, the whole city seems to be flooded, and you can see the sea view without leaving home.

Just like being immune to fear poison gas, Schiller is also immune to this kind of rain. At least the symbiote gray fog in his body did not find any abnormality.

After arriving at the laboratory with Victor, the two chatted for a while, and Schiller began to help Victor test the freeze gun.

After Victor recorded several sets of experimental data, Schiller said to him: "What about the cryogenic generator, what do you think?"

"That's actually no problem. It has a lot of power. If there is enough energy, it can freeze a large area."

"Can the power be increased? How high can it be?"

Victor glanced at Schiller in surprise and said, "There is no upper limit to but what do you need so much power for?"

"Can I ask you to do a few more? I may be useful later." Schiller said thoughtfully.

Victor did not ask, but agreed to him.

Schiller found that Victor was a little nervous, and he asked, "Have you not slept well recently?"

"No, but I've been in a trance recently." Victor shook his head and said, "Usually I can concentrate even if I spend the whole night in the lab, but recently, it's not even 0 o'clock, and I start to feel sleepy."

"It may be that there have been too many rainy days recently. Rainy days can make people feel depressed, and the humid air is not good for the body. It is better to go out as little as possible."

Schiller turned his head and looked out the window. I don't know when, the rain that had stopped began to fall intermittently again, and the rain became more and more urgent.

Schiller thought, looking at the ridiculous amount of precipitation in Gotham recently, he knew that the court of owls was in a hurry.

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