American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 162: long easter (2)

It was another rainy night. On the road full of stagnant water, the lights of the passing cars flickered. Gordon walked down the stairs in his rain boots and shook hands with Schiller, who was walking up. He said in an exaggerated tone. : "Thank goodness, Professor, you are so timely!"

"Let's go in and talk."

Gordon pushed open the door of the police station, and before he could bring Schiller to the office, a small police officer walked over and said, "Boss, the interrogation room on the second floor is full, and the drunkard and the scarred face slapped him in the face. It took three people to pull them apart, and the black guy with the band tattoo is even more crazy, we don’t have enough manpower to see so many prisoners…”

Gordon sighed and said, "I'll catch someone later, there's no need for interrogation, just lock it up first."

Gordon took Schiller up the stairs, he walked in front, his footsteps were fast, and he said without looking back: "These people have been crazy recently, the crime rate in Gotham has increased 12 times today, and the interrogation room and the cell are no longer enough to live in. already."

"I don't even know what's wrong with this, everyone is very angry." Gordon walked into the corridor, pointed to the end of the corridor and said, "The two people in the interrogation room were closed because of a pack of cigarettes. There was a fight, and there was a couple in the room on the left, who quarreled with each other and used knives and guns..."

"I thought it was Gotham's daily routine." Schiller also walked up the stairs quickly, standing behind Gordon and said.

"It was really like this before, but after the logistics system started to operate, there were very few idlers like this, and I didn't expect it to appear again."

He sighed and said, "But as expected, the water accumulation on the roads in the city is too serious, the logistics operation is basically stagnant, and everyone is idle at home."

"But you still don't feel normal, don't you? Otherwise you wouldn't come to me."

"That's right, even if Gotham was rotten before, there shouldn't be so many mentally ill people popping up overnight."

"Now in the office on the third floor, two people are twitching, one is foaming at the mouth, and the other has started talking nonsense."

"Our officers did alcohol and drug tests on them and they showed nothing wrong, they just got sick."

Gordon stood in the doorway of the office with his hands on his hips and said to Schiller, "I wouldn't have been able to tell if that kid named Cobot was sick last time, but they have similar symptoms, so I have to call you over here. Look, what's going on here?"

Schiller frowned, he pushed open the door of the office, and saw a few people curled up in the corner, just like Cobot at that time, soaked and twitching, and murmuring to himself.

Schiller shook his head and said, "I had expected that this is the aftermath of the rain."

Gordon didn't catch what he was saying, and when he was about to ask again, Schiller interrupted him, saying, "Forget about it, transfer them to Arkham, as you might expect, this Not normal and I need to do further checks."

When Schiller came to the office of the Arkham Asylum, it rained heavily outside the window, and this rain had been less than four hours since the last time.

Schiller walked to the window and watched the raindrops beat on the guardrail outside the glass, reflecting a faint sheen. He calculated silently in his heart that the thunderstorms began to become more and more frequent, from once every two days two weeks ago to one day. Once, and it has rained three times today.

He walked out of the office and knocked on the door of the ward next door, and Batman's voice came from inside: "Please come in."

Schiller walked in and saw that he and Cobot were standing on both sides of the table with this map of Gotham City on the table. After entering, Schiller said directly: "It seems that the plan really disgusted them. "

Cobot gave a grim smile, and Batman's mouth twitched as he said, "You've given me a new appreciation for the vileness of human tactical planning."

"If you don't use this method, even if you catch their tails, they will only hide deeper and deeper, and will not jump out of their own accord."

Batman sighed, his mind back to a few days ago.

Evans, Batman and Cobot speculate that the way the Court of Owls will monitor the living **** is the well, but this is still just a conjecture and needs to be further verified.

Batman planned to infiltrate the living **** himself to investigate, but Cobot refused him, he felt that the living **** was his own territory, and Batman did not need to intervene.

Batman, in keeping with his usual skeptical style, doesn't trust Cobble and intends to do it himself.

The two were at a stalemate, and finally, under the mediation of Evans, the two acted separately, with Cobot investigating the North District and Batman investigating the South District.

During the reform of living hell, all 6 wells in the southern and northern districts were filled in, but this filling did not block the wells from the bottom to the top. In order not to damage the structure of the groundwater, only about three wells on the surface The part of the meter is put on a bracket, poured, and becomes the ground, and the part below three meters is still a well.

Batman found a sewer entrance step by step, and then planned to make a passage from the ground to the bottom of the well.

However, Cobot, who was not from a professional background, had a broader idea. He still found tires, red trucks, rockets, etc., and formed a team, intending to use special methods to investigate.

These few people are different from the rich and willful like Batman. After all, they don't have that set of sturdy equipment, and they don't even have night vision goggles. It's unrealistic to figure out the original structure of living **** in the complex sewers. Yes, but there are wild ways too.

It also starts with the old drug dealer who gave them the map.

What Gotham lacks most are all kinds of geniuses who have gone wrong, and the best of them are these gopher-like drug dealers. Valley swimming

In Gotham, it is true that no police will stop you from selling these contraband, but the biggest danger is precisely from your peers.

This kind of thing must be stored and transported, and once the storage location and transportation route are discovered by other gangsters, then you wait for the valuable cargo to disappear.

In order to avoid this situation, the vast majority of drug dealers operating in living **** have their own set of transportation routes.

The same is true for this old drug dealer. He joined forces with several other big business leaders to control most of the underground passages within the living hell.

They don't walk on the ground at all, but directly transport goods through underground passages, so that they can avoid being discovered by the gangsters living in **** and reduce the probability of being robbed.

When Living Hell was reformed, most of the underground passages were destroyed by foundation brackets, but there were still a few working ones. Cobot got the information, and then found the secret at the bottom of the well faster than Batman.

They speculated that among the five wells in the North District, three of the wells were connected to a secret room at the bottom, and the rooms were also connected to each other and led to a larger conference room.

When Cobot found out, he didn't enter rashly, but notified Batman.

Batman, who is better at infiltrating, touched the periphery of these rooms. After investigation, he found that, unlike the huge conference room he discovered before, there are traces of people's activities here recently.

Batman thought, what they expected was really good, if the owls really operated here for decades, then they would never completely give up Gotham's territory, even if they were urgently transferred due to some accidents, they would definitely stay in other strongholds. guards.

After a few days of squatting, Batman discovered that the underground of living **** seemed to be a new stronghold for the members of the Court of Owls.

Based on the principle of sharing information between members of the Gotham Secret Society, Batman, I simply told Schiller about these situations, but Schiller came up with a very speechless, but possibly extremely effective plan, as if he had been prepared for a long time. .

Like Schiller said, it's not hard to catch the court of owls by their tails, or even break into their stronghold, but if they don't succeed in one go, they'll definitely get away and hide even deeper, such a game of peekaboo It's over.

So there must be a plan to force them out, let them show more potential, and create a chance for success.

The specific plan is this, Schiller speculates, even if the court of owls is hidden underground, they will have to use energy to illuminate and communicate.

So where does this energy come from?

While the possibility of their own independent energy facilities is not ruled out, according to Schiller's knowledge of the Court of Owls, they are like tumors growing on normal tissue. The more likely approach they would use would be to mix in their own people when the living **** transforms, and then pull a thread out of the living hell's energy system to power themselves up.

So Schiller asked Gordon to find Slick, and then asked Cobot to take Slick for two laps in living hell.

Sure enough, the little slicker soon discovered that there was a power line going the wrong way, and after chasing this line, Cobot found the energy pipeline of the Owl Court stronghold.

In addition to the power supply, there are other pipes, and the above-ground part is hidden and unguarded.

And Schiller's ultimate plan is, shit.

Connect the sewage treatment pipeline of the Living Hell and the energy supply pipeline of the Owl Court together, and the entire sewer system of the Living Hell will be connected to the pipeline of the Owl Court.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the result. In Gotham, there is no place with a higher population density than the living **** area, and the ability to make **** here is naturally top.

"That excrement flooded their stronghold and turned it into a giant digester."

Batman's tone couldn't hold back, he said: "And from the situation on the scene, some people failed to run away in time when they fell..."

Batman was silent for a while, as if to suppress the nausea caused by his imagination. After UU read, Batman said quite pertinently: "Although it is disgusting, it is effective."

"You said before that they have trained a lot of killers. If I break in alone, I'm not sure I can beat them all."

"Even if I can beat them, once they drag me down and let the killer out, the inhabitants of the living **** will suffer."

"Living **** is Gotham's most densely populated place. No matter what happens in the Court of Owls, there will be a lot of casualties. For this reason, we have to force them out of there. Although we use it...but they will not care when they escape. Murdered."

Schiller looked at Batman, the corners of his mouth still turned down, looking deep and serious.

Schiller thought, perhaps this is what makes Batman unique among superheroes. Although personal heroism is still unavoidable, he is willing to trade his own regression for tactical victory, rather than to be greedy for achievements and show himself. of power.

In the face of a despicable tactic, it is not to stand on the moral commanding heights and take responsibility for it, but to analyze and judge rationally. Perhaps this is the basic quality of a tactician.

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