American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 313: language! (middle)

On the back of the hill at the end of Forest Mountain Park, in a very hidden and narrow cave, Schiller bent down and drilled in through the entrance of the somewhat narrow cave, but it suddenly opened up.

It was a naturally formed cave at the foot of the mountain, but at this time the natural features inside had undergone some transformation. There were tool benches and shelves on the left hand side, and some messy instruments on the right hand side. On the top of the cave, there are spotlights for lighting beside it.

Peter, who was walking in front, took off his headgear and introduced to several people: "I don't know when it started, but I had this idea and thought it would be good to find a cave as my base. This is indeed a good place, not far from me. Not far from home, it is convenient for me to change clothes at any time, and it is very hidden."

"Indeed." Steve nodded. He looked up around the cave and said, "But I think you need to strengthen the structure here. The mountains in New York are not that strong."

"That's the next step," Peter said, helping Steve to subdue the black sleeping bag he was dragging, which was still struggling, and black smoke came out from time to time.

Strange crossed his hips, stood behind a few people, stared at the sleeping bag and said, "This thing is a little too weak."

"It doesn't seem to be made for combat." Steve threw the sleeping bag to the ground, then frowned and said, "Just now, Peter and I didn't even use 30% of the strength, and its arm broke."

Steve opened the zipper of the sleeping bag, and there was a black skeleton inside. Steve pressed the neck of the skeleton with one hand, and grabbed one of his ribs with the other and pulled it. The rib was caught by him. There was a crisp sound when it broke, and Peter shuddered.

After Strange and Schiller rushed to the scene where Peter found the skeleton, Steve went down to help Peter, and the two subdued the skeleton together, while Strange opened a portal and returned. A trip to Kama Taj brought a book related to undead magic.

Schiller also walked over and studied the contents of the book together with Strange. Faced with an unfamiliar field, none of the four did much research. Schiller and Strange chose to start with theory, while Steve and Strange chose to start with theory. Peter's plan was to go straight to the experiment.

Schiller found that the book that Strange was holding recorded many cases of necromancers, and the mages of Kama Taj stopped many such evil necromancers from wanting to invade villages and towns. actions, and summed up a set of methods against them.

Schiller read the book for a while, then joined the experimental group, looked at the skeleton and said, "Let me see... an adult female, about 50 years old, with a history of childbirth, the cause of death should be abdominal trauma, initially suspected to be a car accident , the dominant hand is the right hand, and I should have been engaged in light manual labor before, maybe a cleaner, or a kitchen assistant..."

Steve opened his mouth. He really wanted to ask Schiller how he judged it, but at this time, the atmosphere in the lonely cave was already weird enough, and there was no need for a few more horror stories to set off the atmosphere.

"We must collect more information from the dead as samples to determine what the necromancer's goal is. Since Peter encountered skeletons twice in the Forest Hill cemetery, what is the next goal of the mysterious necromancer? It may still be here, you may need to squat here..." Schiller concluded.

"No problem, the supplies in this base are quite sufficient. Even if they are not enough, I can buy them. The only thing that worries me is that my uncle and aunt live nearby, and my aunt was scared by the ghost fire last time... "…" Peter said hesitantly.

The last thing he wants to see is that his family is injured, Steve crouched on the ground, turned to look at Peter, who was also half crouched, and said, "So, you just need to guard the source of the danger, and there will be no nearby The second cemetery let him do these paranormal events."

So, Steve and Peter stayed at the base and continued to guard the necromancer who might start again, while Schiller and Strange returned to the Arkham Sanatorium. The two came out of the portal, and Schiller turned his head. Ask Strange, "What do you think?"

"I'm afraid this is more trouble than I thought." Strange's face was a little serious, he said: "First of all, I can confirm that this power itself has undead attributes, that is to say, the source of power must be related to related to death."

"Once I get involved with this concept, it will become particularly tricky. More importantly, I just tried to use the power of white magic to dispel this force of death, but maybe my time to learn magic is too short... "

Strange looked at his hand, and a ray of white light suddenly appeared in his hand. He said, "This is the 'white magic rage' most commonly used by new magicians. It comes from the ancient spirits of stars on the edge of the eternal ruins. The price to pay for strength is very small, almost negligible, but also relatively weak, but the advantage is better control..."

"When I used this power to dispel that dark power, I found that it didn't work at all, so I switched to another power..."

A brighter white light appeared in Strange's hands again, surrounded by some flying leaves, and he said: "This is the light force of the world tree that is closer to us, although I don't know why this force is stronger than usual. Weaker, it represents the power of light of the vitality and new world tree, and it should be able to dispel the power of darkness and death..."

"But it didn't work out, did it?"

"That's right, this means that this kind of power is not low-level, and it is not something that new magicians can deal with. Although I inherited some of the power of white magic from Weishandi from my teacher Gu Yi, I have not Easy to use."

Strange frowned, he sat on the sofa, and said, "Once the two properties are opposite, but the same powerful force collides, it may cause a very big fluctuation. Peter and Steve have no magic resistance, It may not be able to withstand the shock.”

"Then you plan to..."

"Well, after all, I'm the heir of the Supreme Mage, I can't watch an unknown force make chaos in my territory, but do nothing, I think we have to go to that cemetery again, and find another experiment product, and then find a safe enough place to do the experiment..."

Schiller thought for a while, but still didn't refute Strange's use of the word "we".

He turned his head to look at the umbrella placed beside his desk, which was the new umbrella he brought from DC World.

In order to get a strong, indestructible, unreplaceable umbrella, Schiele felt the need to make the cursed embryo trapped in the umbrella a little harder to protect his umbrella.

Although I don't know what the relationship between the dark death and the curse is, it sounds like their attributes are very similar, and maybe they can be merged.

So, Schiller and Strange went to Forest Hills Cemetery again. Strange enchanted a compass. They followed the place pointed by the compass and wanted to find a place with the most dark energy. .

The cemetery environment in the United States is very good, and the same is true of Forest Mountain Cemetery. It is a part of Forest Mountain Park itself. On weekends or holidays, many people even come to the cemetery for a walk, or rest on the lawn, which can be enchanted. The compass took the two to gradually leave the cemetery and walked deeper into the forest.

"It's not surprising, the necromancer also needs a hiding place. He can never build a house in the park, so it should be hidden in the forest." Strange speculated.

After speaking, he looked back at the umbrella in Schiller's hand, and asked with some doubts: "The snow has stopped, what are you doing with the umbrella?"

Schiller held the umbrella to brush away the weeds around him, all the way unobstructed, but Strange could only take a step, letting the weeds scratch his expensive trousers and leather shoes, Schiller held out his hand to him, Strange. Trange pursed his lips and turned to continue walking.

"Although it is possible that he is hiding in the forest, don't you think we went a little too far?" After walking for about 20 minutes, Schiller stopped Strange and said.

"This should be far beyond your mage's casting distance, right? He couldn't hide in such a far forest and cast spells on the cemetery."

"I think it's very close." Strange raised the enchanted compass in his hand, and Schiller saw that the pointer of the compass was constantly shaking, as if affected by an invisible mysterious force.

Suddenly, the pointer stopped with a "deng", and both Schiller and Strange turned their heads to look in that direction, where there was a dense forest, and the dense leaves blocked all the light in the dark night, so that People can't see what's behind it.

Strange's fingers glowed faintly, he wiped it on his own eyes, a flash of luster, his pupils turned into beast-like vertical pupils, obviously, he borrowed from the mysterious existence of some beast incarnation. The power of night vision.

On the other hand, Schiller gave up his vision, the invisible gray fog factor drifted away, and the whole world became an incomparably clear three-dimensional model in his mind, which was much more accurate than what he could see with his eyes.

Strange and Schiller continued to walk into the woods, but after leaving the trail, it became a little difficult to move forward. After a short distance, the two walked for more than ten minutes.

Strange, who walked in first, let out an exclamation after he completely entered the woods. Schiller bent over and avoided the branches above his head. When he walked in, he saw the middle of the woods surrounded by tall trees. There is a scorched land with a special imprint, kind of like a miniature magic circle.

Strange stopped at the edge of the land and did not rush forward. Under Schiller's gaze, he put his hand into his pocket without haste, and then took out... his phone.

"Hey, the Sanctuary? Yes, it's me, Stephen, I have a pattern here, it seems to be left by a demon who controls the power of death and darkness. You broadcast to the demon network on a common frequency band to see if there are any No one knows who left this?"

The operator at the other end quickly replied: "The picture has been universe signal has been sent, and there is no response at present. It is estimated that it may take about ten minutes..."

After Strange hung up the phone, he turned around proudly and showed Schiller: "We can't just help them, right?"

"Part of the power intercepted by the last Gnar invasion was poured into the magic circle under the Holy of Holies by Gu Yi. This magic circle can send magic broadcasts to the universe. The principle is similar to human broadcasts, except that magic To be more convenient, we don't need any cell towers or base stations..."

"So far, this feature has only been used to convene demons for meetings or to resolve some neighborhood disputes, but Nick told me that he intends to develop an entertainment radio program for the whole universe, and he found several moral levels in prison. The tried-and-true director and screenwriter are about to move up their schedules..."


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