American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 314: language! (Down)

After about fifteen minutes, in the dark and silent woods, Strange's phone ringing broke the silence.

He picked up the phone, pressed the answer button, and put it to his ear, the pleasant voice of the customer service staff in the Sanctuary came from the opposite side: "The communication of Mephisto, Lord of Hell, will be connected for you in 30 seconds, during We will play a waiting tone, please be patient..."

After dozens of seconds of melodious music, the phone came out of Strange's hand with a "swoosh", and the button part turned into a big mouth full of fangs, and Mephisto's voice came from that mouth. It came: "I said Strange, where did you see this pattern?"

The sarcasm in his tone made Strange a little puzzled, and he asked, "What's wrong? What is this pattern?"

"You don't know? This is the symbol of Hela, the lord of the underworld, the mad woman who plays with skeletons and souls in her house all day long. Have you seen skeletons and corpses suddenly resurrected around this pattern? If anything, it's definitely her..."

"There are, and there are more than one or two. A nearby cemetery has been haunted for several days."

"That's right, Hela's best trick is the army of the undead. Her death attribute comes from the back of the World Tree, so it happens to be the opposite of new life. In addition to death, there is also resurrection..."

"But why did Hela appear on Earth?"

"How do I know this, but... For the sake of the good deal you gave me before, I remind you that this woman is very difficult to deal with. Once she appears, her ubiquitous power of death and resurrection, It will pollute a large area of ​​land and create all kinds of troublesome creatures. If you don't want your site to be turned into a skeleton dance hall by her, you'd better think of a way..."

After hanging up the phone, Strange frowned, looking at the pattern, Schiller patted him on the shoulder and said, "Leave here first, if Hela really comes, can you deal with her? "

"No..." Strange shook his head, and he said, "I'm just worried that Hela will come. If she does come, then I can't go, because only I can deal with these troublesome demon gods. ."

After gaining a very prosperous life, Strange also seemed to have regained some sense of mission. He stared at the pattern on the ground and began to think about how to restrain Hela.

Schiller continued: "I'm afraid things will not be as simple as you think. In any case, the Lord of Hades has no reason to appear on Earth, especially here..."

"If she wants to attack the earth, then she can't just leave a mark here. Mephisto also said just now that if she really wanted to do something, she would have flooded this place with an army of undead. New York has There are hundreds of cemeteries, enough for her."

"Indeed." Strange's expression was a little confused.

"I know the working style of these cosmic demon gods. When they start a fight, they won't be like humans, first warning each other, negotiating, and wrangling, and then tentatively shooting. They will fight between life and death."

"If Hela wants to invade the earth, she doesn't need to put a sign here first. Everyone knows that lightning strikes are the way to win quickly. Her actions like this are more like scaring a snake."

"Why do I feel like she's being a little sneaky?" Schiller looked at the sign and said, "It's like she's deliberately restraining her power, not wanting to be discovered, but the power of the devil is so powerful that it leaked out a lot, causing a lot of damage. supernatural event."

Just as the two continued to speculate, Strange's cell phone suddenly rang again, and the sudden ringing shocked him. He took out his cell phone, but the cell phone flew into the air again, and the familiar big mouth was once again. Appeared, Mephisto's voice sounded in his ears: "Stephen, let's discuss, what is the name of the one in your Sanctuary... Quarterly member? As long as you give me a quarterly member, I will tell you more clues, How about it?"

Strange scolded secretly, Mephisto, the sly old fox, deliberately didn't say everything just now, and also deliberately emphasized the threat of Hela, which satiated people's appetite and made him raise a lot of guesses. But there is no answer, this will play the savior again, just to take more advantage.

"I can only give you one month at most. You know, I didn't open that place. There are also shares of the Supreme Mage and the Father of the Gods. There are too many gifts, and I can't explain it to others..."

"Okay, then for a month."

Mephisto was just making some cheap money. Then, a black gas spread from the phone, forming Mephisto's upper body. He snapped his fingers, and a wisp of black smoke drifted towards the sign. He explained to the two behind him:

"Generally speaking, the devil leaves his own logo somewhere to convey information. For example, I left a logo of myself on your mobile phone, so that I can call you at any time."

"Of course, the magic broadcast you made is good. When you are finished, don't forget to ask me to leave a sign next to the magic circle, so that the signal will be much better."

"So what does this sign left by Hela represent?"

"Wait, I'm deciphering, you know, women always like to add too many unnecessary decorations to their various items, so is Hela's logo, she has engraved so many complicated patterns, and only a few of them can be used. …”

"...Okay, read it out, eh?" Mephisto said "um" with some doubts, and then said, "Hela is looking for someone."

"Looking for someone?...Who? There shouldn't be anyone on earth who has anything to do with her, right?"

"She didn't leave her name, she just said that it was a girl with long black hair... Wait, there is another paragraph, if you find it, please call her on the phone number of the Sanctuary..."

"Strange, you are famous." Mephisto turned to Strange and teased.

Strange spread his hands and said, "Okay, it looks like another pet lost incident, no matter who she's looking for, the sign she left has caused us a lot of trouble, what should we do? clear her?"

"If you're willing to give me another month..."

"No need, let's find a way by ourselves, goodbye." Strange threw the crimson girdle directly, rolled back his phone, and pressed the hang up button, and Mephisto's figure disappeared instantly. .

After a while, the phone rang again, and Mephisto said: "I can help you clear all the forces here, but you have to leave me an exclusive line, and I will be a little busy for the next 20,000 years. …”

"Exclusive line is impossible, but we can give you one more thread. Our advanced customer service is limited, you have to know..."

"Okay, then there's one more thread."

Mephisto's figure came out of the phone again, and then he snapped his fingers, and instantly, countless black energy poured into his body from the marking pattern and around, and then all traces disappeared, Murphy After Stowe disappeared, Schiller said, "Looks like you've been deceived by this devil again."

Strange's face is also a bit ugly, because anyone with long eyes can see that Mephisto was absorbing power in the process just now. This cunning devil not only gained some of the power left by Hela in vain, but also let him Strangedo gave him a customer service thread.

"I'll give you a suggestion. The direct call of Mephisto's phone is transferred to Nick. Even if it may not be profitable, at least it will certainly not be a loss."

Strange turned to look at Schiller and said, "What's your phone number? If every unfamiliar phone call could go to you, the earth would have become a cosmic holy place."

"Okay, the problem of residual power is solved, we have to study who Hela is looking for."

"It's definitely not an ordinary person anyway. Hell and Hades are not places where ordinary people can stay. She may be looking for another universe demon." Strange opened the portal and said, "The good news is, The paranormal event is resolved, the bad news is that there may now be another demon **** in a corner of the earth."

Schiller followed Strange through the portal, and he said, "Don't let Nick know about this, or his blood pressure will spike again."

Back in the room at Arkham Sanatorium, Strange was about to call again, and Schiller asked him, "What are you doing?"

"I'll call the Holy of Holies and ask which of the demon gods they know has the image of a black-haired girl, so that even if something goes wrong with this demon god, we can stop him in time."

"I advise you not to do this, because you might offend Hela, but you didn't realize that Hela sneakily left a sign here. Maybe she wants you to help him find someone secretly?"

Strange sat on the sofa, touched his face, and said, "She doesn't have a reason to do this, why would she be sneaking? Can anyone do anything to her? ... Oh, wait, yes there is. , shouldn't Hela be afraid of the ancient one? But the supreme mage should not be able to control her underworld."

"Don't forget, in addition to the ancient one, there is also Odin in the nine kingdoms. Not only Odin, but Thor also regained his divine power and even made some progress, but it is more likely that Hela wants to The person I'm looking for has a special identity..."

"The question is back to the original point, who is this person?" Strange leaned his elbow on the arm of the sofa, and pressed his hand to his forehead.

At this moment, Schiller's cell phone rang, Strange turned to look at Schiller, Schiller picked up the phone and said, "...Hello? Peter?...What happened? What happened to you? The skeleton suddenly disappeared. All power turned to bones? That's a good thing."

"The great heir to the Supreme Mage, Strange, went to negotiate a deal with the devil, so Mephisto, the Lord of Hell, helped us solve this trouble, but it brought us a bigger problem..."

Just as Schiller was talking about this, he heard a loud noise from Peter's side, followed by a chaotic noise, Schiller heard the sound of Peter flying into the air, followed by the "boom" sound of spider silk.

After a burst of "pop, tap, pop", Peter's exclamation and a female voice's exclamation sounded at the same time, and a few seconds later, Steve's voice came from a distance, and he said, "Peter, are you alright?"

"I'm fine..." Peter was lying on the ground, and a woman wearing a black robe, or a girl, was on his body.

Steve stood a few meters away. Instead of rushing over, he took a defensive stance and asked the girl, "Who are you? Why did you suddenly fall from the sky, and..."

Steve looked around and saw the bones scattered all over the place. He looked at the girl and continued, "...There are so many skeletons around?"

The girl in the black robe stood up. Peter was finally able to get up from the ground. He patted the grass clippings on his body and turned to look at the person next to him. Then he saw a slender white hand from under the black robe. Reached out and took off his hood.

Schiller heard the other end of the phone: "whatthefu..."


------off topic-----

Language is the meaning of language, which means that the US team does not swear. Whenever someone in the team swears, he will say: language! (Watch your language!)


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