American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 315: The Godly Girl Gets into a Big Misfortune (Part 1)

Schiller heard Peter swallowing on the other end of the phone, and the little spider's flustered voice sounded on the phone: "Mr. Schiller, you'd better... come over..."

Strange directly opened a portal, and before Schiller's phone was hung up, he stepped in, and then Schiller heard Strange swear a swear word.

Schiller felt a little curious and looked at the bed portal, but saw nothing. Strange's voice sounded over there: "Schiller, come here!"

Whether it was Peter or Strange, they were not people who liked swearing, and they could make the two of them swear together. Schiller was a little curious about who the opposite was.

After he walked through the portal, he was also stunned, looked at the girl opposite Schiller, took a deep breath and said, "...Loki?!"

That's right, the black-robed girl standing opposite him is Loki, or rather, Loki.

If it's just a sex-transformed Loki, it's not enough to surprise Schiller, because he knows that in the comics, Loki has turned into a woman several times, or his gender itself is fluid, this is a comic The official setting of , so one day he didn't want to turn into a woman, and it's not surprising.

What surprised Schiller was that there were many layers of aura behind this girl version of Rocky, which was not an abstract adjective, but a concrete description.

The moment she took off her hood, circles of holy, hazy, rainbow-glow halo appeared behind her, like a scene depicted in medieval religious oil paintings, which made her look Externally holy and beautiful.

Loki is very beautiful, not beyond Schiller's expectations, because the male version of Loki is very handsome, and it is reasonable to become a goddess, but now this girl version of Loki seems to have a special kind of charm. Charm and attraction, that holy aura that everyone can't take their eyes off of.

The first sentence of Luo Ji's mouth was: "I am Luo Ji."

And the second sentence is: "I stabbed a big basket, find a way to help me!"

Because of the holiness and charm attributes that she now has, this sentence doesn't sound like she is asking for help, but more like the benefactor who came down from the sky is spreading the will.

Peter swallowed again, and when Loki turned to look at him, Peter was almost flushed and at a loss.

Among them, Schiller was the most resistant to Rocky. He pushed Strange and said, "Let's talk in another place."

Strange was obviously still immersed in unparalleled shock. After all, among all the people present, he and Loki were the most familiar and had the best relationship. As a result, his good brother suddenly turned into an extremely beautiful and holy goddess. , which made Strange difficult to accept for a while.

"I'll come." Luo Ji said, stretched out her hand to draw a circle in the air, and then opened a portal. Schiller took the lead and walked in. Luo Ji followed behind him, and the remaining three were sluggish for a long time before finally walked in.

Behind the portal is the reception room of the Arkham Sanatorium. Several people followed step by step. Luo Ji alone occupied the sofa on the side of the window, Schiller sat on the single sofa on the side, and the remaining three people Squeezed on the sofa opposite, staring straight at Luo Ji.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Schiller said to the girl Rocky.

I have to admit that as long as I stare at her face for a few seconds, it seems that an invisible vortex is attracting people's souls. Schiller stared at Luo Ji for a long time and said, "It seems that you are about to be promoted, you What did you do?"

Luo Ji sighed slightly, even her sigh was very like a **** girl mourning for pity on the world.

"This has to start with Saka Star..."

In the last chapter of the book, after Thor was exiled to the star of Saka, he was upgraded to become the new **** of light.

Is Loki satisfied with the result, you ask? It's hard for him to say it himself, but anyway, this fact has brought a very big impact on his mind, and he can't find a way to vent the emotions in his heart.

So when Thor said he was going to stay in Saka to save those slaves, Loki didn't agree or refuse, but just followed him numbly.

Thor felt guilty about Loki, but he didn't know how to change Loki's state, so he poured a large part of the divine power of light into his body.

But just like Thor, who was heartbroken before, Loki had no intention of using this part of his power at all.

They left the Saka Star Arena and started heading towards the mine where Thor worked.

The hot wind whistled on the wild land of Saka Star, and the sand and storm were the only constant melody here, but Thor did not use the powerful force of light to directly teleport, but went back step by step with Loki.

On the way, a light flashed, and Sif fell from the light of the Rainbow Bridge. When Thor saw her figure, he was very surprised and asked, "Sif, why are you here? Your injury Ok?"

Sif's face was still a little bad. She walked up to Thor and said, "I'm a little faster than some of them, so I'm here to find you."

"When the power of the God of Light came, all the people of Asgard shouted their new king, Thor, congratulations..."

Thor Ball didn't show much joy. In the past, if he heard all the Asgardians congratulate him, he would be crazy with joy, but now he just said lightly: "Really? It seems that This time the movement is quite big..."

Sif saw the difference in Thor. The powerful power and majestic aura that Thor carried now made people respect him unconsciously. Sif reached out and stroked Thor's face, saying: "Looks like you've changed a lot..."

"Why don't you go back to Asgard? There's a big celebration waiting for you there, you know..."

Thor shook his head and said, "Now I'm not very interested in that occasion. I'm staying here and have more important things to do."

When Thor told Sif about his experience on Saka, the voice of Venom in Loki sounded, and he said, "How did the phantom run into this goddess?"

Loki raised his eyes to look at Sif, and Sif also turned her head back as if she had a good heart. A purple luster flashed in her eyes, and the phantom said to Loki through Sif's mouth, "Isn't it a good thing you did? You manipulated that huge robot and made Sif seriously injured and almost died. At that time, Hill wanted to save her, so I ran into Sif's body and helped her repair her body..."

"Later, I thought the two of us cooperated pretty well, so I stayed. Now I also have a Protoss host, Venom, do you want to come to a contest?"

"It's not so much that you want to find a Protoss host to compete with me, it's better to say that you don't want to die, Illusory Demon, your cosmic agents are still the same, bottomless relief and help..."

"That's better than you, you lunatic! When you return to your home planet, Lei Ting and I will teach you a good lesson!"

Seeing that Sif and Loki were chatting more smoothly than him, Thor scratched his head and didn't care. He also knew that it was just because of the two alien symbiotes in their bodies.

Or rather, Thor is still very happy, because Loki and Sif were dead enemies before, and they choked up when they met. Thor's head of mediation is too big. Now there are two familiar symbiotes in coordination, but they need to be more harmonious. .

But in Loki's view, this matter became a little strange, because Venom always had an impulsive emotion, which made him always stare at Sif, before heading to the Red Ring Mine. During the trip, Loki patted his head hard several times in a place where no one was around.

"Venom! What's the matter with you? What are you thinking? Sif is Odin's fiancée for Thor! They both know about it!"

"What does that matter? I don't think it's Sif."

"You..." Loki was choked by him, and then he asked very suspiciously: "Don't your symbiotes reproduce without mating?"

"Yes, but does this delay my desire to have a relationship?"

Loki opened his mouth, he gritted his teeth and stood there, and said to the air: "Listen, Venom, you can't do this, even if you fancy a phantom, her current host is Sif, and she will be my future. My eldest sister-in-law, the **** queen of Asgard, dare to hit her, and we will be hacked to death by Odin!"

"What does this have to do with it? You're not blood related to Thor, and neither to Odin."

"And who said that Odin engaged the two of them? Did they hold a ceremony? Did they wear a ring? Or was there a deeper communication? Since there is none, why can't the first come..."

In the reception room, the few people who heard this looked at each other and looked at Rocky with a bit of disgust. Strange said first: "You shouldn't really... This is against ethics, even if the two of them Not getting married is immoral..."

"If you say that, you really have made a big mistake..." Steve said politely: "Your father may be very angry."

Luo Ji said blankly, "I have nothing to do with her."

"Then you mean 'big basket'..."

"It's more serious than that."

In a station in Saka star, Loki took a deep breath, he almost suffocated, he said: "I don't like Sif at all! That nasty woman is always looking for trouble for me, we two are enemies , understand?"

"I and the phantom are also enemies. Their cosmic agents have been chasing me, but it doesn't matter. Going to bed is the best way to turn an enemy into a friend..."

Loki found that there was absolutely no reason for himself and the suddenly estrus symbiote.

Just as he and Venom were pulling back and forth, they arrived at the Red Ring Mine and came to the dangerous mine where Thor was mining at the time.

And here, an extremely fierce conflict broke out between the three, or Sif finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Loki is pulling with Venom, and Sif is also pulling with phantoms. As we all know, the current Venom combines part of Bruce and Stark's personalities, and how charming these two playboys are, needless to say, phantoms also have A soul, an emotional symbiote, along the way, her impression of Venom has changed a lot, and she is even somewhat moved.

Sif naturally felt the phantom's emotions, but she didn't think that symbiotes couldn't fall in love. In Sif's opinion, as long as a creature with an independent soul can enjoy love, love should be free.

It's totally fine for the phantom to fall in love with Venom, but she can't fall in love with Loki, she and Loki are enemies, and Sif is going to hate Loki to death.

And she also knew in her heart that she was the **** queen arranged by Odin for Thor, and Odin and Loki were brothers. If something happened to her and Loki, the royal family of Asgard would be discredited.

But before, when Sif was almost killed by the Destroyer, it was the phantom who saved her and quickly repaired her body. The phantom saved Sif's life, and Sif had no position to stop her, so she The atmosphere between him and Loki became a little more subtle.

But Sif couldn't bear the atmosphere at all. She hated Loki more than Loki hated her, and it could even be said that she hated her deeply.

At this point when the three of them were exploring the mine, Sif and Loki finally broke out. The two of them had a big quarrel, and they turned out all the old things and said it again. In the end, they couldn't hold back, and the two fought violently.

You have to ask what Thor is doing, of course he is trying to mediate, but although his power has come back and his level has been upgraded, there is no way to improve his emotional intelligence Although Thor looks away A lot of things have happened, but he is still the same Thor in this aspect of interpersonal relationship. Most of his mediations are ineffective mediations, and they don't work at all.

When Loki and Sif started to fight, Thor wanted to stop it, but Loki was not using his own divine power. He was still an ordinary person without divine power. He was using what Thor poured into him. The divine power of light, but this divine power does not belong to Loki at all, and Loki cannot control it well.

Just when he used this unfamiliar force to resist Sif's attack, this unstable force exploded violently, collapsing all the underground mines in the entire Red Ring Mine, and also knocking out Loki. Blast into the endless void where Saka Star Rock is located.

Accompanied by Thor's shout and the violent explosion, the countless fragments of void in front of Loki's eyes kept shattering, forming a storm. After the endless space storm, Loki was thrown into an unfamiliar space...


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