American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 454: The Mystery of Spies (Part 1)

The sound of slightly hurried footsteps sounded in the dim corridor, the smooth floor reflected the hasty footsteps of the agent, the rubbing sound when the firearm was loaded sounded like a cassette tape suddenly being jammed, and the lights above the head flickered irregularly. Looking out the window, the howling cold wind gradually weakened, and flakes of snow fell like goose feathers.

The storm has gradually gone away, but the snow has not stopped. Even without the snow knives whistling in the wind, the snowflakes are still very dense, and the weather is still very cold. White fleece.

The sky is still gloomy and gloomy, and the dark and heavy clouds are pressing over the manor, like a big stone pressing on everyone's hearts.

Everyone could feel that the atmosphere in the manor began to become more and more oppressive.

If the murder of the mayor is a brisk piano prelude, the gunfight that just broke out in the corridor is the climax of the fiery drums, and now, the low-pitched string music is playing, and everyone knows that it is coming to an end.

But this does not mean that they can all leave here safely. When the agent's hurried footsteps and the sound of the pistol being loaded, when they entered the guest room along the corridor, they all knew that some kind of confrontation was about to begin.

The atmosphere became quieter, but it was even more eerie, just like the snowflakes fluttering outside the window. Although the storm was fierce, the lack of wind was even more murderous.

At this time, the tension is not only in the mayor's manor in Metropolis, but also in the Wayne manor far away in Gotham.

Dick tiptoed across the corridor, turned the doorknob slightly, opened the door, quickly entered the door sideways, and closed the door.

Elsa, who was sitting on the rug playing with building blocks, turned her head and glanced at Dick, then stood up and stretched out his hands to him, Dick walked over and picked her up, and just as Elsa was about to call, Dick said: " Shhh, don't make a sound..."

Elsa can already understand some people's words now, especially what Dick said. She tilted her head, as if she didn't understand what happened to Dick's rather guilty expression.

Dick walked over to the rug, put Elsa down, and began to clean up the jumbled blocks, whispering, "Just now, I saw Alfred cleaning his double-barreled shotgun again."

He swallowed, looked from side to side, looking a little worried, and then added: "I remember Mr. Alfred was only when Mr. Wayne came back very late, or when he came back and got hurt again. Go wipe his gun."

"And, at that time, he just wiped the barrel with deerskin, but I just saw that he was cleaning the rifling and even testing the trigger..."

"My God, he must be very angry!"

Dick took a deep breath, shrugged his shoulders, and then relaxed again. He scratched his head and said helplessly, "However, Bruce seems to be a little..."

"First, I didn't return home for several days and nights, and then I was found to be in and out of bars and red light districts, and then I quarreled with Selena. It turned out that it was good. He has been out of contact for almost 20 hours, right?"

Dick sighed and said, "My dad would break my leg if I dared to run away from home for 20 hours without saying a word."

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Elsa yelled.

"You said he's already an adult? What's the use of that, I think I'm an adult too, but didn't Bruce and Alfred also allow me to leave the manor for too long?"

"The school I'm studying in originally only allowed me to go home two days a week, but they found the school's counselor and insisted on letting me go, because they were worried that I would be abused by others if I were to leave here for too long."

"Whoah! Whoah!" Elsa yelled again.

"Of course, I know that Alfred treats me very well. Not only will he take me to and from school, but he will also cook me my favorite dishes, and even send afternoon tea to my school, but how can I comfort me? he?"

"Now, I don't even dare to go to his room, there is a dark atmosphere there!" Dick made a big circle with his hand and said exaggeratedly: "I have no doubt that if anyone enters In this range, he may be very dangerous!"

As he spoke, he heard a "bang", and a loud noise came from the corridor. Dick was startled, and Elsa's eyes widened. She looked from side to side, then turned her head straight to look at him. wall on one side of the room.

Dick followed her line of sight, and he remembered that was the direction he came from, which was the direction of Alfred's room.

"Let's go over there and see, maybe the gun went off!"

Saying that, he picked up Elsa, Elsa struggled in his arms for a moment, and then started wailing again, Dick stopped, put Elsa down, patted his head and said, "Oh, I forgot, you Run fast, go ahead and see if Alfred is injured."

Kawaii sand didn't move, raised his arm again and started yelling, Dick was stunned for a moment, and said, "...I can teleport too? How do I teleport? I'm just..."

"Yes! I can teleport too! But I can't control it a little... No, Alfred may need my help, I'll try."

Saying that, he concentrated, his body began to light up green again, and then "Zeng" disappeared in a flash, and Elsa ran out the door and rushed to the other end of the corridor at a very fast speed.

Just as she turned a corner and came to the door of the room at the end of the corridor, with a "pop", Dick, covered in green light, fell from the sky.

"Oh, my waist!" Dick let out a scream, and Elsa grinned and laughed, "Whoa whoa."

Dick got up from the ground, bent down, picked up Elsa, rubbed her head vigorously, and said, "Don't laugh, this is the first time I control teleportation by myself, it's not bad, right?"

"Next time I will try to teleport as close to the ground as possible."

At this moment, "Katha" sounded, the door was opened, and bright light poured out from the crack of the door, shining right between Elsa and Dick.

Alfred's face appeared behind the door, and at that moment, it was a little gloomy, but after seeing Dick and Elsa, it immediately changed to kindness.

Dick rubbed his waist and stepped forward, looked up at Alfred and said, "Elsa and I heard the gunshots and wanted to come over and see what happened, are you okay?"

Alfred said with a smile, "I'm fine, it's just a fire."

He crouched down, touched Dick's head, glanced at Elsa again, and turned to Dick and said:

"I may have to go out and get out of here for a while, so I'm preparing tools..."

Dick blinked and asked him, "Where are you going?"

"He's crazy! He's flying to Metropolis in this weather!" Another voice came from the room.

Dick peeked in with wide eyes and yelled, "Hal, why are you here??"

"You have to ask this good housekeeper named Pennywise!" Hal's voice came over again, looking rather resentful.

Seeing Dick, who was trying to find out, and Elsa, who was full of curiosity, Alfred's smile only stiffened for a moment, and then he opened the door and let the two children in.

Hal fell down in front of the corner and threw a shotgun. When he saw Dick coming in, he tried his best to get up from the ground, and then sighed resentfully and helplessly:

"Alfred, I repeat, I'm just a test pilot, not an official fighter pilot, and I've been transferred to logistics for more than three months, and I haven't trained at all recently."

After speaking, he pointed out the window and said, "The snowstorm has indeed stopped, but the snow has not stopped. Flying a plane in this weather is simply suicide!"

Alfred turned around and walked in front of him, then picked up the shotgun. Seeing his loading action, Hal threw a bit towards the corner and said shiveringly:

"It's useless for you to force me. It's impossible for me to know that it's a dead end and still do it..."

He swallowed and said, "If I still have the green light energy, maybe I can teleport to see what happened, but..."

As he said that, he set his eyes on Dick, and Dick also understood that Alfred wanted to go to the Metropolis to find Bruce, he raised his hand and said, "I have been able to control teleport just now, maybe I can... …”

"No, Mr. Dick, you can't." Alfred said without looking back. What else did Dick want to argue about? Elsa pulled him, Dick hesitated for a while, but didn't continue to speak.

Hal sighed, looked into Alfred's eyes and said:

"Dick told me before that you raised Bruce, you are like his father, I can understand your worry."

"My family didn't agree with me being a pilot because they thought it was too dangerous. My father was the most objectionable, but after I quarreled with him and insisted on going for a test flight, I saw him cry secretly."

"As a result, I switched from a test pilot to a ground logistics officer, and I promised him that if one day, I had to fly a fighter jet to deal with possible dangers, I would definitely consider all environmental factors carefully to ensure my own safety. make him sad."

"It's the same thing in reverse, if Bruce knew you wanted to fly to the Met in such dangerous weather, he'd be sad too, because it's really dangerous."

Hal put his hands on his hips, looked into Alfred's eyes and said:

"I have been training at the Air Force base for a year and a half, and I know very well the performance of the aircraft and the impact of weather conditions on the flight..."

"I've seen the helicopter parked in the manor before, although it looks but..."

"Who said they were going to fly a helicopter?"

Facing Alfred's cold rhetorical question, Hal showed a puzzled expression.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the window of the manor, which just happened to be able to see the courtyard of the manor. Hal turned his head and saw a scene that shocked him.

The ground in the central courtyard of the manor slowly opened, and then a black bat fighter rose from the ground.

This fighter jet is completely black, and the paint on the surface is matte black, except for some concave dark lines on the wings. The overall structure is similar to that of a fighter jet, but it is better than most fighter jets that Haar has seen in the air force base. be bigger.

Hal swallowed his saliva, his eyes were a little straight, and after being stunned for a long time, he said hesitantly:

"Don't tell me, let me drive this thing to the Metropolis."

"Who said it was you?"

Hal's eyes widened again, looking at Alfred.

Ten minutes later, looking at Alfred sitting in the main driver's seat, after Hal put on his helmet, he hesitated and said:

"It's not that I want to question you, but driving a plane and driving are really two different things, and there is no runway here at all..."

As soon as he said this, the low engine roar came, and with a "hum", the fighter plane took off directly and flew into the air.

When the fighter plane stopped in mid-air, Hal covered his arms. He took off too quickly just now, and he was knocked on his elbow. He hurriedly put on his helmet, and then shouted to Alfred:

"Slow down! Slow down! This weather can't..."

Before he could finish his words, the buzzing sound became louder and louder. Then, with a "whoosh" sound, the black bat fighter was like a black bird in a storm, rushing into the vast white snow.

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