American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 455: The Mystery of Spies (Middle)

In the bat fighter, the roar of the engine was so loud that Hal had to shout, "Even if you can fly a plane, why did you bring them with you?!"

Hal turned his head and looked back through the seat back. At this time, there were actually two child seats behind the cockpit, with Dick and Elsa fixed on them.

"It's too dangerous for a kid in a fighter jet!" Hal shouted.

"Don't you think it's dangerous to keep them in Gotham?"

Alfred pulled the joystick hard, and the fighter speeded up again, but neither Dick nor Elsa who were sitting in the back seat felt anything.

Dick, who has green light energy, and Elsa, who is not an ordinary person, are not afraid of this level of bumps. They even sat on the seats and probed their brains, looking at the front operation panel with some curiosity.

Not only them, but soon, Hal also noticed the distinctive control panel, which was different from the control panel of any fighter he had ever seen, but Alfred was very flexible and skillful in manipulating the bat. fighter.

Although the operation panel is different, Hal can still see that Alfred is by no means the first time to fly a plane.

As he said before, flying a plane and driving a car are two completely different things. Professional pilots need to undergo professional training. Although there are many talented people, flying a plane is as simple as driving a car, but novices and veterans can tell the difference at a glance.

The distance between Gotham and the Metropolis is not far. They are the two nearest megacities, so soon, through the cockpit of the bat fighter, the faint shadow of the city buildings can be seen.

"No tower! How are we going to land?!" Hal asked loudly.

Alfred didn't answer him, just turned his head, then looked down, his eyes fell on the parachute bag under the seat, Hal followed his line of sight, and also looked at the parachute bag, he said:

"Don't you want me to parachute down????"

"You are violating the pilot's safety rules!" Hal argued, stalking his neck and saying, "I've been a test pilot, and I've worked in ground logistics, and I've never seen you like this..."

As soon as he said this, the dark muzzle of the double-barreled shotgun pointed to his head, Hal swallowed, and changed the topic: "Of course, there are emergency precautions in the pilot safety rules, we should adapt to the situation... "

Alfred retracted the shotgun, and Hal breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at the huge manor near Chi Chi, he sighed again, and silently began to prepare for parachuting.

Looking out from the cockpit of the bat fighter, Man is still snowing all over the sky, but in the snowflakes, you can vaguely see the spire of the Mayor's Manor, and at this time, the atmosphere in the manor is not calm, it can even be said that The sword is drawn.

As we all know, the drawing styles of Marvel and DC comics are not the same, not only in terms of art, but also in terms of storyline and characterization. Similarly, different personalities living in the two worlds will also be affected by this differences result in different changes.

The most intuitive example is that DC Schiller does not really like to work. It does not mean that he does not like the job of a university professor, but it means that in certain events, he wants to pay the least amount of labor and see the greatest amount of work. fun, and pay more attention to mental relaxation.

But Marvel Schiller will sometimes do it himself, and is willing to help those superheroes, take the time to investigate their situation, give them psychotherapy, or work with the director of some important institutions, the leader of a mage holy land and other superheroes. A certain alien prince talked about economics. He paid more attention to material gains than relaxation.

When the two roles were switched, things became a little more interesting, because just about half an hour ago, Schiller walked out of the door of the guest room and went straight to the ground floor of the manor.

His thinking is very simple. Since he already knows that there is something underground in the manor, there may even be some things left by the predecessor of this world, so why not just go and get it? Who is playing a spy game with you?

Moreover, Schiller's way of going underground is also very simple. He went directly to the ground floor with flash, and then began to find the entrance.

The reason why he didn't use the flash to go underground was because he was worried that something unexpected might happen, but the fog and flash were the best tools for scanning the map. Within a few minutes, he had already found the entrance to the underground of the manor.

It was a cellar entrance next to the warehouse. It was a certain distance from the banquet hall, and it had to pass through the courtyard. This distance was beyond the range of Schiller's flash, so he planned to directly turn into gray fog and float over.

It stands to reason that in such a snowy day and visibility is very low, it should not be obvious that a cloud of gray fog shuttles through the middle of the courtyard, and even if the agents find something abnormal, they can't do anything, who can stop it Live in a cloud of fog?

So, Schiller used flash to come to the ground floor, and after finding the entrance, he directly transformed into a gray fog and began to float in the direction of the entrance to the cellar, but by coincidence, Bruce, Lex and Clark were the three of them. The group is also around here.

After agreeing to the Benjamin deal, it was no surprise that Lex and Bruce didn't plan to come at all.

They still have their own set of plans.

Although the division of labor is that Benjamin takes the agents to appease the guests in the manor, and then the trio is responsible for finding the spies, but the real plan formulated by Lex and Bruce is to go to the underground of the manor to investigate while Benjamin is going to appease the guests. treasure.

Clark strongly condemned this behavior without the spirit of the contract, but because he was worried that they would use the dangerous things under the manor to threaten ordinary people, Clark could only follow.

Because they acted earlier, although it took longer to find the entrance, they still found the entrance one step earlier than Schiller.

Schiller, who turned into a gray mist, was drifting to the vicinity of the warehouse. When he found the three people there, he turned his head and left, but it was too late.

Among the three people, Lex was extremely vigilant and had very good eyesight. He immediately noticed a strange fog floating in the direction of the warehouse.

And Bruce recognized it at the first time, it was his good professor, because he had seen this form of Schiller in the battle of living hell, he turned his head and said to Clark, "Stop him!"

"...stop who?" Clark asked suspiciously.

"That fog, stop him, hurry!"

Seeing Bruce's serious face, Clark didn't think too much. He instantly rushed to the gray fog, then opened his arms and said, "Stop!"

The fog really stopped.

Clark also found that the fog even took a step back in silence. He was a little puzzled. In fact, he didn't do anything, just rushed over, opened his arms, and didn't use any superpowers, why did he stop?

Bruce came over with his arms crossed, looked at the fog, and said, "Professor, come out and talk."

I saw that the fog first drew an arrow, then pointed to Clark, turned the arrow at an angle, and then stretched it hard in that direction.

Clark and Lex didn't know what was going on, but Bruce understood what Schiller meant. He turned to Clark and said, "You step back."

Clark was a little stunned, but he did as he did, took two steps back, and then he saw that the gray fog slowly condensed into a human shape, which was Schiller.

"Oh, Professor Schiller, it's actually you."

Clark was a little surprised, but he was not surprised by Schiller's ability, because Schiller had shown him superpowers before, he was just a little surprised that Schiller would appear here at this time.

With that said, Clark stepped forward and wanted to stand beside Schiller. Schiller pointed to Clark with the umbrella in his hand.

Clark stopped, a little puzzled, and Schiller turned to look at him and said:

"Don't come here."

He looked at Clark like an ordinary person seeing a nuclear bomb with long legs running all over the street.

The only difference is that if an ordinary person sees a nuclear bomb with legs running all over the street, he must have hallucinations, but Clark is not like that. He is indeed a man with legs that can run all over the street. Nuclear bombs have not only long legs, but also wings. Not only can they fly, but they can also fly very fast. Whoever catches and blows up will lie down.

"I..." Clark took another half step and wanted to step forward, but Schiller silently took a half step back, always keeping a certain distance from him.

At this time, Bruce was fascinated, Schiller seemed to be afraid of Clark, why is this?

Suddenly, he remembered the part of the previous dream that ended, and some details he saw, such as when the shock wave swayed away, he saw the state of the broken invisible wall, and the broken floor after the floor collapsed under his feet.

Although after that, he was directly kicked out of the dream, but it was enough for him to deduce what happened after that.

After inferring that Schiller's thinking hall, the Tower of Babel, may have been exploded by Clark's thoughts, and many layers collapsed, Bruce suddenly felt that he was in a better mood.

"It seems that you have also found the entrance and are planning to go down. In that case, I won't bother."

After speaking, Schiller turned to leave, but Bruce stopped him again.

"Do you know what's down there?" Bruce asked.

Schiller shook his head, and Bruce frowned and said, "No, you should know, otherwise, how to explain that dream?"

"Can't I just make it up?"

Seeing Bruce still staring at him, Schiller sighed and said, "Okay, I know some clues, but I didn't know it in person, but inferred from some other factors."

"What factor?"

Schiller set his eyes on Clark, Clark himself was a little unclear, but Schiller still said: "Clark, remember when you discussed with me before, you mentioned that when you came to the manor, you were Feeling weak?"

Clark nodded blankly, seeing Bruce's questioning Schiller continued: "As far as I know, there is indeed a mineral that can make some people with very strong superpowers feel weak. , it's called kryptonite."

Bruce's expression changed slightly. He didn't know whether "some people with very strong superpowers" in Schiller's mouth were referring to Clark or all people with special superpowers like Clark and Schiller. If it is the latter, then this mineral must not be in the hands of others and must be owned by him.

Obviously, Lex thought so too.

Their alliance was broken almost instantly.

Originally, if this mineral was aimed at Superman, then they could indeed have one piece per person, but if this mineral could equally weaken all superhumans, it would be dangerous for anyone else to get this mineral.

But in fact, this logic does make more sense, because it is unlikely that there is a certain mineral in this world that is specifically aimed at a certain person.

Moreover, the laboratory under the mayor's manor was built by a few previous mayors. At that time, Clark may have just been born, and the mayor had no reason to develop a mineral specially for a new born man he had never met. baby.

Without sufficient factual basis, no matter how smart Lex and Bruce are, it is impossible for them to come up with a series of complex alien background stories about Kryptonians and Kryptonite. According to the existing clues, the stone It's more likely to be aimed at all people with superpowers.

What makes the conflict between Bruce and Lex more intensified is that they now both have opponents that they are eager to deal with. In Lex's eyes, it is Clark, and in Bruce's eyes, it is Schiller.

They both wanted to find something that would restrain each other's superpowers, and right now, it was at their feet.

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