American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 456: The Mystery of Spies (Part 2)

"Where did they go?"

In a room of the manor, Benjamin turned his head to a female agent and asked, Kayla hesitated, and then said, "The agents have not found any trace of them, and they suspect that they may have left the main building of the manor."

"Didn't I tell you to stare at them?"

"They used a gimmick to get rid of our agents, and they didn't look like they were going to investigate spies at all."

"Of course I know." Benjamin's tone was still very low, but he didn't have any anger at being played. He said: "Because I didn't intend to appease the crowd."

"But..." Kayla paused, her tone a little anxious: "Now, the snow is getting smaller and smaller, and many people have said that the helicopter can take off, and they are even planning to force the gate, Then go and take a helicopter away."

"They don't have a chance to do that, I've already sent people to the roof of the building next door and those helicopters can't fly anymore."

Kayla frowned, she walked to Benjamin's side, trying to persuade him: "Benjamin, I know, you want to find that spy, and you want to take away the treasures underground, but taking this kind of coercive means may welcome you. A very violent backlash."

"The residents here are not only those in the media, ordinary entrepreneurs and dealers, but also many politicians, and even state legislators from Kansas. If these groups of people put pressure on us collectively, we may not be able to withstand it."

"Do you think I would do something so uncertain?" Benjamin asked rhetorically. Kayla kept frowning, but she couldn't figure out what Benjamin was thinking. She said, "Although your action style was tough in the past, But this time it's a bit too tough, what exactly is your reliance?"

"I knew who the spy was before I came here."

Kayla's eyes suddenly widened, he looked straight at Benjamin, and said in disbelief, "What did you say???"

"Then why are we here? Why don't we just go and arrest him?"

"Why didn't you first hear about the spy's identity?"

After Benjamin walked back to the desk, there was a sudden knock on the door. Kayla turned her head and heard that the rhythm of the knock was a predetermined code, and she said directly, "Please come in."

A younger agent walked in with a briefcase in his hand. He saluted Benjamin and said, "Boss, the helicopter has been destroyed, and the things have been brought here."

After speaking, he stepped forward, handed the briefcase to Benjamin, saluted again, and left.

Kayla looked at the briefcase in Benjamin's hand, and saw that Benjamin took out a file bag from it. After opening the file bag, Benjamin took out a document and read to it. :

"Alfred Pennyworth was born in the Pennyworth family, a hereditary housekeeper family. He has lived in London for generations. He studied at Yinton College in secondary school and was admitted to King's College, Cambridge University with excellent grades."

"Because of his excellent grades, he was specially recruited by MI6 in the second year of university and became an agent of MI6 D."

When he heard keywords such as "Cambridge University" and "MI6", Kayla's expression became very strange. Benjamin put down the document and said, "I think you should The resume is a bit familiar, maybe I just learned about a person whose experience is very similar to his on the radio..."

"Kim Philby." Kayla spit out a name slowly.

He also graduated from Cambridge University, was specially recruited by MI6, and also entered the D department of foreign espionage work...

But Kayla still felt that this was a bit imprecise, she said: "There must be a few real British agents in MI6, right?"

Looking at Benjamin's eyes, Kayla suddenly hesitated again: "...Yes?"

"It is true that these experiences alone are not enough to judge him as a Soviet agent, but what really exposed him was that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Kayla looked at Benjamin and waited for his text, but Benjamin said, "That's not something your secrecy level can understand."

"I can only tell you that going to the Wayne family to be their steward is not the first time Alfred has come to Gotham. He was active in Gotham when he was young and was involved in a Among the eucalyptus that have not yet been declassified."

"That eucalyptus involved a lot of people, including the godfather Carmine Falcone, who is now famous in Gotham, and the famous preacher Daniel Christopher, who was once known as the "Glory of the East Coast."

"But I still don't understand, the Wayne family's housekeeper Pennyworth may be a Soviet spy, so why don't we go to Gotham, but come here?"

As soon as Kayla finished asking this question, she thought of the answer herself. What else could it be? She wanted to run to the door to arrest the housekeeper. The Wayne Group could not agree anyway, and Gotham was the base of the Wayne Group. , the agents can't be nice there.

Next, Benjamin added more details.

"We once sent agents into Gotham, and the agents who got away with it told me that it was a madman's paradise, like a huge quagmire, and the CIA didn't want to be dragged into it."

"According to our information, the old Wayne couple died young. When they died, Bruce Wayne was still young. He was almost brought up by his old housekeeper Pennyworth, and he had a very close relationship with him. deep."

"Besides that, as you've seen before, Bruce isn't the **** he pretended to be at all, he's very good at playing, even playing against a dozen agents, and he's not as stupid as he looks on the surface. , he's probably very smart."

"What do you think made it all happen?"

Kayla thought for a while, and according to the thinking of ordinary people, she came to a conclusion, he said, "Wouldn't it be Pennyworth who has been cultivating him?"

"It should be like this, otherwise there is no way to explain why he has mastered so many fighting skills, and even specially created a disguised image for himself."

"It is very likely that he has been made into our enemy by Pennyworth, and the reason why he chose to disguise is to reduce the possibility of us seeing him. After all, who would suspect that a **** with strong American style is the Soviet Union. What about the spy?"

"In other words, now Wayne and his butler are already standing opposite us?"

"That's right, that's why we have to set up a bureau like this. The CIA must not tolerate the leader of the Wayne Group. If he wants to destroy it, the consequences will be disastrous."

"My Iceberg Beauty Wife"

Benjamin sighed, looked out the window, raised his tone, and said, "Bruce Wayne needs a plausible cause of death."

"The CIA wants to kill him, but it can't use a normal assassination, and the agents can't play their role in Gotham, so we have to lure Bruce out."

"When we brought him to Metropolis, we trapped him in the name of a spy search, and if he died, we put the cause of his death on the head of the Soviet spy, and that's justified."

"On the other hand, Pennyworth may be the one who has the Philby list, and in addition to that, he's also connected to the eucalyptus many years ago and may have some information, so he Can't die."

"We first kill Bruce Wayne, the only leader of the Wayne family, and then we want to capture Pennyworth. He's old, and without the protection of the Wayne family, he will have nowhere to run."

"The only question is, how are we going to kill Bruce?" Kayla asked with some doubts, and she said in embarrassment: "I saw him fighting with the agents in the corridor before, to be honest, he is this Age should not have such superb fighting skills."

"I didn't plan to fight him Even if I can beat him, didn't you realize that Clark, who suddenly appeared, has abilities that are different from ordinary people?"

Benjamin raised his eyes, his face was a little gloomy, and he said: "The CIA actually knows about the secret experiments conducted by the former mayors of the Metropolis in the underground of the manor, but we do not have the law enforcement power within the federation, and this is not ours. Tube."

"The only thing that can be known is that the mayor who created this laboratory is very famous. He is not an ordinary person."

"The laboratory he created is not an ordinary laboratory. Even Onnell can know that there are treasures underground, so why has no one successfully entered it for so many years?"

"Or, someone went in, but couldn't get out."

When Benjamin said this, Kayla understood that he wanted the mantis to catch the cicada, and the oriole was behind.

If Bruce goes in but doesn’t come out, he can be reported as missing directly. If he dies of serious injuries, it can also be pushed to the head of the Soviet agent. If it is only lightly injured, then the injured Bruce can’t hide at the exit. Agents who wait for work.

"If according to what you said, they have disappeared for a while, then I think they should have found the entrance and should have walked in at this time."

"Now..." Benjamin knocked on the table, looked at Kayla, Kayla saluted him, and then Benjamin issued the order directly:

"mobilize all the hands, search through a carpet, and find the entrance, stand by in place, everyone is on first-level alert, and the bullets are loaded."

Benjamin's face was serious, with a hint of ferocity in the gloom, just like the leaders of all spy agencies, his voice was colder than the snow outside the window:

"Whoever came out of there, empty the magazine."

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