An Ordinary Path to Immortality

Chapter 15 Immortal Master Assessment, Fang Ping's Performance

When Fang Ping walked into the tent, the immortal master was holding an ancient scroll and reading it.

"Fang Ping has met the Immortal Master." Fang Ping kowtowed to the Immortal Master and saluted.

"Well, sit down!"

The immortal master put down the ancient scroll in his hand and glanced at Fang Ping.

Fang Ping carefully sat down half his butt on the chair, lowered his eyebrows politely, stared at the carpet, not daring to move or say anything.

Unexpectedly, the immortal master smiled softly and said in a friendly tone: "Relax, don't be nervous."


Fang Ping quickly stood up and saluted again, but still did not dare to raise his eyes.

The immortal master was not angry, and said in a calm tone: "I usually don't speak politely to people. It's actually because I am an immortal master in the army. If I am too kind to others, there will be soldiers who will think that I am kind and come to my door every day to ask for talismans. , I will be very annoyed by then.”

Fang Ping didn't know what he meant by this, so he could only listen silently.

"So, when I go out on weekdays, I can only pretend to be arrogant and lonely, keeping away from strangers, and keeping people away. Only in this way can I get a few days of peace."

"Yes, that's what the immortal master said." Fang Ping thought of the envy on the officer's face when he saw the magic talisman.

If the immortal master is really approachable, many people will shamelessly come to him to ask for some life-saving means.

If one or two immortal masters give it, there will definitely be more and more in the future.

When the time comes, the Immortal Master will not have to say goodbye.

"Okay, let me tell you this knowledge to let you know that as a boy who becomes my immortal master, there will definitely be people who fawn over you on weekdays. I don't care how you get along with them, but if you dare to get close to my immortal master, If you do things like taking advantage of others and stealing from others, I will never let you go lightly."

Hearing this, Fang Ping quickly said: "Fang Ping must keep the Immortal Master's teachings in mind."

The old immortal master then nodded and said in a friendly manner again: "Okay, if you do your duty and do your job well, the immortal master may be able to reward you with some immortal treasures when the immortal master is happy."

"Thank you, Immortal Master."

Fang Ping said bravely.

He was still too reserved and had to bow to the immortal master every time he spoke.

The officer had repeatedly warned that the Immortal Master was a high-ranking figure. If he was even remotely rude and made the Immortal Master displeased, it would be a small matter if he missed this opportunity.

Even though he was casually beaten to death by the Immortal Master, no one dared to say a word on his behalf.

After the immortal master finished speaking, he returned to his seat and asked, "Do you know how to read?"

"My mother taught me when she was still alive, but she didn't know much about reading." Fang Ping replied truthfully.

"It's okay if you don't know me. I'll find a teacher to teach you how to read. From now on, you can work here during the day and learn to read with your teacher at night. If you can't pass the exam after one month, you can go back and forth wherever you go. I don't want it here. Waste.”

"Thank you, Immortal Master." Fang Ping bowed again.

This time he was sincerely grateful. Although he came from a mountain village, his mother had taken the trouble to teach him since he was a child. With Wang Yuanwai as an example, he also understood the importance of hyphenating Chinese characters.

It's a pity that after his mother taught him all the few words he knew, he didn't have much chance to learn them again.

Because there is no private school or teacher in the village, there is nowhere to learn.

"Okay, come here, now I will teach you how to cut the talisman paper." The old immortal master called Fang Ping to come closer and said, "Remember, I will only teach you once."

Fang Ping nodded repeatedly and stared at the old immortal master's hands intently, not even daring to speak for fear of missing the old immortal master's movements.

Watching the old immortal master cutting a piece of yellow talisman paper into palm-sized talisman papers, Fang Ping secretly nodded and quickly practiced silently in his mind, even making subtle movements with his fingers to strengthen his memory.

In fact, cutting paper is not difficult. Fang Ping practiced it a few times in his mind and then stopped.


"If you reply to the immortal master, the disciple will remember it."

The word "disciple" was taught to him by an officer, so that he could call himself a disciple after confirming that the immortal master would not drive him away.

Sure enough, the old immortal master didn't pursue the matter. He just smiled slightly, took out another piece of talisman paper, put the knife for cutting talisman paper in front of Fangping and said:

"If you remember it, let's try it."

"As you command!"

Fang Ping reached for the knife, only to find that although the knife was only as thick as a finger and as short as a palm, it was a bit heavier than his hatchet.

However, he was now very strong, and when he noticed something was wrong, he used force in his hands, but he still held it firmly in his hands without making a fool of himself in front of the immortal master.

A strange look flashed in the immortal master's eyes, and he nodded calmly.

Fang Ping picked up the piece of golden talisman paper that was about one foot square and began to fold it.

As a result, they discovered that this thin piece of talisman paper was made of who knows what material. It was as strong as iron sheet, yet as light as nothing. It was not much different in weight from ordinary yellow paper.

"The immortal artifact is really different."

Fang Ping admired secretly in his heart, and then concentrated on folding the talisman paper.

Fortunately, his strength is not small, and although the talisman paper is hard, it is not a problem for him. It is a little unfamiliar but not difficult to fold.

After confirming that the folding is correct, cut it flatly.

The knife was also made of unknown material. It was extremely sharp and the talisman paper as hard as iron could be easily cut under the blade.

Fang Ping controlled every move with all his strength and was cautious, fearing that he might accidentally cut the talisman paper and make the immortal master displeased.

Finally, when the talisman paper was cut and confirmed to be correct, Fang Ping breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "To the Immortal Master, the talisman paper has been cut. Please take a look at it."

"Follow me!"

The old immortal master didn't check the talisman paper at all, because he could see every movement of Fang Ping cutting the talisman paper clearly.

He was extremely satisfied with Fang Ping's performance in all aspects, whether it was his observation ability, reaction ability, or strength and control of strength.

Following the immortal master to a corner of the tent, the old immortal master pointed to several bags piled in the corner and said, "Take out a portion of the things inside."

So Fang Ping stepped forward and took things out of several bags in the corner.

The first bag contained pieces of unknown animal blood wrapped in oilcloth.

The second bag contained pieces of animal bones.

He recognized the next bag, which was cinnabar ore, which he had seen in the mountains.

In addition, there were several herbs that Fang Ping didn't recognize at all, minerals and a viscous liquid that looked like stalactite.

These things were packed separately and packed in different utensils.

"I will teach you how to handle these materials now, you watch carefully."

The old immortal master personally handled these materials.

The animal blood was dissolved by a special liquid, the animal bones were ground into bone powder, the herbs were crushed into powder, and the ore also needed to be ground...

Fang Ping watched carefully, not missing any details, until the old immortal master finally disposed of all the materials and began to mix all the materials into a bright red viscous slurry according to a special ratio.


"Master, I have watched it."

"Do you remember it all?"

"I remember it."

The old immortal master showed a look of surprise on his face, and asked again: "Do you remember it all? Let me ask you, how many materials are needed to mix the talisman slurry?"

. You provide the ordinary immortal road of the great god

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