An Ordinary Path to Immortality

Chapter 16 Pass the test and teach literacy

The old immortal master asked a tricky question.

Because many of the things here are definitely the first time for someone who has never been exposed to cultivation.

Not to mention distinguishing the names and quantities, even the names alone may not be remembered.

But Fang Ping thought for a moment and said:

"One part of dissolved Qi Refining Stage beast blood, three parts of cinnabar powder, one part of earth tobacco, two parts of blood ghost orchid, two parts of Qi Refining Stage beast bones, two parts of soft gold stone powder..."

Every time Fang Ping said something, he would point to one of the bags, indicating that the item he was talking about was the thing in the bag.

Until he finished speaking, he said exactly the fifteen kinds of materials used to prepare the talisman paste.

The old immortal master was surprised at first, and then showed a relieved smile. He asked Fang Ping to turn around, shuffled the order of the bags, and asked Fang Ping to answer again.

The result was beyond the old immortal master's expectation, Fang Ping's answer was still completely correct.

"Did you know these materials before?"

"I only know cinnabar and the stone milk." Fang Ping said.

"I only told you once and you remembered everything?"

"It's all thanks to the Immortal Master's detailed explanation." Fang Ping flattered him calmly.

The old Immortal Master was very experienced and naturally knew that Fang Ping was flattering him, but he still laughed.

At the same time, he was more satisfied with Fang Ping's performance. Whether it was physical fitness, memory, or learning ability, they were all far superior to his peers, and he simply couldn't find any fault with them.

"Now it's your turn to deal with the materials. Remember, these materials are of great importance and are very valuable. You must be careful when handling them and never be careless."

"I will keep the Immortal Master's teachings in mind."

"Okay, let's get started."

So Fang Ping began to follow the Immortal Master's actions just now and finished the more than ten kinds of materials one by one.

It seemed very simple when he saw the Immortal Master handling it before.

But when he got started, he found that it was not the case.

The beast blood of the Qi Refining Stage was slippery and would fall off if he was not careful.

The Blood Ghost Orchid looked beautiful, but it smelled pungent and extremely fishy.

The ground tobacco had sharp thorns like fluff, and Fang Ping was pricked by it without paying attention, and his hands were covered in blood.


Although the process was difficult, he finally finished processing all the materials.

As a result, the immortal master was furious after checking one by one:

"No, no, all of them are not good, the animal blood is not completely dissolved, the animal bone particles are too large, and there are too many impurities in the red lyre stone..."

After the immortal master's inspection, almost all the material processing results did not meet the standards.

So Fang Ping had to redo the work again.

After two rounds of this, it was already dark.

I don't know when the shouting outside stopped.

The screams outside the tent gradually increased, but Fang Ping was still fully focused and was not disturbed by the noise outside.

Finally, after the third round, the materials processed by Fang Ping barely met the requirements of the immortal master.

"Prepare the talisman paste according to the proportion just now. Remember, no matter the order or the amount, there must be no mistakes, otherwise these materials will be invalid."

Fang Ping did not dare to be careless after hearing this, and carefully recalled the order and amount of the talisman paste prepared by the immortal master before.

Fortunately, the memory just now was still clear, and it was not blurred because of the past day.

He picked up a silver spoon and prepared the talisman paste according to his memory, one spoonful was one portion.

His movements were cautious and careful, and every step had to be confirmed again and again.

Finally, he finished preparing this portion of talisman paste with his extraordinary memory, and sent it to the old immortal master who was reading a book for the old immortal master to check.

After the old immortal master looked at it, he finally showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Good, very good, you can achieve such a level on the first day. I really have a good eye for pearls.

Okay, I'm going to start drawing talismans. You're also tired all day. Go down and rest. Come back to serve you tomorrow."

Fang Ping breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was as usual and bowed to leave: "Disciple, I'm leaving."

"Wait, take the useless talisman paper you just cut off."

"Yes, sir."

Fang Ping put away the talisman paper he had just cut off, not knowing what to do with it, so he simply put it in his arms and followed the soldiers outside the tent into a tent.

This is the tent that the old immortal master arranged for him. The space is not big, but it seems to be more than enough for him to live alone.

This place is not too far from the immortal master's tent, but not too close either.

The immortal master's tent is located in the core of the Liang army, and he, a boy, is naturally not qualified to live there.

However, the tent arranged for him is close to the central army, which is quite secluded.

Enduring the tired and sore body, he packed up the tent while still curious about what he saw today.

The talisman paper made of unknown material is as thin as a cicada's wing, as light as nothing, but extremely hard, completely beyond his cognition.

There are also many materials for preparing talisman paste that he has never seen or heard of.

Not only are they rare in the world, but they are also worth a thousand gold.

Every bit is collected with the strength of the poor Liang country.

"It's a pity that I didn't see the immortal master drawing talismans with my own eyes today." Fang Ping felt regretful, but he was not discouraged. As long as he could follow the immortal master, there would always be opportunities.

Thinking of this, he looked forward to his future work even more.

It was as if it was such an honor to see the immortal master use his immortal skills and draw talismans with strange powers on the talisman paper.

"I just don't know if the immortal master will teach me immortal skills in the future, so that I can master the immortal skills like the immortal master and be respected by everyone."

As he thought about it, a whimsical smile appeared on the corner of the boy's mouth.

In front of the Immortal Master, let alone a young man like him, it is impossible for anyone not to have a little expectation and fantasy.

"Well, in the future, I must work hard to complete the tasks assigned by the Immortal Master, and I must not slack off at all, and strive to win the Immortal Master's trust. If I can become the Immortal Master's disciple, I can become the Immortal Master in the future."

Holding unrealistic fantasies, the boy didn't care about the pain all over his body, and actually imitated the Immortal Master's serious look to paint in the air, imagining himself as a high-ranking Immortal Master drawing talismans for people.

While he was entertaining himself, suddenly a middle-aged man's voice sounded outside the tent.

"This is the tent where the boy named Fang Ping, who was just accepted by the old immortal master Song, is?"

Then the soldier replied: "It's Mr. Chen, what do you want to see Fang Ping for?"

"I'm here to teach Fang Ping how to read and write under the order of the old immortal master Song."

"I see, please come in, Mr. Chen."

Fang Ping hurriedly sat up straight. It was only then that he realized that the old immortal master's surname was Song.

The middle-aged man dressed as a scholar who pushed the door in should be the Mr. Chen the soldier mentioned.

He was also the person the old immortal master said was here to teach him how to read and write.

Seeing the other party coming in, Fang Ping hurriedly stood up and walked a few steps quickly to salute the other

"Disciple Fang Ping greets Mr. Chen, thank you Mr. Chen."

Chen Xianrong has been studying since he was a child. At the age of 30, he passed the Daliang Imperial Examination and became a Jinshi.

He was originally ready to show his ambitions, but his career was not going well. Now at the age of 47, he is still wasting his time.

Not only did he fail to achieve anything in the officialdom, but he was unlucky and fell into the army to become a long historian.

He had many affairs on weekdays, which was annoying. Now he was sent to teach a child to read and do the work of a teacher, which made him even more unhappy.

If this matter was not ordered by the immortal master, he would definitely give up the task directly.

But even so, he did not have a good face for Fang Ping.

He threw a branch to Fang Ping, poured a layer of sand on the ground, took out a wooden ruler and put it on the table, and said coldly:

"Hmph, although I am ordered by the immortal master to teach you to read, if you are so stupid, half-hearted, and don't want to make progress, don't blame me for being rude.

If you don't change after repeated teachings, I can only ask the immortal master to find someone else."

. You provide the ordinary immortal road of a gentle and gentle immortal

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