"No... can't it?" Rhine's eyes wandered a bit and he asked unnaturally.

She just wanted to be closer to her father.

"Well... whatever you want. Don't call me that in front of other people. Now that you have become a prince, you have to pay attention to your image." The man's brows did not loosen. After a short pause, he continued to speak, as if he was kind to something. "I don't care about the title.

But Rhine was still very happy...and he felt excited.

In the past, her father did not allow her to do anything unnecessary - especially this kind of "warm nickname", which would probably be criticized as a sign of cowardice.

Her father's attitude towards her is much better now.

Thinking of this, Rhine couldn't help laughing.

Seeing his daughter giggling there, the man shook his head and began to reflect... Was he too harsh on his daughter in the past?


‘Master Master… you mean that man! ’ A lot of things happened during this period, which caused the King of Heroes from another world to almost forget the existence of ‘Lancelot’ disguised by Homura.

Whenever he closes his eyes, he sees the image of being pinned to the ground and deflated by the unknown king. He is thinking about how to become stronger quickly——

Thinking of the special name 'Lancelot', I then thought of the light cannon swordsmanship of the Knights of the Round Table.

If he can learn the light cannon swordsmanship... his strength will definitely increase greatly!

Since it is the epic that the man wants him to watch.

Finally, the Master Swordsman learned the specific information about the epic from his daughter, Andersen's new work "The Epic of Gilgamesh".

When I heard the introduction about Gilgamesh as the King of Heroes.

This man, who also had the title of King of Heroes in another world, froze for a moment.

He remembered that when he met the 'Flower Magician', he told him that there was a great king who was also called the 'King of Heroes'.

"Hero...King of Heroes." Reciting this title that he had no longer used and considered unworthy of use, the old father's expression was a little complicated for a moment.

At this moment, in the library.

"King of Heroes?" Hitty said in surprise while playing chess with Homura (a peripheral product after the game is completed).

"Why... are you interested?" Yan said with a smile.

He knew that when Gilgamesh's name as the Hero King came out, it would definitely have a big impact on the country.

In this world and this land, there once was a man who was truly called the King of Heroes.

With such a title, people can't help but associate the two.

"Is it really okay to use such a name? In this case, everyone will definitely compare the protagonist in your epic with that one!" What Hitty means is that if the protagonist in that epic - Gilgame Hey, if his performance is worse than that of the current hero in the capital, I'm afraid he will be despised by many people!

If because of this kind of thing, everyone does not recognize this epic, read it, or buy it... it will be a huge loss to Homura, the 'troubadour'.

However, Hidi could only see the calm and brilliant smile on Homura's face.

Even if there is an epic avalanche, it doesn't matter to him now. He no longer needs to write books to make money...

All he hopes is to share wonderful stories, spread the joy and satisfaction of those heroes' names to the world, and even use this to change the world... and make it a better place.


"I have confidence in this epic... There is no hero more suitable to be called the King of Heroes than him." Homura said lightly.

Gilgamesh is not the King of Heroes just because he calls himself the King of Heroes.

It is only because he is Gilgamesh, the hero of mankind and the king of mankind who is supported by the entire people of Uruk, that he has such a name.

He is both a hero and a king...

The weight that the title of King of Heroes carries is far beyond what can be reflected in just two words: strength!

"Checkmate!" Yan moved the last chess piece.

At this time, Ji Zelu, who was watching the two playing chess, had already fallen asleep out of boredom on Yan Jian's left shoulder. Crystal clear saliva was still flowing from her mouth, as if she had dreamed of something delicious in her dream.

As for Hidi, who was sitting in the direction of her opponent, her mind was obviously no longer on the chessboard.

Hitty's eyes looked to the side from time to time——

In a corner of the library, there...the little princess Loli, who was with the vampire Lolita, was being arranged to stay aside and pile up blocks.

Restia was by her side, and from time to time she would touch the little Loli's head expressionlessly, with a trace of curiosity flashing in her eyes.

‘Things called building blocks that Yan researched. Is it really that fun? ’

I heard from Yan that a boy with sharp hair and who seemed to be very good at playing cards made a pharaoh's soul from a golden brick.

Restia was not interested in what kind of king the Pharaoh was, but she was curious about why a soul could be made by putting blocks together.

Is there any wonderful relationship between building blocks, souls and boys who can play cards?

On the other side, the royal capital.

Because of Andersen's new book, the whole city once again fell into a sea of ​​people.

The street in front of the bookstore was crowded with young and old people who came early to buy the epic. No matter whether they were noble young men or young ladies, they could not resist the charm of Andersen's works.

Even works that have been on the market for a long time, such as The Legend of the Knight King, are still enduring and popular stories in the streets.

People in this country are quite distinguished now - no matter what type of epic it is, as long as it is a work written by Andersen, it must be a masterpiece. Buy it and check it out, you won't be disappointed.

And it is in this situation.

Even Harut, who is a dragon-slaying swordsman and king of heroes, almost missed the first batch of "The Epic of Gilgamesh" after following the advice and preparing to read Andersen's new work.

Chapter 448: The wise saint king surrounding the city? Increasing violence!

The bookstore sold out in an instant, and major bookstores rushed to print more copies.

When the book finally arrived in his hands, the legendary swordsman picked up the epic with a complicated look on his face.

On the cover of the epic is a king with blond hair and red eyes, sitting on the throne with a golden goblet in his hand.

Next to him was a beautiful 'girl' with long, silky green hair... looking at the king tenderly.

"Is this... the great king that the flower magician said, another hero king?"

Muttering complicatedly, he flipped through the first page.

With the mentality of understanding the gap between himself and the King of Heroes, whom Mellie calls "the great king".

He saw the beginning of this prologue.

"The gods divided the regions and formulated the gods...the gods, as numerous as the stars in the sky, formed a world of powerful gods one after another. Over the long years, they left behind beautiful and wonderful mythological stories one after another. …”

Among them, 'Andersen' specially made further divisions into the stories and epics about gods and humans handed down from different regions.

Unlike before, people only generally knew that there was a world of Nordic mythology and regional distinctions.

In order to facilitate people's understanding in the future - Andersen divided the 'past' regions into... ancient Greek mythology, ancient Egyptian mythology, Celtic mythology, Sumerian mythology, Cthulhu mythology... and so on. (Omitted, to be added)

(People: Damn it! There are so many mythological epics that I have never seen before. Ah! I am going crazy! I am going crazy! I really want to arrest the old thief Andersen and write all these mythological epics in one go. What should I do?)

And this epic describes something that has been lost in human history.

It was supposed to be the earliest recorded legend about human heroes.

It belongs to the three great heroes in Sumerian mythology - the famous Gilgamesh, Enmerka and Lugalbanda, among which the story of King Gilgamesh.

"King of Heroes...Gilgamesh." Harut muttered to himself absentmindedly.

He continued to look behind -

[This man has seen all things and his footprints are all over the sky]

[He knows everything and tastes all the bitter, spicy, sweet and sour]

There are no guessing or touching passages, and this preface will end soon...

In the text, what comes into view are the familiar words that have appeared on promotional posters.

Without too much embellishment or praise, the story of a king's life begins with a description that is completely different from what people were familiar with in the past.

It seems that people are allowed to understand and judge whether the man named Gilgamesh is a sage or a tyrant in his life as a king.

The beginning of the story——

The article briefly introduces the identity of the man named Gilgamesh. He was the son of the hero Lugalbanda and the fifth king of Uruk.

There is no too detailed description.

Then...a song of praise appeared in the book.

It seems to be used by the people to praise the great achievements of this king.

His experience before he became the king, or when he just became the king!

The meaning of the poem is roughly translated as follows:

——He once traveled with the common people, devoting his wisdom and everything to the benefit of Uruk.

During his travels, he has collected treasures and treasures from all over the world, and has learned all the secrets of the world.

Before the flood came, he had already received the message in advance...

He led the people to avoid disaster.

He traveled thousands of miles and was exhausted when he returned.

In the end, all the hardships were engraved on the monument.

After that, he officially succeeded to the throne and built the walls of Uruk surrounding the city.

It was reputed to be a treasure that even the treasury of St. Eanna was nothing more than.

The glory and pride that belongs to the king and this country.

Look at the outer wall, it's as bright as a temple.

Even if you go to Eanna, where the Venus goddess Ishtar lives, it will be nothing more than that.

It is unparalleled, no matter which emperor of future generations of humans climbs the walls of Uruk and walks forward.

Look at the cornerstone, check out the bricks.

Isn't it made of the strongest fire in the world? That cornerstone was laid by seven wise men!

(The ringed city is a brick building instead of adobe. It is a work that Gilgamesh is proud of, but it is definitely not enough to be seen in another world. Some words from the book can be substituted here, but they have been replaced with those from another world. Materials that people can understand, such as "burning bricks" and "fire", have become some other terms. Therefore, for humans in other worlds, the construction of the ring city also has a very special meaning, which represents the pace of human development and progress. )

The whole poem is adapted from the praise of Gilgamesh's achievements in the first stone tablet.

However, those were only the achievements he had completed before he had just become a king, or even before he had achieved the status of a king.

After learning all this...

Many people were overwhelmed by the great achievements of this king.

Just these few words and the scene described are enough for them to think of many pictures.

He has traveled all over the world, collected treasures from the entire world, learned all the hidden wisdom, and led people to control floods...

To avoid natural disasters, a wall was built that seemed to be the first of its kind to that era.

It even surrounded the entire country called Uruk.

Such a magnificent epic building, the special meaning contained in it, is so important to mankind...

Strong city walls have always been a defense that humans relied on to resist the invasion of powerful foreigners.

Seven saints laid stones for it... People used all their beautiful fantasies to construct the magnificent city of Uruk in their minds.

There is no thrilling and fascinating plot from the beginning...

But the impact of the beginning of this new epic is still no less than the previous ones.

"This King of Heroes... He, is he another holy king as wise as King Arthur!" Someone exclaimed excitedly, looking forward to the story that follows.

Although it does not show the ideal of King Arthur smiling for the happiness of the people before pulling out the holy sword, the poems of the people praising the king are equally touching.

Many people began to look forward to seeing the great achievements achieved by this king.

Recalling the slogan, it seems to have been said that this king has two-thirds of the blood of gods...

People's feelings of awe and anticipation are even more profound.

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