"Son of the gods, wise king! Ah! I'm looking forward to it!"

At this time, people did not realize that it was precisely because of the bloodline of the gods that the king named Gilgamesh had an unbreakable entanglement with the gods.

When the side of the wise king as a human being conflicts with the side that respects the gods...

Even a wise king like the one praised in the poem will encounter difficulties that are difficult to choose.

He is the king of Uruk, a king who respects the gods... but does not obey them!


As the text describes, the picture in the epic changes.

The picture that people expected, that the king after the poem continued to create great achievements, did not appear.

What is described next is the unbelievable tyranny of Gilgamesh, who is completely different from the former wise man!

[Two-thirds of God, one-third of Man]

With a body as strong as a sacred bull and a tall stature, the king's spirit when he once held a weapon was unmatched.

His encouragement can make his people and partners rise up.

However, the wise king who built the ringed city to protect Uruk was gone.

Within a few short years of taking office, his temperament had changed drastically.

The nobles of Uruk were complaining in their houses:

Gilgamesh did not give fathers sons,

and his cruelty never stopped day and night.

Was he still the protector of Uruk with the ringed city? Although he was still strong, intelligent, and handsome! He no longer used this wisdom and strength to benefit the people.

He did not give mothers daughters,

even the daughters of warriors and the beloved wives of nobles!

(There is an English version of a wild material that records that Gilgamesh's desire could not be satisfied by the people of Kuruk. And he did not care about meat or vegetables for both men and women! Only after Enkidu appeared did he finally satisfy him, which made the people of Uruk feel relieved.)

As Gilgamesh grew into a young man, his violence became increasingly violent. Needless to say, the people of Uruk, even the gods who sent him down to the world, were helpless against Gilgamesh's arrogance.

So the gods and the people of Uruk finally couldn't stand it anymore!

Chapter 449 Enkidu, a man created by God with the blood of God.

Looking at the growth history of the hero king...

It can be roughly divided into several growth stages: young Shem, old Shem, middle-aged Shem, wise king Shem, and old Shem.

He was humble and polite in his childhood, and was once a highly respected and admired ideal ruler. He possessed the qualities of a king who was better than anyone on earth: tolerance, deep thought, justice, and emphasis on virtue. Pedestrians on the road all praised him and were fascinated by him.

When he grew up to be a young man, he traveled around the world and gained countless treasures and infinite wisdom. (This legend should eventually become a treasure, the star of omniscience and omnipotence)

The EX treasure that Old Sheam likes to use is a conceptual treasure, the End Sword, which is based on the prototype of Nabisdin's world-destroying flood.

Coincidentally, when he was young, he also led people to escape the disaster of the flood.

At that time, he was a hero and a warrior, and his spirit as a warrior was even greater than that of a king.

And until then, he had not lost his heroic spirit, why did he become a tyrant just a few years after taking office——

About this.

After combining the image of Gilgamesh in the Type-Moon world with the image of Gilgamesh in the official history...

Humura thought of using another person's perspective to convey everything about Gilgamesh to people.

...No matter which myth or epic about the hero king, he occupies a pivotal position.

The only friend who understands the king's heart——Enkidu.

That lamentable hero. In a sense, he is probably the one who knows Gilgamesh's existence better than Gilgamesh!


In the epic plot——

"Gilgamesh did not fulfill his original duty!"

"There must be something to admonish such rude people."

In the temple...the gods of Sumer were discussing about Gilgamesh.

Listening to the debate below, the god king Anu finally made a decision.

He called the great god Aluru and gave him an order: "Aluru, Gilgamesh was created by you, so you should imitate another hero who can defeat him!"

-Create another hero! Let them fight, so that Uruk will be stable in the future and will no longer be harassed by them!

The gods all agreed with the king's proposal.

So after hearing this, Aluru secretly imitated the demeanor of the god king Anu in her heart.

After that, she washed her hands, took mud, and threw it on the ground...

She created the majestic Enkidu with the sacred soil.

The people who were originally muttering in their hearts because of the shocking reversal of Gilgamesh becoming a tyrant finally calmed down and turned to a strong desire to explore Enkidu.

"——Enkidu?... A hero who can compete with Gilgamesh?" Everyone's eyes lit up.

Another powerful demigod! The heroes in this epic are all very powerful in terms of bloodline!

On the other hand, people found that the story was gradually developing in an unpredictable direction.

Although Andersen's epic plot is unpredictable.

But such a shocking reversal, which makes the protagonist become a villain from the beginning, is rare.

This is really-(Too exciting!)

At this moment. The cat-eared girl who was hiding on the first floor of the library, enjoying the manuscript alone, was already a little insufficient in her brain.

‘If Gilgamesh is really that tyrannical, should we defeat him? I wonder if this Enkidu can do it.’ Even Yuye couldn’t help thinking so.

So, everyone who was slightly looking forward to the battle between the new hero named Enkidu and Gilgamesh.

When they saw the description of Enkidu’s birth, they were stunned and speechless.

[——He drew strength from Ninurta.

He was covered with hair, and his hair was like a woman, and like Nishaba, it was curly like waves;

Newborn Enkidu didn’t recognize people, had no home, and his fur looked like clothes.

He ate grass with antelopes, rubbed shoulders with wild animals, and gathered at drinking ponds.

He lived with livestock and smiled happily when he saw water.

A hunter often buried a lasso in this area, so he met him at the drinking pond.

… One day, two days, and three days, he met him at the pond.

Whenever the hunter saw Enkidu, his face felt cold.

Noticed that Enkidu also went back to his den with the beasts.

The hunter was so scared that he trembled and dared not make a sound.

His face was full of sorrow and trouble. Terror entered his heart, as if a traveler from afar was exhausted.

So one day, the hunter finally couldn't help but speak to his father:

"Father, a monster appeared in the deep mountains. He is the most powerful and terrible in the world. I doubt his strength can compete with the spirits of the great god Anu. It really scares me!

He always wanders in the mountains, eats grass with the beasts, and soaks his feet in the pond.

I am afraid of him and dare not approach him. I didn't want to provoke him, but he always filled the traps I dug... The lassos I set were all torn off by this monster.

The beasts and animals that fell into the trap were also rescued by him... Now my hunting livelihood has been seriously affected by him. Father! What should I do!\

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