Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 134 37. The Battle of Mount Hyjal --- Converge, Advance, Decisive Battle!

Chapter 134 37. The Battle of Mount Hyjal—Convergence, Advance, Decisive Battle!

A person, a person wearing heavy armor, a person wearing heavy armor fell from a height of thousands of meters!

Although Azeroth is a typical magical world, its world rules are somewhat different from those of Earth, but in the absence of external force, even a nut falling from an altitude of several thousand meters will still kill people.

Dick is not a nut, and Kazloga is not a man, but this result will not change anything!

The tactic used to prevent the war between the two clans in Alterac Valley was used again. Compared with that impromptu idea, this time Dick has much more preparation and experience, so when he The shape streaked across the sky, like a golden meteor falling from the sky, the moment he descended to a height of hundreds of meters, the thick sacred barrier on his body was rubbed red by the air! Hot!

A powerful aura appeared around Dick's body, and even brought a conical downward wind pressure. When everyone present felt the oppression from the sky, they raised their heads, even the half-crazed Kan Rui Sade couldn't help covering his head and looking at the sky.

Barnes' mouth grew. This well-informed old elf, who has personally experienced the battle of the ancients, has probably never seen such a crazy guy!

And the knife wheel that Mai Lin waved also stopped in mid-air. Under the iron owl helmet, the face that couldn't see clearly was probably full of surprise.

Even the tens of thousands of demons tightly surrounding the battlefield couldn't help taking a step back under the madness driven by Dick.

The worst thing is Kazloga, it was already going to counter-control Kanresad who hastily connected his spirit with him, but at this moment, it also felt the threat from above its head, and its body was injured The doomsday lord, whose strength had been weakened by almost one-third, only had time to raise his head, and that black shadow, like a super-large hammer, smashed on its head with unparalleled kinetic energy.


There was a muffled sound that spread across the battlefield, and there was also the sound of a broken skull. Of course Dick didn't rely solely on the kinetic energy of his body to attack. On the blade of the axe, the white sonic boom cloud and the shattered space caused a circle of white energy to expand rapidly outward. The ten-meter-high khaki body of the doomsday lord seemed to be bent forcibly by an invisible big hand. The body fell to the ground, and the head smashed directly into the ground.


There was another muffled sound, dust splashed all over the ground, and the whole ground seemed to vibrate for a moment under this blow. At the place where Kazloga's head fell to the ground, a large impact depression appeared on the ground, but there was no No one dared to investigate, but everyone stood there sluggishly, letting the dust blown by the strong wind engulf everyone.

Dick...Dick, he...

Barnes coughed twice, and dispersed the dust in front of his eyes with his hands. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a shaky figure walking out of the depression with a tomahawk dripping with liquid!

Dick's condition was terrible. It took him a lot of effort to pull his legs out of Kazloga's forehead. His legs had already lost feeling, despite the protection of the sacred barrier, But this also exceeded the limit that his current body could meet, and this blow was so fast, but even with such an attack, the Lord of Doom was not dead yet!

Panting heavily, the paladin glanced back at Kazloga's struggling eyeballs, shook his head, turned around and kicked him! Then he said to the human warlock lying on the ground,

Ahem... Kanrethad! Work hard, it will be yours soon!

The human warlock looked at him with wide-open eyes as if looking at a living alien. Dick took out the ebony pipe from his arms and put it in his mouth. As soon as he took a sip, his whole body went limp. , but in the end he didn't fall to the ground, but was supported by Mai Lin who shone into the dust.

You... Are you okay?

The watchman asked eagerly, watching Dick shake his head, she gritted her teeth and said, Are all the paladins in the Eastern Continent monsters?

No...Only I can do it, their holy light and mine... are somewhat different.

Dick replied in a low voice, and then shut up, obviously not intending to say too much on this issue, when the watchman walked out of the dust-covered range with his hands on Dick, all the demons around him screamed. Taking a step back again, the paladin froze for a moment, then pointed at the demons and laughed heartily.

Hahaha, look, these bastards are scared!

But even so, Dick still did not take the risk of challenging the tolerance of the demons, and the surviving guys gathered together, waiting for the busy Kanrethad to restrain the doomsday lord Kazloga who had no power to resist, Still in shock, Hilde took out a bottle of moonlight water and handed it to Dick.

The latter took it and took a sip. It tasted good, sweet and sour. Most importantly, after drinking it, his limp body felt much better.

This is Moonwell water, even among the Kaldorei group, it is a very rare supply!

Hilde came over, stuffed the two bottles into Dick's hands, and then patted him on the shoulder in admiration, But a warrior like you is entitled to enjoy it!

This is a great victory worthy of being recorded in the history books!

Barnes came over and gave Dick a hug with rare enthusiasm, but the latter was somewhat depressed. He watched the scene where Delia Sera blew himself up, and then looked at the seriously injured Drew Ah, the wine of victory is delicious, but if it has the blood of your companions in it, the taste will be hard to swallow.

A few minutes later, with the cheers of the four warlocks, the demons who had been keeping quiet all around suddenly became chaotic, as if they had changed from a well-disciplined army to scattered soldiers all of a sudden. Ke even saw that at the end of his line of sight, there was a strange backflow in the sea of ​​demons that had been rushing forward!

Without the command and suppression of the highest-level demon Kazroga, the chaotic nature of the demons can no longer make them an unstoppable group, but this is not a good thing, because the loss of Kazroga's suppression , demons, crossed that invisible line in unison!

Dick and other survivors, these remnants and defeated generals, are once again facing the danger of being besieged! And for them, these huge chaotic demons are actually more difficult to deal with than Kazloga!

However, at this critical moment, the orc warlock Retesin walked out of the crowd with the weak Kanrethad on his back. After enslaving Kazloga, the human warlock's form remained unchanged, but the aura around him became darker and darker. And low, like a black hole, constantly devouring the surrounding light.

The watchman involuntarily grasped the knife wheel in his hand, but Kanrethad waved at them,

Come with me, guys! Let's go home!

After finishing speaking, the four warlocks strode towards the charging sea of ​​demons. Dick wanted to raise his footsteps, but was held back by Barnes.

You're crazy! What if they...

There's nothing wrong with it, Commander!

Dick smiled and put Barnes' hand down, They said we were partners, didn't they?

Sure enough, Dick's trust was not unreasonable. When the Four Warlocks approached those demons, those ugly guys with all kinds of strange looks were like facing Kazloga himself. Get out of the way!

Demon breath! This is a technique that only masters of demonology can use! Kanrethad is the best of them!

The undead lady Bijuka said proudly, And there will not be more than 10 masters of demonology in the whole world, especially after enslaving Kazloga, Kanrethad will become our real leader, the dark The world will have another lord!

The little dwarf Wilfred even screamed, Look, the Black Scythe Council is about to rise! Look at the new name I gave our organization! The Black Scythe Council, how nice it sounds!

Although Kanrethad is weak, he also has a complacent expression. It can be seen that these guys are indeed oppressed too hard by the cruel reality. Compared with the dark mouse like Warlock who can't see the light at all, Dick feels that I am so lucky to be a paladin!

But to be honest, Dick still has his own thoughts. On the way he was supported by Mai Lin, the paladin had been secretly observing Kanrethad. , As a result, after he degenerated into a demon, he was killed by Bijuka, who was suspected to be his lover.

However, from the knowledge that Dick has learned, it is not difficult to see that this guy Kanrethad is indeed a real genius. It is said that he is the first guy to learn how to transform into a demon among all mortal warlocks. One point is enough for him to be proud, you know, the last one who learned how to transform into a demon by himself was Illidan!

One of the greatest dark heroes of all time!

Although the warlock is still in the dark at this time of year, it is still one of the eleven professions, and it is quite a powerful one. Coupled with Kanrethad's own identity in the dark world, Dick couldn't help but want to It wasn't just the Silver Hand or the Stratholme battlegroup that had drawn him to his side. Don't forget, he also had an extremely difficult and important mission on his shoulders!

But Dick quickly retracted his gaze. Rekanthade is not the dark warlock who has gone through hardships ten years later. Right now, his character has a little bit of expectation to dominate. This is in line with Dick's request. Not quite.

Paladins are not asking their companions not to pursue power, but for the fate of the entire world, any selfish desire is extremely fatal!

After the surrounding demons lost their suppression, they finally fought crazily, so that in the end, none of the demons took the initiative to provoke Dick and his group, but focused all their attention on their companions just now On his body, if he took a cold breath, he would stab the devil closest to him.

Even if there are occasional mid-level and high-level demons, they will soon be submerged in the black turbidity. After Archimonde brought all the elite demons into the depths of Mount Hyjal, the card of the first line of defense commander demons After Zloga was enslaved, these hundreds of thousands of demons have actually failed!

And just ten minutes later, the sound of flying birds flapping their wings appeared above everyone's heads. The survivors looked up at the sky. There were more than a dozen weird ones with bat wings, lion bodies, cheetah claws and faces, and poisonous scorpions. The khaki monster with the tail slowly descended from the sky.

This is a biped wyvern, a flying mount unique to orcs. Like a griffin, it can carry people and can also wear armor.

Dick's eyes blinked, and he saw a few familiar guys jumping out of Wyvern's saddle, Jaina, Thrall, Varok, the troll Vol'jin, and a 3-meter-tall, long-haired With a cow's head, horns, and a burly man wearing tattered armor, but exuding an unusually tough aura! And a tall orc with a Batman-like eye patch on a black eagle.

That was Rexxar, one of Dick's favorite heroes, but he was very silent. At this time, Dick didn't have much time to greet him.

Dick stretched out his hand and hugged the eldest lady in his arms. While comforting the excited girl, he looked at the big man with the simple totem on his back and the long-handled battle ax in his hand. Dick knew that it was a tauren ! Apart from the trolls, the orcs' most loyal comrade-in-arms, the strongest land tank in the Horde faction, finally appeared?

My friends! Dick, I knew you could do it!

Warlock laughed and walked forward, hammered Dick on the chest, frowned and glanced at the four warlocks, and then said to Dick,

You killed that demon?

The paladin held the eldest lady in one arm, and raised the blood roar with the other,

I did not dishonor the axe, my friend! I hacked off its skull with my own hands! By the way, will you introduce me to these two new friends?

Dick pointed to the silent tauren, and Thrall stepped forward and whispered to Dick,

This is the chief of the Bloodhoof tribe currently living in the Golden Plain, Kane-Bloodhoof, he is a warrior like you! It was him just now who withstood the attack of the Dread Demon King and the three hellfires head-on before giving We created our chance to kill it! Kane is a formidable fighter and a trustworthy companion!

This is Rexxar, the best and best hunter. He just returned from Desolace with Kane. Don't worry about his indifference. Rexxar has such a withdrawn character!

In front of Kane's totem and Rexxar's battle axe, even the dreadlord who calls himself Anasseron has to stay away!

And Kane himself inherited the honesty that the Tauren should have. He touched his head, wiped his hand on his clothes, and stretched it out.

Dick...I've heard of you! When I was young, I also dreamed of becoming a day walker like you, but unfortunately, I ended up on the way of a warrior! But you helped Thrall and what they did , has proved your noble qualities! The Bloodhoof tribe is willing to be your friend!

Dick smiled and clasped his left hand with the big one.

Theramore is also willing to be your friend!

Alright, warriors!

At this time, a somewhat familiar voice came from behind Kane's tall body. The tauren was so huge that Dick didn't realize that there was an old acquaintance behind him.

Garrod, this white-haired elf has only been gone for a few days, as if he has aged a teenager out of thin air. He looked at Dick, then at Thrall, and finally set his sights on Maileen.

The elves suffered heavy losses! Archimonde's power is too strong! The weak demigods can barely block his attack, but the point is not on him. The demon army it summoned is weird. I hope you still have The power to fight again!

Dick shrugged, The green dragon horn of the first line of defense is not used!

Thrall also took out an exquisite keel horn from his arms, proving his wisdom with actions.

Jarod held his horn in his hand in satisfaction, took a deep breath,

Okay, warriors! Let me go to the final battlefield! That will be the battlefield that determines the ownership of the world! A feast of death.


Brother Lin Deng is right, I am a leaf falling in the wind, watch how I fly is indeed from Firefly, and I also read it through the book you mentioned~~~囧~~~ personally This sentence feels great! So it's added there.

Explain, Sunwalker!

The daywalker here is not the kind of scum that kills vampires, but the name of the tauren for the paladin. The tauren also has the inheritance of the paladin, but in their racial mythology, the power of the holy light comes from the sun god Ann. Xi, so the warriors who use the power of the Holy Light are respectfully called Sunwalkers by them.

In the customs of the tauren, the day walker is a noble profession, which is equivalent to the servant of the sun god! Must remember~

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