Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 135 38. The Battle of Mount Hyjal --- The Battle of the Dragons

Chapter 135 38. The Battle of Mount Hyjal——The Battle of Dragons

Mount Hyjal, also known as the Holy Mountain, is the residence of the night elves after the continent was broken in the War of the Ancients. The altitude of this mountain is quite high, so when you stand in the valley of the Holy Mountain, look up Can see the green mountain tops, the white snow.

Of course, when anyone first arrives at Mount Hyjal, the first thing they notice must be the sky-reaching trees. Because of the world tree here, the forests of the entire Mount Hyjal are extremely prosperous, with quite a lot of towering trees, and Many ancient trees live here.

The so-called ancient trees refer to those tree people who have awakened their wisdom and souls for a long time. They are huge in size, and have grown movable legs and an anthropomorphic appearance, and they can also communicate with creatures. And the general combat effectiveness is quite strong!

But there is another reason why this land is called the Holy Mountain.

After the War of the Ancients, the Well of Eternity was destroyed, and the demon hunter Illidan secretly poured the water from the Well of Eternity that he had collected privately in a certain ravine on the holy mountain. As a result, another miniature Well of Eternity appeared. But just after the War of the Ancients ended, Illidan's bold move shocked all the night elves, and the former was imprisoned in the Vault of the Watchers for ten thousand years.

But of course, we all know that Illidan is not the only one who hides the water of the Eternal Well. The hero of the War of the Ancients and the first generation leader of the high elves, Lord Dath'Remar, actually did the same thing, but this is That's another story.

In the previous game, Dick has been to Mount Hyjal more than once, but in the real world, this is the first time to reach the holy mountain. The road to the mountain is winding and winding, and this line of defense may be breached at any time At that time, it was naturally impossible for Dick and his party to enter the World Tree Valley by taking the mountain road, so after passing through the special portal made by several druids, the scenery of the holy mountain came into Dick's eyes for the first time.

Majestic, secluded and captivating.

The combination of green, white, and purple makes this valley look like a scene in a dream. Dreamy dots of light linger in the air, creating a different atmosphere for this valley. It is the elves flying in the air, that It is the spirits of dead elves that sing.

Although the faint smell of sulfur in the air was still pungent, when Dick raised his head, the star-studded night sky, the bright moon and the rippling luster in the galaxy were all unbearable. Live wanting to embrace the land.

What a nice view!

Jaina held Dick's arm, muttering to herself.

The eyes of Thrall and the tauren chief were also full of fascination. For these two guys who are close to nature, this place is really like a dream!

However, Dick and Jarod's eyes did not stop at this scene. The former knew the cruelty of the Battle of Hyjal in history, and the latter was used to the scene. Take a step forward and walk quickly to the edge of the cliff where the portal opens.

In the valley below, in the valley at the root of the world tree like the pillar of the sky, a crazy battle is going on. Countless elves are crowded in this valley. Opposite them is a dense mixed army of demons and undead. Under the moonlight mass, the priest of the moon, Tyrande and her husband Malfurion, were dealing with a bone-white lich who could send a cold wave in the air with his hands.

And Illidan, who has not transformed, is also dealing with an abyss lord who is slightly smaller than Maronos with the demigod Tortura!

Soldier against soldier, general against general, the breath of death made the sacred world tree altar look like hell. The most terrible thing was that Dick had seen once, the blue-skinned Ai who was tens of meters high. The Great Demon Reda was standing under the Yggdrasil with a wild laugh, fighting with the wild boar demigod Agamaggan, the wolf god Godrin, and the green dragon Eranikus with ease!

The World Tree is named Nordrassil, the Crown of the Sky. The place where it grows is the small pond where Illidan poured water from the Well of Eternity. Therefore, it can be said that the World Tree has actually replaced the role of the Well of Eternity. , It is connected to the core of the world, once the great demon absorbs all its power, it is equivalent to injecting one's own breath and chaotic demonic power into the origin of the world.

The consequences would be serious!

The whole world will be polluted! And Dick knew that Elune, the protoss of Azeroth, is currently falling into the deepest sleep because of the wounds of the world. Facing this kind of pollution, she is powerless to resist, and once the core of the world is polluted, the whole world will be destroyed. There will be quite terrifying changes in the rules.

Argus, the hometown of the draenei, a planet with highly developed technology and magic, has encountered such pollution. It is now a paradise for demons.

Regardless of whether it is public or private, Dick does not want Azeroth to repeat the same mistakes, so even though he knew that he was as humble and weak as dirt in front of Archimonde, at this moment, he had to stand up. out!

Look at the sky! It's the frost dragon of the undead! Aviana, the spirit of the sky, was seriously injured by the big demon's surprise attack. Without her help, we lost the sky! So I need the green dragon army to enter the field to suppress those monsters! In this way, our horns The Gryphon troops can take off, and after releasing the combat power of the ancient tree of war, the decline on the ground battlefield will be reversed! Then we have to think about how to deal with Archimonde!

Garrod raised his slender brows, and said to Dick and Thrall seriously,

Malfurion has the horn of natural wrath that can control the world tree. This is our last secret. If necessary, the world tree can be detonated to attack the big demon, but the resurrection of the demigods of the wilderness has consumed too much of the world tree. Energy, so the power of this hole card is much smaller!

Enough! And us!

Dick pulled out the delicate keel horn from his belt, turned to Jarod and said,

As long as World Tree can seriously injure the great demon, under the combined attack of the demigod and us, the only thing the great demon can get is failure!

The paladin, Thrall, and Jarod put the keel horn in their hands to their mouths together. The next moment, the sound of the horn with special magic power spread throughout the valley.

woo woo woo woo!

The moment the horn sounded, the black sky changed, and green portals opened one after another in the sky, as if the windows of the whole world were pushed open, that was the superposition and dislocation of space, that The dense green portals make people feel dizzy even if they take a look at them.

Moreover, when Dick blew the horn, he held a delicate golden hourglass in his hand and crushed it vigorously. Along with the golden quicksand flying in the air, golden swirls appeared one after another. in the air.

Emerald Dragon Legion! admission!

Time Guardian Recruits! admission!

One after another, green dragon shadows covering the sky flew out from the teleporters in the sky, and quickly gathered together to become the legendary dragon army. The four warlocks and watchers standing behind Dick, And the surviving druids trembled all over!

This scene is almost only spread in absurd fairy tales. Giant dragons and elves appear together on this battlefield against demons. Who would have imagined that this majestic scene would appear in front of their eyes? Of course, for someone like Mai Lin For the veterans, such a scene would easily evoke their impression of the War of the Ancients.

Ten thousand years ago, on the undivided land, the glory of the ancient elf empire was the same. Soldiers in gorgeous armor bravely and boldly attacked the overwhelming demon army on the battlefield with flying flags. The shadows echoed in the sky above them, and the bearmen, and those powerful demigods of the wilderness. At that time, the whole world was their allies!

After the emerald-colored dream dragon, there is a relatively small number of bronze dragon recruits that should not be underestimated. Nozdormu, the king of time, is really interesting. A bronze dragon who has just grown up, although these young boys and girls are not as effective in combat, but to be honest, the bronze dragon can wander in the setting of the timeline, and these guys are destined to be the most difficult opponents!

This point, when the Bronze Dragon helped the paladins sweep the Ashenvale battle zone, Dick already had an intuitive feeling!

The young giant dragons are impulsive and brave, especially the bronze dragons. Dick has seen these giant dragons charge into the group of enemy demons like cannonballs more than once, crazily using their claws and teeth to bite, and then being beaten When dying, reverse your own timeline, and return to the intact state in the next second.

Repeat this until the power of time in the body is exhausted, and then leave the battlefield with still unsatisfied intentions.

Moreover, Dick has his own plans for summoning these bronze dragons on this kind of battlefield. For example, now, when the emerald dragons are still slowly preparing their formation, the bronze dragons are already moving toward the side that outnumbers them. Almost five times as many frost dragons charged!

The Frost Dragon on the devil's side is one bone dragon after another, and it can also be called a bone dragon. These ghost things are the top war weapons resurrected by the undead army in the dragon cemetery in Northrend. , the combat power has to drop by at least one-third, but it can't stand the huge number, overwhelming, and quite imposing, and there are densely packed small spots around those bone dragons.

That's gargoyles and mephits and flying demons!

Archimonde formed an elite group of elites. Those who participated in the war were all commander-level demons. They were impeccable in both quantity and quality. Under the blow of such an air offensive, the elves The Hippogryph army on one side couldn't get into the air at all, and the most terrible thing was that the ancient land weapons and war trees were also forced to be used by the elves for air defense!

These tall ancient trees grabbed the stones on the ground and threw them into the air. Together with the stones thrown by the mountain giants, they could barely protect the sky of the elf battlefield, but to be honest, this was not enough! It wasn't until the giant dragons appeared on the stage that the trend of the war turned towards the elves!

The bronze dragons seemed to act without thinking, but at the moment the two came into contact, large groups of time vortexes appeared around the bronze dragons, and phantoms of time dragons one after another rushed out of the vortex, crazily colliding with each other. Join the army of frost dragons who have no wisdom and no reason! In just the blink of an eye, the numbers of both sides reached a balance point!

This is the most unreasonable thing about bronze dragons. When they are driven to a dead end, they can summon their past selves and future selves to help fight. , this little time is enough to decide the fate of both parties!

quantity! This thing is meaningless to the bronze dragons who have had cheats since birth!

The bronze dragon was the vanguard, and when the power of time was exhausted, these smart guys immediately oiled their feet and jumped into the golden time vortex, and then the emerald dragons swarmed to clear the field, just five minutes after the dragon army appeared, The sky of Mount Hyjal once again fell into the hands of the elves.

But the battle situation on the side of the great demon is in danger. Agamaggan gallops on the ground crazily, crashing into the body of the great demon like a real tank, while Eranikus flies in mid-air, and the scorching emerald breath resembles Don't throw money at Archimonde, and the assassin-like wolf god Godrin. The cooperation of the three entangled the great demon.

But that's not enough! Even complete demigods are often at a disadvantage when facing big demons, let alone they are in the weak stage of resurrection. Such an offensive will be broken by big demons sooner or later, and behind them is World Tree ! The core of the world!

Archimonde is not satisfied with the world tree Nordrassil, what it longs for is the power that can make it transcend, that is the power of the star core of Azeroth, even if the elves kill all the demons present, as long as The big devil succeeded, all this is still irreversible!

The sky was cleared, and the reinforcements rode the screaming hippogryph and galloped through the sky. Dick fumbled in his pocket with his left hand, and he took out the silver card with body temperature again. Holding it in his hand, Jarod's purple hippogryph flew in front of him, and the white-haired elf waved,

Follow me! Warriors! Help Malfurion first!

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