Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 136 39. The Battle of Mount Hyjal --- The Polluter

Chapter 136 39. The Battle of Mount Hyjal——The Polluter

Malfurion - Stormrage, is a mysterious archdruid with long beard and long hair. As early as ten thousand years ago, Cenarius, the demigod of the wilderness, predicted that Malfurion would become the greatest druid One, now it seems that Cenarius' prophecy seems to have come true. The night elf who has transformed into a super-sized brown bear and is madly attacking the Lich Reggie-Frost with claws like a warhammer is already Cenarius. The head of the Austrian Council.

That is the nominal leader of all druids in the world.

But is this the end of Malfurion's fate?

Not! The archdruid will only be more brilliant in the future, although in Dick's view, Malfurion is far inferior to his misunderstood and exiled brother in terms of importance and contribution to the world.

Illidan - Stormrage!

But there is no way, no matter how annoying it is, it should be saved, right? Who made World Tree only recognize Malfurion?

Dick and his party defeated the doomsday lord Kazloga, while Thrall and his party attacked head-on and killed the dreaded demon king Anaseron. The combination of these two groups of fierce gods is already the strongest combination that the coalition forces can come up with. up.

The tauren chief Kane-Bloodhoof put on a new set of armor and held a long-handled battle ax in both hands. He jumped off his wyvern and shot towards the ground like a cannonball. Going straight to the Lich, the totem on his back was thrown out in mid-air by him, roaring and hitting the Lich who was looking up at him!

The other melee fighters followed closely behind, the watcher jumped in the shadows, Varok followed behind Kane, and Thrall summoned a small whirlwind to bring him and the others safely to the ground. Rexxar took a completely different path from Cirvanas. After landing, Rexxar put his finger in his hand and blew a loud whistle.

The next moment, a wild boar whose appearance was 7 points similar to Agamaggan rushed into the battlefield from the dense forest. Its size was certainly not as huge as that of a demigod, but it also reached Rexxar's waist, and it was bigger than an ordinary wild boar. Bigger by 3, that's Hofer, Rexxar's wild boar pet.

There is also a brown bear that is very similar to the brown bear transformed by the druids, and it slaps away all opponents along the way. Its roar is deafening, and even the tallest demon guards cannot continue to fight in front of this powerful and amazing brown bear. , that's Misha, Rexxar's most famous pet.

And the black eagle carrying Rexxar descending from the sky, Spire, is also a rare alien species, flying faster than the druid of the raptor, and its claws are as sharp as blades. Under its interference, Lei Ji Donghan couldn't even cast spells.

Hunter players in the previous life regarded Rexxar as the ultimate goal, but in fact, even in the late game, hunters can only use two pets at the same time with the help of the artifact-Titan Strike, which is far from reaching Rexxar This has the same effect as a zoo.

And this is not the limit of Rexxar, Dick knows that Rexxar also has a biped wyvern Leok who is good at magic, and earlier, the dire wolf Harley who died in battle to protect him . In short, this is definitely a terrifying guy who has taken the Beastmaster line to the extreme.

Siege, this word is the best description of Rexxar's fighting style.

The spellcasters stood a little further away. As soon as the primordial servant in the hands of the eldest lady appeared, it attracted the attention of everyone present. Now, there are no ignorant guys standing here, even if they are from salesmen. In appearance, everyone can see that what this human female mage is holding is definitely not a high-end product.

The whistling icy whirlwind swung out from the top of the staff in the eldest lady's hand, and precisely rolled the ice cone that the lich smashed at Malfurion to the other side. Before the lich could react, the mountain-like tauren chief Roaring and falling from the sky, the long-handled battle ax in his hand streaked across the air with a brilliant knife light, and with just one blow, the ice shield on the Lich's body was completely broken!

Misha's bear paw and Hofer's impact pushed back the Lich a few steps, and then the orc heroes and Dick's swords and swords came up. In desperate situation.

Reggie-Donghan is definitely one of the best liches in the current undead disaster, and this lich is not the same as other liches, it was born earlier than Alsace, and from the moment of birth , he did not pledge allegiance to the Lich King, but directly worshiped the number two figure of the Burning Legion, the Deceiver-Kil'jaeden. Another pawn that the demons buried in the Scourge.

This guy was the target that Alsace named Dick to get rid of when he was parting. For this reason, the king of death knights even generously offered a condition that as soon as the news of Reggie Donghan's death came out, he would immediately kill him. Azshara's lands were given entirely to Dick.

Although Dick was not uncommon for this condition, at the moment, Reggie Donghan himself had jumped into a trap that he had no way of escaping.

And to be honest, in terms of combat power, Reggie-Donghan can't even compare to Kazrogar, the doomsday lord. The undead, especially the control of the frost dragon.

However, although the Lich's attack power is weaker, but the defensive spells are superb, and from time to time, they will throw pieces of death and decay towards the elves' battle zone. This kind of large-scale offensive magic can hit the elf soldiers They, causing tons of damage.

However, the attack power of the brown bear transformed by Malfurion is poor, and Tyrande, who has strong attack power, has to back and forth between Illidan and Malfurion, who are fighting hard, to support the lich until now, but right now , when the reinforcements joined the battlefield, plus a half-hero and high-ranking lord who had just killed a hero demon, Lei Ji-Donghan, there was absolutely no reason for him to survive.

It only persisted for less than five minutes, and under a chain lightning waved by Thrall, the innermost spell shield was broken, and then it was hacked by the two axes of Rexxar and Kane. With his head down, although the Lich would not die without destroying the phylactery, this kind of injury undoubtedly made it no longer have the chance to fight back.

Dwarf warlock Wilfred happily took Reggie's skull from Miss Jaina. He just sold himself to Dalaran, which is being rebuilt, to serve as the defense against the dark magic of Theramore Spell Academy. The teacher paid for this precious skull.

It seems that he intends to use it to make a magic weapon. As for the soul of Reggie-Donghan still attached to it, Wilfred said that for a warlock who has been dealing with souls since his apprenticeship, it is basically impossible. Not even trouble.

So it's a pretty good deal.

But Dick didn't have much time to pay attention to these details. In fact, after killing Reggie-Donghan, everyone rushed to Illidan's battlefield without staying.

The emerald dragons don't have much time to buy them. As Dick said, all the emerald dragons in the world have their own missions, so those who can come to support are the dream dragon forms of the emerald dragons. Without the support of the Emerald Dream, they can exist for a short time.

Although the Lich was killed, the undead completely lost control, but if the undead and frost dragons dominated by instinct were left alone, the elves would only have more troubles!

So during the time when the emerald dragon is still in charge, they must use the fastest speed to solve these troubles! But before they actually make it to the bottom of the world tree, they have one last problem to deal with!

The flames of the Legion will burn you!

The high-level demons around the huge abyss lord Azgalor are almost dead! Their corpses and stinky blood stained every inch of the ground green, but on top of the corpses everywhere, this violent demon was like a butcher. If you can't kill it, you can never get close to the big devil!

The furious abyss lord swept forward with the double-headed halberd in his hand, and was blocked by the rock tortoise shell of the immovable demigod Tortura. The demigod continued to charge forward without shaking. But the abyss lord laughed wildly and sprinkled the dark green flames, surrounding Illidan and Tyrande who were fighting hard, as well as the people who came to help.

Abandon all hope! The Burning Legion will complete the unfinished work of thousands of years ago. This time, we will not let go of any life!

Facing the eager challengers, Azgalor looked very excited. Green blood like magma flowed out from the wound on his body cut open by Illidan, and even his left arm was bitten off by Tortura. , but when facing the siege, he was still very arrogant, even fanatical!

This guy is different from his immediate boss, Maronos, who died under Grom-Hellscream. He is not interested in wisdom at all. Like the most orthodox abyss lord, he loves violence and destruction!

This fanatical chaotic and violent guy may be weaker than Malonos in terms of danger, but his strength and destructive power are even worse! This is a fighting maniac!

Anyone who understands knows that on the battlefield, a combat madman who relies on violence is far more difficult to deal with than a terrorist who uses conspiracy!

Come on! Let me see you two catties!

Facing the flamboyant abyss lord, Illidan let out a low growl, and was about to rush out, but Varok and Kane were faster than him. Warlock and Kane are passionate fighters who never fear challenges, and their previous experience of slaughtering demons is also true. The tauren chief was full of confidence, but the moment the battle ax in his hand intersected with Azgalor's halberd, the tauren chief's face changed drastically.

The next moment, he was swept back at an even faster speed! He also knocked over Rexxar who was trying to catch him.

This was the first time Kane, who was as tall as a mountain, was repelled on the battlefield!

Hahaha, that's how it feels! This is...destruction!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Azgalor's body was also staggered by the giant force of the tauren chief, but it had four legs and was far more stable than Kane, and this blow also ignited the abyss lord's inner desire to fight, and Illidan Such a dexterous warrior is completely boring to fight, and Illidan, who has not transformed, is not Azgalor's opponent at all.

The fanatical abyss lord clenched the end of the halberd in his hand, regarded the terrifying weapon as a warhammer, and slapped Tortura's carapace three times, causing the ground to vibrate and the tortoise demigod to growl. Among them, three small green magic energy volcanoes burst from the ground, spraying scorching magma in all directions!

The lightning bolt that Thrall was about to shoot was replaced by an earth shield in the next moment, and the swaying small clod-like shield quickly blessed everyone present, and the next moment, everyone was overwhelmed. The waving magma completely covered it.

As expected, Azgallo is a battle maniac with a brain full of muscles, and his fighting instinct is scary. This seemingly random blow actually drove back everyone who was going to rush to help, leaving only Kane and Varok and Tortura stood in front of it!

It is also the only place not covered by magma.

What was even worse was that at this moment when everyone was running away in a hurry, the great demon Archimonde, who was absorbing the power of the World Tree, suddenly turned his head and punched the wolf god Godrin who was trying to attack from behind, grinning Then he pointed the fingers of his left hand covered with green light at Tyrande, the moon priest who fell to the ground in a panic.

I remember you! Elf, it was you ten thousand years ago! You made me so embarrassed, now, go to die! Take your faith and go to die!


A thick green light like a beam of light drew a strange arc in the air, and hit Tyrande straight. When this beam of light appeared, the stars in the sky of Mount Hyjal dimmed, and the entire valley Everyone is screaming!

That's the energy of pure death mixed with magic energy!

That was the full blow of the great devil!

That is an attack of the law of karma that should not exist in this world at all!

That is the energy symbol that Archimonde used to destroy countless worlds in tens of millions of years!

That is the finger of death!

Even in Azeroth after 30 years, there is no terrifying power that that person can grasp!

If despair has a color, then it should be the light when the finger of death comes!

No! Tyrande!

Illidan felt the power of this blow, and he flew up from the ground in despair. The moment he entered the air, the green fire of magic energy burned on the demon hunter's body. It took almost a second for him to complete the attack. Demonic transformation, this evil form that he has been unwilling to show in front of his loved ones.

But even at the speed of the devil's transformation, it's too late!

On the other side, the Archdruid Malfurion, who was standing on the stone platform and was about to awaken the World Tree, also dropped the grass seed material in his hand in horror. Although his feelings were not as intense as Illidan's, there was nothing Undoubtedly, Malfurion's love for Tyrande will definitely not be inferior to that of Illidan!

And he was also very shocked by the changes that happened to Illidan's body, as was Garrod who was standing beside him. In the shadow under the big devil's feet, he saw the figure he had been thinking about all along.

Facing the attack of Finger of Death, Tyrande tried to protect the moon priest with the moonlight all over her body, but compared with the power of destroying the world possessed by the great demon, the help that the sleeping Elune could give her was too much. Too little.

The thick moonlight curtain only bought less than a second for the desperate Tyrande, but at the moment when the moon priest wanted to close his eyes and meet a peaceful death, a not-so-tall man haunted his whole body. A figure with inexplicable silver light stood in front of her like a mountain!

His face was resolute, and there was still a trace of fear and nervousness that could not be concealed. It could be seen that he was also very scared, but he still stood in front of Tyrande.

This block is the interval between life and death.

This block is the boundary between heaven and hell.

I hate you, Tyrande! Whether it's your unreasonable hostility or your stupid precautions! But right now, we have more important things to do!

On the battlefield of the bloody battle between elf soldiers and demons, Jaina turned her head suddenly if she felt something. The next moment, the staff in her hand fell to the ground, and the four warlocks and the heroes present were already stunned. The slender figures that jumped out of Archimonde's shadow used the gaps under the helmets to look at the guy who didn't know whether he was reckless, stupid, or brave.

Dick!!! NO!!!

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