Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 143 3. Big Trouble

Light's Hope Chapel.

In this not-so-majestic, but extremely simple, but significant hall, it has not been stained with blood in nearly a hundred years since it was established, but today, for the first time, Renault's blood has stained this area red holy place.

Where's Dick?

Old Mograine asked, his voice was low and calm, and there was no sign of anger at all, but those who knew him well knew that this was exactly what the old knight looked like when he was extremely angry.

The great knight of order has his own affairs, and I am his plenipotentiary representative!

After the end of the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Liadrin has been helping Princess Kalia and Jaina with government affairs. She is already a top figure in Theramore. Months of experience have made her not only peaceful , There is also an awe-inspiring air, although it is not as good as the old knight's many years of prestige, but at least it can barely compete.

The Great Knight of Order? What's that called?

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the old knight didn't explode immediately, but continued to ask. Obviously, the title Great Knight of Order had never appeared in the Knights of the Silver Hand.

This time, it was not Liadrin who answered, but Dalyan, who had been as cold as a piece of ice since returning to Northern Border.

The Great Knight of Order is the leader of the Silver Dawn, and the eight titled knights under him are commanders. Mr. Eligor is the Knight of Justice, Miss Liadrin is the Knight of Mercy, and Commander Herold is the Knight of Valor. By the way, I Father, the Silver Dawn is a knight order established by Princess Kalia of Theramore, so we are not the jumping clowns as you say!

Dalyan glanced at his father, was silent for a moment, and continued,

Actually, swearing allegiance to Princess Kalia and Theramore's Silver Dawn is more orthodox than the Silver Hand! You haven't sworn allegiance to Princess Kalia until now, have you?

Ridiculous! The Silver Hand will always end up with the royal family of Menethil.

Old Mograine snorted noncommittally, his lion-like eyes turned to Darien, with a hint of sarcasm and an imperceptible regret on his face,

And you? My child, what the hell are you?

Let me introduce you formally, Baron Theramore, Demon Slayer Warrior, Frontier of Mount Hyjal, Defender of the World Tree, Glory Knight of the Silver Dawn Dalyan-Mograine Greetings to you, Grand Knight Mograine!

When these words fell to the ground, the first person who jumped out to question was not the old Mograine, but the grumpy General Abidis. This old general is almost 50 years old, but his temper has always been difficult to control, especially It was when he saw Dalyan treating his brother like this, the uncontrollable anger drove him to erupt on the spot.

Bastard! Traitor! Clown! Liar!

You cowards, but those civilians are enough! How dare you come here to bluff, Kalimdor? Huh, I really doubt if you have been there! And the battle of killing demons! Pooh!


The cursing voice of the old General Abidis stopped abruptly, because a knife wheel had already reached his neck, and he only needed to push forward slightly, and the old head would leave the body. Even old Mograine couldn't help holding the long sword Ashbringer behind him, because the guy in front of him with an iron owl-like helmet, a green cloak studded with blades, and a green battle armor appeared too strange !

Everyone present can swear that this guy jumped out of the shadow of General Abidis!

You insult each other, I have no objection, but please don't question Kaldorei's judgment, the First Expeditionary Force lost a third of its warriors on Mount Hyjal, and their names will forever be passed down in Kaldorei's history, Insulting these warriors is equivalent to insulting the entire Kaldorei!

Mai Lin was very upset, and the voice with obvious killing intent spread throughout the hall, but unfortunately, except for the members of the First Expeditionary Force who stayed with the elves for a long time, that is, members of the Silver Dawn, all the people here Man, there are only a few learned fellows who can understand the complex language of Salas.

But these few people are enough, Archmage Duane stopped everyone from pulling out their weapons, leaned on his staff, walked to Mai Lin, bent down to salute, and opened his mouth to spit out a paragraph of Salas language that was not fluent, although Stumbling, but communication is no problem.

Dear lady, I would like to apologize to you on behalf of my companion. This place is too far away from Kalimdor. It is difficult for us to imagine things tens of thousands of miles away. I personally want to trust Kaldorei's reputation, so please Put down your weapons, this will lead to an escalation of the conflict!

Mai Lin was silent for a while, put away the ferocious knife wheel, shook her head,

Humans always like to speculate about the truth that has never been seen! Don't question Mount Hyjal in front of us, that is a holy war!

Mai Lin turned around and disappeared into Duane's shadow. The confrontation just now resumed, but with the elusive assassination performance of the Watcher, there was no one who would jump out and add trouble. St. Knights are indeed stubborn sometimes, but that doesn't mean they are a bunch of fools. Seeing this mysterious situation, it seems that some kind of elf assassin from a secret army stood up to guarantee the Argent Dawn, and no one could say anything to doubt it. up.

After all, the extraordinary aura of the paladins cannot be faked.

Okay, my son, you have finally lived up to the blood in your body!

The old knight closed his eyes, and Fuer opened them again. It seemed plain, but the trembling hands hidden under the table showed the old knight's excitement. Although they had turned against each other, it did not mean the connection between father and son. And so it was cut off.

In fact, regarding the impulsive behavior of old Mograine at that time, Dick even vaguely guessed that these great nobles all had the idea of ​​not putting all their eggs in one basket. made.

But apart from Alessandro himself, no one really knows what he was thinking at the time.

After a few minutes of silence, when the atmosphere became weird, Liadrin cleared her throat and spoke again,

The Knights of Order express their opposition to the formation of the Scarlet Crusade by the Silver Hand! If you insist on going your own way, we have the right to divide Stratholme from your ruling area! And the 1,500 recruits among them will belong to Lordain The legal heir of the Lun Kingdom, the lord of Theramore, under the jurisdiction of Princess Kalia!


The scene froze again, and everyone present turned their attention to Alessandro and several other elders. Chief Prosecutor Iselion's face was gloomy, and the upright old man said,

What if we disagree!

This time it was Eligor who answered. This high-ranking knight from the Silver Hand was also very sad about the current situation, but he himself was born as a commoner, and he didn't care about the old Mograine's noble ideas. With a cold, plus having been with Dick for so long, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, naturally they will not have much support for old Mograine's actions, and Eligor has enough wisdom to distinguish bleeding What kind of impact will the establishment of the Colored Crusade have on the Silver Hand!

That kind of offensive-only dangerous thinking, if not restrained, will soon turn into a kind of purification fanaticism!

What's worse, this will create a rift of faith inside the Silver Hand! The final result can only be a split in form and in various senses! Although there are many interpretations of the teachings of the Holy Light, this is the first time that this kind of true division has occurred!

Yes, before Dick left, he specifically discussed this matter with him, and Errigor deeply agreed!

So his voice became stiffer.

Although it's a pity, if the Silver Hand's command is determined to go its own way, then we can only think that this is an act of splitting the sacred Silver Hand. The Knights of the Silver Hand are under the jurisdiction of the Menethil royal family. The situation, the only blood descendant of Menethil, the only princess Kalia who is qualified to inherit the throne, will declare the Scarlet Crusade as an illegal organization!

So, your response is war?

General Abidis touched the slight bloodstain on his neck, he looked at Eligor seriously, and asked,

Do you know what that means?


Tall and strong, Herold, who had been silent since entering the door, said in a deep voice,

War of Faith! The cruelest war! You will face a joint attack from Quel'Thalas Kingdom, Dalaran, Theramore, and Kaldorei! We will not entrust the fate of Northern Border to a group of lunatics. Now, I heard that you even advocate refusing to accept civilian paladins?, and plan to arm civilians into the battlefield? This is really crazy! If you don't have enough means to deal with the undead, then let us do it!

These murderous words made the scene become silent again.

Especially when faced with 300 imposing paladins wearing keel steel armor and countless watchmen hiding in the shadows, this threat is even more unforgettable. Some pessimistic people have quietly grasped Hold the hilt.

Only a fool would believe that this group of lunatics who came back from Kalimdor are fighting against the Silver Hand with dignity. They brought 300 people. People have no hope of surviving!

These lunatics! They simply came here with the determination to burn everything together!

Old Mograine couldn't help holding the hilt behind his back. When had he been threatened like this during his decades-long war career? The old paladin's tone was serious,

From the establishment of the Silver Hand to now, we have never been threatened like this! I want to see what gave you such arrogant courage!

Liadrin took a deep breath, and held her left hand high in some sort of signal.

Since this is the case, then... unfortunately, the war has begun!


In the next second, with a loud noise, the roof of the Holy Light's Hope Chapel was completely lifted, and the eight heads flapped their wings. The body was like an illusion, and the shadow that covered the sky and the sun appeared in the sky. At this moment, some female paladins couldn't help but their legs softened and they knelt on the ground. There were screams and cries in the whole town of Light's Wish, accompanied by the sound of flapping wings. The sound of the wind reached everyone's ears.

That's...a dragon!

A mythical dragon that only exists in human beings!

At this moment, the giant eight-headed Buddha that came out of ancient times had already appeared in the sky above the Holy Light's Wish Chapel.

The old knight's complexion was extremely gloomy. Although he was not afraid of these young dragons who had just grown up, he saw the meaning behind these young dragons. Coupled with the 300 paladins holding weapons in front of him, this kind of The pressure made him grit his teeth,

Do you really think that if you invite a giant dragon, you can dominate everything? The Silver Hand never fears war.

You are crazy!!

Dalyan, who couldn't stand it anymore, threw out a sentence, turned and walked out of the hall. Whitemane, Alessandro's favorite adopted daughter, was pulled by his arm and forcibly taken out of the hall.

Sister, he's gone mad! Come with me, let's go to Theramore, which has been taken over by madmen.

No! I can't abandon my father. Your departure has already made my father heartbroken...Daryan, how did you become like this! Did Dick do it, right? It was that demon who bewitched you, right? Daryan, Please, come back!

Whitemane tugged at Darien's arm, tears streaked across her face, and Darien's indifferent face moved slightly, he sighed, stretched out his hand and stroked the top of Whitemane's head,

My sister, do you really think that we are here to deal with father... against the great knight Mograine? You are wrong, the problems within the Silver Hand are bigger than you imagined, just stand here and watch Well, Knight of Order, he is the one who really cares about the Silver Hand and the fate of Northern Border, Grand Knight Mograine is bewitched by the darkness, but he himself doesn't know what kind of crazy thing he is doing.

The giant dragon stood guard in the sky, and the watchmen appeared from the shadows, faintly surrounding Old Mograine and the others. At the same time, a small mage walked out of the Silver Dawn's camp. This was a dwarf. But at the moment he appeared, the face of the old mage Duane changed, he smelled the change of magic power in the air, and shouted loudly,

Get out of this holy land! Evil warlock! This is not the place for you!

Enough! Master Duane!

Liadrin's voice sounded again, There is corrosion inside the Silver Hand, you are being dragged into the abyss by some kind of evil force! We are here for this, Master Wilfred is a real expert at dealing with demons, stand Just watch from the sidelines, you will always remember today! This will be a day of complete shame for the Silver Hand!

(This chapter has been revised and changed, and I feel a bit uninteresting. It may be a state problem. But I still have to explain that yesterday's chapter was really not a broken chapter. I can swear~~~It was really unintentional.)

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