Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 144 4. Corrosion

Nonsense! You are challenging my last patience! Get out of here!

Old Mograine almost gritted his teeth and spit out these words now, but Eligor's serious voice planned Alessandro's roar,

Big knight, it is you who should calm down! Do you really think we are crazy enough to use 300 paladins to attack this holy place? We have never had such a crazy idea. If you still have a shred of reason, please stay away from Dathrohan The big knight is far away! Don't you smell the devilish stench emanating from him?

You traitors!

Dathrohan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up from his chair, with unconcealable anger shining in his eyes, he pointed at Erigor and cursed,

It is you who really shamed the Silver Hand! Are you still trying to provoke our relationship now? Alessandro, let us rush out of here! They can't stop us!

Hehehe, you paladins always claim to be righteous, but the holy light gave you the power to eliminate evil, but didn't give you the eyes to distinguish evil! Take a good look, who is the real evil!

The dwarf and half-hero warlock Wilfred took a white skull from his hand with a smirk, and green fel energy shone from the eye sockets. This was obviously the head of that hapless lich, Reggie-Donghan, Wilfred Red had already made it into a magic weapon, and with a wave of his small hand with only four fingers, a green light appeared from the skull.

But at this moment, the long sword on Alessandro's back was unsheathed, and a domineering holy light instantly cut across the ground in front of the dwarf. Wilfred, who was caught off guard, let out a wail, and the whole person was in a panic Climbing down to Erigor's feet, he escaped the Ashbringer's onslaught that turned everything into ashes!

Mr. Mograine, you are playing with fire!

The 300 knights drew their weapons in unison. The green dragon in the sky also roared and swung its tail. Liadrin's angry voice rang out in the hall. The blow just now almost killed the unsuspecting Will. Fred, this dwarf warlock is an official member of Theramore. If he dies, it will have serious consequences.

This time, even the paladin Eligor, who has always had a good impression of the Silver Hand, looked gloomy.

Grand Knight, I need a reason! Why are you attacking the official members of Theramore! Do you know what terrible consequences this will cause?

The old knight Mograine shook his head in a daze. He looked down at the flaming golden holy blade held in his left hand, and a faint voice told him in his heart that what he did was right. It is maintaining the authority of the Silver Hand!

Yes, these traitors dared to walk into this holy place in a big way!

They've even recruited dirty sorcerers to play their wicked tricks in this hallowed place!

This behavior is provocative!

It's a challenge to the Silver Hand!

To fight back!

fight back!

I'm getting out! Get your warlocks out!

Old Mograine clenched his right hand, and his mind seemed to have become more determined. The voice said yes, yes, to drive them away! To maintain the authority of the Silver Hand!

Good job! Alessandro, that's it! They can't defeat us! The Silver Hand has never surrendered to others before. If you want to trample on our glory, you must walk over our corpses!

Dathrohan also seemed to be inspired by Mograine's actions, and he pulled out the crusader's long sword on his back. This action seemed to ignite the fighting spirit of the Silver Hand paladins present.

Boss! Boss! Boss! Boss!

The weapon was unsheathed, the holy light shone, and the momentum in the small hall was at its peak!

The most terrible thing is that Dathrohan took out the firework asking for help from behind. The roof of the hall was lifted by the giant dragons, just to let the fiery red firework rise into the air. When a red fist symbol exploded in the air, The soldiers of the Silver Dawn took a step forward in unison.

Many of them are from the Silver Hand, so they naturally understand what the fiery red fireworks represent!

That's the sign of an attack! Seeing this signal, Juggernaut's soldiers at several nearby sentry towers will rush over as quickly as possible! At that time, the Argent Dawn with a relatively small number of people will inevitably fall into a bitter battle.

damn it! They really plan to fight to the death!

The launch of the fireworks really represented the breakdown of the negotiations between the two parties, but to be honest, this move by Dathrohan not only changed the expressions of Liadrin and Argent Dawn, but even the Silver Hand headquarters had a lot of brains The commanders who were still awake watched the red fireworks explode in dumbfounded!

But not everyone is sober. After all, most of those who can become paladins are not fearful. Seeing that the conflict is about to break out, these reckless men stood at the forefront with their weapons in their hands. Their eyes were red and they planned to have a hearty battle. battle!

The Argent Dawn here is intended to be clearly corrupted, coupled with the victory in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, these lads are full of courage and confidence. The knight, not to be outdone, drew out his weapon and pressed over!

Conflict is imminent!

But just as the Ashbringer with an increasingly ferocious expression raised his holy sword, planning to strike again like a storm of ashes, Whitemane, whose arm was held by Dalyan, suddenly broke free from his brother's arm and rushed into the hall Among them, he opened his hands to block the paladins of the Silver Dawn who were eager to try.

Father! Don't! Wake up!

Mograine, what are you hesitating about? Those on the opposite side are all traitors! They should all be executed! Beheaded, you will become a true hero of the Silver Hand!

Tears streamed down his face, his body was trembling, but Whitemane, who was still in the middle of the two sides, and the sound of Dathrohan gnashing his teeth, made the two sides whose weapons were clashing together quiet for a moment, and the old man who had raised the holy blade in the air Mograine's arm trembled. Archmage Duane and General Abbendis exchanged glances, rushed up immediately, restrained the old knight's arm from left to right, and dragged him away. Obviously something was wrong. Dathrohan's side.

Mograine, old brother, look around you, they have betrayed! Betrayed this just cause! See, they also intend to discredit the friendship between you and me! Alessandro, raise your sword!

Dathrohan was waving his weapon, and he was still encouraging the trembling old knight with an extremely provocative voice. Duane and Abidis, together with the young and strong Tyran Fording, couldn't suppress it. The old knight's stiff body, his gaze has become confused, but it is obvious that Alessandro is fighting some kind of evil in his heart!

Those impulsive paladins were also temporarily persuaded by the calm brothers on both sides!

The current situation is already obvious. Although the paladin of the Silver Hand is very reluctant to admit it, there is indeed something wrong with the words of Dathrohan just now! These are not words that a respected paladin should say at all!

Wilfred! Do it!

Under Liadrin's coquettish shout, a green ray of light, mixed with a frightening illusion of a skeleton, was caught off guard by everyone, and hit the body of the very excited Dathrohan Grand Knight waving his weapon. Go, knock him out!

This obviously aggressive action caused the paladins of the Silver Hand who had just calmed down to become noisy again. The impetuous knights broke free from the shackles of their companions, and were about to rush forward to fight the Silver Dawn, but at this moment, Eli Gore's roar made everyone stop in place.

Enough! Look back and see what is commanding you again!

The paladins turned their heads subconsciously, and then.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of a weapon falling to the ground caused everyone present to turn their eyes to the back. Saidan Dathrohan, one of the first great knights of the Silver Hand, who was knocked into the air, fell on his body in the ruins. A black and purple intertwined light is emerging, which obviously does not belong to the power of a paladin.

Quack quack, look at what you've done! I almost made it, cut! Bugs are bugs!

The camouflage of the human form was removed, and a tall, purple-black distorted figure stood up from the ruins, with a pale head, ferocious long horns, sharp claws, bat wings on the back, and that gorgeous excessive armor .

All of this proves the identity of this guy—Nathrezim! Dreadlord!

Balnazar, the conspirator who originally attacked Dathrohan in history and disguised himself as a great knight, and finally led the Scarlet Crusade in Stratholme, actually, in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, when Dick came from Kanry After Sade heard that the Silver Hand was being targeted by demons, he immediately thought of the side effects of the reversal of fate. Obviously, the direction of historical events has become chaotic.

Balnazar's trick, ahead of schedule!

Later, after the war ended, Dick preliminarily proved his idea through the gossip of some intelligence organizations left in Dalaran in northern Xinjiang. Liadrin and her party went north.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Dread Demon King whose disguise had been dismantled faced the attack of the four giant dragons. He smiled and turned around, and his whole body turned into a large group of vampire bats and disappeared into the air. Of course, there is still a sinister voice, which remains in the hall that has been turned upside down.

Don't get complacent too early, bug! The war you want has just begun!

Everyone, including the green dragons who had lost their target and turned into elves in green clothes, couldn't help but feel headaches when they saw the situation in front of them! This time, the Silver Hand really didn't even look good. Of course, worse things are yet to come.

Abidis is worthy of being a seasoned veteran. The moment Balnazar disappeared, he yelled at the paladin commanders around him,

What are you still doing here? Hurry up to the Crusader Fortress! That's where Dathrohan is stationed. We need to ensure the stability of the battle. Hurry up!

Although the actions of the paladins have been very fast, this series of conspiracies is definitely not a temporary initiative, so less than half an hour later, a series of bad news came to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, everyone, wrapped Liadrin And Dalyan's complexion became extremely dignified.

Report! The Crusader Fortress is under attack! The Lich Les-Frostwhisper commanded the Frost Wyrm to rush through the defense line of the Crusader Fortress, and is making a quick attack to the east of Dalomere! Commander Lord Kurtaz is still insisting! Lord Fording, who was patrolling by soldiers, was seriously injured by a sneak attack, and is leading the remnant army back to Hearthglen!

Report! The Cold Wind Camp has been attacked! The undead from the entire Andorhal are pouring out, led by Araki the Lich!

Report! There are a large number of elite undead in Silverpine Forest! The defense line of Hillbrad Hill is in a hurry!

The pale old Mograine curled up his whole body in the chair. The old knight relied on his own will to defeat the temptation of the devil. After waking up, he seemed to be ten years old in an instant. He held the battle report in his hand. All trembling.

This shocking situation fell into a worse situation than before in almost an hour. In the past six months, his efforts to recover Lordaeron were almost in vain, and he even set up a crusader fort. , even Tirion almost died!

In fact, if it wasn't for the Argent Dawn's intervention, old Mograine would be terrified even thinking about it. If he really handed over the Scarlet Crusade to Dathrohan, then... then everything would be over!

I admit that there is corrosion in the Silver Hand, shocking corrosion, and I also thank you for your help.

The dizzy old knight stood up with difficulty, and bent down to Liadrin and the commanders of the Silver Dawn. This action scared Errigor and others. Who didn't know that old Mograine had just He has never bowed his head to anyone, but right now, he is sincerely apologizing. This scene is enough to smooth out everyone's previous anger.

But the old knight is the old knight, what he said next made Silver Dawn's face look bad again,

Due to the current situation, I have decided to divide East Darrowmere, Stratholme and Ghostland, and I'll leave it to you!

Well, after a long circle, we still want to exclude Silver Dawn from the Silver Hand's circle of influence. Liadrin and Errigor couldn't persuade this stubborn old man, so they could only accept this proposal in the end.

After they left, Mograine fell into the chair as if he had lost all his strength. His loyal deputy Fairbanks brought him a cup of hot coffee. While talking about putting the coffee on the table, Max asked cautiously,

My lord, is it a bit too much to reject the Silver Dawn like this?

No, Fairbanks, you don't understand! The problems inside the Silver Hand are more serious than you can imagine, Dathrohan. That demon left a mess. Just ask, after going through all this today, what will happen in the future? Who dares to trust the comrades around him unconditionally? That demon has corroded the foundation of the Knights, do you understand?

The old knight picked up the coffee and sipped it lightly. His voice was low and only he could hear it.

So... Scarlet Crusade must be established! This time, I will come in person!

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