Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 167 27. History has no ifs! -- plus eleven

The lines darker than the night fluctuate, like a beam of light that suddenly grows and shrinks. It is projected from the amber spar in Illidan's palm. The infinite magic power of his body was transformed, diluted, and kept within the range of Illidan's body at all times, while other dark forces dissipated into the air.

This is a great waste, but there is no way. This level of artifact is really not something that anyone can use. It can be seen from Illidan's skin that is spurting blood from every inch of his pores. Manipulating such a terrible attack , itself is a great burden on the shoulders.

According to the original history, Illidan's strike could even penetrate Northrend's continental shelf, sinking the entire continent into the sea! This shows the power of this amber stone!

Dick looked up at the black light that shot straight into the sky. It was like a black lightsaber submerged in the clouds. How could such an attack hit Northrend thousands of miles away? Dick didn't quite understand it, but the paladin felt that this must be guided by great demons such as Kil'jaeden from the outside world. In other words, Illidan here actually only assumed the role of an energy source.

The paladin was delighted in his heart, especially when he saw Alsace who was caught off guard by Uther's sword piercing his chest. His heart was mixed with complicated emotions. After so many things, Dick and Arsa The grievances and hatred between Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka really cannot be explained clearly in a few sentences.

Dick had made a promise to Alsace, but it wasn't for the king of death knights in front of him. The one in charge of this body was a butcher with bloody hands, so he didn't deserve pity.

But this is just the beginning, because Arthas is not the only one who is crazy, but also the Grand Lich and Anub'arak. These two guys are not opponents that can be easily solved, especially Anub'arak. Has been entangled by Malfurion, unable to attack, but at this moment when the Lich King is about to die, even the taciturn crypt lord is about to be driven crazy!

The insect wings on its back opened suddenly, and a swarm of howling black insects flew out of it. The dense one pushed Malfurion, who was caught off guard, back several steps. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the crypt lord's claws slammed Slashing forward fiercely, the entire mountain-like body burrowed downwards, leaving only a tunnel on the ground that even adults were not allowed to pass through, and Anub'arak just burrowed down like that.

The muttering archlich also got angry, now is no longer the time to care about casualties, the frightening war magic - death withering, the dark red light seems to be free of money, it keeps moving towards Kael'thas Throwing it over there, Kel'Thuzad's desperate situation even triggered a fatal snowfall above the ruins of Dalaran. And the bombardment of icicles!

It was a blizzard! The group attack spells of the mages!

But even the blizzard blessed by the Lich still couldn't hurt Illidan, who is now protected by the dark power. After the charging is completed, Illidan will no longer protect the amber stone, and the power of the Eye of Sargeras will be activated When it comes out, even though it is only chaotic energy, it can independently counter any force that tries to invade it.

The moment the blizzard appeared, it was completely purified, but those Naga were in a terrible disaster. In order not to be involved in the battle between paladins, druids and undead, the Naga almost all withdrew to the top of the platform. This enhanced blizzard, which has been desperately fighting for its life, ruined two-thirds of Vaschi's power in an instant!

The web of fate, the web of death!

The crypt lord Anub'arak, who turned over from the Dalaran platform, had only time to command the dense swarm to fly to Illidan, and was involved in the battle between the Ashbringer and the Warden.

Old Mograine is old and mature. From Alsace and the actions of the archlich, it is natural to see that the current situation has reached the most critical moment, and he is also desperate!

Dick, who was hitting the blood-sucking beetles around his body with a hammer, even saw the wings of the Holy Light similar to him appeared on the back of the old paladin. It seemed that the old paladins were not standing still, especially in the In the face of threats like the undead, they progressed very fast.

They developed a new spell, and it's very similar to Dick's Holy Avenger! Fortunately, Dick was always one step ahead of them!

The old knight in a desperate state is terrifying. The holy blade, which would make people feel burning and painful even close to it, is now like a truly pure pillar of holy light. The temperature is so high that it has definitely surpassed any life The body can bear the degree!

Moreover, the old knight still has his own understanding of power. If Dick guessed correctly, it should be the way of punishment that is most suitable for the Ashbringer. With the blessing of this aggressive power, the old knight The first blow to Anub'arak was a terrifying crit.

The thick carapace, which is strong enough to resist the full blow of the dragon, is vulnerable to the holy blade! After three consecutive strikes, the old knight directly lifted off a whole piece of carapace on the back of the crypt lord's body. The madness of the crypt lord and the roar of the old knight made the battle on the entire platform enter the most anxious state.

But Maiev! The most dangerous Maiev, after the Crypt Lord joins the battle, can finally let go of her hands and feet!

With a flash of her figure, she appeared next to Dick. Before the paladin could block, her hard boots kicked on the surface of the paladin's body, on the sacred barrier that suddenly jumped up, Dick's eyes widened at this moment, what did he see!

Maiev's humiliating kick mixed with anger and betrayal, on the surface of the sacred barrier that is theoretically invincible, kicked out a shock-shaped depression, and the surrounding area is densely packed with cracks!

Sister Maiev!

You don't deserve to call me that! Traitor!


Another kick came over. This time Dick didn't have the good luck he had before. The sacred barrier shattered, and his body flew out from the edge of the Dalaran platform like a golf ball being knocked into the air. But at the moment he was in the air, he swung his left hand outward, and the thorn hook flew out of his hand, and precisely hooked on the stone slab that was lifted up because of Maiev's burst of strength.

His whole body also stagnated in mid-air, and then fell from the air like a falling stone.

But at the next moment, when Maiev turned around and slashed the knife wheel towards Illidan who was struggling to maintain the Eye of Sargeras, the black clouds that covered the entire sky suddenly changed, and the black clouds were overwhelming the city. The power disappeared in an instant, as if the pause button was pressed in a gorgeous movie.

And not only that, in the next second, whether it's Alsace and Uther who are fighting to the death, or old Mograine and the crypt lord, even those who are hanging on the edge of the Dalaran platform and struggling to climb up Dick looked up at the sky as if feeling something.

At the same moment, in the northern polar sky, above a snow-colored wilderness, there was a tall black tower, the Red Dragon Queen looked at the black light that was chasing down from the sky, her beautiful face was full of worry , With the cold wind blowing, the queen resolutely took off the purple gemstone around her neck, she could no longer let this kind of energy bombard the earth, and the entire land of Northrend screamed.

If the land of Northrend is broken, it will be a disaster for the whole world. Compared with that kind of consequences, the queen would rather that place be permanently occupied by undead. Local corruption is much better than everything being destroyed.

But just when the purple gemstone in the queen's hand began to emit light, a brilliant white beam of light rushed into the sky from the depths of the endless storm mountains, followed by the other two rays of light echoing, at the source of the black power, An inverted triangle barrier has appeared.

The Red Dragon Queen's eyes narrowed...that is, Ulduar! Guardian of the hidden world.

In the palace that had been closed for nearly ten thousand years, there was a dead silence. Amidst the rising black mist, a figure with his whole body rattling walked away from Ulduar's observatory.

It's not the time yet, the order has not returned, you can't can't release the fear...

At this moment, all the creatures in the whole world who have not yet fallen asleep saw a strange scene. From the northern sky, the western sky and the southern sky, three white beams of light went straight to the sky, forming a triangle shape, standing The eldest lady, who was missing someone at the top of Theramore Mage Tower, also saw this scene. Relying on the memories of the mages, she instantly calculated the location where the three beams of light converged.

The Great Plains of Dalaran! What, what happened there?

The dark night of the Great Plains of Dalaran is completely illuminated at this moment! Three pure white rays of light converged in the sky above Dalaran's head, forming a giant white sphere. At the moment when everyone was stunned, the white rays of light penetrating from three directions dissipated, and the little sun-like The white sphere turned into a swift lightsaber, fell into the ground from a high altitude, and precisely hit the Eye of Sargeras in Illidan's palm.


The inexplicably gathered white light and the crazily surging black light collided together at this moment. There was no deafening thunder and explosion, and no exaggerated scene of lightning in the sky. It was just a small noise like a balloon leaking, but when the dazzling white light and When the pure black lights collided together, the destructive force formed was not much weaker than the explosion of the great demon at that time.

A majestic air wave, like the shock wave of an atomic bomb, swept across everything on the platform, whether it was old Mograine, Maiev, Illidan, Vashj, or the huge crypt lord, or even the Tyrande, who was protected by the moonlight, was swept away to the distant sky by the eruption of this shock wave, and the ruins on the entire Dalaran platform were completely emptied at this moment!

Completely emptied, opened from the center, and everything along the way was blown away! Torn apart! Be destroyed!

The moment Dick saw that the situation was not good, he released the thorn hook lock, and the whole person fell to the ground like a free fall, but he still couldn't escape the shock wave. He once again experienced the sense of freedom of flying, just like It's like a leaf, rolling wildly in the air!

Star Dawn!

Dick struggled to pull out the reins of the Astral Pegasus from his arms, and chanted the spell. The next moment, the tall body of the Astral Warhorse appeared in the strong wind. The characteristics of astral creatures make it difficult for them to be attacked by the impact of the real world. So at the moment it appeared, Dick's tumbling body stopped.

Dick turned over and rode on Star Dawn, and the Pegasus flapped its wings and rose rapidly. After flying into the sky at a height of 2,000 meters with difficulty, Dick finally got out of the range of the terrible shock wave. He coughed twice and turned towards Dara Looking at it from a different direction, it was a scene that made people palpitate!

Black and white rays of light mixed, fought and collided, and finally exploded with a huge amount of energy, forcefully blasting through the barrier between the real world and the void, and a terrifying black crack, like a smiling face, appeared in the Above the Dalaran platform.

It was like an ugly smiling face mockingly looking at all the people involved in this battle!

Its scope is getting bigger and bigger, and finally swallowed two-thirds of the entire Dalaran platform!

That's two-thirds of the entire city!

Even the blow of the great demon Archimonde failed to destroy the base of the city, but at the moment when the space rift closed, most of the city disappeared!

The incisions were uneven, as terrifying as being bitten by some kind of giant beast!

Dick's face was pale, and his eyes turned to the positions of the three white beams of light that suddenly appeared to disrupt the situation when everything was going well. In fact, when the three beams of light pierced through the sky, he knew where they came from , because he is too familiar with that kind of energy!

The protoss Elune, whom I met once in the Emerald Dream, is full of this kind of power. The emerald queen who has seen it several times, the emerald crown on her head, and the authority of the dream also have this kind of power. Even Dick His left arm contains power of this nature!

That is the power left by the Titans in this world!

A power that hangs high above this world!

It is also the only power in this world that can directly collide with the dark energy in the Eye of Sargeras and annihilate each other!

Uldaman, Uldum, and... Ulduar!

In the gale, the paladin jumped his horse's head, summoned the holy light, and began to look for the guys who were blown away on this great plain that had really changed. When he saw the limping When Anub'arak carried Arthas, who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and Kel'Thuzad, the great lich who was almost dismantled into pieces, and rushed into the ground, the paladin clenched his fists unwillingly, and roared to the sky!

Although it is not clear that the self-defense mechanism left by the titans is actively counterattacking! It was still forcibly restarted by some forces, but they interrupted all this at the most critical moment!

Fall short! It fell short! ! !

These guys are still alive, and they haven't fallen into chaos, which means that the Lich King is still alive! Ner'zhul is alive!

If only a few more seconds, no, if only a second! can...


The dark wind blew across the devastated land, and the wild and unwilling roar spread farther and farther in the wind!

Even if you are unwilling, what can you do?

After all, history has no ifs!

(PS: Five updates today, five updates tomorrow~~~ add up to ten more! Brothers, thank you for your support! A new volume of stories is about to begin, spoiler: a very classic task, one that makes us cry orbital mission!)

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